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Eleazar 11-12-2017 09:50 AM

ESPN plans another big round of layoffs
ESPN reportedly plans another big round of layoffs in the coming weeks

NOVEMBER 10, 2017 9:10 AM

Once upon a time, “SportsCenter” was must-see television for fans. But ESPN’s one-time signature program apparently will be at the center of another round of layoffs that reportedly will happen in the coming weeks.

Sports Illustrated reported that more than 100 people will lose their jobs after Thanksgiving. This is from the SI story:

The layoffs, which were described by a person briefed on the plans, will hit positions across ESPN including front-facing talent on the television side, producers, executives, and digital and technology staffers. The SportsCenter franchise is expected to be hit hard—including on-air people—given the frequency of the show has lessened considerably on main network ESPN.

As more people drop cable in favor of streaming, ESPN has felt the financial pinch. In April, ESPN cut a number of long-time journalists as part of a round of layoffs that included 100 people.

According to the Los Angeles Times, ESPN weighed down the earnings of its parent company, Walt Disney, in a report on Thursday. The Times said that Disney’s “revenue declined 3 percent and the company failed to meet analysts’ expectations.”

The holiday season may seem like a harsh time to shed jobs. But Sports Illustrated said one reason why ESPN is planning the layoffs between Thanksgiving and Christmas is so employees can received another year in the stock vesting program.

Pete Grathoff: 816-234-4330, @pgrathoff

Titty Meat 11-12-2017 09:51 AM

**** that SJW nutjob channel

petegz28 11-12-2017 09:54 AM

Perhaps if they stuck to sports and got out of the politics they may not be hurting so bad.....

Eleazar 11-12-2017 10:01 AM

I know that TV is decreasing and nobody needs to sit and watch sportscenter anymore, the whole model is a bit outmoded, but they should try a "back to sports" push. Scores, stats, highlights, nuts and bolts, X's and O's. Make it about sports again. Appeal to die-hards again.

Obviously doing their current brand of a sports-themed TMZ mixed with left wing politics is not working and isn't going to work.

Molitoth 11-12-2017 10:05 AM

If you compared ESPN to the online music (Metal) community, it would be very similar to "What does Corey Taylor think about _______?"

Nobody wants to sit around and listen to the opinion of some jack ass (they have Chiefs Planet forums for that).

Give the product, let people form their own opinions.

Spott 11-12-2017 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 13212151)
Perhaps if they stuck to sports and got out of the politics they may not be hurting so bad.....

As you bring up politics on a football message board.

Pasta Little Brioni 11-12-2017 10:15 AM

And? There are 100 lame ass "Sports Center"s a night any way and they are all dumb as ****.

BlackHelicopters 11-12-2017 10:19 AM

People still watch the four letter network?

MahiMike 11-12-2017 10:19 AM

I have a top list of folks to recommend:

1 - Stephen A Smith
2 - Jemele Hill
3 - Linda Cohn
4 - Michelle Beadle
5 - Tony Kornheiser
6 - Erin Andrews

I'm sure I can find some more but it's a good start...

BlackHelicopters 11-12-2017 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by MahiMike (Post 13212195)
I have a top list of folks to recommend:

1 - Stephen A Smith
2 - Jemele Hill
3 - Linda Cohn
4 - Michelle Beadle
5 - Tony Kornheiser
6 - Erin Andrews

I'm sure I can find some more but it's a good start...

I thought Erin was with Fox. Or NBC?

scho63 11-12-2017 10:40 AM

If they focused on things like 30 for 30, doing sports reporting with men for men's sports and women for women sports, find a new Chris Berman type, get more GUEST announcers from the sports world to analyze other games, maybe start a trivia show of sports that Dick Enberg used to host and of course the last thin: STOP WITH THE ****ING POLITICS!

I never watch anything unless I'm forced to like a golf event or baseball game

NWTF 11-12-2017 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Eleazar (Post 13212161)
I know that TV is decreasing and nobody needs to sit and watch sportscenter anymore, the whole model is a bit outmoded, but they should try a "back to sports" push. Scores, stats, highlights, nuts and bolts, X's and O's. Make it about sports again. Appeal to die-hards again.

Obviously doing their current brand of a sports-themed TMZ mixed with left wing politics is not working and isn't going to work.


I never was interested in their TMZ style talk show segments even before the political climate got hot. I was only interested in scores and highlights, maybe some in depth talk on pro or college football, I have to think sports fans want that depending on the sport they follow.

That being said, when they did the last big round of layoff it seemed like they got rid of more of their actual sports reporters like Ed Werder, John CLayton, etc and tried to keep the TMZ style talk show crap intact. WTF?

George Liquor 11-12-2017 10:56 AM

Pls get rid of Jemele Hill.

jallmon 11-12-2017 11:14 AM

I remember when they first got started, Chris Berman had hair (too much), and they covered the Big 8 handball championships among other minor things. Now they are mega, hosting MNF and whatnot, but they changed their mission.

Haven't watched SC in years. Only watch MNF when the Chiefs are on. May rethink that, Lol!

Chiefshrink 11-12-2017 11:16 AM

ESPN like Kodak did not plan for the future and they are becoming very obsolete very quickly !!:D

Chiefshrink 11-12-2017 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by BDj23 (Post 13212287)
Pls get rid of Jemele Hill.

Don't watch will have a bigger effect and further their demise. But I agree. Their progressive PC stances on every issue is very disturbing and definitely very nauseating for sure. And they too like the standard majority media news outlets are like the "king without any clothes on that struts down the streets" "thinking" they are all "duds out in fine linens" when in reality they are "politically naked" being laughed and scoffed at by the majority of Americans.:shrug:

The NFL is starting to recognize who their base "really" IS !! And it ain't progressive PC wussies !!! :D

Rausch 11-12-2017 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Eleazar (Post 13212138)
ESPN reportedly plans another big round of layoffs in the coming weeks

Chiefshrink 11-12-2017 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13212347)

What comes around goes around !!:clap:

Dylan 11-12-2017 11:30 AM

ABC/ESPN acquires Formula 1 next season - Smart of Formula 1 to retain the rights to stream the races via a subscription service worldwide.

Fans have let it be known to FAA that they are pissed because ESPN did not retain the beloved British broadcast crew that fans have followed forever. They think that an American ESPN crew that have never raced in F1, designed an F1 car, and knows nothing about the industry, which includes F1 lore, will destroy the experience for viewers.

ESPN will find that the best F1 broadcast crew is irreplaceable in the booth particularly Hobbs, Leigh, Matchett and Buxton whose careers span decades in F1 racing.

NBCSN broadcasting team provides excellent commentary, banter, keen insight, unique colloquialism and humor during the races. Fans cannot imagine watching F1 without listening to the expertise of all four broadcasters together.

J.F.C. ESPN ruins everything it touches!

Dayze 11-12-2017 11:31 AM

I’m gonna miss the shows that have 5 people all arguing at the same time on their hot take of the day.

Rausch 11-12-2017 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dylan (Post 13212359)
ABC/ESPN acquires Formula 1 next season - Smart of Formula 1 to retain the rights to stream the races via a subscription service worldwide.

I would just like to point out that no one in the US gives a fat frog's ass about formula 1 or Indy car at this point...

Dylan 11-12-2017 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13212364)
I would just like to point out that no one in the US gives a fat frog's ass about formula 1 or Indy car at this point...

Well, why the hell did ESPN buy the rights to broadcast F1?

It might have to do with the 450 million viewership worldwide that tunes in to F1 races...:D

Pasta Little Brioni 11-12-2017 11:38 AM

Affirmative Action Sports Center was the end for many

Dylan 11-12-2017 11:39 AM


Rausch 11-12-2017 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dylan (Post 13212374)
Well, why the hell did ESPN buy the rights to broadcast F1?

No idea.

Have fun selling advertising for that.


Originally Posted by Dylan (Post 13212374)
It might have to do with the 450 million viewership worldwide that tunes in to F1 races...:D

Much like the Chinese audience for films.

Might pull dog-shit here but as long as the Chinese market buys it - it sells...

Dylan 11-12-2017 11:51 AM

Great, fans are going to have a couple of ESPN ex-NFL players and broadcasters with a combined IQ of 20 trying to call an Formula 1 race, along with some over-bloated woman on the side of the paddock talking about one of the racer's family members.

Formula 1 controls the money made on commercials. Each team has a $500 million limit to design and develop a car each season.

You will be driving their developed designed cars in the future. :D

RealSNR 11-12-2017 11:57 AM

Get rid of Adam Teicher, ESPN

Rausch 11-12-2017 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dylan (Post 13212402)
Great, fans are going to have a couple of ESPN ex-NFL players and broadcasters with a combined IQ of 20 trying to call an Formula 1 race, along with some over-bloated woman on the side of the paddock talking about one of the racer's family members.

Formula 1 controls the money made on commercials. Each team has a $500 million limit to design and develop a car each season.

You will be driving their developed designed cars in the future. :D

There isn't enough diversity in formula 1...

Dylan 11-12-2017 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13212442)
There isn't enough diversity in formula 1...

Formula 1 features twenty of the best racecar drivers in the world. The drivers represent the most culturally diverse countries in the world - and the least.

Meet Lewis Hamilton - He makes over $140 million a year. In fact, Hamilton wins fourth Formula 1 championship in Mexico last week ahead of the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi.

Hamilton diverse enough for you? :D

Formula 1 is the pinnacle of motor racing.

Demonpenz 11-12-2017 01:41 PM

I love Jalen and Jacoby.

GloucesterChief 11-12-2017 01:46 PM

1) Start broadcasting Aussie Rules Football again.
2) No one wants to watch fantasy sport x stuff on tv. Drop that crap completely.
3) Have College Gameday focus on more than: Bama, Michigan, Ohio State, SEC in general and USC. Show has become unwatchable for the vast majority of college football fans.
4) Book weekly shows with smart talent for the major sports: Football: College and Pro, Baseball, Basketball: College and Pro, Hockey, soccer, and auto racing.
5) Stop the TMZ stuff. No one cares about x player's struggle with whatever.
6) Find interesting obscure sports from around the world and broadcast that. Much more interesting than mouth breathers shouting at each other and saying crap for controversy. Give me Rugby, Cricket, Handball, the Afghan sport that the throw a dead goat around in, whatever.

jimidollar 11-12-2017 02:05 PM

ESPN peaked in the early to mid 90s. It's gone downhill ever since and is now scraping the bottom of the barrel. Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann ain't walking through that door.

T-post Tom 11-12-2017 03:55 PM

Suzy can come work for me if she gets laid off.

scho63 11-12-2017 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefshrink (Post 13212327)
ESPN like Kodak didn't not plan for the future and they are becoming very obsolete very quickly !!:D

Nice analogy and reference to Kodak! :clap:

Jewish Rabbi 11-12-2017 08:04 PM

ESPN will be gone completely within 5 years. They have completely overcommitted on their financial agreements with various sports leagues.

JoeyChuckles 11-12-2017 08:44 PM

If this leads to more Sergio Dipp on Monday Night Football, I'm totally for these layoffs.

Now if he is let go, we're gonna have some problems.

suzzer99 11-13-2017 12:04 AM

You mean their hail mary to make the NBA a year-round sport didn't save the day? SHOCKER

Dayze 11-13-2017 08:02 AM

if they would can all the faux debate shows, and stop with all the human interest pieces that plague every pre-game show, that would be a step in the right direction. I love watching college gameday, but it seems like the last two years it's turned into a near endless stream of human interest stories - largely of people that no one has ever heard of.

stop trying to tug at the audiences heart strings, and just stick to sports.

and speaking of sports, show more obscure sports. Those are more entertaining to watch than the other stuff they currently broadcast.

RunKC 07-07-2020 10:24 PM

Wow Golic was one of the best things left at ESPN. They are starting to reach desperation status quickly

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ESPN radio moving on from Mike Golic is end of an era <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; New York Post (@nypost) <a href="">July 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

ping2000 07-07-2020 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 15056722)
Wow Golic was one of the best things left at ESPN. They are starting to reach desperation status quickly

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ESPN radio moving on from Mike Golic is end of an era <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— New York Post (@nypost) <a href="">July 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Is his woke dumbass son still on?

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

WhawhaWhat 07-07-2020 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by ping2000 (Post 15056723)
Is his woke dumbass son still on?

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

He's going to afternoon drive.

Buehler445 07-07-2020 11:39 PM


I wasn’t a big golic fan. But sucks for him. I can’t imagine what shitheel they’re going to put in his place.

neech 07-08-2020 05:36 AM

Replace them with black people and more black people.

When I flip the stations I won't know the difference between BET or ESPN

I wanna see your face painted black. Black as night, black as coal.

Sassy Squatch 07-08-2020 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15056849)
Replace them with black people and more black people.

When I flip the stations I won't know the difference between BET or ESPN

I wanna see your face painted black. Black as night, black as coal.

displacedinMN 07-08-2020 09:38 AM

ESPN=Titanic ?

BigBeauford 07-08-2020 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15056849)
Replace them with black people and more black people.

When I flip the stations I won't know the difference between BET or ESPN

I wanna see your face painted black. Black as night, black as coal.

This ain't ****ing stormfront.

RedRaider56 07-08-2020 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 15056749)
He's going to afternoon drive.

Can't believe Golic Jr still has a job. He is horrible.

tyecopeland 07-08-2020 10:18 AM

Eh, tbh wingo and golic sucked. Mike and Mike was good. But I won't be listening to the new show either

CaliforniaChief 07-08-2020 10:21 AM

Just my opinion, but ESPN without sports highlights has seemed a lot like MTV without music videos...they get in over their skis with people pushing their stuff on issues that I just don't care to watch ESPN for.

RedRaider56 07-08-2020 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by tyecopeland (Post 15057108)
Eh, tbh wingo and golic sucked. Mike and Mike was good. But I won't be listening to the new show either


Coogs 07-08-2020 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by CaliforniaChief (Post 15057117)
Just my opinion, but ESPN without sports highlights has seemed a lot like MTV without music videos...they get in over their skis with people pushing their stuff on issues that I just don't care to watch ESPN for.

I have not watched more than 10 minutes of ESPN since the draft in April. And those 10 were this week when Mahomes signed his deal.

Mecca 07-08-2020 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by CaliforniaChief (Post 15057117)
Just my opinion, but ESPN without sports highlights has seemed a lot like MTV without music videos...they get in over their skis with people pushing their stuff on issues that I just don't care to watch ESPN for.

If MTV still showed videos they would be a channel that's dead in the water.

Coogs 07-08-2020 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 15057135)
If MTV still showed videos they would be a channel that's dead in the water.

I haven't watched 10 minutes of MTV since the 90's.

Mecca 07-08-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Coogs (Post 15057139)
I haven't watched 10 minutes of MTV since the 90's.

That's probably good since their demo is females 15-35. I mean really their channel is based on things like teen mom, 16 and pregnant with some mix in of The Challenge and 87 shows with Rob Dyrdek.

Bowser 07-08-2020 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Coogs (Post 15057139)
I haven't watched 10 minutes of MTV since the 90's.

The few times I've turned it on I've seen a show called Ridiculousness that's made some stoned out of head girl famous for having a terrible laugh. And like Mecca said, shows promoting teenaged girls popping out kids.

backinblack 07-08-2020 10:47 AM

have never figured out how Ridiculousness has as much staying power as it does when it's just a more obnoxious version of Tosh.0, itself a show that was never all that good. At least Tosh has more personality I guess.

Coogs 07-08-2020 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 15057141)
That's probably good since their demo is females 15-35. I mean really their channel is based on things like teen mom, 16 and pregnant with some mix in of The Challenge and 87 shows with Rob Dyrdek.

Kinda of crazy that back in the 80's, my college days, our TV was pretty much on 24 hours a day. Ether ESPN or MTV. Even if no one was home. Lol!

eDave 07-08-2020 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15056849)
Replace them with black people and more black people.

When I flip the stations I won't know the difference between BET or ESPN

I wanna see your face painted black. Black as night, black as coal.

So what's the motivation behind a post like this? Are you always thinking about shit like this? Why man?

ChiefBlueCFC 07-08-2020 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by CaliforniaChief (Post 15057117)
Just my opinion, but ESPN without sports highlights has seemed a lot like MTV without music videos...they get in over their skis with people pushing their stuff on issues that I just don't care to watch ESPN for.

Man I miss the SportsCenter and ESPN of old. I used to be able to watch it for hours back in the 90s. They had so many great people on there. Now it is all about opinions and who has the most ridiculous take to rile up the people

srvy 07-08-2020 02:48 PM

Louis Riddick is the only thing worth watching on ESPN.

srvy 07-08-2020 02:50 PM

Scott Van Pelt is watchable on the late addition of Sports Center.

BigRedChief 07-08-2020 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefBlueCFC (Post 15057194)
Man I miss the SportsCenter and ESPN of old. I used to be able to watch it for hours back in the 90s. They had so many great people on there. Now it is all about opinions and who has the most ridiculous take to rile up the people

Sounds like America in 2020.

DaneMcCloud 07-08-2020 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 15057169)
So what's the motivation behind a post like this? Are you always thinking about shit like this? Why man?

Oh, he's flat out racists. Check out his other posts.

DaneMcCloud 07-08-2020 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Coogs (Post 15057124)
I have not watched more than 10 minutes of ESPN since the draft in April. And those 10 were this week when Mahomes signed his deal.


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 15057135)
If MTV still showed videos they would be a channel that's dead in the water.


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 15057146)
The few times I've turned it on I've seen a show called Ridiculousness that's made some stoned out of head girl famous for having a terrible laugh. And like Mecca said, shows promoting teenaged girls popping out kids.

Yeah, Viacom is making an absolute killing on their reality shows and have for years on end. I have music on all of those shows and a good friend of mine wrote the Theme Song for the Teen Mom shows, so he's been making a killing for more than a decade.

Look for the same type of shows on TNT and TBS in the coming years because they're switching to Reality TV while all of their scripted shows and repeats move to HBO Max.

DaneMcCloud 07-08-2020 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 15057613)
Sounds like America in 2020.

From my understanding, ESPN is trying to skew younger with their talk shows and plan to add more content for that demographic.

I subscribe to ESPN, ESPN 2 and ESPN+ and I really couldn't care less about the majority of their programming outside of sports and haven't watched Sportscenter in ages.

I did like NFL Primetime with Berman and Jackson last year on ESPN+, although I don't care for the re-records of the classic music from the 80's because they just didn't capture that sound, IMO.

Sample libraries and scooped guitars just sound weird to my ears, probably because I've heard the original versions for decades but regardless, I didn't care for their production choices with the new versions.

DaneMcCloud 07-08-2020 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 15057146)
The few times I've turned it on I've seen a show called Ridiculousness that's made some stoned out of head girl famous for having a terrible laugh. And like Mecca said, shows promoting teenaged girls popping out kids.

My apologies for going off the thread topic: VH-1 airs all of the MTV videos from the 80's these days in one or two hour blocks, although it's not broadcast in High Def, let alone, 4K, so it's a bit of an adjustment.

That said, watching all of those videos is super fun because the music, clothes and artists were super fun. It's definitely a trip back in time.

Bowser 07-08-2020 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 15057830)
My apologies for going off the thread topic: VH-1 airs all of the MTV videos from the 80's these days in one or two hour blocks, although it's not broadcast in High Def, let alone, 4K, so it's a bit of an adjustment.

That said, watching all of those videos is super fun because the music, clothes and artists were super fun. It's definitely a trip back in time.

It would be good to take a trip back in time to the 80's right about now.

cosmo20002 07-08-2020 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by neech (Post 15056849)
Replace them with black people and more black people.

When I flip the stations I won't know the difference between BET or ESPN

I wanna see your face painted black. Black as night, black as coal.

Is it ok with you if the athletes are black?

Coach 07-08-2020 07:05 PM

Haven't had ESPN in about several years now. I do have ESPN+, but that's about it. Not surprised that they jumped the shark.

Bob Dole 07-08-2020 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 15057752)
From my understanding, ESPN is trying to skew younger with their talk shows and plan to add more content for that demographic.

I subscribe to ESPN, ESPN 2 and ESPN+ and I really couldn't care less about the majority of their programming outside of sports and haven't watched Sportscenter in ages.

I did like NFL Primetime with Berman and Jackson last year on ESPN+, although I don't care for the re-records of the classic music from the 80's because they just didn't capture that sound, IMO.

Sample libraries and scooped guitars just sound weird to my ears, probably because I've heard the original versions for decades but regardless, I didn't care for their production choices with the new versions.

I run a bar game that is basically Bingo with 45 second song clips. Had a 90s category last night and had forgotten how many butchered covers there were.

KChiefs1 12-11-2020 05:00 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

KChiefs1 12-11-2020 05:22 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

FloridaMan88 12-16-2020 08:04 PM

Not a layoff, but ESPN losing a high profile reporter to Fox...



Tom Rinaldi, one of ESPN’s top on-air reporters, is leaving for Fox, where he is expected to be featured across all of its major events from the Super Bowl to the World Series to the World Cup and college football, according to sources.

KChiefs1 03-12-2021 05:49 PM

ESPN guys banned from McAfee's show.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

cabletech94 03-13-2021 08:39 AM

So what I take from this is ESPN still sucks, yes?

RunKC 05-10-2021 07:31 PM

Is there anyone with talent left at this shit hole?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am leaving ESPN.<br>Salary cap casualty.<br>Thanks for the opportunity Vince Doria &amp; Al Jaffe &amp; for taking my solicitations<br>Herman/Stinton/Lynch.<br><br>I will miss the people.<br>I will miss the vending machine set up over by the old Van Pelt joint.<br>We had everything.<br><br>IntoTheGreatWideOpen#</p>&mdash; Kenny Mayne (@Kenny_Mayne) <a href="">May 10, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

KChiefs1 05-10-2021 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by cabletech94 (Post 15583125)
So what I take from this is ESPN still sucks, yes?


Otter 05-10-2021 07:38 PM

That's too bad!

hawkchief 05-10-2021 08:54 PM

ESPN no different than so many other media oil test, just like the KC Star. Have constantly force-fed their paying customers non-stop liberal politics and their customer based plummeted. Stupid is, as stupid does.

kcxiv 05-10-2021 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by hawkchief (Post 15668687)
ESPN no different than so many other media oil test, just like the KC Star. Have constantly force-fed their paying customers non-stop liberal politics and their customer based plummeted. Stupid is, as stupid does.

i bet thats a very very small part of it, the real big part of it, is people are cutting cable. I know i did last year and i dont even miss it. There is no reason to watch espn or fox sports outside of live sports. Most people spend hours upon hours looking at their stupid phones and can get what they need from there. Hell, i fi want to check the score to say the Dodgers game now days, i just head on over to r/dodgers and open up the game thread. They have the highlights already imbedded in the thread in real time.

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