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*The NEW Movies Thread*
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.
Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here - http://chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=172245 |
Watched Dredd again with the 17 y/o daughter. It was her first time seeing it, and she loved it.
I still need to see Gravity, the new Jack Ryan looks pretty good too, Costner is having something of a resurgence.
OT - but, whatever happened to IrishJayhawk?
Riddick was ok. Not great, but better than I thought it was gonna be.
Oh god, 2 Guns was the most forgettable movie I have seen in forever. Denzel and Whalberg have no chemistry, Whalberg has been type castes to play the SMS stupid character in every movie, and the writing was awful.
The Spectacular Now was a pretty good for a rental or on demand pick.
A.C.O.D. (Adult Children of Divorce) was great- definitely a good black comedy with a bunch of familiar faces. Starring Adam Scott Richard Jenkins Catherine O'Hara Amy Poehler Mary Elizabeth Winstead Clark Duke Ken Howard Jessica Alba Jane Lynch http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/01/05/esahu5ut.jpg |
Random post to force subscription.
Best superhero movie last year: The Wolverine. Thor: The Dark World was OK, Iron Man 3 was bad, Kick-Ass 2 was horrendous, and Man of Steel was everything wrong with movies today.
Just watched Flight. Didn't realize it was a zemeckis film. A much more intense movie than I was expecting.
Seen that yesterday a lot of over the top scenes the ending was laughable |
The question I have is can a guy really get piss drunk, take a snort of crack, and be good to go? Is that even possible? |
Saw Walter Mitty tonight after the game. Really enjoyed it. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a big fan of Ben Stiller. His sense of humor always makes me laugh.
I think I most enjoyed the visual style of the movie. It was strong and unique. Very enjoyable movie. |
The Guard was entertaining for it's dialogue. Clash of the Titans and Wrath of the Titans were better than I expected, but don't expect much.
Watched Fruitvale station last night. Really good movie.
Elysium was ok, at best. Got the feeling it could have been a ton better.
Went to see The Wolf Of Wall Street over the holiday,first time I've ever walked up to get my tickets and had the girl in the booth say,"we have to let you know this is a very vulgar movie."
Of course I bought the tickets anyway and glad I did,thought the movie was very entertaining and I'd give it two thumbs up. |
People are acting like this is some new thing. I think what's happened is, mainstream filmgoers are not quite used to hard R rated movies anymore. PG13 has really toned everything down. A lot of the popular films of the 70s and 80s were hard R rated. |
I need suggestions for family friendly movies that aren't the typical animated Pixar stuff because my kids have seen all of those. Things along the lines of Jumanji, Ghostbusters, Willow, Star Wars, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, etc... I'd prefer movies with enough complexity to keep adults entertained, but they've got to be off the beaten path a bit. Classics with some artistic merit are preferred. We're talking a mature (too mature) 6 year old and a 9 year old here. The Hobbit is about as far as I'll go with the six year old as far as adult themes, and I caved on that one in a moment of weakness (I wanted to see the damned thing too, and I figured letting him see it was my best bet). Some others they've enjoyed lately: Escape to Witch Mountain The Last Mimzy Air Bud and all the "buddy" movies (groan, I can't stand watching these). I'm thinking I may hit up all the Miyazaki movies soon. They saw Ponyo when they were younger, but I think they'd like all of them. My older child is obsessed with movies (like on the verge of Asperger's obsessed), so I'd like for him to at least watch stuff that isn't total shit, as he'll sit there and watch Super Buddies, Air Bud, Santa Buddies, and that dreck over and over if I let him, which causes no end of fights about what we're going to watch on family movie nights. |
Aladdin |
and yes. |
Have they seen Rudy?
<NBC> The more you know... . <NBC> |
Great soundtrack. |
Dallas Buyers Club was a fantastic performance all around. It can obviously be a bit depressing to start off with given the subject matter, but I think it has a positive note to it, and shows a man who was basically living for himself and completely ignorant can make a huge difference and impact once given a true purpose to his life and faced with an initial diagnosis of 30 days or less to live and ended up living many many years longer trying to do good for those facing the same epidemic he was.
"Riff raff! Street rat!
I don't buy that. If only they'd look clooooser." |
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/NOrgDbldcA4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
The Secret Garden Neverending Story Freaky Friday (the Jodie Foster one) Princess Bride The Black Stallion A Far Off Place A bit older maybe but as you mention they are mature, I loved Seems Like Old Times when I was a kid. Saw it when I was ten, but would have enjoyed it even a few years younger than that. |
Big (Tom Hanks) Parent Trap (Lindsay Lohan) Stardust The Last Starfighter Dragonslayer |
Some great recs. Thanks all.
I watched the Kings of Summer a copule of weeks ago. It is a very good flick, reminds me of some of the movies I watched as a kid in the mid 80's to early 90's.
Wes Anderson meets Rob Reiner |
Watched Prince Avalanche on new years day. It was a low budget, different kind of movie, probably artsier than I can truly appreciate, but those are good every now and then. Stars Paul Rudd, and the other guy you would know, but I don't know his name...he's been in stuff though. Nothing happens...so don't watch it if you like a lot of stuff to happen. Not a knee slapping comedy, very subtle. Watch at your own risk, and only if you don't mind nothing really happening for an entire movie.
There's obviously a story and a climax, but its not build up for an hour then we see the aliens then everybody dies in a gory battle. But nothing really happens. Posted via Mobile Device |
Still have yet to see the new Thor movie. Iron Man 3 was alright. Not the best of the 3 at all. Kick Ass 2 was disappointing. |
I'd forgotten all about Kick Ass 2. I was hoping it would be as good as the first, but it doesn't sound like it.
"Gotta keep one jump ahead of the breadline One swing ahead of the sword. I steal only what I can't afford ..And that's everything!" We could go on forever. |
Shining, shimmering, splendid..... |
Land Before Time was great. They went on for too damn long after they made the 16th one but whatevs.
He's really into music as well. His first song he "wrote" contained the lyrics "Petrie in the sky, flying so high" sung while he banged on drums and his little brother thrashed a guitar into oblivion. |
Spirited Away Howl's Moving Castle |
Oh, and The Prince Of Egypt was pretty good.
I thought Thor: The Dark World was pretty good.
The main villain was pretty lame and the fight scenes didn't really do it for me but the comic relief alone was worth it. Pretty much any scene with Loki was tits. Also:
If you're looking for a good family friendly movie, my two favorite ones (I'm a sap for dogs) Bolt and Hachi (the movie is actually not as cheesy as I thought)
If you want the exact opposite, watch some korean movies. These movies are ****ing brilliant, but unbelievably graphic. Man from Nowhere is violent but tremendous. Oldboy is really ****ed up, but terrific. |
I was laying around on the couch last night trying to find something to watch, and found "That's My Boy" about 5 minutes in. Figured "eh...why not"
I was actually laughing my ass off. lots of 'wrong' parts etc. |
This isnt a new movie, but it was new to me. It is called Existenz (1999). Movie was extremely awesome. It is similar to an Inception-esque type movie, but better. Left me asking a lot of questions at the end of the movie. I give it an 8/5/10.
Another of my favorites from that era was "Ladyhawke". I went to find it recently and it looks like it might be out of print. It's pretty expensive for an old movie. If you liked "Stardust" there is also "The Golden Compass". It wasn't great but I found it entertaining. They were supposed to make the sequels but it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. |
Also, if NewChiefs' son likes fantasy, DragonHeart isn't too bad.
You mentioned Miyazaki earlier. I would definitely recommend them. My boys really enjoyed them, especially the earlier ones like "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" and "My Neighbor Totoro". |
You need more than just the one rail like at the beginning. Coke wears off in less than an hr and you feel worse than before. But if you got a gram of some good shit you can be "straight". |
A few more good family night movies:
Searching for Bobby Fischer October Sky Hoosiers Mad Hot Ballroom WarGames House of Cards |
Here are a few others that an Existenz fan might enjoy: Videodrome and Naked Lunch |
Thats a damn shame and no wonder it fell off the charts so fast, Cage can really pick them these days... not. |
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