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kstater 04-17-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by MediaCenterJunkie (Post 5679440)
Ok, so if someone sent Anna a Friends request on Myspace, and directed her here, who would want to bet that she would be appalled that Preston said they were dating?


Oh holy hell...

Donger 04-17-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ari Chi3fs (Post 5679439)
Hey Mer... Anna works at Staples at the 'LOO... if you want to go beat her down, for whatever reason. LMAO

Let me get this straight: this young woman posts her picture on a publicly accessible website and tells everyone where she works?

Bugeater 04-17-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 5679425)

Yeah, that's him.

Hootie 04-17-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679449)
Okay, for whatever reason I decided to stop back, and a couple things:

1) Said it'd stop after I left, that was incorrect
2) Anna is the one that sent me this link in the first place, and she knows damn well we're dating
3) You're all a bunch of lowlives and scum

that's it...

I'mma **** yo bitch!

burt 04-17-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679454)
Also, she also knows that I posted here and saw what I had said.

You just don't know how to quit you?

shitgoose 04-17-2009 02:12 PM

Seeing the picture of Rustshack reminds me of this kid I went to highschool with. His name was Rusty Hatch or something. Anyway, every morning the teacher would take role and when he would get to Rusty everyone in the class would yell "Snatch" right after the teacher said Rusty.

I'm pretty sure that kid has a list of names on his refrigerator of people he will eventually murder and my name is probably in the top 5.

We always asked him if his dad's name was Harry.

Bugeater 04-17-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679449)
3) You're all a bunch of lowlives and scum

Dude, you were so warned.

kstater 04-17-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679449)
Okay, for whatever reason I decided to stop back, and a couple things:

1) Said it'd stop after I left, that was incorrect
2) Anna is the one that sent me this link in the first place, and she knows damn well we're dating
3) You're all a bunch of lowlives and scum


Donger 04-17-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679449)
Okay, for whatever reason I decided to stop back, and a couple things:

1) Said it'd stop after I left, that was incorrect
2) Anna is the one that sent me this link in the first place, and she knows damn well we're dating
3) You're all a bunch of lowlives and scum

He's "in!"

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-17-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679449)
Okay, for whatever reason I decided to stop back, and a couple things:

1) Said it'd stop after I left, that was incorrect
2) Anna is the one that sent me this link in the first place, and she knows damn well we're dating
3) You're all a bunch of lowlives and scum

teedubya 04-17-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 5679456)
Let me get this straight: this young woman posts her picture on a publicly accessible website and tells everyone where she works?


Hootie 04-17-2009 02:13 PM


Donger 04-17-2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ari Chi3fs (Post 5679467)

That seems inadvisable.

kstater 04-17-2009 02:14 PM

BTW, Rustshack, you keep posting like normal. We'll leave you out of this.

Jenson71 04-17-2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679449)
3) You're all a bunch of lowlives and scum

That usually ends it.

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