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Randallflagg 11-04-2021 08:10 AM

Hello! [RIP RandallFlagg]
Hello folks here..

My name is Christopher and I am (was) RandallFlaggs son. I tried days ago to post a quick message about my Father but for some reason it wouldn't take?

My Father passed sometime between July 28th and August 30th of this year. He died attempting to help people who could not help themselves. I can't/won't go into much detail but needless to say, his family (my Mother, Sister and I) are devastated, however we know that he wouldn't have his service be any other way.

It was a private venture into another country and he was to provide logistic support for other men. Unfortunately, as they were achieving their goal of helping folks out, they faced an ambush and may Father and 2 others were killed. I have it on good authority though that he took several with him, though.

Mom talked about how much he loved engaging on this forum. She gave me his logon information and I thought I would post this quick note to inform all of his passing. Sorry, it has taken a while to commemorate Dad, but we were asked to "keep it under wraps" for a time.

Thanks to all of you who wrote to him on his time here.

Goodbye Chief!! You will be remembered forever. RIP Dad.

Christopher A


Originally Posted by Randallflagg (Post 15936828)
Hello again!

I came in this afternoon from taking care of the stock to find my Mother crying her eyes out, reading these responses. In her words, These are truly great people to post these wonderful responses. They have truly made her feel better (if that is possible).

One of my Dad's best friends, a retired Colonel, who was with them on their trip has contacted my Dad's publisher and asked to do a "final chapter" in his book. They are currently working that out. As soon as it becomes available I will let you all know.

Still, I can not thank you all enough from the bottom of my heart for the kind messages that you have all posted. My Father, although "elderly" was never one to shy away from what he considered to be his duty. Mom tried to talk him out of going, but she knew it was a waste of time so, as many times in the past, she kissed him goodbye and told him "See you when you get back". Unfortunately, this was his last ride. Knowing my Father however, he would have wanted it this way.

Now, his ranch is on my shoulders to take care of and I will. Every day when I see the sun coming up, his horse stomping around in the barn, coffee on the stove, I think of him fondly.

God bless you all. Thanks again for your kind responses.


Mephistopheles Janx 11-04-2021 08:13 AM

Well damn. I'm sorry for your loss Christopher.

RIP Randallflagg

Hydrae 11-04-2021 08:19 AM

Thank you very much for the update. We have wondered about his absence. It is good to know at least a portion of what happened. It is sad to hear and I am sorry for your loss.

I am glad to know he went out doing what he was good at and obviously enjoyed. I know that I will miss his perspective on this forum.

Wisconsin_Chief 11-04-2021 08:26 AM

We were afraid of this.

So sorry for your loss, your father was a great man and you should be very proud of him.

Iowanian 11-04-2021 08:30 AM

That's unfortunate news to read.

I always enjoyed my interactions with him and thought he was likely a stand-up guy in his life. It would be easy to be proud of a dad like that. My condolences to your family for their loss.

Garcia Bronco 11-04-2021 08:38 AM

This is sad news, but it sounds like he acquitted himself with honor. Peace be upon him and your family. I am sorry for your loss and I thank him for his service.

Bwana 11-04-2021 08:38 AM

I'm really sorry to hear this. Your Dad was a good man.

Dayze 11-04-2021 08:41 AM


alpha_omega 11-04-2021 08:42 AM

RIP sir.

Pennywise 11-04-2021 08:46 AM


Marcellus 11-04-2021 08:48 AM

Damn, until Valhalla brother.

A man who's actions backed up his words.

Bugeater 11-04-2021 08:52 AM

Well **** me...this is just awful news.

TLO 11-04-2021 08:54 AM


Bugeater 11-04-2021 08:55 AM

Anyone else think this thread should be in the Lounge instead of the cesspool?

displacedinMN 11-04-2021 08:57 AM

We are all grateful to what your father did and will miss him here on CP.
Please take care as a family.

Prison Bitch 11-04-2021 08:58 AM

May he RIP

ClevelandBronco 11-04-2021 08:59 AM

I’m sorry.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

DJJasonp 11-04-2021 08:59 AM

RIP. Really enjoyed hearing his takes on politics and society in general.

The man had quite a bit of wisdom to share....

Easy 6 11-04-2021 08:59 AM

Crushing news

I feared he might be gone but figured it would've been cancer, not something like this... running around some apparent (I have a guess where) war zone at his age, trying to help people

I had much respect for your Dad, very very sorry for your families loss

ps - will his book ever come out?

LOCOChief 11-04-2021 09:01 AM

Sorry for your families loss. Glad he went out helping others.

Dayze 11-04-2021 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Marcellus (Post 15933502)
Damn, until Valhalla brother.

A man who's actions backed up his words.

was just thinking that.

lawrenceRaider 11-04-2021 09:06 AM

RIP, condolences to the family and friends.

Bwana 11-04-2021 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15933517)
Anyone else think this thread should be in the Lounge instead of the cesspool?

Works for me.

jdubya 11-04-2021 09:20 AM

Damn. We sorta shared cancer stories together a bit. Good man. RIP Sir!

Prison Bitch 11-04-2021 09:33 AM

Sometimes I wondered if he belonged here. He believed in things like patriotism and honor but most of us only shitpost. I know our shitlibs were a shock to his system (most of us are numb to them)

OTOH, it prob reminded him of being in the army. I’m guessing they all had the same types of shitpost convos then, just like here.

Mizzou_8541 11-04-2021 09:57 AM

Brutal news. I’m so sorry for you loss.

Garcia Bronco 11-04-2021 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15933517)
Anyone else think this thread should be in the Lounge instead of the cesspool?


BucEyedPea 11-04-2021 10:11 AM

I am very, very sorry to hear this Christopher. He voluntarily risked his live saving multiple people—the very definition of a hero. (Like Easy 6 I've also a guess where, as well.)

RIP Randallflagg.

Imon Yourside 11-04-2021 10:33 AM

He is with the Lord now, to that I'm sure of.

ChiefsCountry 11-04-2021 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15933517)
Anyone else think this thread should be in the Lounge instead of the cesspool?


MarkDavis'Haircut 11-04-2021 10:45 AM

Randall Flagg was one of my favorite posters.

RIP and God bless to his family.

penguinz 11-04-2021 10:50 AM

Sorry for your loss. RIP Marten Broadcloak.

ToxSocks 11-04-2021 10:54 AM

RIP, sorry to hear that.

Ninerfan11 11-04-2021 10:58 AM

RIP, seemed like a great guy.

LiveSteam 11-04-2021 11:23 AM

Your family will be in my prayers
RIP Rand

KC Dan 11-04-2021 11:29 AM

RIP to your dad and my condolences to the family of a clear cut hero!

Donger 11-04-2021 11:33 AM

I'm very sorry to hear this news. Condolences to you and your family. He will be missed.

And, you'll always be his son.

HayWire 11-04-2021 11:41 AM

Damn, RIP

Yes, please move this.

fan4ever 11-04-2021 11:43 AM

You're going through one of the hardest things in life.
May God comfort you and guide you through your life as your father did.

frozenchief 11-04-2021 11:46 AM

I am very saddened to hear this. [moment of silence].

May he rest in peace.

Shiver Me Timbers 11-04-2021 12:05 PM

Really Hard to read. Randall was a Patriot and I have no doubt he took a few with him.
Sorry for your loss Christopher. You are a blessed man having a pops like Randall.

roman gnome 11-04-2021 12:05 PM

Gods speed Brother! R.I.P.

carlos3652 11-04-2021 12:05 PM

RIP. Condolences. He’s a hero.

Just Passin' By 11-04-2021 12:11 PM

May he rest in peace

Pointer19 11-04-2021 12:18 PM

Rest in Peace, Randall. Sorry for your family's loss, Christopher.

PHOG 11-04-2021 12:33 PM

A true hero. Condolences to your family. RIP Randallflagg.

MIAdragon 11-04-2021 12:35 PM

Would like to buy a few copies of that book

big nasty kcnut 11-04-2021 12:39 PM

Rip and thank god he took a couple of scumbag out before his untimely death.

Lzen 11-04-2021 12:40 PM

Well, damn! Sounds like your dad was a good man. He didn't post much over the years but I remember him. Too bad he didn't post more. Would loved to have met him in person. Prayers for you and your family and may he RIP.

tredadda 11-04-2021 12:42 PM

Nothing but the ultimate in respect for him. It is sad to hear of his passing, but he passed as a hero in the service of others. That is a noble end if ever there was one. You should be proud of him for all he has done.

2112 11-04-2021 12:51 PM

Condolences. RIP Randall

Marcellus 11-04-2021 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 15933534)
Crushing news

I feared he might be gone but figured it would've been cancer, not something like this... running around some apparent (I have a guess where) war zone at his age, trying to help people

I had much respect for your Dad, very very sorry for your families loss

ps - will his book ever come out?

Given the timing and description you would almost have to assume he went to Afghanistan during the "pull out". There isa month in question there they dont even know the exact date.

Tribal Warfare 11-04-2021 01:04 PM

My condolences

dtrain 11-04-2021 01:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Dallas Chief 11-04-2021 01:05 PM

Really sucks to hear this. What a great man and Patriot! RIP RandallFlagg.

burt 11-04-2021 01:16 PM


Condolences on your loss. As a cantankerous old SOB, myself, let me say, he went out like a warrior on. Like Duncan Idaho, your Dad took the "name" of a character from one of my 2 favorite books, so I always read what he had to say. He was a good, strong man, irregardless of his physical stature.

JohnnyHammersticks 11-04-2021 01:20 PM

My sympathies Christopher. I liked your father. He was a voice of reason and a good man.

DaFace 11-04-2021 01:24 PM

Well ****. Thank you for letting us know, and condolences.

Otter 11-04-2021 01:27 PM

So sorry to hear. Your father is a good man and we share a similar philosophy on many things in life.

God speed!

seclark 11-04-2021 01:31 PM


Frazod 11-04-2021 01:43 PM

So sorry to hear this. Your dad was one of my favorite people here. RIP :(

notorious 11-04-2021 01:49 PM

Rest easy Walking Dude.

theoldcoach 11-04-2021 03:30 PM

Randallflagg and I became pretty close on this message board.

During the young part of our lives, our experiences were so similar in the jungles and hills of Vietnam. Although he was an Army "Screaming Eagle" and I a Marine "Walking Dead" we were in essentially the same place at the same time in and around the A Shau Valley.

When you get to be our age, it was nice to find another who had shared experiences so much like your own. And I enjoyed our discussions more than Randall probably even knew.

As for now..........keep the light on for me, Brother. The rest of us will be along shortly. I'll bring the pound cake and you get the peaches.

I leave you with this, Randallflagg. Rest In Peace, My Brother. I have the watch!!


Into the skies they flew
with a heart full of pride
to defend our country's freedom
knowing it could be a one-way ride.

God America and family
for freedon's sake each task
the eagles took flight
knowing each mission could be the last.

Many father's eyes filled with tears
many mother's hearts broken in two
yet so proud of their children
for up holding "The Red, White, and Blue".

Many parents, children, wives and husbands separated
by the battles in the skies forever
loving hearts left in pieces with only
a folded flag and a medal.

To all our hero's of the 101st
whose wings feel no wind
your bravery and courage leaves footprints in history
"the great eagles who will never fly again".

Every American owes you a debt of thanks
may God keep you in his heart and hands
because of your selfless sacrifice
as into history, "you will fly time and time again".

Easy 6 11-04-2021 03:41 PM

Balls of The Eagle

Chief Roundup 11-04-2021 03:45 PM

RIP Randallflag
Thank you for your service.

philfree 11-04-2021 03:45 PM

An American hero. RIP

TribalElder 11-04-2021 03:50 PM

damn... RIP

Hog's Gone Fishin 11-04-2021 04:48 PM

Dammit, Randal was one of my favorites here. His thoughts and views were same as mine almost to a T. I'm surprised this happened to him in this way at his age but then again not.

I'd like to express my sincere condolences to his family. He seemed to be a great person and a proud American.

He will be missed.

Buehler445 11-04-2021 04:53 PM

Goddamn it.

I didn't venture into DC much, but when I did I never looked at one of his posts and thought, well that's bullshit. Dude was always real. And he had some really well formed and substantiated opinions.

If he spoke up it was a well informed post.

RIP to a good member and by all accounts a better person.

srvy 11-04-2021 04:53 PM

Just sad news but felt something was wrong when he didn't chime in on our cowardly abandonment of US citizens in that shithole we all know. Instead, this honorable man was walking it not talking it. We have lost one of America's finest. Time to rest soldier you have been released from your watch. You're with your buddies that went before you that should be one hell of a reunion. Prayers out to your grieving family looking up with tears and pride in this good man. We will miss you on the chief's planet for sure.

I hope that your book was finished so that I may read it one day. If not well we missed out on one hell of a story!

RIP Husband Father and Soldier, Gods speed!

Raiderhater 11-04-2021 05:19 PM

That crusty ol' jungle warrior fought on behalf of his country to the bitter end. We lost a good one. Thank you, and thanks to your family, for your service and sacrifice. God bless and RIP.

KCJake 11-04-2021 05:33 PM

RIP sir !

rabblerouser 11-04-2021 05:35 PM

RIP RandallFlagg, I'm a big fan of the "Man In Black" novels myself

Pablo 11-04-2021 05:40 PM

May he RIP. My condolences to you and your family.

Chiefspants 11-04-2021 05:43 PM

RIP Randall :(

RINGLEADER 11-04-2021 05:47 PM

God Bless and Godspeed…

CoMoChief 11-04-2021 05:51 PM

Was always nice seeing him on the DC lounge giving it to the commies on the board.

RIP sir.

tx4chiefs 11-04-2021 05:59 PM

Sorry for your loss.

Go Chiefs!

Easy 6 11-04-2021 06:06 PM

Its just a total trip that this man, at his age, was over there pulling some James Bond level badassery... gunned down by some taliban goat ****er

He doesn't even get the call to come help on something like that, unless he was and is just exactly who he told you he was... a retired, high level military operative

What a stud, tougher than a corn cob... RIP, Sir

Bump 11-04-2021 06:09 PM

damn that's awful to hear. He seemed like a good man, sorry for your loss.

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