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Mav 01-28-2015 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by TimBone (Post 11296944)
Bullshit. Tons of talent. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, and lots more are full of talent. The problem is they never bothered developing half of those guys. They used them as jobbers and door mats to continue pushing the Cenas, Ortons, and HHH's. Piss poor planning by the WWE.

Cena should have been putting over Wyatt in their feud. Instead, they made Wyatt look weak and let Cena clown the whole family by himself at every PPV.

Sheamus has serious limitations. Average in ring ability, poor Mic skills. Luke Harper? Zero mic skills. Kofi Kingston is used purely for his athletic ability. I think you are missing my point. I did forget Bray Wyatt, so you win that one. But as far as depth goes, even rusev who is phenomenal in the ring will never be top shelf because he can't communicate.

And they pushed Daniel Bryan, and hey, I'm a Bryan guy. But as they feared, his body failed him. Dolph as well. He is his own worst enemy. Probably the best in ring performer since HBK. But he sells too well.

Mav 01-28-2015 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Swanman (Post 11296709)
It wouldn't surprise me if Vince panics and throws obscene money at Rock to do a match at Wrestlemania.

Wouldn't be a horrible idea, but against who?

I mean their wrestlemania card is so thin now, that they are having to force Daniel Bryan Sheamus just to fill the card.

This is shaping up to be a pretty lousy wrestlemania. Lesnar Reigns is looking lousy. The only match I'm truly excited for is sting hhh. My two faves of all time.

Hootie 01-28-2015 03:00 PM

Dolph is amazing

keg in kc 01-28-2015 04:23 PM

The problem isn't the performers, the problem is Vince still married to the idea that only big guys are worth putting over, which is why no talent turds like ryback are given long pushes that never pan out, and his weird infatuation with giving his best workers long losing streaks. Which is I think an attempt to kill their popularity. Which really kills those guys when he finally gives in to public pressure and puts them on top.

And the fascination with entertainment over wrestling. That's why Brock is so over. Heyman cuts the best promos, which are all about how Brock is going to beat a guy, and then Brock goes out and kills them in a violently believable way. There's no cartoony shit, there's no weirdness, it's just one guy beating another. It would not have been hard to set up Danielson like that, albeit in a different way because of his size. They did it with Chris Benoit for years. Make him the best technical wrestler in the company, give him a long winning streak, don't tear him down on the Mic for years, and you don't need a gimmick beard or yes chants.

But belts don't matter, skills don't matter, mic work barely even matters because it's all scripted. All that matters is being 6'4 with a physique. Vince is in love with bodybuilders.

Swanman 01-28-2015 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11297406)
The problem isn't the performers, the problem is Vince still married to the idea that only big guys are worth putting over, which is why no talent turds like ryback are given long pushes that never pan out, and his weird infatuation with giving his best workers long losing streaks. Which is I think an attempt to kill their popularity. Which really kills those guys when he finally gives in to public pressure and puts them on top.

And the fascination with entertainment over wrestling. That's why Brock is so over. Heyman cuts the best promos, which are all about how Brock is going to beat a guy, and then Brock goes out and kills them in a violently believable way. There's no cartoony shit, there's no weirdness, it's just one guy beating another. It would not have been hard to set up Danielson like that, albeit in a different way because of his size. They did it with Chris Benoit for years. Make him the best technical wrestler in the company, give him a long winning streak, don't tear him down on the Mic for years, and you don't need a gimmick beard or yes chants.

But belts don't matter, skills don't matter, mic work barely even matters because it's all scripted. All that matters is being 6'4 with a physique. Vince is in love with bodybuilders.

If you look at how Bryan was booked in ROH, that's how it could have worked. He was a technical badass that had about 100 different finishers that he could pull out of nowhere on you. But in WWE-land every "superstar" needs to be a video game character with 1 signature move and 1 finisher.

58kcfan89 01-28-2015 05:56 PM

I'd also like to point out that Wrestlemania will be Reigns' first PPV main event. And his 2nd (SECOND!!) one-on-one PPV match. Ever.

Not only is he awful at everything (except looking like a shampoo salesman), he's in a spot that A) he did nothing to earn and B) he's never even approached before.

I'm curious as to what happens to the guy long-term. If he beats Lesnar (that hurts to type) and the crowd shits all over it, can he ever recover from it? Far be it from me to defend Cena, but he's at least shown the ability to roll with the punches of a crowd (and put on some watchable matches in the process). Reigns looked like a freaking deer in the headlights, pointing to the Mania sign like a dumbass while the whole place was booing his ass on Sunday.

Ugh. I thought about cancelling my subscription to the Network after Sunday. Decided not to because I want to see Mania. But if that show ends without a big change to the main event (or at least Rollins coming out to ruin the whole damn thing), I don't know how much longer I'll be subscribing.

keg in kc 02-03-2015 09:33 AM

So they're doing the same thing as last year, beating Bryan badly in the Rumble for whatever stupid reason, then putting him right back in the main event picture for mania?

58kcfan89 02-03-2015 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11308473)
So they're doing the same thing as last year, beating Bryan badly in the Rumble for whatever stupid reason, then putting him right back in the main event picture for mania?

I have my doubts that they actually will. I think this is their way of trolling the fans. They can say "Well, we gave him 2 shots to be in the main event & he couldn't win either time." Or "Look, Reigns earned it! He won the Rumble AND beat Bryan!"

It's stupid. But unless every crowd pulls a Philly & is boourns'ing Reigns out of the building between now & then, I think Reigns-Lesnar is a go. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, though.

If they do go with Reigns-Lesnar, Rollins needs to ruin the whole thing. Cash in the MITB as confetti meant for another guy rains (no pun intended) down. Then again, they might cheer him for that...

BigCatDaddy 02-03-2015 11:43 AM

No way they put Reigns in the WM main event right now.

keg in kc 02-03-2015 12:13 PM

Is mania Brock's last date? I could actually see them putting Bryan over if that's the case.

If he beats Reigns and then starts tapping people, that's where they're headed. And I think that could be a fantastic match. Better than Brock and Reigns.

Mr. Arrowhead 02-03-2015 12:50 PM

my bet is a double DQ at fast lane, then they put both Bryan and Reigns in the WM main event against Brock

Reaper16 02-03-2015 12:56 PM

Bryan is going to make Reigns look like a million bucks at Fast Lane & put him over. That's his role.

ILChief 02-03-2015 01:58 PM

Push Ziggler

Sassy Squatch 02-03-2015 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11308856)
Bryan is going to make Reigns look like a million bucks at Fast Lane & put him over. That's his role.

Kind of backfires if the crowd shits on it though.

keg in kc 02-03-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by ILChief (Post 11308962)
Push Ziggler

Ziggler v Bryan is what Meltzer had been told prior to yesterday's Raw.

BigCatDaddy 02-03-2015 03:55 PM

What about the old double turn with Brock and Reigns?

58kcfan89 02-03-2015 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11308856)
Bryan is going to make Reigns look like a million bucks at Fast Lane & put him over. That's his role.

Fast Lane is in the same place they did Occupy Raw last year with Bryan. I'm not entirely sure they won't shit all over Reigns when he beats Bryan.

And Bryan's a wrestler, not a miracle worker. I'm on the bandwagon of him being the best worker on the planet, but Reigns is on another level of suck.


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 11309206)
What about the old double turn with Brock and Reigns?

Except I think the idea behind all this crap is that Reigns is the new Cena. The face of the company who they can shove down our throats for the next 15 years because the kids love him and buy all his stupid merchandise. If he's a heel, that doesn't work.

Not to mention that it may be Brock's last match. I don't think I have to remind anyone what happened the last time his contract was up.

Captain Obvious 02-04-2015 11:55 PM good. Next week will be so much better than Fast Lane.

Jerm 02-14-2015 09:05 AM

Don't know if anyone else caught the NXT special on Wednesday but if not, watch it NOW....JESUS CHRIST what a show.

NXT is easily the best American wrestling going right now and shits all over RAW and SD. I wish they'd keep NXT separate at this point and keeps all these wonderful performers there...hell move Bryan, Cesaro, Kidd, Ziggler, etc. there full time while we're are it lol.

keg in kc 02-16-2015 10:12 PM

Best brawl I can remember seeing for a while.

Reaper16 02-16-2015 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 11326109)
Don't know if anyone else caught the NXT special on Wednesday but if not, watch it NOW....JESUS CHRIST what a show.

NXT is easily the best American wrestling going right now and shits all over RAW and SD. I wish they'd keep NXT separate at this point and keeps all these wonderful performers there...hell move Bryan, Cesaro, Kidd, Ziggler, etc. there full time while we're are it lol.

Or turn Smackdown into NXT. Give the NXT performers the chance to make money on the road.

DaNewGuy 03-28-2015 03:00 PM

What's everyone's thoughts going into Wrestlemania tomorrow? Weak build honestly not that excited, Sting/HHH should be good and the ladder match, I'm waiting to see if this main event will bomb and how the crowd will react to it

Chromatic 03-28-2015 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaNewGuy (Post 11408087)
What's everyone's thoughts going into Wrestlemania tomorrow? Weak build honestly not that excited, Sting/HHH should be good and the ladder match, I'm waiting to see if this main event will bomb and how the crowd will react to it

Brock just resigned a 3 year deal so there's real talk of having him retain the title tomorrow night. There's going to be a lot of anti-reigns people in the crowd tomorrow so having him win would be a real chance of the closing shot of wrestlemania ending to chorus of boos. I don't think the WWE wants that.

The RAW after would be even worse. The guys who fly around the world to attend Wrestlemania generally buy a ticket to RAW the night after. They're generally the most smarky and the most vocal. If Reigns wins, they're going to peel the paint off the roof booing the shit out of him.

DaNewGuy 03-28-2015 03:10 PM

Love the post WM Raws, remember a year ago I think the crowd just shit all over Sheamus/Orton chanting everything from Savage to X-PAC lol

Reaper16 03-28-2015 03:47 PM

Apparently the NXT show last night in San Jose was mind-blowing. But it also wasn't taped. Guuuuhhhhh.

Captain Obvious 03-28-2015 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11408134)
Apparently the NXT show last night in San Jose was mind-blowing. But it also wasn't taped. Guuuuhhhhh.

Triple H can't take over the WWE soon enough.

DaNewGuy 03-28-2015 04:31 PM

Yea heard they had over 5,000 in attendance, Balor and Neville sounds like it was off the charts

Jerm 03-28-2015 05:22 PM

Pretty sure it was recorded...

Itami finally busted out the GTS too, the pop was ridiculously loud.

TLO 03-28-2015 09:10 PM

Regins heel turn incoming. Guessing that Heyman goes with him too.

I just want to see Bray beat Taker. He's had to carry the entire thing, and then to saddle him with a loss would be super shitty.

TLO 03-28-2015 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by DaNewGuy (Post 11408087)
What's everyone's thoughts going into Wrestlemania tomorrow? Weak build honestly not that excited, Sting/HHH should be good and the ladder match, I'm waiting to see if this main event will bomb and how the crowd will react to it

Sting/ HHH will be awful I'm sure. Taker and Wyatt won't be much better. (From a wrestling standpoint I mean)

Reaper16 03-28-2015 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 11408298)
Pretty sure it was recorded...

Itami finally busted out the GTS too, the pop was ridiculously loud.

There weren't any hard cams there. There were some handheld cameras, but it seems unlikely they can pull an episode out of that footage.

It's a shame, because the buzz on the Sasha Banks vs Charlotte match is that it rivals the Natalya vs Charlotte match from last year.

Sassy Squatch 03-28-2015 10:16 PM

If Reigns wins they'll just say he's too hurt to show up on Raw because of Lesnar. Easy angle to avoid the negative backlash.

WeathermanKumke 03-28-2015 10:30 PM

Reigns won't win. They just resigned Brock. Only way Brock was to lose that title smartly is to have him be the ultimate obstacle. A very very rare event of him losing. He faces many different types of competitors to overcome their odds until finally someone is ready for that push to become the next big WWE Face.

58kcfan89 03-29-2015 10:08 AM

Anyone watch the HOF speeches last night? Anything worth watching?


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11408659)
Sting/ HHH will be awful I'm sure. Taker and Wyatt won't be much better. (From a wrestling standpoint I mean)

I agree, but I can also see both of those being in the vein of Rock-Hogan from WM 18 where the crowd is super into both of them. Guess we'll find out.


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 11408732)
If Reigns wins they'll just say he's too hurt to show up on Raw because of Lesnar. Easy angle to avoid the negative backlash.

If Reigns wins, I don't think there's much they can do to avoid negative backlash, short of playing into it & turning him heel. Tomorrow's Raw will be the smarky-est crowd of the year and he didn't get a good reaction earlier this week with the belt. Lesnar has to win or Rollins has to cash in. If the show ends with REIGNSWINSLOL and they try to keep him as a face, it could ruin the guy's career.

As an aside, I can't be the only one who's really not that excited for Mania tonight. I thought as it got closer, I'd get more into it, but that hasn't happened. I'll still watch the show and will probably watch tomorrow, but if this show bombs, I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep the network. Lesnar re-signing ups my interest a bit, but I'm still not convinced that Reigns won't begin a Cena-esque reign of terror (no pun intended) tonight.

GloucesterChief 03-29-2015 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by WeathermanKumke (Post 11408740)
Reigns won't win. They just resigned Brock. Only way Brock was to lose that title smartly is to have him be the ultimate obstacle. A very very rare event of him losing. He faces many different types of competitors to overcome their odds until finally someone is ready for that push to become the next big WWE Face.

Going back to after last Wrestlemania you actually had a decent storyline set up for this. You have Cesaro with Heyman. You keep Cesaro dominate and let him bring in more of his indy offense (UFO and Ricola Bomb) . Through out this Heyman keeps hyping Brock but doesn't say much about Cesaro. This continues for a couple months as Cesaro's annoyance at his hype man not hyping him builds.

In a Number 1 contenders match Paul interferes costing Cesaro the match. Cesaro finally has had enough and Heyman gets a giant swing for his trouble. This turns Cesaro all the way face. Build to Wrestlemania from there.

58kcfan89 03-29-2015 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11409078)
Going back to after last Wrestlemania you actually had a decent storyline set up for this. You have Cesaro with Heyman. You keep Cesaro dominate and let him bring in more of his indy offense (UFO and Ricola Bomb) . Through out this Heyman keeps hyping Brock but doesn't say much about Cesaro. This continues for a couple months as Cesaro's annoyance at his hype man not hyping him builds.

In a Number 1 contenders match Paul interferes costing Cesaro the match. Cesaro finally has had enough and Heyman gets a giant swing for his trouble. This turns Cesaro all the way face. Build to Wrestlemania from there.

Nah, he can't get over because he's too European.

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 01:57 PM

Great idea to put The Bushwackers after the Warrior award. Daniel Bryan did an awesome job with his speech.

The Bad Guy 03-29-2015 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by WeathermanKumke (Post 11408740)
Reigns won't win. They just resigned Brock. Only way Brock was to lose that title smartly is to have him be the ultimate obstacle. A very very rare event of him losing. He faces many different types of competitors to overcome their odds until finally someone is ready for that push to become the next big WWE Face.

With the way Heyman is kissing Reigns ass in all promos, I think he's going to flip on Brock and help Reigns win the belt.

Then Rollins cashes in.

The Bad Guy 03-29-2015 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11408652)
Regins heel turn incoming. Guessing that Heyman goes with him too.

I just want to see Bray beat Taker. He's had to carry the entire thing, and then to saddle him with a loss would be super shitty.

There's no way I can see Bray losing to Taker. You have to start putting Bray over - I think this is the way they do it.

58kcfan89 03-29-2015 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy (Post 11409386)
There's no way I can see Bray losing to Taker. You have to start putting Bray over - I think this is the way they do it.

This IS Vince we're talking about. There's not a lot (short of good booking) that would surprise me at this point with this company.

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 03:35 PM

Mostly excited for the IC title ladder match other than that the only thing peaking my interest is the main event and it's only cause I wanna see the crowd reaction to it

New World Order 03-29-2015 03:42 PM

Can't wait for Rick "The Model" Martel vs Tito Santanna

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 04:22 PM

I don't like having matches in the preshow. Still thousands of empty seats.

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Obvious (Post 11409593)
I don't like having matches in the preshow. Still thousands of empty seats.

Especially for the tag titles, they couldn't fit this in really?

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by DaNewGuy (Post 11409605)
Especially for the tag titles, they couldn't fit this in really?

Especially when Cesaro is way over with the WrestleMania crowd.

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 05:45 PM

Welcome back to relevance, IC Title.

Sassy Squatch 03-29-2015 05:51 PM

JFC that RKO.

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 11409714)
JFC that RKO.

Yeah...huge pop from me.

Is Sting Asian?

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 06:28 PM

Man all I caught was the tag match on the preshow had to go to work, how's the show so far?

Al Bundy 03-29-2015 06:28 PM

The NWO looked HAGGARD and old.

kcxiv 03-29-2015 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Al Bundy (Post 11409746)
The NWO looked HAGGARD and old.

well they are all 50 plus and some in their 60's lol that with partying during their heyday. ughh yeah they are goign to look old. lol

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 11409758)
well they are all 50 plus and some in their 60's lol that with partying during their heyday. ughh yeah they are goign to look old. lol

I was impressed with the bump Hall took. Especially after he had hip surgery. I may have to get started on DDP Yoga.

kcxiv 03-29-2015 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Obvious (Post 11409763)
I was impressed with the bump Hall took. Especially after he had hip surgery. I may have to get started on DDP Yoga.

I know it was his heart wasnt doing well, but dude is sober and clean now and his health has improved alot though. DDP is the man for helping people.

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 07:03 PM

2 hours for 3 more matches. Taker's entrance must be 15 minutes.

GloucesterChief 03-29-2015 07:04 PM

They brought in Sting.... to job to Triple H. How the hell did Vince beat out all his competitors?

Captain Obvious 03-29-2015 07:15 PM

Nice Royals shirt when the ref was showing the US Title.

Joshuabmayer 03-29-2015 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 11409767)
I know it was his heart wasnt doing well, but dude is sober and clean now and his health has improved alot though. DDP is the man for helping people.

DDP has helped Hall and Jake Roberts. Even made a movie about Jake's story. I have the DDP workout. Its no joke. I would recommend it highly.

Sassy Squatch 03-29-2015 07:45 PM

Hasn't been as bad as I thought. Apparently, Wyatt is hurt though and who knows how bad the crowd will shit on Reigns.

Sassy Squatch 03-29-2015 07:55 PM

LMAO Ronda Rousey wearing a Vegeta shirt.

Stanley Nickels 03-29-2015 08:02 PM

I don't really have much else going on tonight, so I'm streaming this on VIPbox... there's as much action as any other soap opera thus far..

Sassy Squatch 03-29-2015 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Stanley Nickels (Post 11409814)
I don't really have much else going on tonight, so I'm streaming this on VIPbox... there's as much action as any other soap opera thus far..

Come on. You didn't enjoy watching 60 year old men fall over each other and baseball bats breaking sledgehammers?

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 08:36 PM

Reigns getting booed out tha stadium lol

Mr_Tomahawk 03-29-2015 08:37 PM

hows it been?

GloucesterChief 03-29-2015 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Tomahawk (Post 11409849)
hows it been?

If you are a hot new wrestler. Your push just got derailed by the old guard.

Rollins lost, Rusev lost, Bray lost, and Trips went over Sting.

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 08:47 PM

Can Lesnar's new hometown be Suplex City Bitch ahah

Stanley Nickels 03-29-2015 08:49 PM

Maybe it's a testament to his ability to stay in character, or maybe I just don't know the guy well enough, but every time I see Brock wrestle it just seems like he's an inch away from a legitimate shoot.

Stanley Nickels 03-29-2015 08:58 PM

I have no idea what just happened, but that felt really, really cheap.

Al Bundy 03-29-2015 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11409862)
If you are a hot new wrestler. Your push just got derailed by the old guard.

Rollins lost, Rusev lost, Bray lost, and Trips went over Sting.

Rollins got the ultimate push.

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 09:05 PM

Didn't see that coming haha.

Mr_Tomahawk 03-29-2015 09:07 PM

What happened? Did Doink come back!?

Sassy Squatch 03-29-2015 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Tomahawk (Post 11409893)
What happened? Did Doink come back!?

Rollins cashed in during the main event, making it a triple threat match.

Mr_Tomahawk 03-29-2015 09:09 PM

Oooooooo.... Blah

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 09:09 PM

Good ending though, everyone looked came out looking strong

Sassy Squatch 03-29-2015 09:12 PM

Roman got the shit kicked out of him legit. Brock is either an excellent faker or he was working him really stiff.

CoMoChief 03-29-2015 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 11409904)
Roman got the shit kicked out of him legit. Brock is either an excellent faker or he was working him really stiff.

Lesnar is known to go rough w/ people in the ring. Not many people like working w/ him.

mcaj22 03-29-2015 09:21 PM

another year where the 50 year old part timers bury the young talent. Same old Wrestelmania.

Then the product sucks for the next 11 months because the guys that wrestle year round cant get over.

arrowheadnation 03-29-2015 09:24 PM

I lol'd at reigns getting pushed around by the crowd during his entrance. Man they really hate him. I feel bad for the guy. He was like a steaming locomotive when the Shield burned out, but creative handled him horribly and turned the crowd against him. Would assume Brock wins the title back at some point this year and faces Daniel Bryan at next WM.

TLO 03-29-2015 09:25 PM

Loved the ending. Absolutely loved it.

A little bummed that Cena won (lol) and that Bray lost, but very entertaining show nonetheless.

mcaj22 03-29-2015 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 11409920)
I lol'd at reigns getting pushed around by the crowd during his entrance. Man they really hate him. I feel bad for the guy. He was like a steaming locomotive when the Shield burned out, but creative handled him horribly and turned the crowd against him. Would assume Brock wins the title back at some point this year and faces Daniel Bryan at next WM.

Brock vs Rock is coming

DaNewGuy 03-29-2015 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 11409920)
I lol'd at reigns getting pushed around by the crowd during his entrance. Man they really hate him. I feel bad for the guy. He was like a steaming locomotive when the Shield burned out, but creative handled him horribly and turned the crowd against him. Would assume Brock wins the title back at some point this year and faces Daniel Bryan at next WM.

Just turn him heel at this point

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