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cwhocares 08-05-2014 01:36 AM

A few push ups wouldn't hurt either.

NewChief 08-05-2014 05:50 AM

Judging from your comments in this thread:

It sounds like you're trying too hard. It also sounds like you're obvious in your employment of "pua" techniques. The end result is that you're coming off as creepy and someone who might be a little rapey.

I'm not one to criticize dress and style (I used to have white boy dreadlocks, rarely shower , and wear mostly vintage clothing and got laid a lot back then and constantly complimented on my look) because I think what's important there is whether you own it or not. That being said your style looks kind of predatory and I don't think that combines well with what I said earlier about your employment of PUA techniques.

Just some shit to consider.

WhawhaWhat 08-05-2014 06:27 AM

Download Tinder, practice texting with girls on that app. Don't use that wife beater photo as your pic though. Also Tinder can lead to some sex if you do meet up with them.

xztop123 08-05-2014 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Kyle DeLexus (Post 10795219)
Pic 1. Some girl and her gay friend

Pic 2. Gay friend just killed said girl

Yes I already explained in this thread that part of what is hurting me is my lack of masculinity facially. IE:I look like a bundle of sticks

KC native 08-05-2014 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795056)
I think this city is a hard place to score girls, which is why i prefaced the post that way.

LMAO KC is easy as **** to get laid.

KC native 08-05-2014 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795459)
Yes I already explained in this thread that part of what is hurting me is my lack of masculinity facially. IE:I look like a pillowbiter

Then shave your bullshit beard. That's not helping.

xztop123 08-05-2014 10:28 AM

Im curious to if the advice being given is on a theoretical or practical standpoint.

I dont know if you guys realize how hard it truly is.

I've had dates with girls where we were both laughing the entire time, she held my hand for a few minutes and even kissed me and then refused to respond to my texts/phone calls

xztop123 08-05-2014 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 10795466)
Then shave your bullshit beard. That's not helping.

It's worth a shot... i have tried it in the past, i look very wimpy Micheal cera w/out it

sedated 08-05-2014 10:44 AM

A 5 o’clock shadow would be much better than that crusty beard.

A friend of a friend brought a PUA out with us one time. He did magic. The women all thought he was a creepy douche. But then again I hang out with an older crowd and never step foot in P&L.

NewChief 08-05-2014 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by sedated (Post 10795560)
A 5 o’clock shadow would be much better than that crusty beard.

A friend of a friend brought a PUA out with us one time. He did magic. The women all thought he was a creepy douche. But then again I hang out with an older crowd and never step foot in P&L.

Yeah. I'm sure PUA's get laid all the time. I'm also sure that, to me, it's like becoming a snake oil salesman. If I had to rely on some stupid techniques and strategies to get laid, then I might feel different. Here was
My winning trick: be intelligent, be interesting, be comfortable in yourself, hit on chicks you genuinely might want to date and have actual interest in not ones who you're just trying to rent their baby canal for a break from your usual mastrbation.

Demonpenz 08-05-2014 11:21 AM

PUA helped me open. That's good. Then it takes a long as time to socially calibrate to what's weird and what's not. Like hours and hours and hours. It was evident that I played too much video games growing up and working on my sense of humor to actually be a confident rouge. I got crushed talking to people for 4 years. Everyday was a struggle to not to care and become a strong man on the inside. That coupled with the fact that the tides.tuen in your favor as men stay put in the character around you and I constantly grinded and got better little by little. I grinded hard core and came up with a decent combination that makes me strong enough that I am cool with or without girls. That in-turn makes interactions with girls better because they know I don't want anything from them. I already grew myself into a grown ass man I don't need a wet hole to validate my character. In life people die and you go through shit, you get resourceful, and that shit is a turn on for girls as well. There is no magic pill for confidence. It takes time. Learn how to change a tire, take dance leason, read lots of books, make money, spend time developing actual deep level friends ad not wingman. You get all this done over time you will be good. Unfortunately humans want their dessert first. They want the nookie before they choke down broccoli. Life is a tough bitch though you have to hustle and grind before you get rewards.

KCUnited 08-05-2014 11:22 AM

KC is a pretty easy town to get laid in, especially if you're in your 20's. After 30 it becomes a bit more difficult. Being on the cusp of the bible belt, a lot chicks get wifed up and start shitting kids out at an early age, limiting the pool. It's not like other progressive cities with a bunch of fit 30's/40's single, professional women who aren't divorced with kids running around.

I think the looks/employment thing is overblown in your 20's. You just have to adapt to the landscape. Most chicks aren't going down to Westport to find a husband, they just want to have fun. So be fun. Guys going out looking for pussy or looking for some kind of return on the OMG! $40 I spent, usually aren't that fun to be around. Guys that go out to simply have a good time typically give off a vibe chicks want to be around. Fun gets the panties dropped in my experience, looks/employment got them to stay around, which wasn't what I was looking for until 30.

xztop123 08-05-2014 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by BDj23 (Post 10795604)
I actually need to get back out there and start talking to women. It's been about a month since me and the lady friend parted ways.. I haven't really tried to talk to any girl since.. I went bowling with some buddies Sunday night and this chick was flirting with me in front of her boyfriend (I guess that's what he was). That was kind of a confidence booster.

I live in Lawrence, and while they are hot... I'm kind of over hitting on KU chicks. I swear, there are no 27-32 year old single women in this town.

KU is easy mode. im in overland park, i doubt id be complaining if i lived there.

NewChief 08-05-2014 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 10795637)
Most chicks aren't going down to Westport to find a husband, they just want to have fun. So be fun. Guys going out looking for pussy or looking for some kind of return on the OMG! $40 I spent, usually aren't that fun to be around. Guys that go out to simply have a good time typically give off a vibe chicks want to be around. Fun gets the panties dropped in my experience, looks/employment got them to stay around, which wasn't what I was looking for until 30.

This is truth in my experience. I never went out specifically looking to hook up with chicks. I went to concerts to dance and see good music. I went to bars/parties to get drunk and be around my friends. In both situations, hooking up with a girl was an unexpected side effect of the other activities. Guys who are out specifically to try to score come off as disingenuous and predatory, imo. But hell... I'm old. Girls may have changed in the last 15 years or so.

xztop123 08-05-2014 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 10795632)
PUA helped me open. That's good. Then it takes a long as time to socially calibrate to what's weird and what's not. Like hours and hours and hours. It was evident that I played too much video games growing up and working on my sense of humor to actually be a confident rouge. I got crushed talking to people for 4 years. Everyday was a struggle to not to care and become a strong man on the inside. That coupled with the fact that the tides.tuen in your favor as men stay put in the character around you and I constantly grinded and got better little by little. I grinded hard core and came up with a decent combination that makes me strong enough that I am cool with or without girls. That in-turn makes interactions with girls better because they know I don't want anything from them. I already grew myself into a grown ass man I don't need a wet hole to validate my character. In life people die and you go through shit, you get resourceful, and that shit is a turn on for girls as well. There is no magic pill for confidence. It takes time. Learn how to change a tire, take dance leason, read lots of books, make money, spend time developing actual deep level friends ad not wingman. You get all this done over time you will be good. Unfortunately humans want their dessert first. They want the nookie before they choke down broccoli. Life is a tough bitch though you have to hustle and grind before you get rewards.

I disagree about that being a turn on for girls. A guy who is emotionally weathered is a biological TURN OFF. which is why being fun/life of the party is probably such a turn-on. Not because girls necessarily want a fun guy, but because it demonstrates that you haven't SUFFERED a lot in the past, and probably have an emotionally healthy mind

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