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Ming the Merciless 04-30-2021 02:19 PM

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 02:20 PM

Two eyes from the east
It's the Angel or the Beast
And the answer lies between the good and bad

luv 04-30-2021 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
I want to say something before this whole thing gets out of control. In 1967, in the hot desert sun, a woman gave birth to a boy in the back of old pick up. She was a whore. She left the boy at a local church. The father at the church didn't like children, but he knew that being a disciple of the bible he couldn't possibly not take the small kid. Instead he ended up taking out his frustration on the boy. At the age of three, the boy was forced to use the toilet. Let me tell you the little fell into his own pile of poop more than once. By the age of 5, the boy the boy was reading the bible and chopping wood for the fire. Despite the father's harsh character, the boy loved him and thought of him as his true father. By the age of seven the father raped him three times. The boy ran away. He survived four days in the desert by eating cactus and scorpions. He was finally found by a drug cartel boss, who took the boy in. Mr. Sanchez was his name, and he was immediately impressed by the boys intelligence and grown up attitude. Mr. Sanchez provided the boy with an education at a private prep school and a nice house. The boy had sex for the first time when he was 12, the next year he graduated high school. He was the school's star running back. The boy was lost, although he liked Mr. Sanchez, he never thought of him as his father. The boy went to India, were he became a spiritual leader of a large tribe of farmers. With his power he turned the several plots that each tribe member had into a large corporate farm and became a millionaire. His assets grew as he bought into other successful start ups. He often got ahead in business with his great leadership abilities, but once in a while he used violence. This was India after all. By the time he was 22, the boy had all the money he would ever need. So he bought a yacht and traveled the world for 10 years. For 10 years he visited every major port, slept with girls from every country imaginable, and tried every drug ever made (by nature and by man). When he was 33, he was walking on a beach in French Guiana when he met a girl of Irish - Native American decent. She bared his seed. It was boy, perfect health. He moved them to Argentina, then London, and eventually Vermont. The man was 45 now, he has seen everything, accomplished everything, tried everything. He skied down the Swiss Alps, been at the North Pole, swam with hammerheads, everything! Yet he has never done one simple thing that we all take for granted every day, he met his father. He never played catch with his father, he never talked about women with his father. He never would. He died at the age of 63 when his parachute didn?t open when he was base jumping from Dagger Mountain in Washington, USA. Over three thousand people attended his funeral.
I know what you are thinking. How does this story relate to me? Well I want you to go all the way back to the beginning of the story and remember the woman who gave birth to this incredible boy. You are like this woman. You are like this women because you are a whore. And we are one post closer to 1000


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653752)
We would be like 8 posts closer if you had spread that out a bit.

Allow me....

luv 04-30-2021 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
I want to say something before this whole thing gets out of control. In 1967, in the hot desert sun, a woman gave birth to a boy in the back of old pick up. She was a whore. She left the boy at a local church. The father at the church didn't like children, but he knew that being a disciple of the bible he couldn't possibly not take the small kid. Instead he ended up taking out his frustration on the boy.


luv 04-30-2021 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
At the age of three, the boy was forced to use the toilet. Let me tell you the little fell into his own pile of poop more than once.


Donger 04-30-2021 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15653808)

Ricky Fowler, plow her.

luv 04-30-2021 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
By the age of 5, the boy the boy was reading the bible and chopping wood for the fire. Despite the father's harsh character, the boy loved him and thought of him as his true father.


luv 04-30-2021 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
By the age of seven the father raped him three times. The boy ran away. He survived four days in the desert by eating cactus and scorpions. He was finally found by a drug cartel boss, who took the boy in. Mr. Sanchez was his name, and he was immediately impressed by the boys intelligence and grown up attitude. Mr. Sanchez provided the boy with an education at a private prep school and a nice house.


luv 04-30-2021 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
The boy had sex for the first time when he was 12, the next year he graduated high school. He was the school's star running back. The boy was lost, although he liked Mr. Sanchez, he never thought of him as his father. The boy went to India, were he became a spiritual leader of a large tribe of farmers. With his power he turned the several plots that each tribe member had into a large corporate farm and became a millionaire. His assets grew as he bought into other successful start ups. He often got ahead in business with his great leadership abilities, but once in a while he used violence. This was India after all.


Rain Man 04-30-2021 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653761)
<div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="15168206" data-share-method="host" data-width="50%" data-aspect-ratio="1.7978339350180503"><a href="">Why Waste Time When Few Word Do Trick GIF</a> from <a href="">Whywastetime GIFs</a></div><script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>

I kind of think that this is the best line in television history.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

luv 04-30-2021 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
By the time he was 22, the boy had all the money he would ever need. So he bought a yacht and traveled the world for 10 years. For 10 years he visited every major port, slept with girls from every country imaginable, and tried every drug ever made (by nature and by man).


LiveSteam 04-30-2021 02:29 PM

What went on in your head?
Did you talk to the dead?

Your lifestyle to me seems so tragic
With the thrill of it all
You fooled all the people with ? & magic
Yeah, you waited on PATTEEU to call

Mr. Charming
Did you think you were pure?
Mr. Alarming
In nocturnal rapport

Uncovering things that were sacred
Manifest on this Earth

Oh, conceived in the eye of a secret
Yeah, and they scattered the afterbirth

Won't you ride my white horse?
It's symbolic, of course

Approaching a time that is classic
I hear that maiden's call
Approaching a time that is drastic
Standing with their backs to the wall
Was it polemically sent?
I wanna know what you meant
I wanna know
I wanna know what you meant.

luv 04-30-2021 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
When he was 33, he was walking on a beach in French Guiana when he met a girl of Irish - Native American decent. She bared his seed. It was boy, perfect health. He moved them to Argentina, then London, and eventually Vermont.


Donger 04-30-2021 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15653842)
What went on in your head?
Did you talk to the dead?

Your lifestyle to me seems so tragic
With the thrill of it all
You fooled all the people with ? & magic
Yeah, you waited on PATTEEU to call

Mr. Charming
Did you think you were pure?
Mr. Alarming
In nocturnal rapport

Uncovering things that were sacred
Manifest on this Earth

Oh, conceived in the eye of a secret
Yeah, and they scattered the afterbirth

Won't you ride my white horse?
It's symbolic, of course

Approaching a time that is classic
I hear that maiden's call
Approaching a time that is drastic
Standing with their backs to the wall
Was it polemically sent?
I wanna know what you meant
I wanna know
I wanna know what you meant.

Are those song lyrics?

BigRedChief 04-30-2021 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15653430)
While I certainly do appreciate the post barrage, it wouldn't hurt ya to toss in a photo of Paige every once in a while now would it? ROFL

It’s been a couple of hundred posts. The Paige is overdue.

luv 04-30-2021 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
The man was 45 now, he has seen everything, accomplished everything, tried everything. He skied down the Swiss Alps, been at the North Pole, swam with hammerheads, everything! Yet he has never done one simple thing that we all take for granted every day, he met his father. He never played catch with his father, he never talked about women with his father. He never would.


luv 04-30-2021 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
He died at the age of 63 when his parachute didn?t open when he was base jumping from Dagger Mountain in Washington, USA. Over three thousand people attended his funeral.


ToxSocks 04-30-2021 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653746)
Why also?


luv 04-30-2021 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
I know what you are thinking. How does this story relate to me? Well I want you to go all the way back to the beginning of the story and remember the woman who gave birth to this incredible boy. You are like this woman. You are like this women because you are a whore. And we are ten posts closer to 1000


luv 04-30-2021 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653752)
We would be like 8 posts closer if you had spread that out a bit.

Ten posts. You're welcome. :D

Donger 04-30-2021 02:36 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Chiefspants 04-30-2021 02:36 PM

Let's count to 340!


ToxSocks 04-30-2021 02:38 PM


Bearcat 04-30-2021 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 15653781)
Never look backwards. Onward always.

Easy 6 04-30-2021 02:40 PM

Theres gotta be a catch here, just a hunch but maybe its more like leaving America forever or something like that... Costa Rica, Israel, whatever

Bearcat 04-30-2021 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15653855)

Can you elaborate?

ToxSocks 04-30-2021 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653880)
Can you elaborate?

Because reasons.

Chiefspants 04-30-2021 02:42 PM


dlphg9 04-30-2021 02:42 PM

Anyone in here ever thought that they were a pony?

Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15653871)


dlphg9 04-30-2021 02:43 PM

Butt ****

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 02:45 PM

Im the night, the light, the black and the white.

Im the man on the silver mountain.

In58men 04-30-2021 02:46 PM

Won’t even get to 700

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653846)
Are those song lyrics?

Yes. Enjoy.

BigRedChief 04-30-2021 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 15653885)


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15653871)


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 15653869)
Let's count to 340!



Donger 04-30-2021 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15653901)

How terrible. Sounds like two trash trucks colliding while running over a herd of cats.

Bearcat 04-30-2021 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15653882)
Because reasons.


TLO 04-30-2021 02:53 PM


TLO 04-30-2021 02:53 PM


Easy 6 04-30-2021 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653906)
How terrible. Sounds like two trash trucks colliding while running over a herd of cats.

Randy Rhoads never sounded like any of those things :shake:

Donger 04-30-2021 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 15653917)
Randy Rhoads never sounded like any of those things :shake:

Who is Randy Rhoads?

Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 02:55 PM

America is full of systemic racism. Make America great again!

luv 04-30-2021 02:57 PM

Oh....we could always turn this into a DC thread and move it there. There are tons of threads there full of posts about nothing. They'd probably never even notice. :)

ToxSocks 04-30-2021 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653910)

Jesus christ what is this a ****ing interrogation?

Quit bustin' my balls, man.

Prison Bitch 04-30-2021 03:02 PM

This son of a bat is gonna get to 1,000 isn’t he?

seclark 04-30-2021 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 15653945)
This son of a bat is gonna get to 1,000 isn’t he?

looks like it

Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 03:04 PM

Defund the police!!

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653919)
Who is Randy Rhoads?

A classical musician 1st and lead guitarist
for Ozzy 2nd ,before his tragic death in a airplane.
Many say the best to ever play the guitar.

ToxSocks 04-30-2021 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15653963)
Many say the best to ever play the guitar.

Yeah well those people are wankers.

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15653965)
Yeah well those people are wankers.

Wham fan are you?
Maybe Duran Durans your thing.
Thats cool. My little sister loves them both.

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:11 PM

Who was post 666?

Donger 04-30-2021 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15653963)
A classical musician 1st and lead guitarist
for Ozzy 2nd ,before his tragic death in a airplane.
Many say the best to ever play the guitar.

I just Googled him. It sounds like he was expelled from the aircraft, so he didn't die in a plane (most likely).

Mennonite 04-30-2021 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15653901)

Did you just post a cover version?

BigRedChief 04-30-2021 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 15653917)
Randy Rhoads never sounded like any of those things :shake:

he was one of the best guitarists that ever lived.

luv 04-30-2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15653970)
Who was post 666?


Chiefspants 04-30-2021 03:35 PM


Frazod 04-30-2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 15654013)


LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 15653995)
Did you just post a cover version?

No I dont believe so.
But definitely could have chosen a cleaner recording.
Dont think thats the studio version we all know.

Rain Man 04-30-2021 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653981)
I just Googled him. It sounds like he was expelled from the aircraft, so he didn't die in a plane (most likely).

Gosh. Was he sucked out?

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 15654013)


Rain Man 04-30-2021 03:44 PM

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:45 PM

Moving right along

Yosef_Malkovitch 04-30-2021 03:46 PM

Ayuh, I think we get there by the end of the weekend.

Hog's Gone Fishin 04-30-2021 03:47 PM

Doing my part even though I dont GAF

Donger 04-30-2021 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 15654042)
Gosh. Was he sucked out?

That would depend on if the aircraft broke apart in mid-air or not...

But, I would imagine that considering he and the other chap went through the windshield, Newton's 1st law took over.

Yosef_Malkovitch 04-30-2021 03:48 PM


LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:48 PM

& Child

Bearcat 04-30-2021 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15654045)

What are you doing with this information?

In58men 04-30-2021 03:54 PM

Won’t even get to 800

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653981)
I just Googled him. It sounds like he was expelled from the aircraft, so he didn't die in a plane (most likely).

Id like to know what you think of this guitarist.
Especially the intro to the song. Think you'll like that part.
Hes Fast Eddie Clark. From Motor Head. You know Lemme.

Donger 04-30-2021 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15654082)
Id like to know what you think of this guitarist.
Especially the intro to the song. Think you'll like that part.
Hes Fast Eddie Clark. From Motor Head. You know Lemme.

It made me think of Robin Hood for some reason.

Bearcat 04-30-2021 03:59 PM

Maybe patteau thinks this will take like a week and the message is supposed to be along the lines of "by now, I've sailed for days towards my very own island in the South Pacific with no contact to the outside world" ....and we'll hit 1000 within two days and this secret person will text patteau and be like, "they've already done it, you might as well just logon and post it yourself".

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15654074)
What are you doing with this information?

Adding turkey feathers, Angels breath,, 2 Barbies, and a flashlight to this information.

Easy 6 04-30-2021 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15654082)
Id like to know what you think of this guitarist.
Especially the intro to the song. Think you'll like that part.
Hes Fast Eddie Clark. From Motor Head. You know Lemme.

Highly doubt he knows who Lemmy is, not real sure what he knows about music period, actually

Dong, would you please tell us who your three favorite bands are?

And what concert did you last attend?

Bearcat 04-30-2021 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15654094)
Adding turkey feathers, Angels breath,, 2 Barbies, and a flashlight to this information.

Oh, so just the usual.

Carry on.

Mennonite 04-30-2021 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15654041)
No I dont believe so.
But definitely could have chosen a cleaner recording.
Dont think thats the studio version we all know.

I wonder if Ozzy rerecorded it for the Brutal Legend video game soundtrack?

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 04:02 PM

Good question.. Easy

Donger 04-30-2021 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 15654095)
Highly doubt he knows who Lemmy is, not real sure what he knows about music period, actually

Dong, would you please tell us who your three favorite bands are?

And what concert did you last attend?

I've heard of Lemming and Motorhead. He's the one with all the growths all over his face, right? And, I think I know one song of theirs. Ace of Spades?

Tool, Prodigy and Peter Gabriel.

I believe it was Adam and the Ants circa 1985.

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 15654102)
I wonder if Ozzy rerecorded it for the Brutal Legend video game soundtrack?

Could have.

2bikemike 04-30-2021 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by In58men (Post 15654077)
Won’t even get to 800

Sounds like "won't even sniff the playoffs" post a couple years ago!

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