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lewdog 06-19-2016 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 12282160)
Hey man. Did you know gardening is illegal in New Zealand. That's crazy.

I WILL NOT have a tomato slice with ANY green on it. NEVER.

How could you make something like that illegal? Interesting.

I just ate a slice with a bit of green on it. Got some huge red slicing tomatoes at the store but didn't look perfectly ripe. Was still ok by me. :D

I've found that the best tomatoes come from California if you are buying in the store. My home grown ones are obviously the best but this heat makes growing them for 4 months here impossible.

SAUTO 06-19-2016 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 12282165)
Cash and drinks or blow and a kind word or two. That one's easy.
Remind me to tell you about chopping bumps off the dashboard with Tyson sometime.

I'll trade my running George Clinton to the wall after his show story

eDave 06-19-2016 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 12282172)
How could you make something like that illegal? Interesting.

I just ate a slice with a bit of green on it. Got some huge red slicing tomatoes at the store but didn't look perfectly ripe. Was still ok by me. :D

I've found that the best tomatoes come from California if you are buying in the store. My home grown ones are obviously the best but this heat makes growing them for 4 months here impossible.

Long story short; their economy is agriculture so this law was put into place some time ago to protect the industry. So no cutting into that as it would sink their economy. They raid gardens worse than illegal pot grows here. Their shortage of Avocado's is about to trigger a gang war in the black market.

vailpass 06-19-2016 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO (Post 12282180)
I'll trade my running George Clinton to the wall after his show story

Hell yes, would love to hear it.

Last time i saw him and P Funk my buddy got out the car after we tuned up for the show singing " Jungle Bunny" top of his lungs. He honestly thought those were the words.

eDave 06-19-2016 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 12282195)
Hell yes, would love to hear it.

Last time i saw him and P Funk my buddy got out the car after we tuned up for the show singing " Jungle Bunny" top of his lungs. He honestly thought those were the words.

Was that at Talking Stick (I might have the casino wrong)? I was there man. We were taking concert photos for The New Times. What a trip that was. Pimped out fans and their Bottom Bitches was hilarious to see. I was a minority that night. So much fun.

vailpass 06-19-2016 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 12282202)
Was that at Talking Stick (I might have the casino wrong)? I was there man. We were taking concert photos for The New Times. What a trip that was. Pimped out fans and their Bottom Bitches was hilarious to see. I was a minority that night. So much fun.

Cool. Stick gets a lot of shows.

Pushead2 06-19-2016 06:28 PM

Cosmic Brownies, sue me...

Easy 6 06-19-2016 06:40 PM

Many of my addictions come and go, but lately I'll go with...

Cajun and Mexican food, when I cook something lately its usually going to be one of the two

High end vodka, had them all lately... Titos, Ketel One, Stoli, Absolut, Grey Goose, Russian Standard etc

The tv show "Alone", its the only cant miss tv for me lately

Fishing is one that never goes away, its my therapy... out of the house and into nature, just me, my thoughts, and the beauty of nature, I always notice something new... a plant, a new animal, an animals behavior

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-19-2016 06:45 PM

I smoke creatine crack with the house cat at the gym.


SAUTO 06-19-2016 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pushead2 (Post 12282223)
Cosmic Brownies, sue me...


BWillie 06-19-2016 07:21 PM

Energy Drinks (although Ibe greatly mitigated that in the last year, Ill go a month at a time without drinking one)

Red meat
Paying others to do tasks for me
Chiefsplanet & some other msg boards

BWillie 06-19-2016 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by displacedinMN (Post 12281383)
Caffeine withdrawal is a b****. I tried giving up caffeine once and it was almost impossible in fact it became impossible. Had a couple of pretty bad headaches the first few days and I can work my way down from them. Then about a week later I got nauseous and thought I was getting sick. Found an article that said it was caffeine withdrawal. My wife also said that I was too grumpy and that I needed caffeine. Bought me a 20 oz dew. So she is the enabler.

I must be lucky then, I found physical caffeine withdrawals to be very mild. Only headaches for the 1st few days then I was fine except for just being normal and tired. I was drinking 3 monster energy drinks a day at one point, which is about 750mgs of caffeine per day. One day I just decided to quit as itappeared to be negatively effecting my kidneys per blood tests, so I just stopped cold turkey and didn't have one for 2 months. Mentally, had much more "want to" withdrawals but not anything will power couldnt take care of.

Mr. Laz 06-19-2016 10:50 PM


Now mix those together with a tendency towards destructive behavior

and Ima Super freak, ima super freak ... super freaky

patteeu 06-20-2016 08:29 AM

Here's a weird one. I have a hard time going to sleep in silence. I started listening to music or talk with earbuds or a pillow speaker many years ago so I wouldn't have to hear whatever sitcom my wife would watch when she went to bed. Now the wife's gone but I can't go back to silence. Lately I've listened to podcasts at bedtime but I usually fall asleep so fast I never remember what was said the next morning.

eDave 06-20-2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 12283191)
Here's a weird one. I have a hard time going to sleep in silence. I started listening to music or talk with earbuds or a pillow speaker many years ago so I wouldn't have to hear whatever sitcom my wife would watch when she went to bed. Now the wife's gone but I can't go back to silence. Lately I've listened to podcasts at bedtime but I usually fall asleep so fast I never remember what was said the next morning.

I used to just put on the Military Channel in the background. Those documentary voices drum you right to sleep. I put a nice fish tank in my room too with cool lighting and such. Like a live lava lamp. That puts me to sleep too.

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