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LVNHACK 04-30-2004 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I used to have a sig that said something like "you have the right to remain silent, anything you post on the planet can and will be used against you at another time"...

That may be it.............. :thumb:

Ugly Duck 04-30-2004 02:01 PM

My theory: How to eliminate girls' control over sex

"Plagerism!! That was my term paper!!"

Iowanian 04-30-2004 02:04 PM

i WAS pondering a GHB joke, but thought *someone* might think it a suggestion.

Eleazar 04-30-2004 02:19 PM

He must have just rented wierd science.

Mark M 04-30-2004 02:19 PM

Don't you need to actually have sex in order to gain control over it?


beavis 04-30-2004 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy
Normally the guy who brags about getting chicks all the time is normally the same one who is watching Beaches with his "virgin" roomate on a Saturday night.

Guys who get some don't generally broadcast it.

That's been my thought about this guy along.

Ultra Peanut 04-30-2004 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ugly Duck
My theory: How to eliminate girls' control over sex

"Plagerism!! That was my term paper!!"


Fat Elvis 04-30-2004 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by COchief
Without reading this entire thread...may I suggest that you turn gay? That would eliminate you from having to deal with the bitches. After seeing the pictures of you and your Gucci sunglasses twin, I would say you two are only a couple of cocktails away from it anyways.

/Here to help :thumb:

Heck I was going to suggest he just limit all his posts to the refrain of, "I'm a loser and a tard."

It would cut down on his typing time, and wind up saying the exact same thing he conveys anyways.

I mean, seriously, this is a guy who thinks a light Cheetos dusting will have the same effect on women as a spray on tan; it gives him that rugged outdoorsie look.

COchief 04-30-2004 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Elvis
Heck I was going to suggest he just limit all his posts to the refrain of, "I'm a loser and a tard."

It would cut down on his typing time, and wind up saying the exact same thing he conveys anyways.

I mean, seriously, this is a guy who thinks a light Cheetos dusting will have the same effect on women as a spray on tan; it gives him that rugged outdoorsie look.

I love this guy's posts, he is bringing us all together as one. Plus unlike Gochiefs he is seemingly unaware of his idiocy.

/prays for more threads by kcchiefsfanofgucciglassesdiscriminatorywaitressingandhumpingmachines

Eleazar 04-30-2004 02:57 PM

What is the deal about the gucci glasses? I must have missed something in the saga here.

Logical 04-30-2004 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
ya, you are so much better than me. I know.

Are you sure it was your roomate that was the loser?

Iowanian 04-30-2004 03:03 PM

I've sat back leaving the obvious for a newb...

I can't BELIEVE I've not yet seen a Ladies man reference.

"If Ah had a girl sexule robot, Ah would have it covered in red it would be saaawft, when I do da butt"

Buzz 04-30-2004 03:06 PM

Well I was hoping for some good insight on the topic at hand (no pun intended) on eliminating womens control over sex but apparently there is none? I guess I'll have to keep doing it the old fashion way...

Fat Elvis 04-30-2004 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Cochise
What is the deal about the gucci glasses? I must have missed something in the saga here.

Thought this was pretty funny:


hey, I like nice things, like Al Davis. I like nice things, so I buy nice things and then I look like Al Davis. I'm also comfortable with my sexuality. My hetero-sexuality, except when I'm a boy toy for Al Davis

grandllama 04-30-2004 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
I'm just more open about sex topics than most people are.

He obviously hasn't dug too deep into the archives...

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