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eazyb81 09-23-2011 09:30 AM

duncan_idaho 09-23-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7934785)
This is key.

What concessions would need to be made to make Missouri, as well as the rest of the Big 12, happy and content with this league's future?

To me, the linchpin in all of this is LHN, and I don't see any scenario where UT modifies it. More likely, I expect they will either bring OU into the fold, or pair with ESPN to help OU do something similar.

Not sure what Missouri's demands will be, but I would assume 100 percent resource sharing, rather than just first- and second-tier rights, is part of it.

I also think the expansion would have to include moves OUTSIDE the state of Texas.

From what I was told this morning, I think the demands list is going to be unreachable. If the demands shockingly are met, Missouri would stay in the Big 12 with a MUCH stronger hand than before. If they aren't? Deuces.

Mosbonian 09-23-2011 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 7934764)
This thread seem to be developing a case of the AIDS as well. Let's see if I can pro-tease inhibitor it back to respectability...

Talked to a few people this morning. I'm convinced of a few things:

1) The national media outlets assuming Missouri is GOOD in the Big 12 are overlooking what I think is obvious to those of us who follow Mizzou closely: Last night was a warning shot fired over the bow of the rest of the Big 12. That looked like a very carefully scripted show, designed to set Missouri up to either bolt or make big demands of OU and Tex.

2) The phrase "Proud members of the Big 12" was purposely left out by Deaton. If you start hearing them use this phrasing, we'll know Missouri is staying put.

3) The SEC wants to get to 14, and it wants to do it with Missouri if the Tigers can extricate themselves from the mess that is the Big 12.

4) If UT and OU make the concessions Missouri wants, the Tigers might stay. Of course, UT didn't even make all the concessions OU wanted, so its doubtful they make them for 'lil ole Missouri.'

See...this I can be comfortable with if it is true.

I want the university to kick both UT and OK in the ass and let them know there are more than just 2 players in this conference.

Both are not playing with any sense of strength since they were rejected by the PAC 12. So it's time to make them realize if we stay it will be on better ground.

But I think Texas' ego won't let them allow that...and for that matter neither will OU's.

Mosbonian 09-23-2011 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7934785)
This is key.

What concessions would need to be made to make Missouri, as well as the rest of the Big 12, happy and content with this league's future?

To me, the linchpin in all of this is LHN, and I don't see any scenario where UT modifies it. More likely, I expect they will either bring OU into the fold, or pair with ESPN to help OU do something similar.

If that happens....MU should bolt.

Saul Good 09-23-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7934756)
Of course you want to be in a conference that has good balance.

All the conferences that are deemed desirable to be in have football and bball money rolling in.

Big East Football is not good. Pitt leaving makes it worse.

If the Big 12 had shitty football everyone would want to leave as well.

Balance has nothing to do with it. Total dollars are what matter. Do you think the SEC is balanced between football and basketball?

vailpass 09-23-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7934787)
I will give you 6 million of pure profit. You still can't touch University of Colorado football. Who barely looks like they know how to play football.


That and all the deals other schools get that will only credited to KU in your world.

Sure but basketball rules !!111!!!

Saul Good 09-23-2011 10:01 AM

Iowa State will join the Mountain West, Mizzou will join the SEC, and the schools from Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas will form the KOTex conference for bleeding vaginas.

HolyHandgernade 09-23-2011 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 7934764)
This thread seem to be developing a case of the AIDS as well. Let's see if I can pro-tease inhibitor it back to respectability...

Talked to a few people this morning. I'm convinced of a few things:

1) The national media outlets assuming Missouri is GOOD in the Big 12 are overlooking what I think is obvious to those of us who follow Mizzou closely: Last night was a warning shot fired over the bow of the rest of the Big 12. That looked like a very carefully scripted show, designed to set Missouri up to either bolt or make big demands of OU and Tex.

2) The phrase "Proud members of the Big 12" was purposely left out by Deaton. If you start hearing them use this phrasing, we'll know Missouri is staying put.

3) The SEC wants to get to 14, and it wants to do it with Missouri if the Tigers can extricate themselves from the mess that is the Big 12.

4) If UT and OU make the concessions Missouri wants, the Tigers might stay. Of course, UT didn't even make all the concessions OU wanted, so its doubtful they make them for 'lil ole Missouri.'

I think its mostly a show. Baylor threatened to sue if A&M left, I don't imagine that is going away if Mizzou decides to do as well. If the SEC was going to put a condition in A&M, you can sure as hell bet they will on Mizzou too. If 100% revenue sharing is what Mizzou is demanding, they aren't gonna get it. They may get some kind of concession, but it won't be that.

Mosbonian 09-23-2011 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7934883)
Iowa State will join the Mountain West, Mizzou will join the SEC, and the schools from Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas will form the KOTex conference for bleeding vaginas.



DJ's left nut 09-23-2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 7934728)
Syracuse, the "basketball school", leaves the best basketball conference in the country for the ACC. Why? Their football revenues will be MUCH higher from the ACC's TV contract than they received while in the Big East.

You keep bringing up why the ACC would want Syracuse. Their football viewership numbers are larger than many of the other possible additions to their conference.

They'll own the I-95 corridor from Florida through Connecticut - that's what make Syracuse so attractive.

The next TV contract will be enormous for the ACC and it will be in large part because they will essentially have every major school from Miami all the way up the Eastern Sea board in their footprint.

Mr_Tomahawk 09-23-2011 10:19 AM

Just checking in...

So you guys figure this out yet?

HemiEd 09-23-2011 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7934750)
I rather enjoyed Syracuse's last championship. :)

The Tigers and their fans had a comfortable seat at home to watch it, correct?

DJ's left nut 09-23-2011 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 7934764)
This thread seem to be developing a case of the AIDS as well. Let's see if I can pro-tease inhibitor it back to respectability...

Talked to a few people this morning. I'm convinced of a few things:

1) The national media outlets assuming Missouri is GOOD in the Big 12 are overlooking what I think is obvious to those of us who follow Mizzou closely: Last night was a warning shot fired over the bow of the rest of the Big 12. That looked like a very carefully scripted show, designed to set Missouri up to either bolt or make big demands of OU and Tex.

2) The phrase "Proud members of the Big 12" was purposely left out by Deaton. If you start hearing them use this phrasing, we'll know Missouri is staying put.

3) The SEC wants to get to 14, and it wants to do it with Missouri if the Tigers can extricate themselves from the mess that is the Big 12.

4) If UT and OU make the concessions Missouri wants, the Tigers might stay. Of course, UT didn't even make all the concessions OU wanted, so its doubtful they make them for 'lil ole Missouri.'

I was pretty amazed at the language used in that press conference. Deaton hedged far more than I thought he would. I'm not at all convinced that MU isn't still looking to get out. UT and OU and running their own little show right now and I don't think MU is going to be able to nudge their way into the conversation. I hope someone grabs some cajones and either mans up to OU and UT, or decides its time to get off this sinking ship before we go from having one evil overloard (UT) to Co evil overloards in UT and OU (looking pretty likely).

The other thing I took from it: Good God, what a pointy-headed little dweeb we have running our University. I've been in OK for the last few days listening to guys from A&M, UT, OU and OSU talking and they all sound like decision makers and aggressive leaders.

Deaton sounds like an eager little poindexter. I know, it's superficial and it's stupid, but I just can't listen to that dude stammer in his high-pitched little voice and think "yeah, this guy is totally going to go toe to toe with Dodds and Boren..."

I also couldn't help but giggle about the fact that he referred to his chairmanship and his 'leadership position' no less than 3 times in response to 3 different questions in the first 5 minutes of the presser. The guy absolutely loves his shiny new title.

Frazod 09-23-2011 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 7934929)
The Tigers and their fans had a comfortable seat at home to watch it, correct?

LMAO Like I actually watched it.

Hooked two so far.....

duncan_idaho 09-23-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by HolyHandgernade (Post 7934897)
I think its mostly a show. Baylor threatened to sue if A&M left, I don't imagine that is going away if Mizzou decides to do as well. If the SEC was going to put a condition in A&M, you can sure as hell bet they will on Mizzou too. If 100% revenue sharing is what Mizzou is demanding, they aren't gonna get it. They may get some kind of concession, but it won't be that.

Baylor threatened to sue if the Big 12 collapsed due to aTm's move, because it looked like that would cause the complete destruction of the league.

In this case, if OU and UT are committed to the Big 12 (and where else are they going to go at this point?) and it survives, there are no grounds for a lawsuit.

If Missouri leaves before signing the new agreements, they wouldn't be in violation of any league bylaws. They wouldn't have broken any TV contracts or caused any long-term problems.

Basically, UT and OU are staying, so the league will survive. And ESPN has already stated it won't alter the tv deal. They really can't, or risk being sued as well.

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