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Are you high? |
1. Keep using "Simpleton". That one is so fresh and witty that it really stings. 2. You've managed name ONE band. You also have proven your stupidity by ignoring the fact that over half the bands in that list are pre-Drones or from the same era, still harping on the "bands for the last 20 years SUCK" mantra. |
Nothing close... |
Don't tell that to Stc |
Add to that bands like The Greatful Dead who barely charged and allowed their live shows to be recorded and shared (bittorrent was built specifically for their shows) and I think the argument is thin at best. There simply isn't a genre spawned by the Stones and they haven't bridged generational gaps like U2 and some others. I'm not that impressed. |
fixed it pussy :) night. |
I see no alternative at this point outside of CP litigation and a poll or 3... |
KISS (ugh), Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, CCR, Moody Blues, Radiohead.
Hell, freaking Aerosmith is as high on the list as the Stones IMO. |
AC/DC, Boston, Cream...
Van-Freaking-Halen even spawned a genre. |
Have I forgotten Judas Priest? I hope not...
Chuck Berry (can't drive worth a F). Dylan - great song writer. Buddy Holly - died one hit wonder at this point Ray Charles - Certainly a HOFer. LZ - Great R'nR band Blues based like Stones. Domino - another 1 hit wonder VU - overall under impressed Kinks - Great band (Stones level?) Prince-Great guitar ... staying power? Supremes - Good girl group. Motown hot. George Clinton - WTF Disco phenom. Temptations - Good motown sound. But the overall numbers? REM - give me break....on the Stones level? Smokey- good singer more Motown FZ - Very out there progressive sound. Peppers - ? In 20 years Who the F were they? Airplane - Will cash in on 60s too. overall? Alice - Very good. Way ahead of his time. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Progressive SR. outside Allman Bros. (not mentioned). Alice in Chains - You can't be serious? Give Me a Break. Not even close to the Stones. Maybe a generational thing....but let RnR history decide. these guys are not in the same league. |
Aerosmith is as pop-metal as metal could and will ever get. It's barely even metal. |
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