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Gonzo 11-26-2015 10:46 AM

1. Bloodborne

Duh! I've only gone on and on about this game since its release. I've played this game more than any other in my life. I was originally going to put Witcher in this slot but after playing the new DLC that was released earlier this month, the game is locked in at the best I've ever played. The plague, the beasts, the boss fights and the storyline are just wonderful. Keep in mind that this is one of the most difficult games I've ever played, (right behind the Souls games which I just got into). Bloodborne is perfection. You can't pause or go back to a previous save. Each decision is permanent. The music and graphics are amongst the finest in gaming history. I feel sorry for PC and Xbox players because they don't have the opportunity to immerse themselves into this addictive game. If Dark Souls 3 is anything like Bloodborne, (and it looks like it will be) sign me the hell up.

Gonzo 11-26-2015 10:48 AM

I'm thinking of doing a top 5 or maybe 10 shit games of 2015 as well.

Rasputin 11-26-2015 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11907294)
I'm thinking of doing a top 5 or maybe 10 shit games of 2015 as well.

I know Godzilla is suppose to be on the shit list but I don't curr if I'm a fool to get it I'm hoping to find it cheap during the holidays. It's got to be mind numbing destruction.

Rasputin 11-26-2015 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11907291)
1. Bloodborne

Duh! I've only gone on and on about this game since its release. I've played this game more than any other in my life. I was originally going to put Witcher in this slot but after playing the new DLC that was released earlier this month, the game is locked in at the best I've ever played. The plague, the beasts, the boss fights and the storyline are just wonderful. Keep in mind that this is one of the most difficult games I've ever played, (right behind the Souls games which I just got into). Bloodborne is perfection. You can't pause or go back to a previous save. Each decision is permanent. The music and graphics are amongst the finest in gaming history. I feel sorry for PC and Xbox players because they don't have the opportunity to immerse themselves into this addictive game. If Dark Souls 3 is anything like Bloodborne, (and it looks like it will be) sign me the hell up.

Putting this on my Christmas wish list.

After the holidays I'm going have to take a couple extra days off just to play and have time to do everything in them.

Working 55-60 hours a week is getting old. I got to enjoy some time off.

Gonzo 11-26-2015 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 11907496)
Putting this on my Christmas wish list.

After the holidays I'm going have to take a couple extra days off just to play and have time to do everything in them.

Working 55-60 hours a week is getting old. I got to enjoy some time off.

You won't be disappointed at all. Make sure you pick up the full game with the Old Hunter's DLC.

TambaBerry 11-26-2015 08:27 PM

Any good game deals?

hometeam 11-26-2015 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 11908015)
Any good game deals?

Gonzo 11-27-2015 01:02 AM

Worst games (I've played) so far this year.

5. Madden 2015
What can you say about this game that hasn't been said? It's the same old shit that it's been since 2011. Crappy franchise mode, last-gen graphics and dull announcers that say the same shit each year make this year's submission the same old boring game. If EA would just take some time and make some sweeping changes, they wouldn't have such a poor reputation.

4. The Order 1886
Beautiful graphics aside, this game was an abortion. It's the same old cover-based shooter that we've played time and time again. Total gameplay time of about 6 or 7 hours doesn't help whatsoever. Yes, it's a beautiful game but there was no final boss fight. The "warewolves" that the game revolved around made two or three appearances and the fight was just a QTE.
Very shitty effort.

Mother****erJones 11-27-2015 02:42 AM

I seen on the flash sale AC Syndicate is $35

Gonzo 11-27-2015 10:40 AM

3. Battlefield Hardline
This goddamned abortion could've been something special. A real cops and robbers type game with multiplayer had some real potential. All it ended up being was a cliche driven campaign with a stupid arrest mechanic and a micro-transaction riddled multiplayer that we've all come to expect from EA.
What a bunch of assholes.

2. The Crew
Technically this game came out in late December of last year but it didn't work due to both PSN and Xbox getting hacked by anonymous so it falls into 2015.
What an awesome premise this game was. An online, open world racing game with up to 60 people racing all over the country. It could've been great but as usual, Ubisoft ****ed that up. A horrible storyline, annoying npc's and last gen graphics really killed this out of the box.

Gonzo 11-27-2015 10:45 AM

And the worst ****ing game I've played this year?


Assholes! Turtle Rock can suck my ass. There I was, excited about this game for weeks.
I get it and it's complete shit. It's a running simulator that's exceedingly unbalanced. That's all it is. There's no campaign, no real single player to speak of and the multiplayer is once again full of micro transactions.
**** you Turtle Rock. Your game sucked ass. I took this piece of shit "pay to win" experience back to the store 2 days after purchase.
Very disappointing.

GloucesterChief 11-27-2015 11:24 AM


Have you played the Shadowrun games on steam? If not you might like them. Seattle was pretty good. Dragonfall was excellent and I haven't played Hong Kong yet.

Gonzo 11-27-2015 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11908601)

Have you played the Shadowrun games on steam? If not you might like them. Seattle was pretty good. Dragonfall was excellent and I haven't played Hong Kong yet.

I have not. I've heard good things thought.

Gonzo 11-27-2015 07:03 PM

Ok, just FYI
I got dying light and until dawn confused. You can see why, amitite?
#5 was dying light. 6 was until dawn.

Mother****erJones 11-28-2015 11:48 AM

I was surprised how much I liked Dying Light.

That's disappointing about Evolve. Thought it'd be cool.

I'm hoping this Jason multiplayer idea works out (although unlikely). It'd be fun trying to run around and slash your friends lol. (Big horror movie fan here)

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