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listopencil 06-10-2015 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11542827)
So I finally got around to watching it. My thoughts in no particular order:

Charlie Cox was perfect casting
The guy playing Foggy is terribad
What's the point of Rosario Dawson's character?
Vincent d'onofrio is perfect casting
The entire subplot with Wilson fisk' s girlfriend almost derailed the series
Foggy' s whiny-ass reaction to Murdock' s secret identity almost killed the series
It's like they can't decide what to do with Deborah Ann Woll as a love interest

All in all I liked it a lot but there's plenty of room for improvement.

I agree. Although I like the addition of Dawson. It's the kind of relationship that makes sense for the character and she's hot.

Bambi 06-10-2015 06:08 PM

Oh, no wonder.... Elastic did the title sequence of this show. Same crew that produced True Detective and Game of Thrones.

Best in the game right now...

Bambi 06-10-2015 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by kysirsoze (Post 11543340)
Well I certainly hope not. Just saying I could see it. Marvel is handling everything so well there is a part of me that can't believe they can keep it up. "They have to blow it sometime."

Dare I say "political correctness"?

The spin-off series' on Netflix are focused on a Jessica Jones (woman), Luke Cage (a black character), and Iron Fist (rumored to be cast as an Asian actor)...

I'm actually excited about the diversity but I want them to pull it off in a good way. Hopefully it doesn't get overly cheesy but based on the people involved I think they can do it right.

I want them to acknowledge each of the characters' gender and race not as an overly good or bad thing. It can be done, I'm quite sure of it.

unlurking 06-10-2015 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11542827)
So I finally got around to watching it. My thoughts in no particular order:

Charlie Cox was perfect casting
The guy playing Foggy is terribad
What's the point of Rosario Dawson's character?
Vincent d'onofrio is perfect casting
The entire subplot with Wilson fisk' s girlfriend almost derailed the series
Foggy' s whiny-ass reaction to Murdock' s secret identity almost killed the series
It's like they can't decide what to do with Deborah Ann Woll as a love interest

All in all I liked it a lot but there's plenty of room for improvement.

I would agree with most of this, except Mrs. Fisk. I loved meeting Kingpin's weakness. It's always the good guys that are vulnerable through their relationships. Nice to see it go the other way. I think there is a lot of potential with some Castle v Mrs. Fisk next year, and Kingpin losing his shit. That and I liked the actress.

I couldn't agree more with Foggy. Crappy character and actor. Page got awesome at the end. Looking forward to more of her (although she was annoying early).

Loving this show. Really looking forward to seeing Punisher next season!

GloucesterChief 06-10-2015 08:34 PM

So for major antagonists for next season we have thusly.

For Sure:
The Punisher/Frank Castle

Probable due to set up from Season 1:
The Owl
More Hand ninjas (possibly Kirigi)


Not Mentioned but DD villains:
Typhoid Mary
Mr. Fear
Mr. Hyde
The Enforcers
Stilt-Man(complete jobber)

Unlikely due to Sony:

Not likely due to timeline:
The Rose/Blood Rose

kysirsoze 06-10-2015 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11543797)
So for major antagonists for next season we have thusly.

For Sure:
The Punisher/Frank Castle

Probable due to set up from Season 1:
The Owl
More Hand ninjas (possibly Kirigi)


Not Mentioned but DD villains:
Typhoid Mary
Mr. Fear
Mr. Hyde
The Enforcers
Stilt-Man(complete jobber)

Unlikely due to Sony:

Not likely due to timeline:
The Rose/Blood Rose

Agents of Shield spoiler ahead...


Aries Walker 06-12-2015 07:44 AM

There is speculation that the rooftop sniper was actually Bullseye, a claim bolstered by the fact that he had a playing card visible in his bag. And Jason Statham was, until recently, up for the role, which seems to indicate that Bullseye will certainly be there for Season 2, albeit with a different actor.

I've also seen articles mentioning Mr. Fear and Mysterio, and Purple Man is going to be the villain in the Jessica Jones story (played by David Tennant). The only other villain I can think of is the Jester, and I would expect to see him right about the same time as we see Stilt-Man; maybe later.

Rausch 06-13-2015 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 11545713)
...and Purple Man is going to be the villain in the Jessica Jones story (played by David Tennant).

Strange casting there. I love Tennant but Purple Man is a dark character.

That whole storyline is dark as hell with JJ. It almost has to be done on Netflix/HBO...

GloucesterChief 06-13-2015 08:34 AM

Not sure if they are going to make his skin purple too.

Bambi 06-13-2015 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 11547040)
Strange casting there. I love Tennant but Purple Man is a dark character.

That whole storyline is dark as hell with JJ. It almost has to be done on Netflix/HBO...

That's why I like these on Netflix (or at least the prospect of what they could be)

Comic books in general are really extremely dark. Most people think that most are for kids and as everyone here in this thread will agree that surely isn't the case.

I find most of the PG-13 "Avengers" style big screen movies unwatchable due to their limited development of the characters and this is mostly attributed to the kiddy story telling.

keg in kc 06-27-2015 01:08 PM

Season 2 said to be "Daredevil vs Punisher".

(Spoiler tagged cuz autoplay...)


GloucesterChief 06-27-2015 01:51 PM

I am sure Frank is going to be a special forces vet with experience in Iraq/Afghanistan. Since, they talk about Daredevils demon so much in season 1, I think the major theme of season 2 is how much not giving in to the demon humanizes DD in comparison to the remorseless seemingly emotionless force of nature Punisher.

Tribal Warfare 06-27-2015 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 11569455)
I am sure Frank is going to be a special forces vet with experience in Iraq/Afghanistan. Since, they talk about Daredevils demon so much in season 1, I think the major theme of season 2 is how much not giving in to the demon humanizes DD in comparison to the remorseless seemingly emotionless force of nature Punisher.

I bet half of the season most of Castle's "work" is offscreened and DD witnesses the aftermath and of course gets some of the blame when dead bodies start to mount up.

keg in kc 07-08-2015 04:38 PM

Say hello to Elektra:

(aka Elodie Yung)

DaneMcCloud 07-08-2015 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11587677)
Say hello to Elektra:

(aka Elodie Yung)

Well, she's not attractive or anything


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