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That main event was excellent. Really stiff and an amazing ending. Rest of the show was lackluster.
Did Undertaker really beat Bray? Ridiculous.
I missed most of the early matches and was watching Sting/HHH holy shit can't believe Hall took that backdrop on the outside
http://cdn3.whatculture.com/wp-conte...WE-network.gif |
This years WM was fine considering I only paid 10 bucks and had a terrible build up. Main event was fine and the rest of the event was bad to just okay. Wyatt/Undertaker happened too early and had the wrong result, unless they rematch next year. Topcard guys winning undercard titles is baffling, divas match and Rock segments went too long. |
May as well send Bray down to battle with the likes Curtis Axel now. ****.... |
We shall see. :shrug: |
Also the rock thing went long to get the sun low so people could see the last few matches!
I thought WM was average. I was surprised Triple H beat Sting and the main event was by far the best match. And there was no way in hell Wyatt was going to beat Undertaker
Also I bet Reigns wins tonight to get the belt. |
Very solid show. Not quite spectacular but probably a top 5 WM ever.
I LOVED the finish to the main event. Its perfect. Rollins gets even more heat (and a reward for carrying the company the past few months), Lesnar maintains his final boss status as he was never pinned, and WWE gets to sidestep making Reigns "the man" before he's ready. Plus we know Rollins & Lesnar work well together. Plus this means that tonight's Smarkamania crowd at Raw won't be in protest mode. Huge gains all around for WWE. Bray Wyatt won't be hurt one bit by this loss to Undertaker. Bray's still this excellent talent that the writers don't know what to do with. That's unchanged. I hope they get a rematch next year with Bray retiring 'Taker once and for all. |
isnt WM in Jerrys World next year? They will go all out with the legacy acts and no young guy has a chance to be put over unless they have the title going into it
but youll have Brock vs Rock Sting vs Taker Triple H vs Someone he can bury they will beg Stone Cold to come back to wrestle Cena and he will say no |
Man, if I was Hollywood megastar The Rock I would not want to wrestle Brock Lesnar. Rock's making more than enough money to not need to get suplexed a bazillion times.
Wait....Sting is with the WWE now?
http://www.wrestlingrumors.net/wp-co...STING-SS-2.png |
Brock Lesnar.... holy shit.
This Raw is $$$$$.
The high flying guy in purple might have rescued RAW tonight.
I wish all crowds were like this one.
At least The King is out there now.
Other than the botch by Ambrose, that was a fun match. This show might just be better than WrestleMania itself.
The whole authority thing is over played Rollins is chicken
I like him but they make him weak by not having him fight have him cheat to retain title.
Best part is the new john cena sucks song. Why wwe universe has not come up with this before is beyond me. |
2.) crowds have been doing the "John Cena sucks" song for like a year or more |
They killed micheal cole and bryan saxton is good but he didn't have anybody to feed off with. I wish it was renee young or corey graves but lawer was ok!
Im a huge fan of Enzo and Cassidy routine. SAWFT!!! |
So is this legit? Lesnar gave Michael Cole a cervical fracture and now he's suspended indefinitely? I don't know what's scripted and what's real life in the WWE...
That was just a way to get Brock off tv for a while because his contract is for a very limited number of dates most likely. |
My son become a huge Sin Cara fan after watching Scooby Doo Wrestlemania 5 times a day. I just told him last week that he doesn't wrestle for the WWE anymore and probably won't ever see him on TV..... :facepalm:
He would've been insanely over last night with the entrance.... |
which is absolutely stupid, because WWE is dumb. |
Another amazing NXT special tonight ending with....
Complete mark out moment.... |
NXT is just on a different level.
Yep! Plus uhaa nation too!
I was marking out, glad he finally is getting his chance in the big leagues
Fight Owens fight!
Posted via Mobile Device |
They're pushing him ridiculously hard. Arguably even harder than SHIELD got pushed.
Really liked that shirt he had last night. Most WWE shirts look like they belong in the tacky section at Wal Mart.
The one knock I have on the guy is he looks like real life pussy
That's an awfully big tease from Stone Cold.
Yep also Paul Heyman advocating jew of the century! He just money on the mic!
Rock vs Austin
Sting vs. 'Taker |
Sting gassed within 10 minutes in his WM match against HHH and they were able to mask that with all the run ins. |
Hahaha at Lesnar and Stone Cold. That dudes neck is more ****ed up than Bryans is. One suplex from Lesnar and Stone Cold is lying prone in the ring.
should be Punk vs Stone Cold. It would be the greatest storyline/promos in wrestling history.
Anyone ever notice that Seth Rollins was in a gay fetish wrestling video earlier in his career?
2:20 for some lulz. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20...fights-4_sport |
i've been on a botchamania marathon this week
Part of me doesn't blame him. This was before he was a decent name in the indies and was probably looking for a few hundred bucks so he could eat in between shows. |
Fahking boosheet We comin' fo you nagga! |
Hard times.
I need a genetically modified burger for the genetic freakzilla!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mcsSgfKBHlU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
That Cesaro v Cena match was extremely awesome.
Posted via Mobile Device |
My God...moar Cesaro, please.
Cesaro needs to be in the main event just based upon his in-ring work. He's the best this company has in that department an it's not particularly close unless Bryan comes back at 100%.
I'm pretty pumped to see if Rollins & Brock actually have a match this weekend, though, or if it's just Seth running away & getting suplexed all night. |
*PRAYS they don't screw up the story with Sasha, Charlotte, & Becky.*
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