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StcChief 02-26-2007 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

It's real simple.....

FU and the horse you road in on.

When you got somebody else that has as much staying power / influence put 'em up here.

Last time I checked they score in the TOP 5 Entertainment reveue YEARLY.

You don't have to like them but respect for what they have done for music in the last 40 years.

Not too many of these pussy bands out now will be heard of in 10 years.

milkman 02-26-2007 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Their wheelchairs are rolling down a hill towards a cliff after I "accidentally" left the brakes off.

It's to bad that's not true.

Simply Red 02-26-2007 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Searching the Johnson County Library website is a focking joke. Having written several web sites in my time I'm fairly familiar with how "search" functions should work and their is USELESS.

Perhaps you should consider English. :)

milkman 02-26-2007 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by StcChief
It's real simple.....

FU and the horse you road in on.

When you got somebody else that has as much staying power / influence put 'em up here.

Last time I checked they score in the TOP 5 Entertainment reveue YEARLY.

You don't have to like them but respect for what they have done for music in the last 40 years.

Not too many of these pussy bands out now will be heard of in 10 years.

Who gives a rat's ass.

They suck ass, and no amount of money that other dumbasses spend on them is going to change that.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:32 PM

Hey, they've also done this cool navigational method where they use buttons to open the next page so that you can't open things in a new window. That rocks. That way you can't look at multiple items side by side.

:shake: More tax dollars hard at work.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by StcChief
It's real simple.....

FU and the horse you road in on.

When you got somebody else that has as much staying power / influence put 'em up here.

Last time I checked they score in the TOP 5 Entertainment reveue YEARLY.

You don't have to like them but respect for what they have done for music in the last 40 years.

Not too many of these pussy bands out now will be heard of in 10 years.

My mother in law is embalmed, too.

PS, the Rolling Stones are s**t and not even a speck on a shadow of their former selves. If the average American had any capacity for looking FORWARD to the rest of their life instead of pining for their youth they would have been old news decades ago.

Rausch 02-26-2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Perhaps you should consider English. :)

Their/They're/there. Not as popular as the your/you're mindfart, but growing quickly amongst the teen pop-culture...

SPchief 02-26-2007 10:36 PM

Whats up pussies?

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
Their/They're/there. Not as popular as the your/you're mindfart, but growing quickly amongst the teen pop-culture...

I missed one "s". So sue me.


Rausch 02-26-2007 10:38 PM

I'm still pissed at the Stones.

Went to the show in Ferot field years ago during the Steele Wheeles tour and they didn't play Can't Always Get What You Want, Paint It Black, or Monkeyman.


Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:38 PM

Hmm, we have no books that are useful but there ARE about 40 copies of the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004.

Think the library is run by a bunch of lefties?

Rausch 02-26-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I missed one "s". So sue me.


I educate, not litigate, so odds are you'd have better odds suing me...

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
I'm still pissed at the Stones.

Went to the show in Ferot field years ago during the Steele Wheeles tour and they didn't play Can't Always Get What You Want, Paint It Black, or Monkeyman.


How do you know? They were so bad the last time I saw them live (on TV) that I couldn't tell what the hell they were doing.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch
I educate, not litigate, so odds are you'd have better odds suing me...

Screw that. My lawyer bills me when I say hi to him after he calls ME.

StcChief 02-26-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
My mother in law is embalmed, too.

PS, the Rolling Stones are s**t and not even a speck on a shadow of their former selves. If the average American had any capacity for looking FORWARD to the rest of their life instead of pining for their youth they would have been old news decades ago.

They may have declined from what they were in 1970s.

It will be tough to name a band even in 20 years that has done for Rock'nRoll what the Stones have done.....

It really doesn't matter what the state of R'n'R is now IT'S ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE. Bands now are trying to carve a tich some how.

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