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Hammock Parties 07-20-2022 01:11 PM

House of the Dragon

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All the dragons roar as one.<br>The <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HOTD</a> trailer has arrived. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; House of the Dragon (@HouseofDragon) <a href="">July 20, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bowser 07-20-2022 01:31 PM

please don't suck
please don't suck
please don't suck

ToxSocks 07-20-2022 01:38 PM

Spoiler alert!

Everyone dies!

staylor26 07-20-2022 01:45 PM


DJ's left nut 07-20-2022 02:24 PM

So are we gonna get the Battle Above the Godseye?

Gotta figure we will eventually. But it'll have to be a bit coming.

DJ's left nut 07-20-2022 02:29 PM

Though without spoiling anything - Either they took serious liberties with the source material or they've done some really odd staging in how they set off the respective characters in that preview.

Or maybe I've just forgotten how that whole thing went down. But I really don't think so.

ThaVirus 07-20-2022 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16375237)
So are we gonna get the Battle Above the Godseye?

We riot if they don't.

DJ's left nut 07-20-2022 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16375249)
We riot if they don't.

They pretty much skipped Whispering Wood...

ThaVirus 07-20-2022 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16375251)
They pretty much skipped Whispering Wood...

It would have been cool to see Jaime cut down three knights on his way to confront Robb, but otherwise we didn't miss out on a ton. The Young Wolf outsmarted the Lannister forces. Up until the Red Wedding, that was basically the whole of that portion of the War of the Five Kings.

I think you've got to show the Battle Over the God's Eye since it removes two major players from both sides, as well as two dragons.

I understand that they may skimp out based on budget constraints, though. That would be disappointing.

DJ's left nut 07-20-2022 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16375257)
It would have been cool to see Jaime cut down three knights on his way to confront Robb, but otherwise we didn't miss out on a ton. The Young Wolf outsmarted the Lannister forces. Up until the Red Wedding, that was basically the whole of that portion of the War of the Five Kings.

I think you've got to show the Battle Over the God's Eye since it removes two major players from both sides, as well as two dragons.

I understand that they may skimp out based on budget constraints, though. That would be disappointing.

Budget is the big worry.

If you're gonna do that, you've gotta do it really well. And to do it really well it would be extremely expensive.

ThaVirus 07-20-2022 03:33 PM

I've had Fire and Blood for a while now. It seemed less of a story and moreover a retelling, which turned me off.

Should I make an effort to burn through it before this show drops?

DJ's left nut 07-20-2022 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16375349)
I've had Fire and Blood for a while now. It seemed less of a story and moreover a retelling, which turned me off.

Should I make an effort to burn through it before this show drops?


Not sure it's worth the trouble. The series is likely going to do it justice. GRRM isn't exactly writing anything gripping these days anyway and as a prequel you're mostly getting some fan service and backstory to a conclusion you already know.

The visuals would be more interesting than the story, even if the TV version doesn't exactly match the story version.

Nah - I wouldn't worry about it. If they aren't carbon copies, who cares? And HBO isn't likely to skimp on detail given that they have a limited runway and if they can stretch this into more seasons rather than fewer, all the better to make some money off it.

raybec 4 07-20-2022 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16375349)
I've had Fire and Blood for a while now. It seemed less of a story and moreover a retelling, which turned me off.

Should I make an effort to burn through it before this show drops?

I doubt it makes much difference. There's been a lot of talk about Fire and Blood 2 but he can't seem to focus on any one project long enough to finish it.

Sassy Squatch 07-20-2022 04:43 PM

Is there any reason to be optimistic about this? GOT left such a bad taste in my mouth it's really hard to get even a bit excited.

ToxSocks 07-20-2022 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16375438)
Is there any reason to be optimistic about this?


raybec 4 07-20-2022 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16375438)
Is there any reason to be optimistic about this? GOT left such a bad taste in my mouth it's really hard to get even a bit excited.

They really did a fantastic job on the first 5 seasons + of GOT. I'll keep my hopes up.

staylor26 07-20-2022 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16375438)
Is there any reason to be optimistic about this? GOT left such a bad taste in my mouth it's really hard to get even a bit excited.

No D&D shit writing, GRRM very involved, and the story is already finished.

Third Eye 07-20-2022 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16375438)
Is there any reason to be optimistic about this? GOT left such a bad taste in my mouth it's really hard to get even a bit excited.

No, it’s going to be meh at best. I’ll watch because of some sick compulsion, but I fully expect to not be impressed. It should be better than Wheel of Time though, so there’s that.

DJ's left nut 07-20-2022 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16375498)
No D&D shit writing, GRRM very involved, and the story is already finished.

This is the key.

D&D simply didn't know what to do without source material. So it impacted not only storytelling but even the pacing. They sped up because they tailored the ending to get get it done faster because they wanted to move on.

If you have the beginning, middle and end set in stone for the new writers, you'd have to think they won't rush the end game and botch it like D&D did.

staylor26 07-20-2022 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16375514)
This is the key.

D&D simply didn't know what to do without source material. So it impacted not only storytelling but even the pacing. They sped up because they tailored the ending to get get it done faster because they wanted to move on.

If you have the beginning, middle and end set in stone for the new writers, you'd have to think they won't rush the end game and botch it like D&D did.

Exactly. This show likely won't have the peak of GOT, but I think people will be more satisfied with its conclusion.

raybec 4 07-20-2022 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16375548)
Exactly. This show likely won't have the peak of GOT, but I think people will be more satisfied with its conclusion.

I can live with that. Very few shows have peak GOT type runs, but it can still be a very solid, entertaining show as long as they can keep the pacing reasonable.

Fishpicker 07-20-2022 07:53 PM

That winged-dragon-helmet @00:43 looked sweet. I'll be watching.

staylor26 07-20-2022 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by raybec 4 (Post 16375558)
I can live with that. Very few shows have peak GOT type runs, but it can still be a very solid, entertaining show as long as they can keep the pacing reasonable.

Yea, peak GOT is arguably the GOAT, so it's a pretty high ****ing bar.

Chief Pagan 07-20-2022 09:02 PM

Is there any reason to be optimistic about this?


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16375446)

Big CGI isn't really what made GOT interesting in the first place and overly focusing on it at the end helped to give GOT a weak, rushed ending.

But sure, let's do Hollywood movie part 8 because we can make a buck.

Chief Pagan 07-20-2022 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 16375117)
please don't suck
please don't suck
please don't suck

Any takers?

ThaVirus 07-21-2022 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Pagan (Post 16375607)
[I]Big CGI isn't really what made GOT interesting in the first place and overly focusing on it at the end helped to give GOT a weak, rushed ending.

This is off the mark. The ending was rushed because the writers wanted to wrap it up quickly and move onto other projects.

There was more CGI naturally near the end as the story culminated in large battles with White Walkers and dragons.

BigRedChief 07-21-2022 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16375438)
Is there any reason to be optimistic about this? GOT left such a bad taste in my mouth it's really hard to get even a bit excited.

I still have the same bad taste too.

I think it might have a chance when I found out that Miguel Sapochnik who directed the best episodes of GOT(Battle of the Bastards, Hardhome, Winds of Winter etc) is the show runner. He has to be better at it than D&D. And the plot is already done in the books by GRR.

DJ's left nut 07-21-2022 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16375786)
This is off the mark. The ending was rushed because the writers wanted to wrap it up quickly and move onto other projects.

There was more CGI naturally near the end as the story culminated in large battles with White Walkers and dragons.

And I don't think people understand just how MUCH CGI was used throughout that show. They have all kinds of cool little videos out there on it.

People started bagging on the CGI later in the show because the show was bad. Meanwhile the CGI had been present throughout the show and people didn't care when the show was good.

They just ****ed the pacing right up and that's all there is to it. And frankly, if that was GRRM's ending, his ending to the saga sucked as well (I don't know how you polish the King Bran turd among other stupid things). Everything was just too abrupt.

DJ's left nut 07-21-2022 08:32 AM

Did y'all see that a Jon Snow spinoff is said to be in the works?

I think an Arya one would've been more interesting. I'm just not sure how much you can mine out of Jon wandering the north with the Free Folk. They gonna unroll the entire ending to the Night King saga and bring back Walkers in some form? Is it gonna be a 10 episode arc of him trying to be Mance Rayder and get along with the Thenns?

I honestly don't see it.

Y'know - maybe 8 !@#$ing episodes from D&D (4 in front, 4 in back) that covered ALL this crap and actually developed the run up to the finale would've handled it pretty cleanly.

I just don't get it at all.

ThaVirus 07-21-2022 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16375842)
They just ****ed the pacing right up and that's all there is to it. And frankly, if that was GRRM's ending, his ending to the saga sucked as well (I don't know how you polish the King Bran turd among other stupid things). Everything was just too abrupt.

I'm less critical than many on the individual endings, though I will admit it was not satisfying based on the rushed pace.

I actually have no doubt that King Bran and mad Queen Dany were GRRM's ideas. If he ever were to finish the books, the payoff would have been infinitely more fulfilling.

In the show, the events leading up to everything just don't make sense. Daenerys loses a dragon going North of the Wall for absolutely no reason. She loses another 'cause she "kinda forgot" Euron was around and apparently he's able to 360 no scope a full grown dragon from a mile away. Then how did Missandei even get captured again? I forgot.

She was getting increasingly more pissed off and distraught, but the jump to nuking a surrendering city was just too quick given how things played out on TV.

And don't even get me started on Bran. Dude became a potato after he returned to civilization. He should have been one of the most powerful people on the continent and all he did in the last couple seasons was vegg out and do some recon with a flock of birds.

Then they've got the audacity to pull the "who has a better story than Bran?" line lol uhhhh, literally anyone?!?

DJ's left nut 07-21-2022 09:46 AM

A lot of people got pissed about the Mad Queen Dany thing but I really didn't. And maybe that's book background stuff.

She was always batshit. Her POV chapters flesh it out better but you can see that the crazy is just below the surface almost all the time.

But yeah, the show just made her out as too likeable and too much of a heroic figure in a show that was mostly about shades of grey and moral ambiguity. So the fans found one 'pure' person they felt they could cling to and it felt like a betrayal.

But that is the fans fault more than anything. They didn't see the stuff they didn't want to see.

DJ's left nut 07-21-2022 10:02 AM

And yeah, Euron killing Rhaegel - I forgot about how bad that one was. I remember thinking "wait, you're in YOUR center of operations. Uh - don't have any scouts around, guys?"

Like seriously, how's Euron going to sail all the way from Kings Landing, through the blackwater bay and over to Dragonstone without anyone noticing? And yeah, that's to say nothing of the fact that he evidently shot through or around a mountain with impeccable accuracy from miles off.

The show made Dragons, these things that allowed a previously mediocre family from Essos to dominate an ENTIRE continent, super weak. Okay cool - Ice dagger from a demon zombie thing, you win this round. But c'mon - you telling me that in the hundreds of years since the Targaryen's conquered Westeros, nobody came up with "Hey - what if we fired a REALLY big ****ing arrow at it?"

Gimme something better than that.

ThaVirus 07-21-2022 10:05 AM

Yeah, she doesn't look so bad because she's almost always either surrounded by people who make her look better (Viserys, Khal Drogo) or fighting for a noble cause (ending slavery in Essos, reclaiming her family's Iron Throne).

wazu 07-21-2022 10:29 AM

Guess I'll give this a shot just because it's GoT, but that trailer did nothing to make me want to watch this series. Hard to imagine getting really invested in a whole new cast of characters chasing the "Iron Throne", much less those Targaryens who we know will ultimately be deposed anyway and for good cause. The dragons are cool I'm sure, but that's already been done. Seemed like the major story line will be whether or not a girl can rule in a realm full of pig-headed males.

Sassy Squatch 07-21-2022 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16375813)
I still have the same bad taste too.

I think it might have a chance when I found out that Miguel Sapochnik who directed the best episodes of GOT(Battle of the Bastards, Hardhome, Winds of Winter etc) is the show runner. He has to be better at it than D&D. And the plot is already done in the books by GRR.

Oh, interesting. May be worth a shot especially if the source material is already done.

wazu 07-21-2022 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16375993)
A lot of people got pissed about the Mad Queen Dany thing but I really didn't. And maybe that's book background stuff.

She was always batshit. Her POV chapters flesh it out better but you can see that the crazy is just below the surface almost all the time.

But yeah, the show just made her out as too likeable and too much of a heroic figure in a show that was mostly about shades of grey and moral ambiguity. So the fans found one 'pure' person they felt they could cling to and it felt like a betrayal.

But that is the fans fault more than anything. They didn't see the stuff they didn't want to see.

I didn't read all the books. The show just did nothing to imply that she was unhinged until the very end. She had a temper at times, but even that was mild and even-handed compared to virtually every powerful character in the timeline of the show.

DJ's left nut 07-21-2022 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 16376085)
I didn't read all the books. The show just did nothing to imply that she was unhinged until the very end. She had a temper at times, but even that was mild and even-handed compared to virtually every powerful character in the timeline of the show.

Yeah - it's far more apparent in the books because you're in her head for her chapters. You can see her inner workings and realize that as a narrator, she's really something of a petulant pile of barely controlled rage (and hormones - lord, the ink they dedicate to her wanting to bang Daario is awful).

I have never found her terribly likeable or sympathetic in the books - nothing like how she comes across in the show. As her POV chapters continue she sounds more and more like the show version of Viserys. "I AM THE DRAGON! I will take what is mine!" and shit like that.

And they don't completely avoid it in the series but like I said - folks often saw what they wanted to see there and responded with "Hell yea! Slay queeeeeen!"

When really they should've asked themselves if maaaaaybe a little trouble may be a brewin' here...

DJ's left nut 07-21-2022 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 16376069)
Guess I'll give this a shot just because it's GoT, but that trailer did nothing to make me want to watch this series. Hard to imagine getting really invested in a whole new cast of characters chasing the "Iron Throne", much less those Targaryens who we know will ultimately be deposed anyway and for good cause. The dragons are cool I'm sure, but that's already been done. Seemed like the major story line will be whether or not a girl can rule in a realm full of pig-headed males.

Eh...not really. I mean they COULD go that route, but that's not what the whole Dance of Dragons thing really boiled down to.

I will say that the casting of Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen worries me, though. That's...not what I have ever envisioned. But if you want a Viserys type character there, I guess he works. And if that's the direction they take the character then I guess it COULD be 'can a woman rule'?

It's just that Daemon is NOT a Viserys type character. He's pretty much a badass. Sort of a cross between Littlefinger and Arthur Dayne.

It's hard to explain my issues here without spoiling essentially the whole series here, but again - that trailer feels REALLY sideways to me.

ThaVirus 07-21-2022 11:43 AM

The internal monologue really does prep you for the character's actions in a way that a show never could.

The thing of it is, Daenerys honestly has every reason to be psychotic. In the books she had grown up being abused by her sniveling little shit of an older brother and was then married off to a horselord at the age of 11.

I still can't believe the ages GRRM decided to roll with in the books. What did he gain by settling on 11 for Daenerys' age? Lol. I don't care if it makes sense in the context of a medieval fantasy story.

raybec 4 07-21-2022 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16376143)
Eh...not really. I mean they COULD go that route, but that's not what the whole Dance of Dragons thing really boiled down to.

I will say that the casting of Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen worries me, though. That's...not what I have ever envisioned. But if you want a Viserys type character there, I guess he works. And if that's the direction they take the character then I guess it COULD be 'can a woman rule'?

It's just that Daemon is NOT a Viserys type character. He's pretty much a badass. Sort of a cross between Littlefinger and Arthur Dayne.

It's hard to explain my issues here without spoiling essentially the whole series here, but again - that trailer feels REALLY sideways to me.

It's gong to have to focus on the first Blackfyre rebellion to make any of it worth watching. There's no doubt they'll put an element of that can a female sit the iron throne bit. It would be hugely helpful to get the whole Daemon back story but that guy is a really odd choice to cast. He looks sickly and totally unlike some swashbuckling badass that Daemon was supposed to be.

Fish 07-22-2022 12:02 PM

Just keeps getting worse...

'House of the Dragon' will have less sex than 'Game of Thrones,' according to the showrunners

DJ's left nut 07-22-2022 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16377691)

Pornhub had less sex than GOT at various points throughout its run...

But yeah, seems likely that the late-stage GOT where the nudity was pretty much gone is going to be the likely tone of the series.

HBO seems to have recognized that there is just no shortage of boobs on the interwebs.

staylor26 07-22-2022 01:37 PM

That also means less gay sex scenes and dicks.

DJ's left nut 07-22-2022 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16377876)
That also means less gay sex scenes and dicks.

Probably not.

staylor26 07-22-2022 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16377888)
Probably not.


Who am I kidding?

Why Not? 07-22-2022 03:48 PM

I'm pretty excited about this. Need a new show to get into anyway.

RustShack 08-12-2022 05:23 PM

I’ve been seeing a ton of adds. I’m excited. I hope it does very well and leads to more GoT shows. I was excited about the one that was canceled, hopefully this show can lead to it being revived.

ToxSocks 08-12-2022 05:27 PM

This is the only thing keeping me from canceling HBO max right now. If it sucks, HBO is getting the axe.

raybec 4 08-14-2022 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16408957)
This is the only thing keeping me from canceling HBO max right now. If it sucks, HBO is getting the axe.

I feel the same way. I re-watched The Wire, Deadwood and The Sopranos. I'm going back through GOT now. When that's done there really isn't much to keep me going with HBO.

BigRichard 08-16-2022 10:28 AM

What ever happened to those dipshit brothers that ruined GoT? I hope they are bathroom attendants somewhere.

Buehler445 08-16-2022 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16408957)
This is the only thing keeping me from canceling HBO max right now. If it sucks, HBO is getting the axe.

I started Industry. I like it. It makes me feel like a goddamned dinosaur, but I’m enjoying it.

And if you haven’t watched we own this city do that.

Frazod 08-16-2022 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 16414652)
What ever happened to those dipshit brothers that ruined GoT? I hope they are bathroom attendants somewhere.

I assume they’re sitting on a beach somewhere, earning 20%.

raybec 4 08-16-2022 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16414937)
I assume they’re sitting on a beach somewhere, earning 20%.

It really must be nice to totally make a mockery of your job and be able to live off of it for the rest of your life.

Bowser 08-16-2022 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 16414937)
I assume they’re sitting on a beach somewhere, earning 20%.

Read that in Hans Gruber's voice

Frazod 08-16-2022 08:22 PM

As for this new show, I just have no interest in it. Still have that bad taste in my brain from the way the original ended. I'll have to hear really, really good things about it before I'll drop any coin on HBO again.

The show I think would be far more interesting (rather than what appears from the trailers to be little more than an inbred battle of the sexes) would be one set during the time of the Valyrians. I remember thinking that when Tyrion and Jorah were traveling through the ruins.

KC_Connection 08-16-2022 11:16 PM

I've watched a few GoT episodes (S4-6) the past few weeks for the first time since the finale and its quality has only served to remind me of just how badly those two screwed up the final season by rushing through an ending. They effectively decided to destroy their legacies instead of spending a few extra years of time and energy on the show that had defined their careers.

Anyway, I'll watch this show given their lack of involvement. I'm interested in this universe being built up with this and other shows.

dlphg9 08-17-2022 02:23 PM

99% chance this show is awesome.

Great Expectations 08-18-2022 07:26 AM

A lot of the reviews I’ve read have said this show will be full on woke. Hopefully that’s just an overreaction.

ThaVirus 08-18-2022 08:08 AM

Every thread these days, man..

ToxSocks 08-18-2022 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 16417301)
A lot of the reviews I’ve read have said this show will be full on woke. Hopefully that’s just an overreaction.

I mean, did the original GOT not deal with misogyny? Both obvious and not.

It seems to me the only difference is Hollywood is using wokeness as clickbait these days.

Great Expectations 08-18-2022 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16417350)
Every thread these days, man..

Sorry, I also hate it when people bring that up on shows here. I think it’s mostly blown way out of proportion.

The original series, books especially were great because it told an awesome story that had -0- conformity to societal and Hollywood norms. You can have badass female characters, eunuch’s, incest, homosexuals like the books did if it fits in the story. It starts to suck when it gets in the way of the story and is forced to keep the woke crowd happy. It feels like that might be the case here.

ToxSocks 08-18-2022 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 16418008)
Sorry, I also hate it when people bring that up on shows here. I think it’s mostly blown way out of proportion.

The original series, books especially were great because it told an awesome story that had -0- conformity to societal and Hollywood norms. You can have badass female characters, eunuch’s, incest, homosexuals like the books did if it fits in the story. It starts to suck when it gets in the way of the story and is forced to keep the woke crowd happy. It feels like that might be the case here.

You could take Game of Thrones, release it exactly how it is today, but this time add some SJW narratives and people would be saying the same shit they're saying about this new show.

People would be tripping over themselves to declare how the story of Daenerys is a story about female empowerment. How she overcame being essentially a pawn, sold off to be a sex object by her brother to a toxically masculine nomad tribe. How she had to overcome misogyny in order to lead armies of men and become one of the most important heroes of the story.

You could attach SJW themes to the story of Renly Baratheon and Arya too.

The end product isn't much different compared to years past. What's (slightly) different is Hollywood is using Woke buzzwords to promote their product, trying to tap into that market in hopes of generating more viewership.

raybec 4 08-18-2022 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 16417301)
A lot of the reviews I’ve read have said this show will be full on woke. Hopefully that’s just an overreaction.

I really don't even know what that means. If the show is good who gives a **** what color the characters are? If the show sucks it won't be due to the color/gender of the characters. I doubt they'll be running around crying about non binary bullshit.

Rausch 08-19-2022 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16418108)
The end product isn't much different compared to years past. What's (slightly) different is Hollywood is using Woke buzzwords to promote their product, trying to tap into that market in hopes of generating more viewership.

There you go. You can cover the full range of topics. The Boys does and isn't woke. It's how you handle it.

And there's plenty of crappy entertainment out now. Woke is just a type of crappy media.

Sorter 08-19-2022 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 16417301)
A lot of the reviews I’ve read have said this show will be full on woke. Hopefully that’s just an overreaction.

What's sad is that The Princess and The Queen had several female characters that were badass and it didn't feel like it was silly. They all fit.

Curious to see if they do the Cheese and Blood scene in earnest.

sully1983 08-21-2022 08:49 AM

This actually looks promising. I will definitely watch the premiere tonight on HBO.

BigRedChief 08-21-2022 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 16419675)
What's sad is that The Princess and The Queen had several female characters that were badass and it didn't feel like it was silly. They all fit.

Curious to see if they do the Cheese and Blood scene in earnest.

I've not read the books. They said they are going to follow the books. Why post spoilers?

Revealing known plot line and events in the media center about shows has always been put in spoilers. Can we please put book spoilers into a spoiler?

raybec 4 08-21-2022 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16421923)
I've not read the books. They said they are going to follow the books. Why post spoilers?

Revealing known plot line and events in the media center about shows has always been put in spoilers. Can we please put book spoilers into a spoiler?

That's hardly a ****ing spoiler. He didn't give ANY details or even plot information. If you don't google what he posted you would never know what the **** he was talking about.

BigRedChief 08-21-2022 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by raybec 4 (Post 16421977)
That's hardly a ****ing spoiler. He didn't give ANY details or even plot information. If you don't google what he posted you would never know what the **** he was talking about.

I have no idea what the words or sentence meant. Just asking if the unofficial Chiefs Planet etiquette in the media center goes for this show too.

I read the GOT books before the series came out. I was going to read fire and blood after the TV show ended but was and am still pissed about D&D rushing the ending because they were tired.

BigRedChief 08-21-2022 06:39 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">today is THE day<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HouseoftheDragon</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; lux;��house of the dragon era (@nonesistenome_) <a href="">August 21, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

TwistedChief 08-21-2022 08:05 PM

Ok. The trailer was meh and the reviews have been similar, and my expectations were low.

But I thoroughly enjoyed that first episode and it felt very true GoT-ish in a good way to me. I'm really excited to see how the story evolves.

I think I really missed this world.

Kman34 08-21-2022 08:16 PM

It was ok. The acting needs to take it up a notch though to match GOT... I miss Peter Dinklage...

ChiefsCountry 08-21-2022 08:33 PM

It was good but damn Hollywood lives in their own little woke bubble.

staylor26 08-21-2022 08:35 PM

Great first episode. Daemon is already my favorite character.

Sorter 08-21-2022 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 16421923)
I've not read the books. They said they are going to follow the books. Why post spoilers?

Revealing known plot line and events in the media center about shows has always been put in spoilers. Can we please put book spoilers into a spoiler?

There was nothing spoiled by my post, you whiny ****.

staylor26 08-21-2022 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 16422601)
There was nothing spoiled by my post, you whiny ****.

JFC he's a whiny bitch. You'd literally have to research for that to be a possible spoiler.

TwistedChief 08-21-2022 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16422600)
Great first episode. Daemon is already my favorite character.

Literally the least surprising development ever.

staylor26 08-21-2022 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedChief (Post 16422606)
Literally the least surprising development ever.

I prefer villains and anti-heroes :evil:

Doesn't look like I'm alone though. From what I've seen, Daemon is the early fan favorite.

TwistedChief 08-21-2022 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16422610)
I prefer villains and anti-heroes :evil:

Doesn't look like I'm alone though. From what I've seen, Daemon is the early fan favorite.

I preferred that dude from Dorne that beat his ass.

I guess you just support beta bitches and pussies.

Sorter 08-21-2022 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedChief (Post 16422616)
I preferred that dude from Dorne that beat his ass.

I guess you just support beta bitches and pussies.


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