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Buehler445 11-06-2014 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11088608)
Read Congo when I was younger as well.

I'm not sure I could do any of the others. I remember Timeline was like 3 feet thick and I actually recently watched the movie for the first time. Might spoil it.

Maybe I'll look into Andromeda Strain. I remember thinking about trying it but it didn't really pique the interest of my 11 year old mind.

Timeline is worth a read for the molecular physics lesson alone. If you read, read them. They're all good.

DeepPurple 11-07-2014 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by PackerinMo (Post 11087951)
Does Nightcrawler take place in the 80's? It looks like a film that should have been made in the 80's, reminds me of Manhunter with William Petersen.

Manhunter was great, I have it recorded and saved on my Geni. Ina Godda Da Vida closing scene helps make the film. Nightcrawler was modern day, they have the latest video equipment and when Jake starts making the bucks he buys a Dodge Charger.

I did see a movie last night that was really hard to figure the time. It was 'Her' with Jaoquin Phoenix and Scarlet Johanssen as his computer voice/mate. It's very modern with all the tech stuff, but everybody wears brown pants, corduroy, orange or yellow shirts, and pants that have no belt and wear real high. It's like the future with 70's clothes and everybody is a nerd and the woman like Amy Adams wears no make up and looks really plain, big difference from her American Hustle role. It's a real good movie.

mikeyis4dcats. 11-07-2014 09:11 PM

Fury was awesome. That is all.

ThaVirus 11-08-2014 01:13 AM

Oculus was weird.

Miles 11-08-2014 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 11089345)
Zero Theorem. This was one disjointed movie. It's one of those flicks that people will either think was just too weird to be any good or a trailblazing masterpiece. I'm still not sure what to think of it. I liked parts of it (especially Melanie Thierry. Damn.), but I have no idea of what to think of the ending.

Hadn't heard of this one yet. Terry Gilliam directed with Christoph Waltz makes me very interested.

Miles 11-08-2014 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11088608)
Read Congo when I was younger as well.

I'm not sure I could do any of the others. I remember Timeline was like 3 feet thick and I actually recently watched the movie for the first time. Might spoil it.

Maybe I'll look into Andromeda Strain. I remember thinking about trying it but it didn't really pique the interest of my 11 year old mind.

For the most part all of his books are enjoyable page turners and rather quick reads.

ragedogg69 11-08-2014 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats. (Post 11092530)
Fury was awesome.


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11092842)
Oculus was weird.

I would love it if this thread turned all the reviews into this. [Title] was...

DeepPurple 11-08-2014 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats. (Post 11092530)
Fury was awesome. That is all.

Ditto, if you haven't seen "The Beast" (1988), rent it from Netflix or whatever, the tank is the whole movie. Really Good!!

Scorp 11-08-2014 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by thabear04 (Post 11089844)
Gonna watch A Walk Among the Tombstones tonight.

Thumbs up for a mystery/action movie. A+

thabear04 11-08-2014 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Scorp (Post 11093213)
Thumbs up for a mystery/action movie. A+

Great movie going to watch Dracula untold.

Easy 6 11-08-2014 08:16 PM

Watched a great old movie from 73 starring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek... Badlands... basically a turn on Charles Starkweather, an actual drifter from 1958 that went on a crime spree with his girlfriend.

Very, very good, damn glad I bothered to watch it... wanna know where Mickey and Mallory or True Romance came from? look no further than Badlands, in fact, the score to Romance is totally ripped off from Badlands.

Lord Have Mercy... Sissy Spacek is RED HOT.

-King- 11-08-2014 08:21 PM

Watch The Maze Runner. A little subpar. Not what I was expecting really. And I'm tired of movies based on book trilogies. I didn't know coming in that it was part of a series of books.

ThaVirus 11-08-2014 08:29 PM

Watched what I'm guessing was about 75% of Need for Speed. I thought it was OK.

BigMeatballDave 11-08-2014 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11088552)
Jurassic Park 2 is on AMC right now. General consensus is this one is absolute shit but how do people feel about 3? I liked 3, although it wasn't nearly as good as the first.

The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are still the best I can remember seeing on the big screen.

2 sucked hard. I liked 3.

BigMeatballDave 11-08-2014 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 11088591)
They got worse as they went along.

The first one didn't diverge from the book too much. The second one did. There was no third book.

The reerun follows that general curve.

I liked 3. And **** the books. 2 sucked balls.

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