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Dayze 05-31-2014 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by PackerinMo (Post 10663201)
There was no safe haven, just cars everywhere.


Dayze 05-31-2014 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10663160)
Hey, it's another douchebag on a motorcycle. We can only hope later that day he crashed his bike into a flaming AIDS tree.


I usually try to avoid posting something negative about a post, but I had to in this case. It's certainly nothing personal, but you've apparently never ridden a motorcycle at any length/mileage because we're constantly looking for escape routes when riding.

but I'm with you in that there are a ton of morans out there on sportbikes. but I honestly don't think it's the case here.

Dayze 05-31-2014 11:27 PM

can't embed from my iPad for whatever ****ing reason.

if someone wants to, they can.

But I think this is the win of the internetz.

Gadzooks 06-01-2014 01:09 AM

Perhaps his motorbike had no brakes.

Baby Lee 06-01-2014 07:19 AM

<iframe class="vine-embed" src="" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bowser 06-01-2014 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10663263)
how do we know it wasn't emergency riding? looks like the light turns red and his only escape route was betwen the cars; or else plow into the back of the white car. not to mention the silver van making a u-turn.


Originally Posted by Gadzooks (Post 10663313)
Perhaps his motorbike had no brakes.

Perhaps he just REALLY needed to get home and take a shit?

Valiant 06-01-2014 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10663263)
how do we know it wasn't emergency riding? looks like the light turns red and his only escape route was betwen the cars; or else plow into the back of the white car. not to mention the silver van making a u-turn.

really emergency situation? Light was yellow going on red, with cars already slowing and stopped, he decided to blow through there and looks like he might of hit their mirrors. Karma will find him, or hopefully his youtube channel will get him arrested like that other jackass this week.

Dayze 06-01-2014 02:19 PM

dude, shi happens so fast in traffic on a bike. there's no room for error. you don't have a seat belt; or a steel cage around you. maybe he took his eyes off the road a bit and looked up to see the light gonig to red with cars stopping directly in front of him. maybe he was following too closely.

regardless, I would do the exact same thing in that situation. we also don't know about any traffic in the rear either. when I ride I'm also keeping an eye on the rear too. you could get slammmed from behind (NTTAWWT) . For me, it was abslotely evasive action. regardless of how he put himself in the situation

Pepe Silvia 06-01-2014 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10663405)
<iframe class="vine-embed" src="" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

The ****? ROFL

Baby Lee 06-01-2014 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by PackerinMo (Post 10664226)
The ****? ROFL

Lance Stephenson of the Pacers failed to get into Lebron's head in their elimination game

But his ghost returned to make Durant lose his shit in the closing seconds his elimination game.

Hammock Parties 06-01-2014 05:39 PM

frankotank 06-02-2014 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 10663574)
Perhaps he just REALLY needed to get home and take a shit?

we've all been there!

LoneWolf 06-02-2014 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10663281)

I usually try to avoid posting something negative about a post, but I had to in this case. It's certainly nothing personal, but you've apparently never ridden a motorcycle at any length/mileage because we're constantly looking for escape routes when riding.

but I'm with you in that there are a ton of morans out there on sportbikes. but I honestly don't think it's the case here.

I owned a motorcycle from the time I was 18 until I was 25. The only reason he would have had to go between the cars and out into the intersection was because he was either following too close to the car in front of him or he was going over the speed limit. The car in front of him had its brake lights on for quite a while and it had no problem stopping.

I understand the concept of escape routes when somebody pulls out in front of you or crosses over into your lane because they don't see you, but having to escape the vehicle directly in front of you is 100% rider error.

Dayze 06-02-2014 11:59 AM

agree; there are lots of things we don't know about the rider (like the ones you and I mentioned). Even then, I think it was evasive action. either hit the car in front or avoid. Now, I will say avoiding into an intersection is 50/50 at best. more likely to be turned into a steaming pile of Cassel than not.

LoneWolf 06-02-2014 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10665590)
agree; there are lots of things we don't know about the rider (like the ones you and I mentioned). Even then, I think it was evasive action. either hit the car in front or avoid. Now, I will say avoiding into an intersection is 50/50 at best. more likely to be turned into a steaming pile of Cassel than not.

ROFL. Steaming pile of Cassel. ROFL

crazycoffey 06-02-2014 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10663405)
<iframe class="vine-embed" src="" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ok, I give, what am I missing?

bishop_74 06-02-2014 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10664415)

You buddy... you.

Baby Lee 06-02-2014 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 10666078)
Ok, I give, what am I missing?

Looking 6 posts up

OldSchool 06-03-2014 12:38 AM

"High Fashion"

High indeed. I'm pretty sure that these "designers" are on something whenever they decide to put together a show.

OldSchool 06-03-2014 12:43 AM

OldSchool 06-03-2014 12:45 AM

OldSchool 06-03-2014 01:05 AM

Rasputin 06-03-2014 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchool (Post 10667159)

Bring him in for a look to compete against Dee Ford.

Omaha 06-03-2014 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchool (Post 10667154)

Haha. Fat people....

Pepe Silvia 06-03-2014 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchool (Post 10667146)
"High Fashion"

High indeed. I'm pretty sure that these "designers" are on something whenever they decide to put together a show.

Frankenstein Fashion?

frankotank 06-03-2014 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchool (Post 10667146)
"High Fashion"

High indeed. I'm pretty sure that these "designers" are on something whenever they decide to put together a show.

obligatory "bring him in for a look" :rolleyes:

Fish 06-03-2014 12:29 PM

Fashion shows have to be the dumbest ****ing waste of time in the universe.

Pablo 06-03-2014 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 10667721)
Fashion shows have to be the dumbest ****ing waste of time in the universe.

Children's pageants may take the cake.

Graystoke 06-03-2014 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchool (Post 10667146)
"High Fashion"

High indeed. I'm pretty sure that these "designers" are on something whenever they decide to put together a show.

Is that a Dude? Seems like some hairy kneecaps.

frankotank 06-03-2014 01:13 PM

vote for Al!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baby Lee 06-03-2014 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 10667831)
vote for Al!

Love me some Cheepolay.

frankotank 06-03-2014 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10667844)
Love me some Cheepolay.

me too!
I get all "jiddy" about it. LMAO

frankotank 06-03-2014 02:00 PM

frankotank 06-03-2014 02:12 PM

putting here in epic fail because my man kc tattoo has apparently ****ed up the win thread! hahaha.

frankotank 06-03-2014 02:30 PM

man....I'm going to hell for laughing at this one....

frankotank 06-03-2014 02:35 PM

Fish 06-03-2014 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 10668081)


Pepe Silvia 06-03-2014 03:25 PM

Dayze 06-03-2014 04:05 PM

dude, the office I used to work at, would have geese that would nest near the building; then protect it. I never knew a goose screaming at me, flapping its feathers and running towards me could make me freak out and jog away.

Mr. Plow 06-03-2014 08:41 PM

Rasputin 06-03-2014 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 10668003)
putting here in epic fail because my man kc tattoo has apparently ****ed up the win thread! hahaha.

Hey sorry bout that :redface:

It's working now

Mr. Plow 06-03-2014 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 10669226)
Hey sorry bout that :redface:

It's working now

I'm not sure it was your post. Yours pulled up for me, but never anything after it. **** it.....let's blame you. Asshole.

Rasputin 06-03-2014 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10669230)
I'm not sure it was your post. Yours pulled up for me, but never anything after it. **** it.....let's blame you. Asshole.

Oh it was very much me but I don't know how it got screwy like that? It was my post that did it because I couldn't do any more after that.

Hawk 06-03-2014 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10669209)

This has to be a joke...right?

Mr. Plow 06-03-2014 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Hawk (Post 10669307)
This has to be a joke...right?

I don't think so. I was vaccinated and I'm sitting here doing heroin.

CoMoChief 06-03-2014 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10669330)
I don't think so. I was vaccinated and I'm sitting here doing heroin.


CoMoChief 06-03-2014 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10668285)
dude, the office I used to work at, would have geese that would nest near the building; then protect it. I never knew a goose screaming at me, flapping its feathers and running towards me could make me freak out and jog away.

Hah...I have those at my work. I come walking up this grassy hill..kind of a shortcut into the side entrance to my building and we have this big oak tree where there's a bench where a lot of people sit there to smoke or have lunch in the shade. Well the geese have gotten so bad they've shit all over the bench so no one uses it. They're ****ing geese. We're told not to **** w/ them. Well they also need to know to be afraid of humans so they stop coming around thinking it's safe to shit everywhere but no one does anything about it. One day over by the tree I was walking and out comes from the other side was momma goose w/ her little ones. Bitch goose comes at me flapping it's wings and hissing at me and it starts coming at me. I was about 20ft away. So when it comes at me I kick the ever loving shit out of it like it was a soccer ball. It made a really lound honk noise, I know I hurt it because the honk was like an "oh ****" kind of noise and it turned around and hid behind the tree along w/ her little ones.

CAN NOT STAND GEESE. Worked at a Marina for 5 yrs and all they do is shit on the dock and on the rental boats we had to clean, and also lived in a house where the back yard was a large pond so they'd shit on our back patio and sometimes around front on the driveway too, that ended after a while because my dad started to shoot bottle rockets at them whenever they came near the yard...which is what you're supposed to do according to MO Conservation Dept..that or bird bombs...of course they wouldn't ever think about doing that at my work because it'd scare the shit out of some people there.

Mr. Plow 06-03-2014 11:07 PM

New FS possibility....

Pants 06-03-2014 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10669423)
New FS possibility....

Takes 3 times better angles than Kendrick Lewis ever did.

beach tribe 06-04-2014 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 10667831)
vote for Al!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mind bottling that a guy, who I would wager, hasn't read 4 books over 50 pages in his entire life, is allowed to voice his opinion on any political issue on television.

OldSchool 06-04-2014 03:46 AM

OldSchool 06-04-2014 04:04 AM

crazycoffey 06-04-2014 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by beach tribe (Post 10669474)
Mind bottling that a guy, who I would wager, hasn't read 4 books over 50 pages in his entire life, is allowed to voice his opinion on any political issue on television.

Even more mind bottling, people listen to him.....

Omaha 06-04-2014 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 10669512)
Even more mind bottling, people listen to him.....

Mind bottling?

RaiderH8r 06-04-2014 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Omaha (Post 10669678)
Mind bottling?

It bottles the mind.

Baby Lee 06-04-2014 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Omaha (Post 10669678)
Mind bottling?

You've never played BOTTLE?

Beef Supreme 06-04-2014 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Omaha (Post 10669678)
Mind bottling?

You've been here since 2010 and aren't familiar with that CPism?

Get a brian you moran.

Omaha 06-04-2014 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 10669779)
You've been here since 2010 and aren't familiar with that CPism?

Get a brian you moran.

I've never noticed that one.

Mr. Plow 06-04-2014 10:16 AM

BigMeatballDave 06-04-2014 10:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 10669779)

Get a brian you moran.


crazycoffey 06-04-2014 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Omaha (Post 10669781)
I've never noticed that one.

To fat

Dayze 06-04-2014 10:26 AM

hindsight is 50/50

ThaVirus 06-04-2014 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10669330)
I don't think so. I was vaccinated and I'm sitting here doing heroin.


Pepe Silvia 06-04-2014 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchool (Post 10669488)


Mr. Plow 06-04-2014 12:14 PM

Racist Woman

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A man in Cheektowaga, New York, recorded footage of a racist altercation between him and a woman in a parking lot outside of a store. The fight allegedly starts after the man started his vehicle in front of the woman's kids, and according to her, it scared them. (Unless he's rolling in a fighter jet, this likely didn't happen.) The video, which begins moments after their initial confrontation, shows the woman repeatedly calling the man "****er" as her kids stand by. She threatens to call her husband, who she says also "doesn't like black people. If you listen carefully, also threatens the man with the line, "do you know how many cops I strip for?" Fortunately, when she says she'll throw coffee at him, he rolls up his window and she begins to go inside.

As the man says, "racism, alive and well. Amazing."

UPDATE: The woman, Janelle Ambrosia, is tweeting. She's as racist and bad at English as we'd expect.

Ambrosia responded to the altercation on 93.7 WBLK claiming she isn't a racist.

Listen below.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And - if anyone wants to join the "Janelle Ambrosia is a racist" Facebook

Fish 06-04-2014 12:22 PM

Wow. What a worthless ****ing racist ****.


Dayze 06-04-2014 12:26 PM

she's black. it's not racist. duh

Fish 06-04-2014 12:35 PM

She actually said "He's a racist ignorant ****er."

That collection of words actually came out of this person's mouth, who denied being a racist.


Mr. Plow 06-04-2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 10670001)
She actually said "He's a racist ignorant ****er."

That collection of words actually came out of this person's mouth, who denied being a racist.



I came back to post this. How do the words "You're a racist ****er" actually come out of a persons mouth.

Rausch 06-04-2014 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10669957)
If you listen carefully, also threatens the man with the line, "do you know how many cops I strip for?"


gblowfish 06-04-2014 12:40 PM

She's a stripper? Man, they're hurting for talent in Western NY.

Rausch 06-04-2014 12:42 PM

Who would pay that woman to take her clothes off?

She's ugly enough to peel the paint off a farm tractor...

Fish 06-04-2014 12:47 PM

It's hard to watch shit like this that happens in front of young kids. Those kids are just completely doomed already. All but guaranteed to grow up just like ****Mom and continue this shitty behavior.

You're not bipolar, you're just a worthless racist ****.

frankotank 06-04-2014 12:50 PM


you don't just start your car! who the **** does he think he is! what a POS!

Dayze 06-04-2014 12:57 PM

guy was probalby diving an amber lamps.
serves him right

frankotank 06-04-2014 01:12 PM

the thing that really cracks me up...not that it's funny really....because she's a total racist skeeze....but she's so ****ing stupid I guess it does make it kinda funny.....

but anyways....yeah you're sitting at home and your wife calls and says come down here and beat this guys ass who I just called a nasty n*****.....

you're crazy bitch! good luck! I'd suggest exit stage left PRONTO! see ya at home.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Poz 06-04-2014 06:55 PM

Doesn't surprise me so much. Western NY = Bills fan.

Baby Lee 06-04-2014 07:46 PM

Just . . . Enjoy

Hint" The Captions are 75% of the fun

Rasputin 06-04-2014 08:41 PM

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="wtf photo: WTF 4599_-_Crossover_Nintendo_Princess_.jpg"/></a>

Rausch 06-04-2014 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10671095)
Just . . . Enjoy

Hint" The Captions are 75% of the fun

Holy shit! Nazi shower tile!


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