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listopencil 03-22-2012 10:28 PM

I could go on but that's probably enough.

Jawshco 03-23-2012 01:01 AM

Top three is tough, but I'll try to go with ones you might not have already heard about:

1. "Book of the Long Sun" by Gene Wolfe
2. "Paradise War" by Stephen R Lawhead
3. "The Dragonbone Chair" by Tad Williams

Stephen King maybe too obvious to list, but IMO every SciFi fantasy fan should check out:

1. TALISMAN - Time and dimensional traveling werewolves set
in both modern and medieval times. The book almost has it all but unfortunately no human Roombas were not included.
2. The Stand- already read it? No problem! This book gets better every time.
3. Dark Tower Series - I can't wait for the new book. But will the new Book 5 and cause the old books 5,6,& 7 to become 6, 7 & 8?

BTW- if you liked Terry Goodkind's Wizard's First Rule & Stone of Tears, but dropped the series because the third book of the Sword of Truth series sucked so bad (and it does suck), skip to "Faith of the Fallen" which many consider to be his master piece and then skip to the 3 Chainfire series books- which are all pretty fun once they get going (well, unless you hate climatic endings that have as much to do with violent Soccer death matches where severed heads can serve as the ball as they do with epic Battles).

ChiefFripp 03-23-2012 03:19 AM

[QUOTE=Jawshco;8486063]Top three is tough, but I'll try to go with ones you might not have already heard about:

Stephen King maybe too obvious to list, but IMO every SciFi fantasy fan should check out:

1. TALISMAN - Time and dimensional traveling werewolves set

That AND Black House are my two favorite King books. Well King and Schaub.

jiveturkey 03-23-2012 07:39 AM

This was a great idea for a thread. My Kindle wish list has grown exponentially over the last couple of days.

Huffmeister 03-23-2012 08:43 AM

(1) Dune - Frank Herbert
(2) The Stand - Stephen King (1000+ page unabridged)
(3) Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein (checkout the song by Yes, too. lots of great bass)

A lot of people like to bash on Koontz, but I like reading his books even if they are very formulaic. His Moonlight Bay series is particularly good. Currently, there are only two books in the series: Fear Nothing and Seize the Night. They're about a guy who has a (real) condition called XP that prevents his skin from being able to repair itself, so he has to avoid light. He roams the town at night, learning about the nefarious goings-on in his sleepy California coastal town, which include the nearby abandoned military base.

If you want a quick, entertaining page turner, check them out.

Baby Lee 03-23-2012 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Brainiac (Post 8482214)
Yes, I read it several years ago. In my opinion it wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either.

Thanks for the info. In the meantime, I dug the book out to see what shape it was in, and noticed I also had a similarly damaged 'The Past Through Tomorrow.'

Better? Worse? Worth a read?

listopencil 03-23-2012 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 8486402)
Thanks for the info. In the meantime, I dug the book out to see what shape it was in, and noticed I also had a similarly damaged 'The Past Through Tomorrow.'

Better? Worse? Worth a read?


Jawshco 03-23-2012 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefFripp (Post 8486107)

That AND Black House are my two favorite King books. Well King and Schaub.

Yeah, I liked Black House too - A rare climatic ending in a King book was a nice surprise. However, Talisman is an absolute awesome, must read, why isn't this movie yet, type of book.


Frosty 03-23-2012 11:58 AM

My three favorite fantasy series, based on if I would or have reread them are:

Raymond Feist - Riftwar Saga

Terry Brooks - Shannara series (starting with the Knight of the Word books)

Tad Williams - Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

I left out LotR as it is too obvious. It would be my true number one series.

keg in kc 03-23-2012 01:39 PM

If I'm limited to 3, then it's Dune at number 1, Song of Ice and Fire at number 2, and Azimov's Foundation series at number 3.

Hays 03-23-2012 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by whoman69 (Post 8481976)
I used to read more science fiction, but the last 25 years or so have only read fantasy.

Best of the field David and Leigh Eddings.

The Belgariad series
Pawn of Prophecy (1982)
Queen of Sorcery (1982)
Magician's Gambit (1983)
Castle of Wizardry (1984)
Enchanters' End Game (1984)
The Malloreon series
Guardians of the West (1987)
King of the Murgos (1988)
Demon Lord of Karanda (1988)
Sorceress of Darshiva (1989)
The Seeress of Kell (1991)
[edit] Books related to The Belgariad and The Malloreon
Belgarath the Sorcerer (1995) (Prequel) with Leigh Eddings
Polgara the Sorceress (1997) (Prequel) with Leigh Eddings

The Elenium series
The Diamond Throne (1989)
The Ruby Knight (1990)
The Sapphire Rose (1991)
The Tamuli series
Domes of Fire (1992)
The Shining Ones (1993)
The Hidden City (1994)

Best book series I have read!

Jawshco 03-23-2012 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 8486808)
My three favorite fantasy series, based on if I would or have reread them are:

Raymond Feist - Riftwar Saga

Terry Brooks - Shannara series (starting with the Knight of the Word books)

Tad Williams - Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

I left out LotR as it is too obvious. It would be my true number one series.

Another Tad Williams fan? Awesome! I don't know a lot of people who know him.

patteeu 03-23-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 8487926)
Another Tad Williams fan? Awesome! I don't know a lot of people who know him.

He writes such long books. I read his Otherland quadrilogy and it was pretty good, but I'm not sure it was a great value on a per page basis.

Hammock Parties 03-23-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 8481788)
GoChiefs, what is your The Dig about?

A NASA expedition to check out an asteroid goes horribly wrong.

The crew ends up on an alien world millions of light years from earth.

At first glance it seems like a dead world. They explore fantastic ruins..and begin to discover things....AMAZING things...

Frosty 03-23-2012 07:43 PM

Otherland was kind of long but still enjoyable, especially if you like cyberpunk. I also really liked the Shadowmarch series. War of the Flowers was kind of weird but still a good read.

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