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listopencil 05-05-2006 09:00 PM

What Does the "Buddy List" do?
The threads on rep and Ignore reminded me about this. I added a few people just to see what it does a while ago and forgot about it. Does anyone know what happens when you put people on your "Buddy List"? Nothing happened that I noticed.

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:01 PM

I think it makes it easier to address PMs. I think.

But I'm not really certain. I don't believe I've ever actually used the feature. Generally, I can remember my friends without the use of a list.

DomerNKC 05-05-2006 09:02 PM

both of them phil???

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:02 PM

I would also like to ask a question:

whats the rules on having animated boobs showing on a avatar? Is it against the rules?

JazzzLovr 05-05-2006 09:02 PM

Not a lot. :)

The arrowhead to the farthest left of those 5 in the top right corner of the page opens the buddy list in a new window. If you open that up, you can use the check boxes to send PMs, or click on their ID to see their profile.

On the main page, where it lists peoples names that are online right now, anyone on your list will have a "+" by their name.

That's about all that I know of.

JazzzLovr 05-05-2006 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
I think it makes it easier to address PMs. I think.

But I'm not really certain. I don't believe I've ever actually used the feature. Generally, I can remember my friends without the use of a list.

Who are you again?


DomerNKC 05-05-2006 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I would also like to ask a question:

whats the rules on having animated boobs showing on a avatar? Is it against the rules?

i like boobies, got any to share???

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by DomerNKC
i like boobies, got any to share???


Don't say I didn't warn you.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by DomerNKC
i like boobies, got any to share???

I just want to know about the avatar, does anyone know?

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

Don't say I didn't warn you.

what do you know? nothing thats what

unlurking 05-05-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I just want to know about the avatar, does anyone know?

I think the rule of thumb, is that they must be your own.

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
what do you know? nothing thats what

Your last boyfriend wants to sell all his earthly posessions and travel the country in a frick'n van down by the river. That's all I need to know. You must have really done a number on him.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Your last boyfriend wants to sell all his earthly posessions and travel the country in a frick'n van down by the river. That's all I need to know. You must have really done a number on him.


you got an answer to my question

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by badgirl
what do you know? nothing thats what

I know I'm one step ahead of you, because I know where to find one of these:


badgirl 05-05-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I know I'm one step ahead of you, because I know where to find one of these:


So Do I !!!!

unlurking 05-05-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Your last boyfriend wants to sell all his earthly posessions and travel the country in a frick'n van down by the river. That's all I need to know. You must have really done a number on him.

That's actually not too bad when it comes to the psycho half. At least he didn't go gay.

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl

That's what my ex-wife used to say to me all the time. She was humping everybody in the neighborhood except for me. Is that your final answer?

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
So Do I !!!!

Yeah, after I showed you an example.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
That's what my ex-wife used to say to me all the time. She was humping everybody in the neighborhood except for me. Is that your final answer?

I'd like to have a final answer to my friggin' question.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking
That's actually not too bad when it comes to the psycho half. At least he didn't go gay.


badgirl 05-05-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Yeah, after I showed you an example.

Oh yea, thank you so much

teach me oh grasshopper, show me the way

unlurking 05-05-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I'd like to have a final answer to my friggin' question.

I answered your question. Either flash or get off the pot.

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I'd like to have a final answer to my friggin' question.

Why are you asking me? I don't know anything about anything at this place. I'm just a generic user here.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Why are you asking me? I don't know anything about anything at this place. I'm just a generic user here.

Oh by the way I also joined "warpaint" today ROFL

Take That :p

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Oh by the way I also joined "warpaint" today ROFL

Take That :p

Hey Phobia, can you say "stalker"?

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Hey Phobia, can you say "stalker"?

what the frig ever, your crazy.


Phobia 05-05-2006 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Oh by the way I also joined "warpaint" today ROFL

Take That :p

Crap. Warpaint does not have a specific policy regarding animated breasts as an avatar.

Did you join and post or did you just "join". For a registration to be official, you have to post at least once over there. Scout also has a Titans site. You don't have to register again though, just head over and check it out.

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Hey Phobia, can you say "stalker"?

I can handle a female stalker. In fact, that might be kinda interesting. It's no fun at all to hear a dude breathing heavily through the phone. That dude was one crazy psycho.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Scout also has a Titans site. You don't have to register again though, just head over and check it out.

Maybe she thought she'd enjoy the Titan's board because that's what is written on the side of her favorite adult toy?

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Crap. Warpaint does not have a specific policy regarding animated breasts as an avatar.

Did you join and post or did you just "join". For a registration to be official, you have to post at least once over there. Scout also has a Titans site. You don't have to register again though, just head over and check it out.

is it the same titans board as the one I am already on? I just registered I did not post yet.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Maybe she thought she'd enjoy the Titan's board because that's what is written on the side of her favorite adult toy?

I was on the Titans board before I was on the Planet.

Oh an my favorite adult toy says Simplex3 turbo on the side of it. :p

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Maybe she thought she'd enjoy the Titan's board because that's what is written on the side of her favorite adult toy?

Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic.

What the hell?????

Phobia 05-05-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
is it the same titans board as the one I am already on? I just registered I did not post yet.

How should I know? Is it part of the network?

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
How should I know? Is it part of the network?

I don't know either. I don't think so.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic. Sometimes it says Titan. Sometimes it says Titanic.

Please. With that crater sometimes it says "Titanic was a really good movie starting that chump Leonardo Dick-caprio and the Kate chick." and sometimes it says "Titan".

unlurking 05-05-2006 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Please. With that crater sometimes it says "Titanic was a really good movie starting that chump Leonardo Dick-caprio and the Kate chick." and sometimes it says "Titan".


badgirl 05-05-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Please. With that crater sometimes it says "Titanic was a really good movie starting that chump Leonardo Dick-caprio and the Kate chick." and sometimes it says "Titan".

You don't know nothing about nothing

You must be going by the size of your wife, cause you don't know shit about me.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
You don't know nothing about nothing

You must be going by the size of your wife, cause you don't know shit about me.

Did I tell you that you could speak?

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Did I tell you that you could speak?

ha you must be relating to your wife, cause I don't take orders from assholes.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
ha you must be relating to your wife, cause I don't take orders from assholes.

I would never speak like that to my wife because I respect her as my equal.

However she never f**ked a guy in the head so bad that he wanted to drop his entire life and just fade away. See, I was on the business end of a bitch like that when I was young. I don't have much patience for that.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I would never speak like that to my wife because I respect her as my equal.

However she never f**ked a guy in the head so bad that he wanted to drop his entire life and just fade away. See, I was on the business end of a bitch like that when I was young. I don't have much patience for that.

You STILL don't know what the hell your talking about, you don't know why stumppy and I broke up....please explain why you think you know this? Why do you ASSume it was all my fault?

Maybe you should spend more time with that equal maybe her boy toy is running low on batteries by now.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
You STILL don't know what the hell your talking about, you don't know why stumppy and I broke up....please explain why you think you know this? Why do you ASSume it was all my fault?

I'm not laying fault, all I'm saying is the process left him all f**ked up. That means it was handled poorly. Recognize what kind of a mess that can leave a person in.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I'm not laying fault, all I'm saying is the process left him all f**ked up. That means it was handled poorly. Recognize what kind of a mess that can leave a person in.

Because he chooses to pack up and hit the road is MY fault he is a grown man, he can make his own damn decisions that has nothing to do with me. Maybe he is tired of that stinkhole Springfield and wants to get some fresh air, who the hell knows

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
What the hell?????

Oh come on. You didn't get that? That was freaking hilarious.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
Oh come on. You didn't get that? That was freaking hilarious.

No I didn't.

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
No I didn't.

Damn. No wonder stumppy broke up with you.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
Damn. No wonder stumppy broke up with you.

Who said Stumppy broke up with ME???? another ASSumption

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
Damn. No wonder stumppy broke up with you.

Maybe he was so bummed because after she left he realized what a dumbass he'd been for staying with her?


badgirl 05-05-2006 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Maybe he was so bummed because after she left he realized what a dumbass he'd been for staying with her?


Please you don't know shit, nothing, nada, so shut the hell up. :cuss:

Katipan 05-05-2006 09:51 PM

Stumppy said he dropped that trash. I think he said it right after those pictures of you at the bar with those dudes came on.

Oh. I wouldn't be so crass as to call you trash. Of course.

I'm just saying what he said.

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Who said Stumppy broke up with ME???? another ASSumption

Well, it's starting to get obvious.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
Stumppy said he dropped that trash. I think he said it right after those pictures of you at the bar with those dudes came on.

Oh. I wouldn't be so crass as to call you trash. Of course.

I'm just saying what he said.

I heard it was two lesbian bikers.

Iowanian 05-05-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
what do you know? nothing thats what

I thought you were taking your skank arse to a Titans board....

You know.....out of respect and whatnot.

He showed us those pictures of your cervix and I can't say I was suprised that it looked like you'd been smoking Cigarettes with it for a couple of decades.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
Stumppy said he dropped that trash. I think he said it right after those pictures of you at the bar with those dudes came on.

Oh. I wouldn't be so crass as to call you trash. Of course.

I'm just saying what he said.

I saw what he said about that, but its still a ASSumption to say he broke up with me. You all know nothing about why we broke up but what stumppy may have said and of course like any breakup it will be onesided on both sides.

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I heard it was two lesbian bikers.

Yep. And they had herpes.

Katipan 05-05-2006 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I saw what he said about that, but its still a ASSumption to say he broke up with me. You all know nothing about why we broke up but what stumppy may have said and of course like any breakup it will be onesided on both sides.

shrug he said it first and has photographic evidence. he wins.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I saw what he said about that, but its still a ASSumption to say he broke up with me. You all know nothing about why we broke up but what stumppy may have said and of course like any breakup it will be onesided on both sides.


Holy s**t, please don't leave. I can't buy this kind of entertainment. ROFL

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I thought you were taking your skank arse to a Titans board....

You know.....out of respect and whatnot.

He showed us those pictures of your cervix and I can't say I was suprised that it looked like you'd been smoking Cigarettes with it for a couple of decades.

Too fucking bad, why don't you go back to your damn cave and drag your old hag around by the hair some more.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
shrug he said it first and has photographic evidence. he wins.

He don't have shit. I'll tell you that right now

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
Yep. And they had herpes.

Damnit, couldn't you have said the clap, crabs, syphillis, anything but the herp?

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Damnit, couldn't you have said the clap, crabs, syphillis, anything but the herp?

Go to hell assholes.

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Damnit, couldn't you have said the clap, crabs, syphillis, anything but the herp?

Because I can't spell chlamydia.

Iowanian 05-05-2006 09:56 PM


It looks like I've found myself in teh Pusshidden adventure.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Damnit, couldn't you have said the clap, crabs, syphillis, anything but the herp?

ignore, ignore, ignore and count to 10

Katipan 05-05-2006 09:57 PM

Dear Abby,

There's this girl who broke up with her man. It was very sad but totally her doing. She was SOOOOOOOOOOO at peace with her decision that a week, two, three, who the hell cares, later she devoted an entire evening and thread to putting her ex down.

Is she confused, a compulsive liar, or just an attention whore?

- Anonymous in Scottsdale

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:57 PM

Hey, there we go. Spellcheck.

badgirl 05-05-2006 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
Because I can't spell chlamydia.

can you spell ASSHOLE?

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
ignore, ignore, ignore and count to 10

Yeah, whatever. I saw you post,"Go to hell assholes" first.

Simplex3 05-05-2006 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
ignore, ignore, ignore and count to 10

1 broken heart

2 lesbian bikers

3 stupid threads

4 threats to leave forever


badgirl 05-05-2006 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
Dear Abby,

There's this girl who broke up with her man. It was very sad but totally her doing. She was at peace with her decision that a week, two, three, who the hell cares, later she devoted an entire evening and thread to putting her ex down.

Is she confused, a compulsive liar, or just an attention whore?

- Anonymous in Scottsdale

I didn't bring up stumppys name Phobia did, get your damn facts straight she-man before you open your dicksucker.

listopencil 05-05-2006 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
can you spell ASSHOLE?

Can you not go back and edit your posts? It's lame-ass.

Iowanian 05-05-2006 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
he is tired of that stinkhole in Springfield and wants to get some fresh air

Thats why he said he wouldn't go down on your hatchet wound a 2nd time....

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
Yeah, whatever. I saw you post,"Go to hell assholes" first.


listopencil 05-05-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
1 broken heart

2 lesbian bikers

3 stupid threads

4 threats to leave forever


5 Herpes viruses.

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
Thats why he said he wouldn't go down on your hatchet wound a 2nd time....

I don't need him to

listopencil 05-05-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl

Is your keyboard sticky or something?

big nasty kcnut 05-05-2006 10:00 PM

I don't know anything but this is just stupid this fighting over allege pictures and break up and stuff. Let badgirl be ok this between her and stumppy. I'm not taking sides on this i think we should act reasonable.

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
Thats why he said he wouldn't go down on your hatchet wound a 2nd time....

I think he meant your wife when he said that.

Or possibly your mother.

listopencil 05-05-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by kcnut
I don't know anything but this is just stupid this fighting over allege pictures and break up and stuff. Let badgirl be ok this between her and stumppy. I'm not taking sides on this i think we should act reasonable.

Act reasonable? Not a chance in hell.

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