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Baby Lee 01-14-2004 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
So here's to you Mr. Column writing bitch man.......

ROFL - evv-rywhere a splish-SPLASH!!!!

Rain Man 01-14-2004 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
If he hated the website, I'm sure he (and those he speaks for at 1 Arrowhead Drive) didn't like the Photoshop execution or napalm bombing of Greg Robinson...

let's hope they saw them and got a glimpse into what real 'class' is.

I'm sorry, but you're not a fully functioning human if you didn't like the execution and napalm photos. I'll bet he was laughing hysterically just like everyone else.

Dartgod 01-14-2004 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
'Most' people? Really? Where, I must have missed it.

Oh, you mean now that he's gone people are saying 'let it go' and how stupid and dumb and pointless a thread like that was...

funny, didn't see the same sentiment much while he was still employed.

Geeeeezuz, are you really that freakin' stupid? Do you honestly think that anyone here was going to try to "execute" GRob? You go to such extremes to support your point of view; it's no surprise that very few people respect your opinion about ANYTHING!

Bob Dole 01-14-2004 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
I'm sorry, but you're not a fully functioning human if you didn't like the execution and napalm photos. I'll bet he was laughing hysterically just like everyone else.

Bob Dole didn't see the photos, but they sound really, really scary.

Ultra Peanut 01-14-2004 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by headsnap
There is no excuse. We upgraded at least one player at each level in the defense this off-season. We have 5 new starters that are all unquestionably more talented than those from last year, and yet the results are the same. that's almost a 50% talent increase in the starting group. It's inexcusable to grant Robinson that talent increase and yet claim it's the players. Could you imagine giving Al Saunders a 50% talent increase on that offense?

No. It IS the scheme.


|Zach| 01-14-2004 01:52 PM

I thought the photos were in poor taste and I didn't find them funny but there is no way you can actully think there was true malice behind them....thats just crazy.

dirk digler 01-14-2004 01:52 PM

I am really pissed about this article, you know if Gretz wanted to call us classless and deranged on the radio or in the newspaper, that is one thing but to have it posted on the Chiefs website really pisses me off and I don't care what disclaimer is posted underneath the column. Since it is there I take it just as if it comes directly from Lamar, Carl, or Dick and to criticize your fan base and call them names is bullshit!

GROB deserved to be fired and deserved to get the criticism that came his way, if him or anyone in the Chiefs organization can't handle it then they need to leave this profession. These guys are in a high profile position and they get paid millions of dollars to do their jobs and if they can't they need to quit or get fired plain and simple.

So FUG YOU BOB GRETZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cuss:

Bootlegged 01-14-2004 01:53 PM

I think we definitely need to put one of your emails on the front page of the site.....since it is still getting web traffic. Maybe Bob will get the hint that there was about 27,000 classless people..

teedubya 01-14-2004 01:53 PM

Lattimer and Headsnap... you are deranged and need to seek help.


dirk digler 01-14-2004 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lattimer
I think we definitely need to put one of your emails on the front page of the site.....since it is still getting web traffic. Maybe Bob will get the hint that there was about 27,000 classless people..


teedubya 01-14-2004 01:55 PM

damn I missed the Robinson Napalm pic, :-(

BigRedChief 01-14-2004 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
Here's mine:

Mr. Gretz,

Please do not demean the Chiefs' fan base in your column.

While you were "covering the Pittsburgh Steelers in their glory years," we were loyal to the Chiefs. While Greg Robinson was serving the Denver Broncos and Dick Vermeil was leading the Eagles, we were loyal to the Chiefs. Through rain, snow, strikes, missed kicks, 32nd-ranked defenses, and nose tackles covering wide receivers, we have been loyal to the Chiefs.

The fan base is the ultimate dogged watchdog for the team. Without us, personal loyalties would have overridden the team's best interests, and Mr. Robinson would have returned to lead another disaster on defense. While we applaud his decorum during his resignation, that resignation was made possible only by the loyalty of the fans, and our hue and cry. I applaud the professional and polite authors of for assisting in that process.

We were here before you, before Carl, before Dick, and before everyone but Lamar. We'll still be here when you're all long gone. You may fear us or ridicule us, but you really should respect our presence.

yeah what he said....

Bootlegged 01-14-2004 02:05 PM

My quick take in the "sound off" section of the kcchiefs site...

As someone involved in creating the site, I found your column...well, classless. The fans needed a voice in the future of our defense and the site helped give some that voice. Greg is probably a great guy...but his defense DID NOT WORK in KC. Vermeil was too loyal to him and it cost us this year. For the 27,000+ people that visited and the 3,000+ that signed the petition and agreed that he needed to go....check yourself before you go calling someone else classless.

|Zach| 01-14-2004 02:08 PM

Gretz didn't say he didn't think GR shouldn't have been fired...

headsnap 01-14-2004 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lattimer
I think we definitely need to put one of your emails on the front page of the site.....since it is still getting web traffic. Maybe Bob will get the hint that there was about 27,000 classless people..

one step ahead of you. ;)

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