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Al Czervik 02-14-2015 08:47 AM


Here's to a successful surgery and quick recovery....Best wishes for both!

BigMeatballDave 02-14-2015 09:00 AM

Many good thoughts headed your way.

Good luck, dude!

Kman34 02-14-2015 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by mikey23545 (Post 11325280)
I'm going into the hospital tomorrow and will be having my left foot amputated probably Monday or Tuesday. Could be followed by my right leg sometime after that.

Diabetes is a bitch.

I don't usually talk about myself too much here, and I'm too argumentative to have many buddies on here...I don't know really why I even felt like sharing this info.

But here I go...Any well wishes will be appreciated, though I don't expect to many... LMAO

Good luck Mikey... Nope everything turns out well for you...

Fat Elvis 02-14-2015 09:28 AM

Best of luck and here's hoping to a speedy recovery and no need for further surgery.

Imon Yourside 02-14-2015 11:16 AM

I wont send any positive vibes cuz they are useless, but i will send prayers your way.. Hope they decide it's not needed at the moment and you are 100% ok. May GOD guide you way Mikey. :)

Hoopsdoc 02-14-2015 11:20 AM

That's terrible, my friend. Good luck and God Bless. I will pray for you and yours.


JakeLV 02-14-2015 11:40 AM

Not sure how much I buy it, but check out the documentary Forks Over Knives. About people who got their diabeetus under control only via changing their diets.

ShowtimeSBMVP 02-14-2015 11:50 AM

Prayers Sent.

PHOG 02-14-2015 12:01 PM

Best of luck. Prayers sent.

SAUTO 02-14-2015 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by mikey23545 (Post 11325280)
I'm going into the hospital tomorrow and will be having my left foot amputated probably Monday or Tuesday. Could be followed by my right leg sometime after that.

Diabetes is a bitch.

I don't usually talk about myself too much here, and I'm too argumentative to have many buddies on here...I don't know really why I even felt like sharing this info.

But here I go...Any well wishes will be appreciated, though I don't expect to many... LMAO

holy **** dude, prayers. Like I said in FMB's thread I've been sitting in a hospital with my pops who is getting ready to get his left leg cut off.

All started with a callus.

Streaks running up his leg, septic, and they aren't taking it until Tuesday because his surgeon is off Monday for Presidents' Day.

At that point I decidd I should take a break and go home for a couple days before going crazy on someone

Chief Pote 02-14-2015 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by mikey23545 (Post 11326092)
I have to admit all these well-wishes have made my eyes brim over...

Thank you so much, Chiefsplanet.

And no offense taken Demonpenz...And now I'm off to the hospital.

Best of luck mikey, hang in there. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Ming the Merciless 02-14-2015 05:33 PM

does anyone else pronounce it DemonPeniz

BigOlChiefsfan 02-14-2015 05:50 PM

Sending belated good vibes.

Katipan 02-14-2015 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 11326696)
does anyone else pronounce it DemonPeniz

I say Demon Pez and picture candy coming out of his mouth when he talks.

But while we're on the subject, how come I didn't get yelled at for trying to make Mikey smile?

Katipan 02-14-2015 08:11 PM

Oh never mind, I just checked my rep. :ROFL:

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