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KCChiefsMan 04-29-2004 11:47 PM

My theory: How to eliminate girls' control over sex

KCChiefsMan 04-29-2004 11:48 PM

My theory: How to eliminate girls' control over sex.

listopencil 04-29-2004 11:50 PM

That's funny, I haven't slept with every woman who wanted to sleep with me. And It's been offered quite a few times. Now that I am married it happens more than ever. Learn to master your penis.

Bob's Your Uncle 04-29-2004 11:51 PM

Wouldn't work. The sexbot would get predictable and boring after awhile. Kind of like a wife. ROFL

Bob Dole 04-29-2004 11:53 PM

Whatever you do, please refrain from giving us any background information regarding this topic.

Bob's Your Uncle 04-29-2004 11:55 PM

Here you go KCChiefsman:

Ebolapox 04-29-2004 11:55 PM

<img src="">


Ebolapox 04-29-2004 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
Girls have 100% control over sex, correct? girls go out to bars expecting to get hit on and can easily score ass whenever they want. Girls could go up to any guy and just say "Hey, wanna go have some sex?" and it's that easy for them. They don't do that because they have complete control. Girls can afford to be bitches when they want and they can easily turn down 10-20 guys in a night at a bar. Well folks, here is what we need to invent.

Realistic sex robots. Robots, or androids kinda, that feel and act real and are good at sex. They need to be very lifelike and affordable. They need to be able to move and easy to clean. If these were on the market, and most single guys had one. They wouldn't pursue girls with the passion we do now. We might try a little at the bar, but motivation would be at an all time low. Because we now if we don't go home with nothing that night, we always have our sex bots to screw when we get home. This would eliminate most of the control women have with sex. Girls would start hitting on guys and only the hot, rich celebrity type women would be able to remain the same.

This would be a revolution!
Somebody, steal my idea and invent this shit!


gochiefs had NOTHING on you, dawg


listopencil 04-30-2004 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Wow. I've been under the impression you might be a dipshit, but this seals it.

I'm.... I'm fucking speechless.

Maybe you should just retire. You and this guy can start a club or

Nobody told me that I could post my own comments on that site...

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:18 AM

Your threads and posts just kill me. Its like an 8th grade boy trying to really hard to be funny and cool in front of the other kids.

I don't why that image comes to my head but it does...

I love Chiefsplanet.

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Wow. I've been under the impression you might be a dipshit, but this seals it.

I'm.... I'm fucking speechless.

Maybe you should just retire. You and this guy can start a club or something.

oh, sorry that I cannot be the complete stud star you are.

You don't have my sense of humor. So what, are you offended by that? Did I offend you in any way?

Why don't you go screw yourself

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
Your threads and posts just kill me. Its like an 8th grade boy trying to really hard to be funny and cool in front of the other kids.

I don't why that image comes to my head but it does...

I love Chiefsplanet.

alright man, I have a sense of humor. I get ideas in my head.

Do you guys want me to apologize for that or something?

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
Do you guys want me to apologize for that or something?

Not at all. Why would you apologize?

stumppy 04-30-2004 12:31 AM

How wrong you are. Once they dip their toe in stumppy Lake............

well, need I say more?

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
oh, sorry that I cannot be the complete stud star you are.

You don't have my sense of humor. So what, are you offended by that? Did I offend you in any way?

Why don't you go screw yourself

ROFLROFLROFL Words can't describe...

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