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Thank you! |
I'll grab a pic when I get time to as well. I'm on a permabulk but have abs coming through for the first time in ages. |
I'm not a musclebear like penguinz
Legs are pretty lean <iframe allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" style="height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;" class="imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-oHPwzXf-false-540" scrolling="no" src="https://imgur.com/a/oHPwzXf/embed?pub=true&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chiefsplanet.com%2FBB%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D341639%26page%3D8& context=false&w=540" id="imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-oHPwzXf"></iframe><script async="" src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Abs are in, but too flat. I need to do more ab work so they'll pop out. I'm plenty lean enough. <iframe allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" style="height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;" class="imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-Sd7aNTN-false-540" scrolling="no" src="https://imgur.com/a/Sd7aNTN/embed?pub=true&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chiefsplanet.com%2FBB%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D341639%26page%3D8& context=false&w=540" id="imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-Sd7aNTN"></iframe><script async="" src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
Good work loochy.
I don't think i could ever be that lean. |
Damn, you guys are in great shape. Doubt I'll ever be able to look anything like you guys. Nice job both of you.
Belly's starting to shrink a bit though; I think I finally got my macros right (or closer than before anyway). starting to look acceptable in a close-fitting T-shirt, lol. |
It's lunch time and im tired of eating lean proteins.
Jack N the Box Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger claims 57grams of Protein....and 900 calories. It's totally worth it right, because of the protein? Right? RIIIIIGHT????? |
So many of the nutrients you need from the food you eat also need fat to aid in absorption. Fat also is very important if you do any heavy weightlifting as it helps lubricate the joints. |
It's also ****in' free on this App too, soooo..... |
You boys are looking good! (no homo)
I’m not giving up Saturday beer and pizza but I’m inspired now.
1700 calories yesterday and no reason I can’t be solidly clean during week. |
Diet hasn't been working for me. Starting this week I'm going all out, food and water logging, low carb + IF, strenuous daily cardio, and supplements, the whole nine. Maybe mix in some basic bitch weight training to keep the heart rate elevated. I've had success losing before but for whatever reason the diet isn't moving the scale this time.
Starting at 275, hoping to hit 230 this year. Posting this here to keep me honest. |
I don't monitor anything I eat other than making sure I get enough protein and fat. Carbs for the most part of 'free' calories. |
Less filling |
As far as maintaining, you definitely get used to what a serving size actually looks like, and then if you meal prep on top of that, it's easy to portion things out for a week. If I needed/wanted to drop weight though, I'd definitely track (and with apps these days, of course once you get a base of foods/meals logged, it only takes 30 seconds most meals anyway). |
In my opinion it's not necessary to count calories but it can be helpful. It's not rocket science. Losing weight amounts to calories out > calories in.
Doing cardio consistently is much more effective for most people. You look at how much hardwork it takes to burn calories it will make you think twice about overeating. Trust me. But to each their own. Also intermittent fasting is very effective if you don't the right way. |
Yeah, I keep it at about 200 for me (and I weigh 200 lbs). Like penguinz says, cut out the fat and carbs. Usually if you're eating relatively lean-ish meats, then carbs are most expendable. I am not, however, a proponent of no carb or keto. There's never any benefit to cutting protein unless you have kidney damage. |
I do intermittent fasting on the days I don't lift. On the days I lift I have a protein shake post workout. I have to count things to really be consistent. I do about 100 carbs on days I lift but less than 30 on days I don't lift. I do about 60 g fat, 175g protein and 100 carbs for my 1700 calories. I've never been super lean though like loochy, but leaner than I am now. Loochy is super lean, I don't think people realize how lean that is.
What's everyone eating today?
Breakfast: 6 XL eggs and 1 cup high protein oats Lunch 1: 12oz 88% ground beef and two cups cooked rice Lunch 2: Protein shake (2 scoops) and probably some mint chip icecream Dinner: 6oz Wild Salmon, 2 cups cooked rice and some broccoli Evening snack: 2 cups cheerios with 2 cups raw milk Bedtime: Protein shake, 10g creatine, fish oil, magnesium For the most part this is everyday. Dinner is a bout the only thing that changes. |
Meal 1: scoop of whey, 5 whole eggs Meal 2: ahi poke bowl with triple ahi (went to lunch with coworkers) Meal 3: vertical diet cheesesteak meal (basically steak, cheese, onions, and peppers) Meal 4: TBD (some variation of whatever my wife or I decide on for dinner. tonight may be some chicken stir fry) Meal 5 (snack): scoop of whey, apple Meal 5 (post workout): 8 oz cubed eye of round roast, 1/2 c white rice |
Must be nice to just eat all the protein.
Salad with 4oz steak Muscle Milk 25g shake Swiss cheese and roast beef slices 6oz steak and 1 cup of rice for dinner. mixed nuts probably 1.5oz |
***** All things Fitness *****
I like watching Dr. Mike (Renaissance Periodization) on YouTube lately. His Hollywood workout critiques are pretty entertaining and informative. He always emphasizes the stretch with load as so important to muscle growth and so periodically being reminded of that and other tips he provides is always good for staying on point with technique.
Yes! I love Dr. Mike and how he craps all over their idiotic pointless bullshit workouts. |
That's rough, but kidneys are more important than muscles. |
When I saw that I was expecting it to be the Netflix workout. I think he would have better things to say about that one. It was much more focused on applying workouts to his game so I’d love to hear his commentary on that. |
I use to go long periods of avoiding fast food/really unhealthy foods but inevitably I would start craving it more and more and then just have weeks at a time of eating all the things I missed. It’s just not sustainable long term if you like those foods. Of course in weight loss pretty much shy one bad meal can ruin a week of work. But for just sustaining and good balance what has worked for me is mostly just cutting out the soda when I eat something bad. So I allow something not so great for a meal once every 7 days or so but avoid the giant soda they provide. Soda is obviously super bad on its own but the other negative it creates for me is craving even more soda/carbs. Now I like it so I can’t cut it out completely but I’ve moved to the 7 oz cans for when I want to add it to my burgers, pizza, etc which I’ve gotten to the point I don’t automatically need it. |
I consider myself lucky in that regard. I’ve never been much of a soda drinker. My weakness is cookies, brownies, cake, ice cream, and chocolate candies.
It’s all poison but at least I’m satisfied after eating a bowl of ice cream. Soda doesn’t do shit but make you thirstier than you already were. |
I’m lucky in that for whatever reason I Don’t crave sugar at all. Just stopped wanting sodas, cookies, candy around 16-17.
Do have a weakness for bread/pasta though. |
I don’t crave sweets at all but I’m a chip-aholic. I love chips as my snack food. I go to pork rinds to manage that better when eating healthier.
Cake and donuts.
Carbs consumed on weekends don't count. |
A few slices of turkey or salami here and there. Not healthy, but damn good lol. |
He had a really good one about why you can't just keep getting bigger and stronger forever, down to the cellular level and how your body operates, along with things like bodybuilder's range of motion decreasing as they put on 30 pounds of muscle. Thought it was really interesting and not just the normal "best chest exercises ranked" type of stuff. And yeah, the Bobby Stroupe video is pretty brutal, but I know he always emphasizes "jokes all the way down" (and I actually tend to skip a lot of his tangents just as a time saver, but he can be kind of funny). |
Can we get some glute pics please?
Meet me at the bathhouse on I 44 near Springfield Anyone else who is interested can come too. The more the merrier! |
Here's another meal prep I've been making for a couple months now.
1 lb. lean ground meat (I'm a beef guy so usually this is beef, but I made it with turkey and it was almost the same) 1 packet low-sodium taco seasoning (or season yourself) 1 14.5 oz. can of black beans 1 cup cooked jasmine/basmati rice (can buy these now precooked at most stores) 3 cups of various veggies (onions/bell peppers/japs or store-bought pico de gallo are my gotos) Cook the meat with the taco seasoning, drain, and put in a 8x8 baking pan layer the rest of ingredients over meat, I usually put the rice somewhere in the middle, so it doesn't get burnt Add a layer of low-fat cheese to the top and bake in oven @350 degrees for 20 minutes or put half of pan in microwave safe bowl and mike for 90 seconds on high. I eat these half a pan at a time, which gives about 40 grams of protein/approx. 500 cals per serving. |
Hell, for a while I'd just make a few pounds of taco beef and eat it through the week.
Your thing sounds tastier |
3 lbs ground turkey 1 can black beans 2 small cans diced jalapeño’s 2 small cans diced green chilies 1 bag frozen fajita pepper mix 1 1/2 cups minute rice Just cook it all and store in the refrigerator, lasts about 5 days for me. Don’t forget to switch up the hot sauces. |
Yep, looks very similar. Sometimes I cheat a little and make a few crispy tortillas and spoon the stuff in there for taco night. |
MK-677. I've got a source for it and am considering it.
Anyone have any experience with it or knowledge on it? |
It makes you hungry AF It makes you bloated AF It makes you sleepy and lethargic It does, however, work for what it's advertised to do (boost natty GH release) Seriously, your appetite will be insatiable and you'll poof like a balloon If you want to grow, it's the drug for you because you undoubtedly eat enough food and get enough sleep |
So when I began training again a little over 8 months ago, I weighed 178 lb. Today, I weigh 168.6 lb. Tracked my calories (estimated, didn't weigh anything) and the last month or so I dabbled with temporary fasting or whatever its called. Basically stopped eating around 8p and didn't eat anything until around 2-3p the next day, usually after my workout.
Stoked about the weight loss, just need to burn about 5-7 more lbs of fat, I think. A quick thanks to everyone in the thread that gave me good advice during this journey or whatever. I feel like a lot of it helped me with this so far. EDIT: I think it's called intermittent fasting. |
Im never hungry in the mornings and always in a bit of a rush, so i almost always skip breakfast. Then, depending on how busy work is, i may completely forget to eat lunch at all, or not eat lunch till late in the day, around 2 or 3. I've lost about 13lbs in the last 3-4 months while not actually trying to lose weight. And no one is going to look at me and think i need to lose weight as it is....but i do like the way i look better. I just stopped eating fast food, chips, Ice Cream and soda and i leaned more into protein and less with the filler shit like rice and mashed potatoes and so forth. But because im not eating breakfast most of the time, im still falling short of my protein goals. If i had to guess, im probably getting around 80-90G's of protein per day, well short of my goal but still a substantial increase over what i was doing all my life. Basically, i started eating more like an adult and less like a teenager LMAO |
I started running in late May. Do no weight training of anytime since 2016. Can now run a mile in 7:30 which I know isn't great but I couldn’t do more than 11 min when I first started. I ran/walk a 5k the other day in 29 min something but strained my groin.
Going to run a 5k in Sept or Oct. The heat really took it outta me today after taking a week and a half break. Would I beat anyone, anyone at all in a 39 to 49 year old division in a 5k? Dont want to totally embarrass myself. Would prefer to be able to run the entire 3.1 miles first before I join. I can only run about 2.5 right now. |
Don't worry about placing though. Just go do one! Those races always have plenty of walkers and fat people, so you definitely wont be getting last place or embarrassing yourself at all. And, if you're single (and I have a feeling you are), races are a great place to meet attractive, in shape, down to earth women. |
If you are struggling to eat enough protein because you are not hungry and in a rush you might try drinking your protein in the morning. You can slam a glass of pasteurized egg whites in a matter of seconds.
Yeah, I'm 54 so the metabolism has slowed way down since I was in my 20s-30s. But I have found that if I work hard enough and consistently enough, I can raise it up some. But it doesn't take much at all for it to drop back; I have to keep hitting the gym and so forth. If I take more than a couple days off, it seems like my metabolism goes right back to couch-mode. Also, even when I was in HS, I'd usually gain a few pounds over the summer until school started and I went back to playing soccer, running track, or whatever. So we definitely have different metabolisms. The protein thing is tough. I don't like all the protein shakes, but most days I have to drink at least one to meet my goals. On the bright side, I can eat more steaks and pork chops per month, lol. |
Or buy the Protein Shakes that are premade. I wouldn't go that other route as like you said - it probably tastes like ass. |
Set a goal to run farther than the actual race. I'd set it at 4 miles. Don't worry about how fast, just complete the run. We used to call it LSD (long Slow Distance training). Jog it if you have to, but finish the distance without stopping. Right now, you can run 2.5 miles, which is great. Add a half mile next week. Then a week or two later add another half mile. Eventually get to 4 miles, or whatever. By the time the race comes around, 3 miles will feel short. I wouldn't worry about placing. Racing is a different animal than just running a few miles alone. You're going to be kind of amped up at the start line, probably start off too fast, your pace won't match most of the people around you, etc. Baby steps. Just finish the race without feeling like you're going to die on the spot. Maybe think about how you place next year when you run it again. |
I'm probably weird, but to me raw eggs taste faintly of cinnamon. Not that gross.
Like you said though you are only racing yourself. Getting faster each time out is the goal which is fairly easy early on and gets much much tougher once you hit a speed plateau. |
Dang. I have a question. It appears (haven't actually used a tape measure yet) that my left bicep (upper arm) is slightly larger than my right. No idea how that happened or could happen considering how I work out, but how do I fix that?
Do unilateral movements when you work arms. Work to failure with your right arm. Don't surpass that number of reps with the left arm. |
my left arm is slightly weaker but also slightly bigger. go figure
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