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007 11-13-2017 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13215716)


DaneMcCloud 11-14-2017 10:40 AM

Fish 11-14-2017 10:48 AM

It's feeling more and more like they're setting up Rey's fall to the dark side. Or at least hinting at some light/dark confusion and angst for some reason. Which seems odd after selling tons of merchandise alluding to her being the next cool Jedi.

bowener 11-14-2017 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 13216270)
It's feeling more and more like they're setting up Rey's fall to the dark side. Or at least hinting at some light/dark confusion and angst for some reason. Which seems odd after selling tons of merchandise alluding to her being the next cool Jedi.

So following in the footsteps of Luke and mirroring Episode V?

Gravedigger 11-14-2017 11:55 AM

It's pretty obvious they're setting up Gray Jedi, a blend of light and dark. The only question I have is that what Luke has been doing on an island by himself, teaching himself both ways and isolating himself just in case the dark side should take over?

Ragged Robin 11-14-2017 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13209864)
According to the official release I just linked, the new trilogy will be outside the Skywalker saga and "introduce new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored."

So, we're getting a brand new story in a different part of the Star War galaxy, with an undetermined time line.

That's a ballsy move this early in the game. Wow.

Half a decade from now isn't "so soon" imo, I think it's great. The SW universe is way too rich and vast to just focus and make everything about the Skywalkers, even the current trilogy is a bit too derivative for my tastes. It would be great to see an "expanded" universe where the current crop of main characters are only side characters or alluded to.


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13214484)
Please, no.

"When I left you, I was but the learner."

"I sense something. A presence I've not felt since..."

They don't see each other between III and IV. Otherwise you're just shitting on canon.

I agree with this. I'd say it's even a stretch to believe he had ANY further adventures between Episode III and Episode IV (although I'm sure they probably will do this anyway). After the last scene in Episode III where he puts on the hood in Tatooine and drives off, it makes perfect sense for him to retire in hiding until Luke shows up.

bowener 11-14-2017 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 13216424)
It's pretty obvious they're setting up Gray Jedi, a blend of light and dark. The only question I have is that what Luke has been doing on an island by himself, teaching himself both ways and isolating himself just in case the dark side should take over?

Yes, probably. I do think that Rey will end up being "the balance", too. If you watch Rebels, they have been warming audiences to the idea of a middle path that force users can take.

DaneMcCloud 11-14-2017 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13216546)
Half a decade from now isn't "so soon" imo, I think it's great.

Half a decade? It's nearly 2018. The next trilogy will start in 2021.

It's a ballsy to move on from the latest trilogy so soon.


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13216546)
I agree with this. I'd say it's even a stretch to believe he had ANY further adventures between Episode III and Episode IV (although I'm sure they probably will do this anyway). After the last scene in Episode III where he puts on the hood in Tatooine and drives off, it makes perfect sense for him to retire in hiding until Luke shows up.

We've seen him kill Maul, once and for all, in Star Wars Rebels. Bail Organa spoke with Mon Mothma about "The Jedi" in Rogue One, being Obi Wan.

There's no way he sat around for 19 years, waiting for the right time to begin Luke's training.

Ragged Robin 11-15-2017 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13216570)
Half a decade? It's nearly 2018. The next trilogy will start in 2021.

It's a ballsy to move on from the latest trilogy so soon.

Force Awakens came out in 2016. 21 minus 16 is 5 years. 5 years is half a decade.


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13216570)
We've seen him kill Maul, once and for all, in Star Wars Rebels. Bail Organa spoke with Mon Mothma about "The Jedi" in Rogue One, being Obi Wan.

There's no way he sat around for 19 years, waiting for the right time to begin Luke's training.

The fact that they brought back Maul in that stupid kid's show and want to claim it as "canon" says it all.

DaneMcCloud 11-15-2017 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13218116)
Force Awakens came out in 2016. 21 minus 16 is 5 years. 5 years is half a decade.

Actually, TFA was released in 2015


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13218116)
The fact that they brought back Maul in that stupid kid's show and want to claim it as "canon" says it all.

I am so glad that you are participating in this thread.

Unparalleled insight.

Hammock Parties 11-16-2017 08:54 PM

DJ's left nut 11-17-2017 03:24 PM


keg in kc 11-17-2017 07:59 PM

150 minute run time I read somewhere earlier. Longest Star Wars film to date.

Hammock Parties 11-20-2017 01:14 AM


Hammock Parties 11-20-2017 01:55 AM

staring down snoke


full album

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