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RustShack 04-17-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Scorp (Post 5679151)
which one is her?

Please take that down...

Gonzo 04-17-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by RustShack (Post 5679152)
Fixed, thanks.

Dude, really? You let this shit go this far?

QuikSsurfer 04-17-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Scorp (Post 5679151)
which one is her?

The pirate or the faulker?

Katipan 04-17-2009 01:30 PM

Katipan 04-17-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679148)
Who the **** said I was going to hit her?

Good lord, you and 10 of your douchebags couldn't come close.

H4L0 04-17-2009 01:30 PM

*sigh* apparently I'm a woman threatening douchebag now, so I'll quit that one now. All I was going to do was go downtown, tell her to take the stick out of her ass, and leave.

Hootie 04-17-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5678987)
There we go, thats me. And uh, we established that I retracted my challenge, correct?


shitgoose 04-17-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by MediaCenterJunkie (Post 5679140)
Well, I didn't post the pic.

P.S. the best thing about this thread is Shitgoose's avatar.

<object width="425" height="344">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>

H4L0 04-17-2009 01:31 PM

Take the ****ing pictures of BOTH Holly's DOWN. Me AND Rust are asking.

Bowser 04-17-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 5679142)
What the **** is going on here?

Cliffs Notes?

Rustshack is having problems with girlfriend.
h4LO is friend of guy trying to steal girlfriend.
H4LO comes on here, flaming Rustshack, and putting words in his mouth while trying to defend freind's actions.
H4LO acts like a hard on, and dares ChiefsPlanet to "out" him.
ChiefsPlanet beats down H4LO.
H4LO wants to meet Katipan face-to-face to tell her to STFU, or something.

teedubya 04-17-2009 01:31 PM

I finally caught up!!!

As CP turns... how hilarious.

Buck 04-17-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 5679142)
What the **** is going on here?

Cliffs Notes?

1. RustShack has a sneaking suspicion his G/F is cheating on him
2. CP says break up w/ her
3. H4L0 Comes along and calls RustShack all kinds of names
4. RustShack retorts
4.1 - Hootie claims that Halo 3 is way better than COD4
5. H4L0 keeps talking shit
6. H4L0 takes back his comments
7. We threaten H4L0
8. We back off H4L0
9. H4L0 Challenges Kapitan

Gonzo 04-17-2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679169)
*sigh* apparently I'm a woman threatening douchebag now, so I'll quit that one now. All I was going to do was go downtown, tell her to take the stick out of her ass, and leave.


You can't do that via telegraphonemailtextintranet?

Donger 04-17-2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679169)
*sigh* apparently I'm a woman threatening douchebag now, so I'll quit that one now. All I was going to do was go downtown, tell her to take the stick out of her ass, and leave.

You are like the reverse Lance Armstrong. You could win the Tour de France backwards.

Katipan 04-17-2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by H4L0 (Post 5679169)
*sigh* apparently I'm a woman threatening douchebag now, so I'll quit that one now. All I was going to do was go downtown, tell her to take the stick out of her ass, and leave.

You would have pissed your pants and I would have spent the rest of my afternoon on the phone with the paramedics, my evening in jail.

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