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All Things Video Games/Game Reviews Part II
Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread. Anyway, just a quick rundown. Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC. Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale. Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote. Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by. Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing. |
I'd wait on Mad Max to see how the reviews are. I'm hoping with a Far Cry 4 clone...but I'm not counting on it.
Im so behind with video games. I finally picked up Red Dead Redemption last night....
And if it were me, I'd go Mad Max. I watched it this weekend. Bad ass.
Metal Gear Solid 5 got a 10 on IGN. IGN can be idiotic with ratings at times, but it doesn't give out a 10 unless it's an amazing game. Even if Mad Max is great, it will likely not be as good as MGS 5, but it also comes down to personal preference.
Just get MGS5. You know you're going to anyway, lol.
Me, I'll probably hold out for an oldie but goodie...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WoA33b15qJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I dunno, man. I'm a big fan of the Metal Gear Solid series but that trailer just looks.....weird. That Mad Max game looks pretty cool.
If you haven't heard, Konami decided to allow reviewers early access, in a locked room under direct supervision. Can you say Stockholm Syndrome boys and girls? Game companies can be so shady sometimes but Konami is one of the worst. |
Maybe I'll just say **** it and get both along with 2 cases of red bull, some amphetamines and Ten Taco Bell Grande Meals. Sounds like an awesome weekend. |
http://i.imgur.com/DT2ru.gif |
They went open-world with this so you basically manage a mercenary team, so it sounds like it has some XCOM-like elements where you put resources into different items like R&D for upgrades. |
I played Ground Zeroes and was reminded how ****ing hard the whole series is.
I'm still working my way through Arkham Knight while I wait for the two winter games to hit (Call of Duty and Fallout), but if I were picking one today it would probably be Metal Gear. |
It depends on which type of game you like. Personally, I don't like the sneaking around in the Metal Gear franchise so it's easy for me to pass on the new one. I got Ground Zeroes for free and only played 30 minutes of it before I got bored.
Very interested in MGS 5's multiplayer. Ground Zeroes was free on Xbox this past month and I just couldn't get into it. |
Metal Gear Solid 5
Personally, it looks like it's too engrossing for a family man like myself trying to nail down a college degree....but maybe it's something I pick up after my Bachelor's is done. A little present for me. |
A lot of gaming publications and websites have given Metal Gear near perfect scores. If I wasn't balls deep in school right now the decision would be obvious and not close at all.
I absolutely loved MGS4 but hated the first 3 games. I played ground zeroes and hated it. My gut tells me I won't enjoy 5 at all.
MGS5 looks good from all the videos I've seen, but I've always had problems with the MGS games because of, 1) you spend half your time trying not to alert enemies when you know its inevitable, and, 2) I've never liked the 3rd person view. I've always gravitated to 1st person games.
I'm checking out gameplay online before I pick one up tonight. So far I'm leaning towards MGS.
Kotaku's Mad Max review... http://kotaku.com/mad-max-the-kotaku...ium=Socialflow
http://i57.tinypic.com/2n3ipf.png |
I got MGSV. It is awesome. It's sorta like Far Cry mixed with MGS.
I got MGSV. It is awesome. It's sorta like Far Cry mixed with MGS.
We seem to enjoy the same games a lot so if you say it's good, I'm probably going to like it. |
and for the people saying its kinda like far cry..well far cry sucks. From the gameplay I've seen of this..it doesn't feel like authentic MG anymore. too much like ground zeroes. I'm not rushing out to get this and I was a huge MGS fan. 4 was the last true one and not to mention the HD collection for PS3. this one just doesn't strike my interest. |
Lots of capturing animals and plants and also you can go town to town and take down their comms. Not exactly the same, but I feel like I'm playing Far Cry on steroids...with stealth. |
I've put in the first hour and so far? I'm going to love this game. They must've put months and months of work into the first scenes. The cinematics are the best I've seen in a game and that's saying a lot when you have games like Witcher 3 and TLOU remastered.
Pestilence, I'd look at this one first and Mad Max second. It's open world, the graphics are perfect and it even has flaming whales. (Not gay but literally a whale that was on fire and ate a chopper) |
I'll pick it up.
My first question here is: I know he's got "foreign materials" in his body from explosions such as shrapnel and human teeth/bones. Is this why he's suddenly growing horns? Like, really? |
The beginning of the game was intense as ****. After that part it's been really enjoyable. I'm looking forward to fighting more of the guys we saw in that opener though. I've been playing all day but each mission in going as slow as possible, scouting and whatnot.
Little Help Here? Metal Gear Solid 5 or Mad Max?
I've never seen a PS4 game that looked this good. I got it on PS4 instead of PC because I wanted another couch game. Some PC games have great graphics, but you'd still be hard pressed to find a PC game that looks better than this on PS4. I wonder how it looks on PC. Also ~12 hours and 5% complete lol. This game is gonna be epic. |
God damn it. Time to dish out another $60
MGS is usually a hit.. the one on PS1 was ridiculously good.
I've put in 20 hrs and I'm sitting at 8% completion. The game is ridiculously huge.
I didn't play last night but I know I'm at 7%, and I probably have between 20 and 30 hours. It's possible to just rush through the story, but it's more fun to explore and capture new soldiers. |
Just bought it, loaded it up, and had to pick the kid up from school. :(
I figured out that the % has to do with how many tasks you complete in a mission rather than how many missions you've done. I've only done 7 and was at 7%. I started mission 1 over and had previously finished 2 of 6 tasks. Well I finished the last 4 for 6/6 and then I was at 8%.
I've followed the MGS storyline from 1-4, but concluded the MGS story from that point.
I know there's MGS: PeaceWalker and MGS: Ground Zeroes that have relevance in the storyline from thereon. Any chance I'd be completely lost if I decided to just jump into MGS5? |
All Things Video Games & Game Reviews: Part II
Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread. Anyway, just a quick rundown. Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC. Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale. Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote. Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by. Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing. |
My personal opinion about the best games (so far) of 2015:
1. Bloodborne 2. Witcher 3 3. Alien Isolation 4. Far cry 4 5. Dying Light 6. Rocket League 7. Life is Strange 8. Wolfenstein (new order and old blood) 9. MLB 15 10. Valiant Hearts Edit: Phantom Pain is not on this since I haven't beat it yet. |
Now then, I've heard from MGS fans that the game is better if you play all the others beforehand but the previous storyline is very in depth, convoluted and ****ed up. I didn't know about 70% of who people were and I didn't know what happened in MGS4. If you want to get up to speed quickly, go check out some YouTube channels that are set up specifically to bring fans or newbs up to speed. |
The game is set in 1984. The only other one I played was MGS4 which took place in 2014 I think.
It is really weird knowing the end of the chronological timeline and playing this game. |
One other thing to add regarding Life is Strange.
It's a very niche game. Storytelling/Quantic Dream or a telltale type game. If you haven't checked it out, you should. The story, (while very anti guy) is very good. The final ep is due out any time. It's worth a look, especially if you can get a deal on steam. |
So far I've been playing a game called Thief I will get back to Madden & MLB the show later but I'm having fun with this one and it was only 14.95 I picked up at Hastings. It's got great graphics and detail. It starts out kind of hard to figure out what to do and expected lil different style but once get the hang of things and it's got a fluid motion for your guy and playing gets funner as you go.
I still have a long ways in it & lots to learn and figure out. The story is ok but I like the game play it's self when I get to roam around and random theifing is fun. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars and maybe when I get through it some more give it a higher rating but gets' lil frustrating finding the actual spot to get to before moving on into the next level. |
Pick up one or two of these less expensive games when you get a chance, you'll be happy you did: Dying Light Farcry 4 Infamous 2nd Son Alien Isolation Have you played GTAV yet? Pick it up, it's got some new awesome shit online. If you get it, let me know. We can tear shit up. |
MGS V might be my favorite gameplay set up in an open world game ever...just love how you get your mission parameters and then it's completely up to you on how you want to tackle it.
I've tackled a few missions and side ops in completely different ways and it's really cool to see what works and what doesn't and having to adapt on the fly.... GOTY for me so far...soooo much to do and take in. |
I've been playing Examina. it is an isometric dungeon crawler with physics based combat. the learning curve is really steep. Once you learn to control your character and coordinate movements the game is a lot of fun. this is an early release game. there are still some bugs to be ironed out. the game is also incomplete. there are only 3 levels and a alternate mode called Arena. Still, this game is very addictive and all the fights look/feel unique.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-uw3EklSSq8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eafI7-kudak" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Diablo patch 2.3 /season 4 is off the chain. If you havent checked out d3 in a while, then you should.
No longer is it a poor successor to d2. Its now stands alone as a BETTER game than 2. |
I have nothing to add for MGSV as I am only 2 hours in. I will say this Fox Engine is amazing. I have everything maxed out at 1080p and the lowest dip I have seen is 57 fps. Truely amazing I can still get that performance out of my GTX 770.
It is a shame that this will probably be the only game to use this engine, unless Konami sells the rights. |
Kojima gets an idea in his head and runs with it. I sincerely hope this comes to pass. I will also post a link to a game that'll be quite similar that an indie developer has been working on. |
Allison Road:
http://youtu.be/nl3CbbtyeSU |
Arkham Knight is really good
game is 1000% fixed. It is what it was supposed to have been. Its bad ass right now and season 4 just started. |
Lemme do some digging. |
Super Mario Maker tomorrow...a literal dream game for me, been waiting for this for 20+ years....
And where the hell have you been!? Lol Glad to see you're still around. |
bought that Call of Juarez on steam tonight. pretty fun western shooter. Its just guns blazing. Game was only 5 bucks. I said what the hell!
Well, I just pulled a snafu.
Tried merging another thread with this one and forgot to disable the poll from the old thread. Can't do anything about it now so I edited the damn thing for relevance. Feel free to vote. |
Will be in my mailbox when i get home. Cant wait! |
Got Rare Replay. No Donkey Kong Country or Goldeneye but it does have Banjo Kazooie, RC Pro Am 1 & 2, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, and Blast Corps.....
Just got it today & it looks way cool. Letting my son take a crack at the missions he likes doing them (he has experience from Xbox 360) so I can get to do fun things later. :thumb: Game looks total bad ass. I'm going be on an 18 day break in October so I will have time to tear shit up with you. :thumb: Game on. Graphics are top notch so that makes game play on PS4 much better. Glad I got it finally after a long wait. I ****ing earned it though from all the bull shit I deal with from work is paying off. Chipping away at it all. But I got to have something to do out here in dumb**** Egypt Kansas. I love this PS4 |
What's your username on psn? |
Anyone played Mad Max? How is it? Really tempted to pick it up....
mad max is $15 on cdkeys with DLC. I have not played it, but at the price it is well worth the risk: http://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/mad-max-pc
Been playing Mad Max for a little while every night for about a week and love it so far..wish they didn't have so many cut scenes and talking for all the missions..driving is good..you can actually tell your car handles better as you upgrade..fighting is pretty good..I think the blocking and parrying blows could be better..I might just sick at it tho..lots of missions and side missions to do..overall I love it and want to play it more than I do
Any of you that have beat MGSV, do you agree with this:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KO4Tusk_V2k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Also the twist was super predictable if you play the first mission and know Kojima's brand of bullshit-ery. |
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