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arrowheadnation 08-22-2022 04:45 PM

I can't wait for this to really get going.


ToxSocks 08-22-2022 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 16423760)
I can't wait for this to really get going.


Yeah they were definitely foreshadowing some future peculiar behavior in EP1.

DRM08 08-22-2022 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by BlackOp (Post 16422739)
I only realized two days ago that this wasn't the same series as that woke Hobbit trash Amazon is about to release... I have deliberately avoided any information on that.

I knew nothing about it...thought it was a good start...then again I wasn't comparing it to GOT and had low expectations.

It'll be interesting where is goes...GOT had a million sub plots, wars, and the threat of White Walkers always looming. It jumped around every week which helped keep the pace engaging. This is focused on one family, no war and no White Walkers....seems more like Succession in a fantasy setting.

Hopefully it takes on a life of it's Better Call Saul did.

There is a civil war brewing in the Targaryen family...a civil war involving dragons. It's gonna be pretty awesome I think.

ChiefsCountry 08-22-2022 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 16423760)
I can't wait for this to really get going.



listopencil 08-22-2022 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 16423056)
I had the exact same reaction. But the show, for a first episode with a lot to set up, was otherwise off to a good start.

After watching the episode my impression is that it was supposed to begin with that dragon flight over the city. Then a group of dumb ****ers watching it convinced themselves that the show was all about a younger version of Dany so they added the exposition.

TwistedChief 08-22-2022 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 16424020)
After watching the episode my impression is that it was supposed to begin with that dragon flight over the city. Then a group of dumb ****ers watching it convinced themselves that the show was all about a younger version of Dany so they added the exposition.

Wow. Never seen someone so upset about an exposition. If this show is humming by season 2 episode 4, are you still going to be harboring resentment because of this deep slight in narration?

It's over. Enjoy the show.

DJ's left nut 08-22-2022 08:28 PM

That was....not good.

I figured with Sapochnik directing and them really needing to try to win back some capital with the fan base, we'd get something interesting. We did not.

And the guy playing Viserys is just a really bad actor.

DJ's left nut 08-22-2022 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16422625)
Says the guy that defended Will Smith of all people! LMAO

But seriously, I'm pretty sure GRRM said Daemon is his favorite character in the entire GOT universe.

He seems like the epitome of "gray" characters that he loves. I know he was portrayed as a bit of an antagonist, but there's more to his character.

Daemon is a freakin' awesome character.

And I just don't think Matt Smith is the right guy to cast for him at all.

Demonpenz 08-22-2022 09:31 PM

Felt like I wanted it to be Transformers but instead I got go bots

Hammock Parties 08-22-2022 09:37 PM

viserys is a total pussy

rooting for daemon

the medieval c-section was disturbing, even for GoT

Buehler445 08-22-2022 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16424091)
That was....not good.

I figured with Sapochnik directing and them really needing to try to win back some capital with the fan base, we'd get something interesting. We did not.

And the guy playing Viserys is just a really bad actor.

I see this as the standard playing not to lose approach. They threw a bunch of money at shiny shit, tried to make something immersive, missed a few details and got beat. As a Chiefs fan I can see it from a million miles away.

They continued to miss what’s important. There were no Sean Bean killer performances, no magnetic Mark Addy banter, no Dinklage wit.

Daemon was interesting. Aema was compelling. The rest they missed on. I think some of it was trying to be stoic (see Sean Bean), but it wasn’t good.

Thats not to say it is a disaster. The whole birthing bed is our battlefield and the. The intercut birth with savage knight competition was damned good television. And the funeral scene carried weight.

But there is an interesting enough world they have access to and hopefully grab hold of they’ll get some rope.

KC_Connection 08-23-2022 01:08 AM

10M viewers for the first episode. On par with much of the S7 and S8 viewership numbers for GoT pre-pandemic, which is pretty impressive.

It certainly looks like this will be HBO's next powerhouse show.

listopencil 08-23-2022 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by TwistedChief (Post 16424058)
Wow. Never seen someone so upset about an exposition. If this show is humming by season 2 episode 4, are you still going to be harboring resentment because of this deep slight in narration?

It's over. Enjoy the show.

I've seen exactly one episode. The opening was stupid, and I still watched it through to the end. Meanwhile here you are white knighting a TV show for some reason. Get a grip.

Why Not? 08-23-2022 06:34 AM

I thought it was pretty good. Started a little "meh" but by the end, I was fully sucked in. Had most of the usual GOT elements. Liked how the music paid homage to the original, especially during the ending credits.

Chiefnj2 08-23-2022 06:52 AM

Big GOT fan, never read any of the books. Completely underwhelmed by the first episode.
Dragons/CGI were weak. Acting not very strong and character development was poor.

If you are going to have that c-section scene it would help if there was a little emotional investment in the king and queen.

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