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Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
They were a pop phenom that remained influencial for generations while flirting with greatness in specific songs and lyrics.

Who, the Rolling Scones or U2?

Rausch 02-26-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red

fixed it pussy :)


Oh hell's no.

Now I have to whip out some Marty McFly-type action on your azz...

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by StcChief
I'll give you....good bands in this list.

Chuck Berry (can't drive worth a F).
Dylan - great song writer.
Buddy Holly - died one hit wonder at this point
Ray Charles - Certainly a HOFer.
LZ - Great R'nR band Blues based like Stones.
Domino - another 1 hit wonder
VU - overall under impressed
Kinks - Great band (Stones level?)
Prince-Great guitar ... staying power?
Supremes - Good girl group. Motown hot.
George Clinton - WTF Disco phenom.
Temptations - Good motown sound. But the overall numbers?
REM - give me break....on the Stones level?
Smokey- good singer more Motown
FZ - Very out there progressive sound.
Peppers - ? In 20 years Who the F were they?
Airplane - Will cash in on 60s too. overall?
Alice - Very good. Way ahead of his time.
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Progressive SR. outside Allman Bros. (not mentioned).
Alice in Chains - You can't be serious? Give Me a Break. Not even close to the Stones.

Maybe a generational thing....but let RnR history decide. these guys are not in the same league.

To me greatness isn't what YOU do, it's what you inspire OTHERS to do. Nobody was inspired by the Stones.

Also, you seem to have a very, VERY narrow definition of "rock".

Rausch 02-26-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Who, the Rolling Scones or U2?

Despite the obvious political hatred I have for U2 and their overbearing political stupidity I'd have to say it's a solid fit for both...

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
Despite the obvious political hatred I have for U2 and their overbearing political stupidity I'd have to say it's a solid fit for both...

You and me both.

Oh, and Nine Inch Nails. I'm not a fan but he's done some truly unique stuff and brought a sub-genre out.

Hell, while I'm at it, Rob Zombie.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by StcChief
REM - give me break....on the Stones level?

They've been around and selling for your magical 20 years, they have world-wide influence. They meet all of your criteria.

StcChief 02-26-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
To me greatness isn't what YOU do, it's what you inspire OTHERS to do. Nobody was inspired by the Stones.

Also, you seem to have a very, VERY narrow definition of "rock".

Another lie.
Stones have inspired more than one band, and been inspired by many.

I have a very broad definition of rock. I'm just unimpressed with what has been brought forth in the last 20 years.

Screaming vocals. Remixes of old songs (got a new one? worth a F)

Haven't seen any that will go down in the RnR greats. To be remembered in 20-50 years.

Nirvana seems to be the only thing that surfaces....

Any real serious playing continuous repeatable sound that inspires?

80s Bad hair band rock.


Alot of Rap in last X years. What's that done for music. Expose / promote Bitches and Ho's. Please that isn't original. Its No talent a$$ clowns.

Rausch 02-26-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
You and me both.

Oh, and Nine Inch Nails. I'm not a fan but he's done some truly unique stuff and brought a sub-genre out.

Hell, while I'm at it, Rob Zombie.

God I wish.

Industrial-Metal died with grunge, and sometimes melded with techno, but it left no true heirs.

Reznor was an innovator - Manson/Zombie are the next hacks attempting to cash in on the Alice Cooper madness/style...

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by StcChief
Another lie.
Stones have inspired more than one band, and been inspired by many.

I have a very broad definition of rock. I'm just unimpressed with what has been brought forth in the last 20 years.

Screaming vocals. Remixes of old songs (got a new one? worth a F)

Haven't seen any that will go down in the RnR greats. To be remembered in 20-50 years.

Nirvana seems to be the only thing that surfaces....

Any real serious playing continuous repeatable sound that inspires?

80s Bad hair band rock.


Alot of Rap in last X years. What's that done for music. Expose / promote Bitches and Ho's. Please that isn't original. Its No talent a$$ clowns.

So your problem is that you don't acknowledge anything prior to the Stones and don't like anything newer? No offense, but your personal preferences do not make a band influential or great.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:45 PM

Hehe. I'm making a Pandora station out of all the bands I've listed and it rules. I'm leaving the Drooling Moans off, though.

SPchief 02-26-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
You and me both.

Oh, and Nine Inch Nails. I'm not a fan but he's done some truly unique stuff and brought a sub-genre out.

Hell, while I'm at it, Rob Zombie.

Along those lines, Tool has done allright for themselves.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Along those lines, Tool has done allright for themselves.

Man, can't believe I forgot them. DAMNIT CARL!!! :cuss:

SPchief 02-26-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Man, can't believe I forgot them. DAMNIT CARL!!! :cuss:


Rausch 02-26-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Man, can't believe I forgot them. DAMNIT CARL!!! :cuss:

You know the drill.

Testes between the waffle iron...

Simplex3 02-26-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
You know the drill.

Testes between the waffle iron...

Yeah, I only remembered, what, 100 bands?

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