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Baby Lee 04-30-2021 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15653469)
What we're dealing with here, is a total lack of respect for the law.

Well that's what you get for poontangin' around with them show folk.

Bugeater 04-30-2021 11:59 AM

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes Sheriff Buford T. Justice look like a possum's pecker.

scho63 04-30-2021 11:59 AM

2bikemike 04-30-2021 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15653450)


Originally Posted by luv (Post 15653465)
( | )

( ) Y ( )

Donger 04-30-2021 11:59 AM

scho63 04-30-2021 12:00 PM

TLO 04-30-2021 12:00 PM


TLO 04-30-2021 12:01 PM


luv 04-30-2021 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike (Post 15653476)
( ) Y ( )

Do you mean ( o Y o ) ?

TLO 04-30-2021 12:01 PM


scho63 04-30-2021 12:01 PM

TLO 04-30-2021 12:01 PM


Bugeater 04-30-2021 12:01 PM

Hey Donger, masks don't work!

TLO 04-30-2021 12:02 PM


scho63 04-30-2021 12:02 PM

TLO 04-30-2021 12:02 PM


luv 04-30-2021 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15653485)

This reminds me of a sloth with mental disabilities.

scho63 04-30-2021 12:03 PM

Donger 04-30-2021 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15653487)
Hey Donger, masks don't work!

luv 04-30-2021 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653498)


scho63 04-30-2021 12:05 PM

scho63 04-30-2021 12:06 PM

scho63 04-30-2021 12:07 PM

Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 12:07 PM

Is this the official‘ I’m leaving forever’ thread?

scho63 04-30-2021 12:08 PM

TLO 04-30-2021 12:09 PM


TLO 04-30-2021 12:09 PM


TLO 04-30-2021 12:10 PM


ChiliConCarnage 04-30-2021 12:11 PM

It's 1:11 pm

Rain Man 04-30-2021 12:13 PM

I think we're gaining momentum. We may have a runaway train thread on our hands.

scho63 04-30-2021 12:13 PM

The 9 Different Types of Boobs in the World
Which one do you have?

By Yerin Kim
Oct 12, 2020
Everyone knows that boobs can be either big or small, but did you also know that they can be asymmetric, bell shaped or side set? There's a chance you don't even know what some of those words mean when it comes to determining what type of boobs you have, and it turns out that there are many more descriptors beyond just the size. There are words to describe nipple placement, where exactly your boobs sit on your chest, and what direction your boobs even face when they're out in the wild (aka not in a bra).

Would you have ever guessed that there are NINE different types of boobs in the world?! Well, according to bra company ThirdLove's breast shape dictionary, women have one of nine different sets of breasts. All boobs (and nipples) are totally normal, but identifying your exact shape can find you the best bras for your shape. And ThirdLove also recommends the most fitting styles for every breast shape. Here are the nine types of boobs in the world...

1 of 9
This refers to sets of boobs where one is larger (or smaller) than the other. Push-up bras with removable pads would probably work best, as you can even out your breasts by removing or adding pads.

2 of 9
In case you were wondering, you don't have to be an intense athlete to have athletic boobs. These breasts are wider, more muscular-looking, and have less tissue. A wireless bra is perfect for wider boobs — it'll provide comfort and support!

3 of 9
East West
If your nipples point in opposite directions outward, you probably have east west breasts. ThirdLove recommends push-up bras, as they will help gather your breasts to the front of your chest.

4 of 9
For the relaxed type, your boobs typically hang downwards and have lax tissue. Though a T-shirt or push-up bra will definitely give your girls a little lift, it's totally fine to embrace your boobs as they are.

5 of 9
Bell Shape
Bell shape breasts are thinner at the top and fuller at the bottom. Not surprisingly, they look like bells! A comfy, lifting T-shirt bra would work best for your shape.

6 of 9
Having a slender shape doesn't necessarily mean that you wear a smaller cup size. It just means that your boobs are on the thinner side — they probably don't take up your entire chest. Bras with a deep plunge can help gather your breasts towards the center.

7 of 9
Side Set
Your boobs can be called side set if you have a little space between your breasts. A front close bra — one that fastens in the front — would be ideal for your breast type!

8 of 9
Just as you would expect, round boobs are the type that are fully circular, and equal at the top and bottom of the breasts. Lucky for you, you can pretty much pull off any style of bra with this shape.

9 of 9
Tear Drop
Similar to round breasts, the tear drop shape is circular, but your boobs are a little less full at the top. You can also rock any style if you have this type!

Rain Man 04-30-2021 12:14 PM

scho63 04-30-2021 12:14 PM

Today is National Boob Day.

At least on CP.

scho63 04-30-2021 12:16 PM

Current temperature in Tempe AZ at 11:16 am is 91°

scho63 04-30-2021 12:16 PM

Posts approaching 60% to our goal

2bikemike 04-30-2021 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15653532)
Posts approaching 60% to our goal

Where is Rain Mans Goal Meter? Time for an update

scho63 04-30-2021 12:19 PM

This is like the Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy.

"Can you just reach in your pocket for just 5 posts?"

"Someday soon we may have a known cure for Patteau's Disease!"

scho63 04-30-2021 12:20 PM


scho63 04-30-2021 12:20 PM


scho63 04-30-2021 12:20 PM

Sex hundred

Donger 04-30-2021 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15653526)
Today is National Boob Day.

At least on CP.

May I suggest a nipple type next?

BigCatDaddy 04-30-2021 12:22 PM


Edit- Nevermind. Got side tracked watching that chick golf.

2bikemike 04-30-2021 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15653540)
This is like the Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy.

"Can you just reach in your pocket for just 5 posts?"

"Someday soon we may have a known cure for Patteau's Disease!"

My wife met Jerry Lewis coming our of a grocery store in San Diego. When she mentioned meeting him to the cashier, she said. " I hope he was nice to you, he's not very nice to many people." Jerry must've been having a good day because he was very pleasant to my wife.

2bikemike 04-30-2021 12:34 PM

This thread lost its Burst!

BigCatDaddy 04-30-2021 12:36 PM

Trump 2024!

journeyscarab 04-30-2021 12:37 PM

Push push in the bush.

Abba-Dabba 04-30-2021 12:40 PM

There was a man named Eugene
He liked to roam DC, that was his scene
Though he rarely was a drama queen
His post count still became quite obscene
Make no mistake, politics will convene
Whether it be about a vaccine
Or maybe even hydroxychloroquine
One thing is for certain, this will all be unseen
Like patteeu and a turd flushed down a latrine

Yosef_Malkovitch 04-30-2021 12:41 PM

Might make it by the end of the weekend.

Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 12:41 PM

I hope everyone in this thread is caught up in their vaccinations

Rain Man 04-30-2021 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 15653576)
I hope everyone in this thread is caught up in their vaccinations

I've been tracking my immunity in my signature. I'm almost indestructible now.

2bikemike 04-30-2021 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 15653585)
I've been tracking my immunity in my signature. I'm almost indestructible now.

Why are you lagging your family?

DaFace 04-30-2021 01:18 PM


Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 01:26 PM


Bearcat 04-30-2021 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by scho63 (Post 15653529)
Current temperature in Tempe AZ at 11:16 am is 91°

It's about damn time.

crayzkirk 04-30-2021 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan (Post 15653120)
... I think I prefer Paige.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

JakeF 04-30-2021 01:29 PM

Later Pat.

Rain Man 04-30-2021 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike (Post 15653644)
Why are you lagging your family?

My wife got her shot a week before me, so she's had more time to mutate.

Deberg_1990 04-30-2021 01:31 PM

My sources telling me Mahomes doesn’t want to play in KC anymore....

Bugeater 04-30-2021 01:39 PM


burt 04-30-2021 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 15653702)

We all stand in your shadow.

Donger 04-30-2021 01:49 PM

I'd like to be allowed to return to the Lounge COVID thread please.

ToxSocks 04-30-2021 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653728)
I'd like to be allowed to return to the Lounge COVID thread please.

Me too. Make it happen, science.

seclark 04-30-2021 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653728)
I'd like to be allowed to return to the Lounge COVID thread please.

wash your legs and make yourself presentable

Bearcat 04-30-2021 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653728)
I'd like to be allowed to return to the Lounge COVID thread please.


ToxSocks 04-30-2021 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653737)


Tonka83 04-30-2021 01:55 PM

I want to say something before this whole thing gets out of control. In 1967, in the hot desert sun, a woman gave birth to a boy in the back of old pick up. She was a whore. She left the boy at a local church. The father at the church didn't like children, but he knew that being a disciple of the bible he couldn't possibly not take the small kid. Instead he ended up taking out his frustration on the boy. At the age of three, the boy was forced to use the toilet. Let me tell you the little fell into his own pile of poop more than once. By the age of 5, the boy the boy was reading the bible and chopping wood for the fire. Despite the father's harsh character, the boy loved him and thought of him as his true father. By the age of seven the father raped him three times. The boy ran away. He survived four days in the desert by eating cactus and scorpions. He was finally found by a drug cartel boss, who took the boy in. Mr. Sanchez was his name, and he was immediately impressed by the boys intelligence and grown up attitude. Mr. Sanchez provided the boy with an education at a private prep school and a nice house. The boy had sex for the first time when he was 12, the next year he graduated high school. He was the school's star running back. The boy was lost, although he liked Mr. Sanchez, he never thought of him as his father. The boy went to India, were he became a spiritual leader of a large tribe of farmers. With his power he turned the several plots that each tribe member had into a large corporate farm and became a millionaire. His assets grew as he bought into other successful start ups. He often got ahead in business with his great leadership abilities, but once in a while he used violence. This was India after all. By the time he was 22, the boy had all the money he would ever need. So he bought a yacht and traveled the world for 10 years. For 10 years he visited every major port, slept with girls from every country imaginable, and tried every drug ever made (by nature and by man). When he was 33, he was walking on a beach in French Guiana when he met a girl of Irish - Native American decent. She bared his seed. It was boy, perfect health. He moved them to Argentina, then London, and eventually Vermont. The man was 45 now, he has seen everything, accomplished everything, tried everything. He skied down the Swiss Alps, been at the North Pole, swam with hammerheads, everything! Yet he has never done one simple thing that we all take for granted every day, he met his father. He never played catch with his father, he never talked about women with his father. He never would. He died at the age of 63 when his parachute didn?t open when he was base jumping from Dagger Mountain in Washington, USA. Over three thousand people attended his funeral.
I know what you are thinking. How does this story relate to me? Well I want you to go all the way back to the beginning of the story and remember the woman who gave birth to this incredible boy. You are like this woman. You are like this women because you are a whore. And we are one post closer to 1000

Donger 04-30-2021 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653737)

Why not?

Bearcat 04-30-2021 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 15653738)

Why also?

Bearcat 04-30-2021 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653741)
Why not?

Why would we undo what's already done?

Bearcat 04-30-2021 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka83 (Post 15653740)
I want to say something before this whole thing gets out of control. In 1967, in the hot desert sun, a woman gave birth to a boy in the back of old pick up. She was a whore. She left the boy at a local church. The father at the church didn't like children, but he knew that being a disciple of the bible he couldn't possibly not take the small kid. Instead he ended up taking out his frustration on the boy. At the age of three, the boy was forced to use the toilet. Let me tell you the little fell into his own pile of poop more than once. By the age of 5, the boy the boy was reading the bible and chopping wood for the fire. Despite the father's harsh character, the boy loved him and thought of him as his true father. By the age of seven the father raped him three times. The boy ran away. He survived four days in the desert by eating cactus and scorpions. He was finally found by a drug cartel boss, who took the boy in. Mr. Sanchez was his name, and he was immediately impressed by the boys intelligence and grown up attitude. Mr. Sanchez provided the boy with an education at a private prep school and a nice house. The boy had sex for the first time when he was 12, the next year he graduated high school. He was the school's star running back. The boy was lost, although he liked Mr. Sanchez, he never thought of him as his father. The boy went to India, were he became a spiritual leader of a large tribe of farmers. With his power he turned the several plots that each tribe member had into a large corporate farm and became a millionaire. His assets grew as he bought into other successful start ups. He often got ahead in business with his great leadership abilities, but once in a while he used violence. This was India after all. By the time he was 22, the boy had all the money he would ever need. So he bought a yacht and traveled the world for 10 years. For 10 years he visited every major port, slept with girls from every country imaginable, and tried every drug ever made (by nature and by man). When he was 33, he was walking on a beach in French Guiana when he met a girl of Irish - Native American decent. She bared his seed. It was boy, perfect health. He moved them to Argentina, then London, and eventually Vermont. The man was 45 now, he has seen everything, accomplished everything, tried everything. He skied down the Swiss Alps, been at the North Pole, swam with hammerheads, everything! Yet he has never done one simple thing that we all take for granted every day, he met his father. He never played catch with his father, he never talked about women with his father. He never would. He died at the age of 63 when his parachute didn?t open when he was base jumping from Dagger Mountain in Washington, USA. Over three thousand people attended his funeral.
I know what you are thinking. How does this story relate to me? Well I want you to go all the way back to the beginning of the story and remember the woman who gave birth to this incredible boy. You are like this woman. You are like this women because you are a whore. And we are one post closer to 1000

We would be like 8 posts closer if you had spread that out a bit.

Donger 04-30-2021 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653750)
Why would undo what's already done?

I don't know who or what "undo" is, but:

Free Donger!

Bearcat 04-30-2021 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653754)
I don't know who or what "undo" is, but:

Free Donger!

<div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="15168206" data-share-method="host" data-width="50%" data-aspect-ratio="1.7978339350180503"><a href="">Why Waste Time When Few Word Do Trick GIF</a> from <a href="">Whywastetime GIFs</a></div><script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>

burt 04-30-2021 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 15653754)
I don't know who or what "undo" is, but:

Free Donger!

NNNnoooo....FREE MY DONGER!!!!

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 02:08 PM

Johnny was a school boy

Rain Man 04-30-2021 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653750)
Why would we undo what's already done?

Never look backwards. Onward always.

Ming the Merciless 04-30-2021 02:09 PM

nice progress lads

i leave the office for 3 hours and you guys post several hundred times.

im proud of you guys

Donger 04-30-2021 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15653761)
<div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="15168206" data-share-method="host" data-width="50%" data-aspect-ratio="1.7978339350180503"><a href="">Why Waste Time When Few Word Do Trick GIF</a> from <a href="">Whywastetime GIFs</a></div><script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>

Injustice should be challenged and corrected, We.

LiveSteam 04-30-2021 02:17 PM

Im off to the witch.
I may never,never,never come home.
But the magic that I will feel, is worth a lifetime.

Ming the Merciless 04-30-2021 02:18 PM

how about pole vaulters instead of golfers

Ming the Merciless 04-30-2021 02:18 PM

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