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Cntrygal 02-26-2007 10:01 PM

let it snow let it snow let it snow let it snow

milkman 02-26-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
let it snow let it snow let it snow let it snow

Plan to ski some more?

Halfcan 02-26-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

F**king rednecks. Holy crap.

1. How long can you possibly be entertained by that? "Wooo! Woooo! Woooooo!"

2. There was so much lighter fluid on those pallets a stiff fart would have set them ablaze.

3. I'm disappointed that the gas tank didn't explode, killing them all.

So thats what folks do for fun in Arkansas-lol

Cntrygal 02-26-2007 10:16 PM

yeah... by this weekend I should be ready to go again. Went this last weekend and I had a great time. Some hard skiing (at least for me LOL). One of my ski instructor buddies tried to "hurt" me I think. But despite a few crashes - I made it off the mountain. :D

Halfcan 02-26-2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
Johnny Cash: defiant until the end.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Yep JC is the only performer in the R@R, Country and Gosphel HOF's.

American Badass!!

And I don't even like country music-lol

StcChief 02-26-2007 10:18 PM

It's 10:17 pm and I can't Funckin' believe this has >10K without further introduction.

Ladies and Gentlemen........

The worlds greatest Rock 'n Roll Band......

The Rolling Stones.

Cntrygal 02-26-2007 10:18 PM

I told the guy that I no longer like his trademark phrase "Follow Me". It's generally into a trail I don't think I need to be LOL. AND... he'd generally lead into the dang thing from a direction I'm not familiar with and by the time I realize what trail he's going too.... it would be a hellavu walk back up hill (or down for that matter).

Halfcan 02-26-2007 10:19 PM

nite all

Cntrygal 02-26-2007 10:20 PM

Anyway - we're having a recall sometime after midnight and after skiing all weekend and getting up early for PT (today was my run day too - ugh).... I need to get some sleep. cya!

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by StcChief
It's 10:17 pm and I can't Funckin' believe this has >10K without further introduction.

Ladies and Gentlemen........

The worlds deadest Rock 'n Roll Band......

The Rolling Wheelchairs.


Simply Red 02-26-2007 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
nite all


milkman 02-26-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

I don't even think they're young enough to roll the wheelchairs.

Simply Red 02-26-2007 10:28 PM

Shut up Bitches! They ROCK!!!


i just wanted to say, "shut up bitches!"

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
I don't even think their young enough to roll the wheelchairs.

Their wheelchairs are rolling down a hill towards a cliff after I "accidentally" left the brakes off.

Simplex3 02-26-2007 10:29 PM

Searching the Johnson County Library website is a focking joke. Having written several web sites in my time I'm fairly familiar with how "search" functions should work and their is USELESS.

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