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QuikSsurfer 04-17-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679256)
I don't know the dude and I personally have no problem with him but Holly is my girls best friend and honestly i'd rather not have her face all over the ****ing internet.

I understand and I deeply apologize.

Bowser 04-17-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679256)
I don't know the dude and I personally have no problem with him but Holly is my girls best friend and honestly i'd rather not have her face all over the ****ing internet.

I don't condone it, but it's not like they were stolen out of a private collection. And really, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't come in here trying to talk down Rustshack. This is on you.

PhillyChiefFan 04-17-2009 01:44 PM

my god...

This thread is epic.

:popcorn: (back to the shadows)

teedubya 04-17-2009 01:44 PM

This thread makes me want to do the happy dance.

H4L0 04-17-2009 01:45 PM

I'm dating her. Jesus christ i'm not in a relationship with her. We hang out a lot, we drink, and I stay over at her place. That's all. I can date someone without them being my "girlfriend"

shitgoose 04-17-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSsurfer (Post 5679274)
I understand and I deeply apologize.


Hootie 04-17-2009 01:45 PM

as an almost 24 year old MAN...I find it depressing that dude can grow an amish beard and I can't.

Buck 04-17-2009 01:45 PM

How many hours until H4L0 figures it out?

PhillyChiefFan 04-17-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ari Chi3fs (Post 5679278)

This thread makes me want to do the happy dance.

ROFL, its great to be a sideliner for this thread.

Katipan 04-17-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Hootie (Post 5679282)
as an almost 24 year old MAN...I find it depressing that dude can grow an amish beard and I can't.

How do you feel meeting someone online that is grossly more immature than you are?

Donger 04-17-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSsurfer (Post 5679274)
I understand and I deeply apologize.


H4L0 04-17-2009 01:46 PM

You're acting like I forced you people to dig up pictures. Which, I didn't do.

DeezNutz 04-17-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSsurfer (Post 5679274)
I understand and I deeply apologize.

I actually laughed out loud.

Hootie 04-17-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679279)
I'm dating her. Jesus christ i'm not in a relationship with her. We hang out a lot, we drink, and I stay over at her place. That's all. I can date someone without them being my "girlfriend"

have you pounded her?

If you've pounded the bitch, you can at least stake claim.

If not...sleepovers don't make someone 'your girl'...

Besides, you are super gay if you're sleeping at her place and not slapping her clit with your dick...grow a pair.

Buck 04-17-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSsurfer (Post 5679274)
I understand and I deeply apologize.

I can't help but laugh.


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