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Fishpicker 01-09-2017 07:02 AM

quick reviews of games I purchased during Steam winter sale

Shaolin vs. WuTang -7 a 2D fighter with characters from Shaw brothers Kung Fu movies
Salt and Sanctuary -8 this game is Dark Souls with Metroidvania style gameplay. leveling/skills are handled with the Materia system.
SF X Tekken -5 the SF fighters are faithful to SF and the tekken fighters have been dumbed down and reduced to a few special moves and no combos. uggh
Motorsport Manager -8 a sim for managing a F-1 race team. its simple and straight forward but there is a lot of room for expirimentation and customization

Gonzo 01-10-2017 12:04 AM

Final Fantasy XV:

I will preface this by saying I have never played a FF game in my life. I don't know how but I've never got around to it.
That being said.... this is just a beautiful game, guys. They really put forth the extra effort.
That being said as well... unless you're a huge FF Fan, wait for a sale.
It's really polished but for the love of God is it an average game.

Don't get me wrong, it has its moments. When you fight Titan? Very cool.
But it's just nothing special. The fighting mechanic is so very average. This games' fighting mechanic makes Witcher 3's look like Mortal Kombat as far as that's concerned. Very repeatitive and boring but then again, a very beautiful game with a decent storyline.

7 out of 10.

Mother****erJones 01-11-2017 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 12660640)
Mother ****ing Jones you can add me demonpenz if you want to play the show together. I got madden 17 battle front and NBA 2k17 if you want to ball.

I got into nursing school, so I don't play much. When I get on sometime this week I'll add ya man

Gonzo 01-13-2017 10:33 PM

Best Games - 2016
Well, for the 3rd year in a row I'm going to give you guys a quick list of my top games for the year.

This year was better than the last couple. We had a lot of great games come out and it's looking like 2017 may be even better.

10. Firewatch
This game is more than your typical walking simulator. It has an awesome storyline and unique graphics. For the price, check it out.

9. Final Fantasy XV
I've been playing the shit out of this over the last two weeks and I've never played a FF game in my life. Watch the animated movie Kingsglave if you can, though. It helps with the storyline. The graphics are beautiful, as is the music. And hey, who wouldn't wanna ride a 5ft tall chicken?

8. Battlefield 1
This game is what COD wishes it could be. You actually have to work with a team to accomplish your goals. The music, graphics and (unfortunately brief) campaign are all breathtaking. Too many machine guns, I must admit. However, the MP is really great.

7. Witcher 3 Blood&Wine
I know, I know, this is an expansion. FU though. It plays like a full AAA title at 50 hours. Buy the original, get both of the DLC's and enjoy 200+ hours of gameplay.
Do it. Do it.

6. Titanfall 2
This game had little fanfare but it's what the original should've been. A good single player campaign and an excellent MP game with great SFX and graphics. This title got overlooked thanks to BF1.

5. Madden
I can't believe I'm doing this but I've got to admit it. EA did enough this year to finally sway me back into the fold. The game is polished and very accurate for once. Best madden since 2005.

4. The Last Guardian
This is a quaint, wonderful game that we've waited nearly 10 years for. It's a puzzle-type game with a giant chicken-dog and an Asian boy. Good times.

3. Doom
You like shooting the crap outta demons? You like gore and heavy metal music with wonderfully creepy settings? This is your game. Enough said.

2. Dark Souls 3
This title was a lot like bloodborne regarding the aggressiveness needed to play. It's exceedingly dark, haunting and wonderful. If you've never played a DS type game, check it out. You will love it.

1. Uncharted 4
Naughty dog is the best developer over the last four years. Enough said. If you're unfamiliar with the series, congrats on coming out of your coma.

Miles 01-13-2017 11:56 PM

I don't play a whole lot but your uncharted rating reminded me of how I need to get caught up on naughty dog. Only played the first one back on PS3 and have been meaning to play the next two before jumping into the HDR PS4 pro goodness.

Probably should finally play though Last of Us as well. Started playing it a month ago after work and really digging it until I got to the first point where mutated dudes wrecked me and I was too tired to want to figure out the various mechanics.

DJJasonp 01-14-2017 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Miles (Post 12681048)
I don't play a whole lot but your uncharted rating reminded me of how I need to get caught up on naughty dog. Only played the first one back on PS3 and have been meaning to play the next two before jumping into the HDR PS4 pro goodness.

Probably should finally play though Last of Us as well. Started playing it a month ago after work and really digging it until I got to the first point where mutated dudes wrecked me and I was too tired to want to figure out the various mechanics.

yeah, this is pretty much the GOAT!

I kind of did the's hard to get past the first part where those bloaters appear - but once you do, and get the mechanics, hiding, etc. - it's one helluva ride!

Mother****erJones 02-01-2017 08:29 PM

I had some time to dig in and play Resident Evil Biohazard. Nice to but not great like 4 was. Nice to get back to its original horror roots and add in some scary aspects to the game. The mom is the best part. Had some really fun aspects to the game but still lacked some things to put it over the top including length (beat it in about 10 hours on easy and they're wasting no time releasing ****ing DLC that should've been in the game for free), boss fights were lacking although the mom was fun, lack of enemies FFS! There's like 2 different enemies from one form-Molded.

Just a quick blurb on this game. I'll play it again definitely on a harder difficulty because 'easy' is way too easy.

Overall I had a fun experience with it and in VR but would give it an 8/10

Sofa King 02-05-2017 08:56 AM

That's a lot of complaints for a game you still give 8/10.

hometeam 02-05-2017 05:20 PM

played a couple hours of the new ghost recon wildlands closed testing last night.

crazycoffey 02-06-2017 04:57 PM

Open beta 2/9-2/12 for "for Honor"

Gonzo 02-08-2017 12:36 AM

I'm holding out on buying a goddamned thing until Horizon, Zero Dawn later this month. I've been looking forward to that ****er for over a year. God, I hope it doesn't suck.

Indian Chief 02-08-2017 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12732456)
I'm holding out on buying a goddamned thing until Horizon, Zero Dawn later this month. I've been looking forward to that ****er for over a year. God, I hope it doesn't suck.

I have it on pre-order, as well as Mass Effect Andromeda. I wish there was more than a month gap between the releases, but those are my two must haves until the FF7 remake.

Gravedigger 02-08-2017 03:50 PM

I gotta buy Nioh and beat it in time for Horizon Zero Dawn!

crazycoffey 02-09-2017 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 12730980)
Open beta 2/9-2/12 for "for Honor"

Anyone doing this? I'm downloading it now

crazycoffey 02-13-2017 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 12730980)
Open beta 2/9-2/12 for "for Honor"


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 12734496)
Anyone doing this? I'm downloading it now

This game is like a new age 3-D mortal combat with knights, Vikings and Samurai. Other than some matchmaking (Ubisoft really needs to invest in their servers) and obvious Beta problems, it was very fun to play and comes out this week.

While I know I like it, and will be buying it, I really look forward to Gonzo doing a more in depth analysis. And, more importantly, if he's going to... lol

Seriously, he's better at write ups than I am.

SAGA45 02-13-2017 07:15 AM

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard... this game thrusts you into a really good horror flick. Hell..even puts you in movies within the movie when you play through found footage on vhs. Easily a 9/10 for me so far. Fighting can get clunky at times due to the camera angles and movement but that's my only complaint.

hometeam 02-13-2017 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 12738575)
This game is like a new age 3-D mortal combat with knights, Vikings and Samurai. Other than some matchmaking (Ubisoft really needs to invest in their servers) and obvious Beta problems, it was very fun to play and comes out this week.

While I know I like it, and will be buying it, I really look forward to Gonzo doing a more in depth analysis. And, more importantly, if he's going to... lol

Seriously, he's better at write ups than I am.

Herein lies the problem.

For honor DOES NOT USE SERVERS. Its p2p becuase its a shitty console game made by a shitty company and will be dead in a month.

In58men 02-13-2017 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by SAGA45 (Post 12738610)
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard... this game thrusts you into a really good horror flick. Hell..even puts you in movies within the movie when you play through found footage on vhs. Easily a 9/10 for me so far. Fighting can get clunky at times due to the camera angles and movement but that's my only complaint.

I ****ing love RE7, I thought it was great. There were some parts that were ate up, such as the lantern scenario lol. Why couldn't he just push the lever down lol. I like how they incorporated Texas Chainsaw Massacre in it.

Jerm 02-13-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12732456)
I'm holding out on buying a goddamned thing until Horizon, Zero Dawn later this month. I've been looking forward to that ****er for over a year. God, I hope it doesn't suck.

Game is gonna be nuts...can't wait.

Just a few days later we got the Switch launch and Breath of the Wild...what a week.

My wallet is screwed already lol...

Demonpenz 02-14-2017 12:42 PM

I got a G29 racing wheel with the shifter. Project Cars is satisfying. Can't wait until Gran turismo

keg in kc 02-14-2017 01:15 PM

Horizon looks cool, but I'm going to wait until the price drops. Paying full price for Mass Effect is going to hurt enough on its own.

Still no release date for GT Sport, right?

Gonzo 02-14-2017 09:29 PM

A letter to Naughty Dog...

Dear Naughty Dog,
I've heard you're working on the next chapter of The Last of Us and I can't thank you enough for the original. That being said, I've recently gone back and started playing the original again (for what must be the 12th time).
You all have an extremely difficult task ahead of you to just match the feelings generated when Sarah was shot, when Joel decided to save Ellie and when Tess decided to give her life for the hopes of an uninflected populous.

It's been nearly four years now since we saw Joel escape the Fireflies. I truly hope you have some skilled writers on staff for the next installment. If you don't, god help you.
This is by far one of the greatest games ever made. Please don't screw it up.

Everyone who's ever played TLoU.

Gonzo 02-15-2017 11:01 PM

Mother****erJones 02-15-2017 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12741601)
A letter to Naughty Dog...

Dear Naughty Dog,
I've heard you're working on the next chapter of The Last of Us and I can't thank you enough for the original. That being said, I've recently gone back and started playing the original again (for what must be the 12th time).
You all have an extremely difficult task ahead of you to just match the feelings generated when Sarah was shot, when Joel decided to save Ellie and when Tess decided to give her life for the hopes of an uninflected populous.

It's been nearly four years now since we saw Joel escape the Fireflies. I truly hope you have some skilled writers on staff for the next installment. If you don't, god help you.
This is by far one of the greatest games ever made. Please don't screw it up.

Everyone who's ever played TLoU.

I've beaten it over 10 times on normal. Once on grounded. On my second play through on grounded. It's fantastic. Easily the GOAT
I have more than enough faith in those at Naughty Dog

The Franchise 02-16-2017 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12743172)

Can't. ****ing. Wait.

Mother****erJones 02-16-2017 03:18 PM

I'm in nursing school and trying to figure out how to afford this game. I've wanted it for awhile now lol.

In58men 02-16-2017 09:45 PM

Not getting the hype surrounding Horizon Zero Dawn?

Looks like they just threw a bunch of weird shit together with an halfass story line. I've done quite the research.

In58men 02-17-2017 10:03 AM

Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

BigBeauford 02-17-2017 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12745333)
Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

You lucky mofo. This game and Breaking Bad are two experiences I would love to erase from brain to start from scratch on. Enjoy!

Lumpy 02-17-2017 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12745333)
Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

You will not be disappointed. The trick is to be stealthy and to use bricks/bottles to distract the human enemies. Best of luck against the Clickers and Bloaters.

In58men 02-17-2017 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 12745835)
You will not be disappointed. The trick is to be stealthy and to use bricks/bottles to distract the human enemies. Best of luck against the Clickers and Bloaters.

I'm stoked about it, I just finished Resident Evil 7 and needed something else to play. I just got into gaming again. I haven't played in years, I only got a PS4 for the Sunday Ticket lol.

Mother****erJones 02-18-2017 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12745333)
Just ordered The Last of Us on Amazon for $17. Never played it, but the gamers are raving about it.

TLoU is the GOAT. Enjoy

Demonpenz 02-18-2017 09:05 PM

I got a logetech G29 with shifter. It is a blast to play project cars with it. Can't wait until Gran Turismo

In58men 02-19-2017 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12746985)
TLoU is the GOAT. Enjoy


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

kcpasco 02-19-2017 05:08 PM

Wish they would put TLoU on PC.

Gonzo 02-21-2017 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12748069)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Great story, good graphics, welcome to addiction for a while.

If it didn't come with the left behind dlc, get it.

Mother****erJones 02-22-2017 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12748069)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's fabulous.

Mother****erJones 02-22-2017 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12750605)
Great story, good graphics, welcome to addiction for a while.

If it didn't come with the left behind dlc, get it.

It comes with Left Behind I'm pretty sure.

In58men 02-22-2017 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12751852)
It's fabulous.

I can't throw a bottle for shit. I need to get use to the controls.

Mother****erJones 02-22-2017 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12751928)
I can't throw a bottle for shit. I need to get use to the controls.

Just be patient and get used to them. Once you do, it's awesome.

The Franchise 02-28-2017 02:58 PM

Anyone played Horizon Zero Dawn yet?

Gonzo 02-28-2017 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12761184)
Anyone played Horizon Zero Dawn yet?

I got it last night @ 8:30 (thanks to Lumpy pre-ordering it for me on Valentine's Day).

So far it's quite awesome. The graphics are great and I'm digging the storyline.

Basically it's 1000 years after the apocalypse and this red-headed chick is all sorts of pissed off about stuff.

I'm about 5 hours in. Open world RPG. The reds and greens in this game are hypnotizing as is the music.

Let me get another day or two in and I'll let you know but so far it's worth every penny.

The Franchise 02-28-2017 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12761565)
I got it last night @ 8:30 (thanks to Lumpy pre-ordering it for me on Valentine's Day).

So far it's quite awesome. The graphics are great and I'm digging the storyline.

Basically it's 1000 years after the apocalypse and this red-headed chick is all sorts of pissed off about stuff.

I'm about 5 hours in. Open world RPG. The reds and greens in this game are hypnotizing as is the music.

Let me get another day or two in and I'll let you know but so far it's worth every penny.

Sweet. I saw it at Target while I was there on my lunch and almost picked it up. I also noticed that another TellTale Game's Walking Dead season was out. I might just pick both of those up.

Stryker 03-01-2017 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 12751928)
I can't throw a bottle for shit. I need to get use to the controls.

Hang in there. It gets very frustrating until you get the controls down. It is probably one of my top favorite games of all time. Incredible story.

Jerm 03-01-2017 11:30 AM

2 days from the Switch launch and actually being able to play Breath of the hyped.

Got Horizon waiting on my Pro when I get home from being out this week...will do just fine until Friday.

The front half of this year is insane....

Mother****erJones 03-01-2017 10:41 PM

Been playing Mafia 3 again. Good game but son of a bitch the cars are all blurry and ****ed up graphically. Even uninstalled the game and re-installed it.

kcxiv 03-02-2017 07:27 AM

****ing Zelda is holding up at 98 in meta critic after 55plus reviews.

The Franchise 03-02-2017 09:39 AM

So what's the god damn verdict on Horizon Zero Dawn? I'm thinking about picking it up today.

Gonzo 03-03-2017 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12764580)
So what's the god damn verdict on Horizon Zero Dawn? I'm thinking about picking it up today.

I'm about 1/4 of the way through. If you like the Far Cry series, you'll love this one. It reminds me of The Witcher as well.

You play as Aloy, 1,000 years after the rise of the machines, apparently. She's an outcast from the main tribe and was raised by a serrogate father.
She ends up being accepted by the tribe (not going to ruin the story) and goes on an important mission to learn stuff.
The game is doing a helluva job keeping me in the dark on wtf is going on. It has a shit ton of side quests and I'm learning quickly that I need to play them to rank up before moving on to the second area.
You start off in Wyoming Rockies, move to Colorado and keep heading west. I'm in the desert (Utah I'm sure) and the graphics are phenomenal.
The music is some of the best I've heard since Bloodborne as well.

I'm guessing 100 hours of gameplay.

The Franchise 03-03-2017 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12766217)
I'm about 1/4 of the way through. If you like the Far Cry series, you'll love this one. It reminds me of The Witcher as well.

You play as Aloy, 1,000 years after the rise of the machines, apparently. She's an outcast from the main tribe and was raised by a serrogate father.
She ends up being accepted by the tribe (not going to ruin the story) and goes on an important mission to learn stuff.
The game is doing a helluva job keeping me in the dark on wtf is going on. It has a shit ton of side quests and I'm learning quickly that I need to play them to rank up before moving on to the second area.
You start off in Wyoming Rockies, move to Colorado and keep heading west. I'm in the desert (Utah I'm sure) and the graphics are phenomenal.
The music is some of the best I've heard since Bloodborne as well.

I'm guessing 100 hours of gameplay.

Sweet. Loved the Far Cry series. And I ended up just picking this up yesterday anyways.

Speaking of Far Cry. Did you ever play Primal? Is it worth the money?

Gonzo 03-03-2017 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12766486)
Sweet. Loved the Far Cry series. And I ended up just picking this up yesterday anyways.

Speaking of Far Cry. Did you ever play Primal? Is it worth the money?

I did and no. Wait for an extreme sale if you really, REALLY love everything farcry. It was f'ing terrible in my book.

Graphics were good but the storyline bored me to tears and I didn't care for the gameplay much. It's biggest drawback was that you couldn't walk more than a minute in any direction without having to kill someone or something.

Mother****erJones 03-04-2017 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12766217)
I'm about 1/4 of the way through. If you like the Far Cry series, you'll love this one. It reminds me of The Witcher as well.

You play as Aloy, 1,000 years after the rise of the machines, apparently. She's an outcast from the main tribe and was raised by a serrogate father.
She ends up being accepted by the tribe (not going to ruin the story) and goes on an important mission to learn stuff.
The game is doing a helluva job keeping me in the dark on wtf is going on. It has a shit ton of side quests and I'm learning quickly that I need to play them to rank up before moving on to the second area.
You start off in Wyoming Rockies, move to Colorado and keep heading west. I'm in the desert (Utah I'm sure) and the graphics are phenomenal.
The music is some of the best I've heard since Bloodborne as well.

I'm guessing 100 hours of gameplay.

The Witcher was ****ing excellent. I love the Far Cry series as well. It had its flaws but was fun, particularly this latest one. I enjoyed it.

Gonzo 03-06-2017 04:03 PM

Horizon - Zero Dawn
Once again this is a game ive looked forward to for well over two years now.
Once again... I'm a little disappointed.

Let's start with graphics.
They're wonderful. I've been very impressed with the range of view as well. The game is beautiful I have got to admit.

Music: It nearly perfect as well. Very impressive.

Voice/lip synch: This is average at best. I've noticed very general lip synching here so they can dub in other languanges.


YAWN! While at first it's very impressive and captivating, you slowly realize that this is just another far cry game only more difficult and tedious.
I'm going to play it through because...

Very good. It has me captivated and I'm going to play it until it's beat.

7 out of 10
It is above average at 100+ hours of gameplay but it isn't really anything new like I'd hoped.

Jerm 03-06-2017 04:06 PM

I really like a lot of what Horizon does but my God is it cluttered at every's just too much clutter.

That's one thing I really appreciate about's very minimalistic and just says here you go, have fun and explore.

Gonzo 03-06-2017 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12770833)
I really like a lot of what Horizon does but my God is it cluttered at every's just too much clutter.

That's one thing I really appreciate about's very minimalistic and just says here you go, have fun and explore.

Yep. I forgot to add that EVERY side quest is a "step and fetch it" type of thing.

"Go here, do this, report back."
Come the hell on!

At least with Witcher 3 they had very different side quests.
The cauldrons are ok but all the same.

It's the story... that's the only thing keeping me from moving on to Nioh.

Mother****erJones 03-07-2017 12:59 PM

Being in nursing school has its downfalls. Man I wish I could get Horizon Zero Dawn. Thanks for the review Gonzo. That's why I don't get excited for very many games. Mostly Naughty Dog and Rockstar titles. Although witcher 3 lived up to my expectations and then some. Top 5 title in my opinion.

Witcher 3
Uncharted Series
RE1 Remake

Gonzo 03-07-2017 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12772456)
Being in nursing school has its downfalls. Man I wish I could get Horizon Zero Dawn. Thanks for the review Gonzo. That's why I don't get excited for very many games. Mostly Naughty Dog and Rockstar titles. Although witcher 3 lived up to my expectations and then some. Top 5 title in my opinion.

Witcher 3
Uncharted Series
RE1 Remake

1st off... you're welcome man.
HZD isn't a bad game, it just is a bit more of the same. Like I said, if you like farcry, you'll love this.

I do have to admit that the attention to detail on this game is impressive and I'm loving the storyline.
I just think it could've been more than what it was. It has a lot of the Witcher's charm and it is leaning a bit on some of that but it's not nearly what I expected.

Mother****erJones 03-08-2017 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12773335)
1st off... you're welcome man.
HZD isn't a bad game, it just is a bit more of the same. Like I said, if you like farcry, you'll love this.

I do have to admit that the attention to detail on this game is impressive and I'm loving the storyline.
I just think it could've been more than what it was. It has a lot of the Witcher's charm and it is leaning a bit on some of that but it's not nearly what I expected.

Seems like most games leave something to be desired.

Gonzo 03-08-2017 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mother****erJones (Post 12773503)
Seems like most games leave something to be desired.

Yeah, it's tough for them to live up to the hype. Then again, you find gems like Rocket League, Witcher etc.

They put in a lot of effort in HZD. It's just very cluttered and busy. They packed in too much even though the map is huge. There's a quest or collection item every ten feet.
Too many enemies too. You can't go anywhere for long without running into a pack of assholes or robots.

BigBeauford 03-08-2017 12:43 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I have been waiting years for this game, and it'll be here March 28th!

Mother****erJones 03-08-2017 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12773977)
Yeah, it's tough for them to live up to the hype. Then again, you find gems like Rocket League, Witcher etc.

They put in a lot of effort in HZD. It's just very cluttered and busy. They packed in too much even though the map is huge. There's a quest or collection item every ten feet.
Too many enemies too. You can't go anywhere for long without running into a pack of assholes or robots.

I always come back to Destiny and how they just ****ed that concept up and the game in its entirety.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 03-08-2017 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 12773995)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I have been waiting years for this game, and it'll be here March 28th!

Interesting. Might have to check that out. Something about the cat's animations cracks me up.

Demonpenz 03-10-2017 01:42 AM

whats the deal with this new tom clancy game

hometeam 03-10-2017 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 12777341)
whats the deal with this new tom clancy game

it sucks balls

AndChiefs 03-10-2017 01:16 PM

Trying to find some coop type games for the wife and I. She grew up on Nintendo games. Already bought her breath of the wild (which isn't coop) but know she wants some we can play together. Have Xbox, PS4, and Wii U so pretty open.

Any ideas?

BigBeauford 03-10-2017 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by AndChiefs (Post 12778014)
Trying to find some coop type games for the wife and I. She grew up on Nintendo games. Already bought her breath of the wild (which isn't coop) but know she wants some we can play together. Have Xbox, PS4, and Wii U so pretty open.

Any ideas?

All PS4 games, exception being IBB&OBB which you'll have to play via PSNow
Enter the Gungeon
Rocket League
Diablo 3

NewChief 03-10-2017 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by AndChiefs (Post 12778014)
Trying to find some coop type games for the wife and I. She grew up on Nintendo games. Already bought her breath of the wild (which isn't coop) but know she wants some we can play together. Have Xbox, PS4, and Wii U so pretty open.

Any ideas?

The Pikmin game in the WiiU Arcade is a pretty fun coop. So is the metroid game there. 3D Mario World is great for Coop as well.

New World Order 03-10-2017 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by AndChiefs (Post 12778014)
Trying to find some coop type games for the wife and I. She grew up on Nintendo games. Already bought her breath of the wild (which isn't coop) but know she wants some we can play together. Have Xbox, PS4, and Wii U so pretty open.

Any ideas?

Mario and Mario Kart for sure.

AndChiefs 03-10-2017 04:32 PM

Thanks guys. She's already looking into your suggestions and choosing ones that look interesting.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 03-12-2017 09:10 AM

Those of you with the PS4 Pro, was it worth it? I'm thinking about upgrading before MEA.

kcxiv 03-12-2017 12:24 PM

I wouldnt ever buy a ps4 pro. Then again i have a decent gaming PC. I'd just settle for a regular PS4.

IMO, its just wasting money.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 03-12-2017 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12780117)
I wouldnt ever buy a ps4 pro. Then again i have a decent gaming PC. I'd just settle for a regular PS4.

IMO, its just wasting money.

Yeah, that's what it sounds like. My tv is 4k but doesn't support HDR. Probably not worth it. If someone comes in and tells me that just the 4k support is a massive difference I might reconsider.

Jerm 03-12-2017 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 12779950)
Those of you with the PS4 Pro, was it worth it? I'm thinking about upgrading before MEA.

I was hesitant at first but now I'm super happy I look amazing, HDR is a sight to behold, and if nothing else I'm glad knowing I've future proofed myself for the foreseeable future.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 03-12-2017 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12780344)
I was hesitant at first but now I'm super happy I look amazing, HDR is a sight to behold, and if nothing else I'm glad knowing I've future proofed myself for the foreseeable future.

Yeah, I missed the HDR train by like a month. I should've waited to upgrade my tv until the new models rolled out. Probably gonna pass for now. Sounds like that really makes a difference.

New World Order 03-12-2017 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12780117)
I wouldnt ever buy a ps4 pro. Then again i have a decent gaming PC. I'd just settle for a regular PS4.

IMO, its just wasting money.

What are you playing on pc

DJJasonp 03-12-2017 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 12779950)
Those of you with the PS4 Pro, was it worth it? I'm thinking about upgrading before MEA.

I have it - and have 4K with HDR.

It's good, but it's not like the jump from standard to 1080 where it blows you away.

Will say this, updates keep adding new tweaks (boost mode came this week for games that came out before the Pro and no patch yet). Most recent update also added support for external hard drive, which is a bonus.

Faster load times too.

I've yet to try out my PSVR with the Pro to see the difference there, but I hear there is some.

Gonzo 03-13-2017 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12770829)
Once again this is a game ive looked forward to for well over two years now.
Once again... I'm a little disappointed.

Let's start with graphics.
They're wonderful. I've been very impressed with the range of view as well. The game is beautiful I have got to admit.

Music: It nearly perfect as well. Very impressive.

Voice/lip synch: This is average at best. I've noticed very general lip synching here so they can dub in other languanges.


YAWN! While at first it's very impressive and captivating, you slowly realize that this is just another far cry game only more difficult and tedious.
I'm going to play it through because...

Very good. It has me captivated and I'm going to play it until it's beat.

7 out of 10
It is above average at 100+ hours of gameplay but it isn't really anything new like I'd hoped.

I'm going to revisit this. It may have not lived up to my expectations but I have got to admit that the story is very good.

Multiple endings and all that jazz. It doesn't do anything new but what it does do is good.
The robot-animals are very impressive.

I'm sticking with my score but I'll reiterate this: if you love farcry, this is your game.
I played it on normal difficulty but I'll try again on difficult soon enough.

Sassy Squatch 03-13-2017 10:11 PM

Too bad the Switch seems lIke it's having a rocky launch, or I'd be all over Breath of the Wild. Seems like that's going to be game of the year easily.

Gonzo 03-13-2017 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 12782046)
Too bad the Switch seems lIke it's having a rocky launch, or I'd be all over Breath of the Wild. Seems like that's going to be game of the year easily.

Meh, if red dead redemption 2 hits this year, it should beat it. All the good press is very pressured by Nintendo fan boys. It's a good game, (don't get me wrong) but it's not worth purchasing an entire 300+ dollar system over. Especially since you can get it on the Wii U. Nintendo fans are absolutely the worst. Especially the Nintendo/Zelda ****s. Link could be a walking turd on old NES graphics and they'd still get stupid-pissed off if they didn't get a 10/10 rating on their game.

Wait until this fall. The switch's bugs will be worked out and it'll be far cheaper. Nintendo may even do another Ambassador program like they did with the 3DS... of it doesn't sell well enough.

Swanman 03-14-2017 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12782096)
Meh, if red dead redemption 2 hits this year, it should beat it. All the good press is very pressured by Nintendo fan boys. It's a good game, (don't get me wrong) but it's not worth purchasing an entire 300+ dollar system over. Especially since you can get it on the Wii U. Nintendo fans are absolutely the worst. Especially the Nintendo/Zelda ****s. Link could be a walking turd on old NES graphics and they'd still get stupid-pissed off if they didn't get a 10/10 rating on their game.

Wait until this fall. The switch's bugs will be worked out and it'll be far cheaper. Nintendo may even do another Ambassador program like they did with the 3DS... of it doesn't sell well enough.

I got the switch because it allows a full handheld experience with all of its games. I barely get any time at home to play because of kids but I am on the train for about 2 hours a day and that's perfect gaming time. It was definitely worth it in my situation. The game lineup is obviously lacking but Zelda will last me a good long time and by that point Mario Kart will be out. Once FIFA comes out, assuming it's an ok game, I will play the hell out of that one.

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