TimBone |
05-30-2014 06:24 PM |
Houstonwhodat is dumb. If ignorance is bliss, he must be overjoyed. He may be the only person on this board who is wrong more often than Clay. Except it's not just about football takes. It's about everything. He claimed to be a foodie in one thread and then championed Rudy's in Texas as world class bbq.
He's also a racist. If there is a thread that has a chance to turn into a "ninja" hatefest, you can rest assured Houstonwhodat is lurking somewhere nearby waiting to pounce. He's the kind of guy that's super nice to a black guy when talking to them and then walks away feeling proud of himself for being such a wonderful humanitarian. Hes from New Orleans, and on days that he drives by the old plantations and sees the slave huts, he cant help but think of "the good ol' days."
He is to the Saints what Knowmo is to the donks. He regularly fantasizes of being sodomized by Drew Brees and Sean Payton in a back alley of the piss soaked streets of New Orleans. Jimmy Graham is his favorite player, and his favorite thing about him is that he's light skinned enough for Houstonwhodat to pretend he's white while he has his helmet on. He hates all mobile quarterbacks, as long as we're assuming mobile means black.
Idols: George Bush, Byron De La Beckwith, James Earl Rey, George Zimmerman, and the crazy bearded Vietnam vet that beat up the black dude on the bus.