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petegz28 01-09-2009 03:32 PM

What would you do if your neighbor....
Ok, as some of you have heard me complain before, the neighbors who live behind me\across the street installed a 10ft lamppost in their front yard. It is excessively bright. I by that I mean it outshines the streetlights easily. The ligh illuminates the entire backside of my house meaning it shines right through my dining room window and bedroom window. I cannot sit on my deck when it is on as it is like having a light shined righ tin your face.

So, what I have done so far....I tolerated it and paid $500 to put in a tree to help block it. That does a meh job. So I thought oh well until....CHRISTMAS TIME! What is so special about CHRISTMAS TIME and the Lamp? I will tell you....

The people put exterior x-mas lights on their home and guess what...they had to turn off their light so they could be seen. Day after x-mas the light was back on in all of its blinding beauty.

So I finally looked up the code and found an "Unlawul Illumination" code that states basically your light cannot shine across your property line to the point it is a nuisance. So I filed a complaint with the city.

The city in turn said this is an exception to municiple code and they forwarded it to the Police. The Police contacted me and said they are waiting for the blessing from the city prosector to allow a citation. This is where it gets good...

If they do get the blessing, I of course have to sign a complaint and possibly appear in court to have the light dimmed or removed.

I am half willing to accept reimbursement for the $500 for the tree I put in, though that does me no good in the winter. The wife says I should let it go. My best friemd says "**** em' they should of thought about that when they put in the light".

So would you follow it all the way to court? Or am I being a bigger dick than usual? :shrug:

Updated: Talked to him, asked him to either wait until 10:00 to turn it on or get a dimmer bulb.....light was off last night so he is being cool though I could tell by his town he wasn't happy about the purpose of my visit

Frazod 01-09-2009 03:34 PM

Pellet gun.

After you've shot the bulb out enough times, they'll get the message.

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 5373379)
Pellet gun.

After you've shot the bulb out enough times, they'll get the message.

I don't know if that would do it. The thing is pretty strudy. It literaly belongs in a parking lot. Seriously.

Carlota69 01-09-2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373372)
Ok, as some of you have heard me complain before, the neighbors who live behind me\across the street installed a 10ft lamppost in their front yard. It is excessively bright. I by that I mean it outshines the streetlights easily. The ligh illuminates the entire backside of my house meaning it shines right through my dining room wind and bedroom window. I cannot sit on my deck when it is on as it is like having a light shined righ tin your face.

So, what I have done so far....I tolderated it and paid $500 to put in a tree to help block it. That does a meh job. So I thought oh well until....CHRISTMAS TIME! What is so special about CHRISTMAS TIME and the Lamp? I will tell you....

The people put exterior x-mas lights on their home and guess what...they had to turn off their light so they could be seen. Day after x-mas the light was back on in all of its blinding beauty.

So I finally looke dup the code and found an "Unlawul Illumination" code that states basically your light cannot shine across your property line to the point it is a nuiscance. So I filed a complaint with the city.

The city in turn said this is an exception to municiple code and they forwarded it to the Police. The Police contacted me and said they are waiting for the blessing from the city prosector to allow a citation. This is where it gets good...

If they do get the blessing, I of course have to sign a complaint and possibly appear in court to have the light dimmed or removed.

I am half willing to accept reimbursement for the $500 for the tree I put in, though that does me no good in the winter. The wife says I should let it go. My best friemd says "**** em' they should of thought about that when they put in the light".

So would you follow it all the way to court? Or am I being a bigger dick than usual? :shrug:

Personally, if the light is a huge nussance to the point that you can't enjoy serenity in your backyard, or bedroom, I'd be in court.

wutamess 01-09-2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373372)
Ok, as some of you have heard me complain before, the neighbors who live behind me\across the street installed a 10ft lamppost in their front yard. It is excessively bright. I by that I mean it outshines the streetlights easily. The ligh illuminates the entire backside of my house meaning it shines right through my dining room wind and bedroom window. I cannot sit on my deck when it is on as it is like having a light shined righ tin your face.

So, what I have done so far....I tolderated it and paid $500 to put in a tree to help block it. That does a meh job. So I thought oh well until....CHRISTMAS TIME! What is so special about CHRISTMAS TIME and the Lamp? I will tell you....

The people put exterior x-mas lights on their home and guess what...they had to turn off their light so they could be seen. Day after x-mas the light was back on in all of its blinding beauty.

So I finally looke dup the code and found an "Unlawul Illumination" code that states basically your light cannot shine across your property line to the point it is a nuiscance. So I filed a complaint with the city.

The city in turn said this is an exception to municiple code and they forwarded it to the Police. The Police contacted me and said they are waiting for the blessing from the city prosector to allow a citation. This is where it gets good...

If they do get the blessing, I of course have to sign a complaint and possibly appear in court to have the light dimmed or removed.

I am half willing to accept reimbursement for the $500 for the tree I put in, though that does me no good in the winter. The wife says I should let it go. My best friemd says "**** em' they should of thought about that when they put in the light".

So would you follow it all the way to court? Or am I being a bigger dick than usual? :shrug:


Simply Red 01-09-2009 03:36 PM

Antifreeze never expires.

Buck 01-09-2009 03:37 PM

**** that, you need to shine a flood light right back at them.

Get like three of them bitches and focus them all on the same point.

That'll learn 'em.

wutamess 01-09-2009 03:37 PM

Uh, Eddie, Have you tried talking to the neighbor about it?

aturnis 01-09-2009 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 5373379)
Pellet gun.

After you've shot the bulb out enough times, they'll get the message.


Also works with annoying dogs. If you don't like being mean to animals, just leave the neighbors gate open, and the dog should find his/her way out of your hair!:D

Buck 01-09-2009 03:38 PM

One time I was in the ghetto sitting in the passenger seat of a car and all the sudden I had a laser pointed at me. All I could see was the red laser point on my chest and It scared the shit out of me.

Just randomly point lasers into their windows.

BigChiefFan 01-09-2009 03:38 PM

Listen to your wife and buy some curtains.

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by wutamess (Post 5373395)
Uh, Eddie, Have you tried talking to the neighbor about it?

No and for a few reasons:

1. I do not know them
2. Anyone who would keep a light on so bright isn't going to care
3. Anyon who realizes the light is so bright they have to turn it off so their x-mas lights will eb visible, tne they turn it back on, isn't going to care
4. Since I do not know them you never know what sort of confrontation may occur.

Ultra Peanut 01-09-2009 03:39 PM

Once they're dead, you're going to chop up the limbs. You'll put those in little plastic baggies, and... okay, this is important. Do you have a blowtorch?

Simply Red 01-09-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by wutamess (Post 5373395)
Uh, Eddie, Have you tried talking to the neighbor about it?


petegz28 01-09-2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefFan (Post 5373401)
Listen to your wife and buy some curtains.

So I should not sit out on my deck either?

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 5373379)
Pellet gun.

After you've shot the bulb out enough times, they'll get the message.


petegz28 01-09-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ultra Peanut (Post 5373403)
Once they're dead, you're going to chop up the limbs. You'll put those in little plastic baggies, and... okay, this is important. Do you have a blowtorch?

I can get one

Buck 01-09-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373407)
So I should not sit out on my deck either?

What kind of fence is in between the houses?

BigChiefFan 01-09-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373407)
So I should not sit out on my deck either?

So you only use your deck at night?

Ebolapox 01-09-2009 03:42 PM

wasn't there a movie with samuel l jackson about this? maplewood terrace?

wutamess 01-09-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373402)
No and for a few reasons:

1. I do not know them
2. Anyone who would keep a light on so bright isn't going to care
3. Anyon who realizes the light is so bright they have to turn it off so their x-mas lights will eb visible, tne they turn it back on, isn't going to care
4. Since I do not know them you never know what sort of confrontation may occur.

Or maybe... Just maybe they don't give a shit about the backyard light and have no idea that it's bothering you or too bright for you since it is in "the backyard".

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding (Post 5373415)
What kind of fence is in between the houses?

Typical wooden privacy fence, but their light stands about 4 ft above it.

the light is every bit of 10ft if not more

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by wutamess (Post 5373420)
Or maybe... Just maybe they don't give a shit about the backyard light and have no idea that it's bothering you or too bright for you since it is in "the backyard".

Maybe. They obviously don't care about the houses right across the street from them as well that face them.

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefFan (Post 5373417)
So you only use your deck at night?

Correct. No one should enjoy their property after dark.

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 5373427)
Correct. No one should enjoy their property after dark.

:cuss: :D

Ultra Peanut 01-09-2009 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373413)
I can get one

You're going to use that on the torso. If you have access to an incinerator, that would be an ideal method for disposal.

How does serving ground-up neighbor meat to people you don't really like very much sound? Just a suggestion, of course. That's really the time to get creative, so feel free to experiment (within reason)!

Hoover 01-09-2009 03:46 PM

Ive got two of those 4 globe old fashioned lights by my two entrances. They are effin bright, I've put the lowest watt bulbs I can find but having four of them on each post is a lot. The one close to the neighbor goes off at 10 pm, the one by the garage goes off at midnight.

That said I'd ask them to see if they can get a lower wattage bulb or see if it can be turned off at a certain hour.

BigChiefFan 01-09-2009 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 5373427)
Correct. No one should enjoy their property after dark.

The point is, the SUNLIGHT doesn't seem to bother them, okay, big kahuna?

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hoover (Post 5373436)
Ive got two of those 4 globe old fashioned lights by my two entrances. They are effin bright, I've put the lowest watt bulbs I can find but having four of them on each post is a lot. The one close to the neighbor goes off at 10 pm, the one by the garage goes off at midnight.

That said I'd ask them to see if they can get a lower wattage bulb or see if it can be turned off at a certain hour.

This comes on at dusk and statys on until dawn

Actually I would want it kept off until a certain hour.

Pitt Gorilla 01-09-2009 03:48 PM

1) Shoot it out repeatedly.

2) Antifreeze.

Good Lord, a gun and antifreeze can solve pretty much any problem you encounter.

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefFan (Post 5373437)
The point is, the SUNLIGHT doesn't seem to bother them, okay, big kahuna?

Bother Pete? Are you trying to suggest that sitting out on one's deck in the sunlight is the same as enduring high-powered artificial light from a neighbor?

Mark M 01-09-2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373402)
No and for a few reasons:

1. I do not know them
2. Anyone who would keep a light on so bright isn't going to care
3. Anyon who realizes the light is so bright they have to turn it off so their x-mas lights will eb visible, tne they turn it back on, isn't going to care
4. Since I do not know them you never know what sort of confrontation may occur.

Um ... not be a jerk, but if you don't know them, how the hell do you know if they'll care or not?

And unless you go over there and immediately start being a complete jackass, not sure why you'd be worried about any confrontation. Again, you admit you don't know them, so how could you have any clue at all of how they'd react?

IMHO, you should have talked to them before any of this started. Oh, and the pellet gun is an idiotic idea since they'll probably figure out who's doing it, and then you'll be the defendant in court.

At this point, your only option (other than getting over it -- and I completely understand why you won't) is to follow through on the complaint.


Buck 01-09-2009 03:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Do they have grass in their backyard?

I'm thinking something like this.

BigCatDaddy 01-09-2009 03:50 PM

Go buy a couple of lawn chairs and hang out in front of the garage.

Johnny Vegas 01-09-2009 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373407)
So I should not sit out on my deck either?

just go and talk to them about it. You're blowing this out of proportion. Don't be a dick about it. Just say you're not the one that complains a whole lot, but could you dim the light so I can get some privacy out of your back yard. Perhaps we can work something out where I can help you move it so its not visible from outer space. I'm sorry, but quit hiding behind the computer and go and do something about it yourself without clogging the courts with this. I hate to be frank about it.

BigChiefFan 01-09-2009 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 5373445)
Bother Pete? Are you trying to suggest that sitting out on one's deck in the sunlight is the same as enduring high-powered artificial light from a neighbor?

I'm just trying to have fun in a thread that could easily be solved with some common sense approach, but Pete wants to take it to court, when I'm sure a simple conversation couldn't have prevented all this headache and potential embarassment, but whatever.

jspchief 01-09-2009 03:52 PM

Are you the only neighbor that it bothers? If not, maybe you could try sending an anonymous letter explaining the situation. Mention that you felt it was best to ask politely before pursuing code enforcement.

Basically ask them as nicely as possible, while letting them know that there are further measures that can be taken if they decide to not a give a shit about the feelings of their neighbors.

kcxiv 01-09-2009 03:53 PM

First talk to them and explain. This is a must to do first. If this didit work. I honestly would pay some kids to break that shit one night. Hell, i used to do this kind of stuff when i was a kid. lol

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefFan (Post 5373464)
I'm just trying to have fun in a thread that could easily be solved with some common sense approach, but Pete wants to take it to court, when I'm sure a simple conversation couldn't have prevented all this headache and potential embarassment, but whatever.

Then I missed the sarcasm. My bad.

I agree that talking to these people should be step #1.

Sure-Oz 01-09-2009 03:54 PM

Post pics of said light

petegz28 01-09-2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by BigChiefFan (Post 5373464)
I'm just trying to have fun in a thread that could easily be solved with some common sense approach, but Pete wants to take it to court, when I'm sure a simple conversation couldn't have prevented all this headache and potential embarassment, but whatever.

Inver said I wanted to take it to court. I even spent $500 to put a tree to try and block it. What pissed me off is when they shut it off so their x-mas lights could be seen then cranked it back up. Obviously they are not clueless as to how bright it is.

patteeu 01-09-2009 03:55 PM

Why not try to politely ask them to replace the bulb with a dimmer version first before you go trying to get them in trouble with the city?

sedated 01-09-2009 03:55 PM

Anyone who goes straight for legal action before simply expressing their level of annoyance is a pretty big douche in my book. And kind of a coward.

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 5373474)
Post pics of said light

This needs to happen.

TrebMaxx 01-09-2009 03:56 PM

I would have gone and asked them politely if something could be worked out. Even now I would suggest to do the same before any charges are brought and if they react like jackass go through with the courts. If they respond favorably, maybe they just didn't realize how the light intruded on you, then call the city prosecutor's office and request to drop the compliant.

keg in kc 01-09-2009 03:57 PM

Buy a really loud dog and put him outside at roughly the same time the light comes on.

OnTheWarpath15 01-09-2009 03:57 PM

Well, the pellet gun idea is a no-go now that you've officially filed a complaint.

I'd continue your current course of action.

I mean, FFS, the thing must be brighter than God's flashlight if they had to turn it off so their Christmas lights could be seen.

They obviously have no concern for anyone else, or no common sense that this thing might be a nuisance to others - or both.

In the meantime, I'd raise your blinds, and cover every window that is affected in heavy-duty Reynolds Wrap. One, it will absolutely block out the light. Two, it might cause enough reflection that they get the ****ing hint.

(These suggestions are absolutely reeruned, but WGAS)

Mark M 01-09-2009 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373476)
Inver said I wanted to take it to court. I even spent $500 to put a tree to try and block it. What pissed me off is when they shut it off so their x-mas lights could be seen then cranked it back up. Obviously they are not clueless as to how bright it is.


But they may be clueless as to it bothering people - especially if none of their neighbors have the guts to talk to them about it, or from people who hang out on their decks at night and are unable to put up curtains ...


sedated 01-09-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373402)
No and for a few reasons:

1. I do not know them
2. Anyone who would keep a light on so bright isn't going to care
3. Anyon who realizes the light is so bright they have to turn it off so their x-mas lights will eb visible, tne they turn it back on, isn't going to care
4. Since I do not know them you never know what sort of confrontation may occur.

you know what happens when you assume.

a month from now there will be another thread about the dickhead neighbor who took them to court rather than just coming over letting them know that their light is bothering him.

Demonpenz 01-09-2009 03:59 PM

i remember we had this light outside to stop intruders from coming on our property. We had to take it down, next day I was raped

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 5373482)
This needs to happen.

I ahve in other threads I wil dig them up later.. I just typed up a letter I am going to leave with them as I do not think they are home until later and I am going out, damn it!

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 04:00 PM

Maybe we can nominate the CP poster who is the most fluent in dumbass to write them a really nice note asking for their cooperation?

I'm not teeing this up for anyone. TIA.

Edit: I was writing this when Pete typed his response. Purely a coincidence. lol.

munkey 01-09-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373476)
I even spent $500 to put a tree to try and block it.

I had the same problem with a neighbor a few years back...I simply went over and told them the light was keeping us up and was basically a nuisance. They simply started turning it off around 10PM every night and we've never had a problem since.

Spending money on blinds or say a $500.00 tree never crossed my mind...

Chiefnj2 01-09-2009 04:01 PM

You are afraid to go over and talk to them because it may lead to confrontation, but you are willing to file a complaint and have the police go to them? That's not confrontational? That's like skipping the dog dare and going right to the triple dog dare.

Ring the bell, introduce yourself and ask them if they noticed the tree you planted. Explain to them you planted the tree because of their light and you didn't want to cause problems, but during the winter months the tree doesn't shade you at all and the light is a problem.

If they are decent people they will tell you that you are an idiot for not coming to them sooner and they will do something about the light. If they aren't decent people they will tell you that you are an idiot and to get off their property at which time you file the complaint and buy a spotlight that illuminates the top of your fence where you just hung your brand new thermometer that you must checki all night long.

DeezNutz 01-09-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373496)
I ahve in other threads I wil dig them up later.. I just typed up a letter I am going to leave with them as I do not think they are home until later and I am going out, damn it!

For the record, I wouldn't do this.

If they react negatively, they'll have the letter in front of the them to continue to incite them. Conversations are more quickly forgotten. Plus, in person they'll see that you're not trying to be an ass.

munkey 01-09-2009 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373496)
I ahve in other threads I wil dig them up later.. I just typed up a letter I am going to leave with them as I do not think they are home until later and I am going out, damn it!

I wouldn't leave a letter....but that's just me... :)

Johnny Vegas 01-09-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373496)
I ahve in other threads I wil dig them up later.. I just typed up a letter I am going to leave with them as I do not think they are home until later and I am going out, damn it!

thats whats wrong with the world today. Letters are the new way to confront problems. Does not work. Whats wrong with good old fashion face to face talk?

Chiefnj2 01-09-2009 04:06 PM

When you meet them it will help to be nice and be a little off kilter. Repeatedly ask them what that annoying buzzing sound is and stare off into space while picking your teeth with a Bowie knife.

Mark M 01-09-2009 04:07 PM

You know, it just occurred to me to ask this:

You'll spend $500 planting a tree, but not five minutes to talk to them? WTF?

On a related note, remind me never ask you for financial advice ...


Moon§hiner 01-09-2009 04:08 PM

Put in a horseshoe pit. Nothing like pitching shoes with a few noisy drunken friends at night. Then thank the neighbor for putting up the light.

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by munkey (Post 5373513)
I wouldn't leave a letter....but that's just me... :)

Actually I just talked to the male of the house....some big black guy who stole another white woman... ROFL

They said they will take care of it so, we shall see. The letter was in case they were not home.

Sure-Oz 01-09-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373547)
Actually I just talked to the male of the house....some big black guy who stole another white woman... ROFL

They said they will take care of it so, we shall see. The letter was in case they were not home.

He's gonna kill you

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 5373500)
You are afraid to go over and talk to them because it may lead to confrontation, but you are willing to file a complaint and have the police go to them? That's not confrontational? That's like skipping the dog dare and going right to the triple dog dare.

Ring the bell, introduce yourself and ask them if they noticed the tree you planted. Explain to them you planted the tree because of their light and you didn't want to cause problems, but during the winter months the tree doesn't shade you at all and the light is a problem.

If they are decent people they will tell you that you are an idiot for not coming to them sooner and they will do something about the light. If they aren't decent people they will tell you that you are an idiot and to get off their property at which time you file the complaint and buy a spotlight that illuminates the top of your fence where you just hung your brand new thermometer that you must checki all night long.

No, that's called keeping my ass or their ass out of jail over a petty argument that could erupt.

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 5373550)
He's gonna kill you

that's why I own gunS :D

dirk digler 01-09-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 5373500)
You are afraid to go over and talk to them because it may lead to confrontation, but you are willing to file a complaint and have the police go to them? That's not confrontational? That's like skipping the dog dare and going right to the triple dog dare.

Ring the bell, introduce yourself and ask them if they noticed the tree you planted. Explain to them you planted the tree because of their light and you didn't want to cause problems, but during the winter months the tree doesn't shade you at all and the light is a problem.

If they are decent people they will tell you that you are an idiot for not coming to them sooner and they will do something about the light. If they aren't decent people they will tell you that you are an idiot and to get off their property at which time you file the complaint and buy a spotlight that illuminates the top of your fence where you just hung your brand new thermometer that you must checki all night long.

I agree with this.

Log off ChiefsPlanet and walk your ass over to the next trailer and ask them very nicely to do something about the light so you can sit in the back of your trailerbed...err I mean deck while not being blinded to death.

Fish 01-09-2009 04:15 PM

Tomorrow's headline: KC Man Sodomizes Neighbor with Light Pole

Johnny Vegas 01-09-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373551)
No, that's called keeping my ass or their ass out of jail over a petty argument that could erupt.

so you're the one who will start the fight?

dirk digler 01-09-2009 04:16 PM

Damn I am slow. Good job Pete you handled it the right way instead of involving the 5-0

MOhillbilly 01-09-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373551)
No, that's called keeping my ass or their ass out of jail over a petty argument that could erupt.

just move to the country, not my part though.

munkey 01-09-2009 04:16 PM

I will say one thing however...

If my neighbor turned me in for something of this nature and I prevailed I'd put an even brighter light in since your actions basically tell me all I need to know about you.....

Case in point:

I have another neighbor that's been telling other neighbors that our fence is on his property and he's going to force me to have it surveyed. When I confronted him about it he completely denied it and then apologized....I asked him what he was sorry about and he said for all the confusion...lying sack of shit. He just didn't have the balls to admit he has nothing better to do then stir the pot and drink beer all day (he spent the last two years in Iraq driving truck...unfortunately he cam back).

f*&k I hate neighbors...can't wait to get back to the country.

munkey 01-09-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 5373547)
Actually I just talked to the male of the house....some big black guy who stole another white woman... ROFL

They said they will take care of it so, we shall see. The letter was in case they were not home.

disregard last post...:clap:

Good for you. Now was that so hard? ;)

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by badmajama (Post 5373567)
so you're the one who will start the fight?

Ye, I am going to start a fight......:grr:

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by munkey (Post 5373581)
disregard last post...:clap:

Good for you. Now was that so hard? ;)

Dude, where I grew up, this would of been taking my life in my own hve to understand that.

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by dirk digler (Post 5373568)
Damn I am slow. Good job Pete you handled it the right way instead of involving the 5-0

I Was not against a city complaint and a fine. That sends a message. But when the city said the cops had to get involved...not really the way I want to go......yet.

KChiefs1 01-09-2009 04:23 PM

I hate neighbors....we live in the country but we have a gravel road that goes down about a mile with 2 houses on it...they have kids who incessantly ride their 4-wheelers up & down the road all day...the sound is very loud & obnoxious but I've put up with I noticed tire tracks in my yard on top of that...of course I've never seen them do it but it's pretty obvious along with the fresh gravel I just paid for all over my friggin' yard too.

What would you do?

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by KChiefs1 (Post 5373602)
I hate neighbors....we live in the country but we have a gravel road that goes down about a mile with 2 houses on it...they have kids who incessantly ride their 4-wheelers up & down the road all day...the sound is very loud & obnoxious but I've put up with I noticed tire tracks in my yard on top of that...of course I've never seen them do it but it's pretty obvious along with the fresh gravel I just paid for all over my friggin' yard too.

What would you do?

Rock salt and a shotgun come to mind. :evil:

kepp 01-09-2009 04:29 PM

Yeah, I'm thinking you always have to try the civil approach first without making assumptions about their response. Try to work it out with them and if that doesn't work, you're absolutely entitled to get the law involved.

nstygma 01-09-2009 04:30 PM

antifreeze!! duh


Micjones 01-09-2009 04:31 PM

Have you ever addressed the matter with your neighbors?

petegz28 01-09-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Micjones (Post 5373627)
Have you ever addressed the matter with your neighbors?

Ok, you get points deducted for being late to the convo...:D

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