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luv 01-09-2007 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Rausch is a liar.


luv 01-09-2007 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by J Diddy
this is the history channel and the discovery channel all rolled into one

about my favorite subject: alcohol

Tonights focus will be on the caloric value of various beers and the history of the making of Bacardi.

el borracho 01-09-2007 03:19 AM


Almost 320,000 Puerto Ricans in New York according to the 2000 census (down from almost 350,000 in 1990).

ShortRoundChief 01-09-2007 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Rausch is a liar.

and I don't know why there are so many Puerto Ricans in NY but I do know that there are many. Haven't you seen pictures or video of the parades?

man all the parades are on in the morning the day of a holiday

Theres next to no way in hell I'm getting up to watch a giant traffic jam with enormous floating balloons unless my son is into it

Thank god for the cartoon network

ShortRoundChief 01-09-2007 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Tonights focus will be on the caloric value of various beers and the history of the making of Bacardi.

what if you mixed 2 parts beer with 3 parts bacardi

damn I knew I should have bought that laboratory instead of going to the indy game

el borracho 01-09-2007 03:22 AM

Wow. Who knew?
Rum is a distilled beverage made from sugarcane by-products such as molasses and sugarcane juice by a process of fermentation and distillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually aged in beryllium casks.

el borracho 01-09-2007 03:24 AM

Hey, does anyone want to tell me why Rausch is a liar before I go?

luv 01-09-2007 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by J Diddy
what if you mixed 2 parts beer with 3 parts bacardi

damn I knew I should have bought that laboratory instead of going to the indy game

You went to the game!!!

luv 01-09-2007 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Hey, does anyone want to tell me why Rausch is a liar before I go?

Because he's a man? Does it have anything to do with the french?

I miss that boy. He gets married and quits posting!

ShortRoundChief 01-09-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by luv
You went to the game!!!

yeah met Big red chief, grandllama, and warpath for some beers afterwards, including an amazing cab ride with 5 people (my buddy with me, BRC, and grandllama aren't very small) that spanned 5 blocks and took about an hour

drove 8 hours there and 8 hours back to joplin

got in about 5 in the morning after leaving in the morning

luv 01-09-2007 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by J Diddy
yeah met Big red chief, grandllama, and warpath for some beers afterwards, including an amazing cab ride with 5 people (my buddy with me, BRC, and grandllama aren't very small) that spanned 5 blocks and took about an hour

drove 8 hours there and 8 hours back to joplin

got in about 5 in the morning after leaving in the morning

No pictures?

I would have been your buddy. I live on your way....your neighbor down I-44. I would have even driven all the way up to the north side of town to make it easier for you to pick me up! Oh well, little too late now. :)

ShortRoundChief 01-09-2007 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by luv
No pictures?

I would have been your buddy. I live on your way....your neighbor down I-44. I would have even driven all the way up to the north side of town to make it easier for you to pick me up! Oh well, little too late now. :)

Hell the tickets I had fell through about in rolla, hod to stop at a public library use their computer to purchase new tickets. I could have picked you up had to stop in springfield that's where my store's home office is. Wound up costing us about 45 minutes, seats weren't bad---stadium was. Colts fans weren't exactly the most football knowledgeable folks out there.

el borracho 01-09-2007 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Hey, does anyone want to tell me why Rausch is a liar before I go?

Last chance of the evening.

ShortRoundChief 01-09-2007 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
Last chance of the evening.

he told me but how can you believe him

el borracho 01-09-2007 03:43 AM

non lo so

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