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Rain Man 01-14-2004 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Irrational and possibly dangerous...

you never know when someone would do something stupid like start egging the guys car or vandalizing his house if he stayed here. As it was the hate was so personal but was limited to being verbal and digital but if he had stayed who knows where it could have lead.

There are some really strange people on the Internet.

redbrian 01-14-2004 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj
What's the difference between someone who posted on the website that three years of horrible performance warrants a change in coaching, and an "insider" like Gretz who talks about how bad the defense is? I'm failing to see the distinction, in fact isn't it worse for a fellow employee to bad mouth the team?

The difference is in the tone, if you fail to see the difference I am unable to explain it.

PastorMikH 01-14-2004 01:01 PM

Here is a copy of what I just emailed via the email addy the Senator provided ( I would suggest that anyone offended to email him with your comments...

Mr. Gretz,

I must admit, I am somewhat offended at your most recent article on the KC Chiefs website. I can understand that you probably look at Mr Robinson as a friend and do indeed feel a need to voice your support of him. But for you to call KC fans that are tired of seeing a Defense that couldn't contain the Kansas Jayhawks offense is a little overboard in my opinion.

You say in your article...

"You believe the success of the team is more important to you, than the people who give their blood, sweat and tears each and every day to make it work. You are deranged and can not a hold a candle to a man like Robinson."

It is the NFL. It is about success, period. It doesn't matter how hard a person works or how nice of a person they are, it is about putting a competitive team on the field. Our Defense has not been competitive for the 3 years Mr Robinson has been here. And to be frankly honest, there are a lot of fans that buy tickets, paraphernalia, and indeed bleed Red and Gold after every loss or injury that are tired of settling for the mediocracy on Defense. The problem is we were spoiled for years with Defenses that could be depended upon when the game was on the line. If fans, in your opinion, are "deranged" and "classless" is is because we expect so much more.

As for your comments about websites. I am not quite sure where you get the "kicking him while he is down" bit because yesterday after the newsconference, I checked one particular site and all the articles had already been pulled and a thank you for doing the right thing (Greg Robinson used the same words at the press conference by the way) was in thier place.

I would hope that when you start reffering to fans with derogatory comments you remember that they (we) are the base of support for this team. If we didn't care we wouldn't speak up.


M. Holman

headsnap 01-14-2004 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj
What's the difference between someone who posted on the website that three years of horrible performance warrants a change in coaching, and an "insider" like Gretz who talks about how bad the defense is? I'm failing to see the distinction, in fact isn't it worse for a fellow employee to bad mouth the team?

thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Rausch 01-14-2004 01:02 PM

Gretz is a Peterson-pole swallowing kiss azz, and he can cram his comments where his head is.....

I'm confident GROB was a good person, but he's a $#it coordinator. There's just no way around that: he failed MISERABLY at his job.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
The difference is in the tone, if you fail to see the difference I am unable to explain it.

Don't think Gretz ever posted a piece on execution methods for Greg Robinson.

headsnap 01-14-2004 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
The difference is in the tone, if you fail to see the difference I am unable to explain it.

did you even read the original site?

tk13 01-14-2004 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Don't think Gretz ever posted a piece on execution methods for Greg Robinson.

Come on, most people denounced that thread. You act like 90% of the people here would've mailbombed the guy....

Bootlegged 01-14-2004 01:17 PM

Wow. Guess I've done my job. I've pissed off Bob Gretz. Give me a call Gretz, then tell me how classless I am....better yet, do it face to face.

Ultra Peanut 01-14-2004 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
To miss quote Shakespeare, I think you ladies doth protest too much.
I have no problem with what Gretz wrote nor do I have a problem with Gretz.
If you listened to him during last weeks game you would have heard him talking about how bad the defense was, in fact all year he has been saying that this defense is bad.
But he is right you’re virulence that you are spewing on GR and now Gretz who has pointed it out does border on the irrational.
Ok ladies flame away.

From "It's not the players, it's the scheme. Greg Robinson has overstayed his welcome in Kansas City, and it's time for a change" when he still had the job to "Thank you Greg, you did the right thing" when he resigned.

Ooh, those hateful monsters over at :rolleyes:

memyselfI 01-14-2004 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Come on, most people denounced that thread. You act like 90% of the people here would've mailbombed the guy....

'Most' people? Really? Where, I must have missed it.

Oh, you mean now that he's gone people are saying 'let it go' and how stupid and dumb and pointless a thread like that was...

funny, didn't see the same sentiment much while he was still employed.

redbrian 01-14-2004 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by headsnap
did you even read the original site?

[I checked one particular site and all the articles had already been pulled and a thank you for doing the right thing

I would hope that when you start [referring] to fans with derogatory comments you remember that they (we) are the base of support for this team. If we didn't care we wouldn't speak up.]

I find these two sentences say it all, the first sentence says yea there was some nasty stuff written but it was removed. So in essence no harm no foul.

The second sentence, is we as the fans have a right to be as nasty as we want to be but how dare you @#$@! (add your favorite derogatory name for a horizontally challenged person) call us on it.

Baby Lee 01-14-2004 01:21 PM

Has anyone stopped to think that all the bagging on Gigli has introduced a great deal of stress to the fledgling relationship between J-Lo and Bennifer?
Think about THAT!!!!!

Talisman 01-14-2004 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
If he hated the website, I'm sure he (and those he speaks for at 1 Arrowhead Drive) didn't like the Photoshop execution or napalm bombing of Greg Robinson...

let's hope they saw them and got a glimpse into what real 'class' is.

Can someone give me a boost? I can't quite reach her moral high ground.

headsnap 01-14-2004 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
[I checked one particular site and all the articles had already been pulled and a thank you for doing the right thing

I would hope that when you start [referring] to fans with derogatory comments you remember that they (we) are the base of support for this team. If we didn't care we wouldn't speak up.]

I find these two sentences say it all, the first sentence says yea there was some nasty stuff written but it was removed. So in essence no harm no foul.

where does it say there was some nasty stuff on it but it was removed?
[sarcasm]I want to thank you in advance for thinking for yourself[/sarcasm]

the articles were pulled after he resigned because THERE WAS NO LONGER A NEED FOR THEM!

here is the copy of the site that was up ten minutes before GRob resigned.

click at your own risk. :rolleyes:

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