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Good man
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OSgiH0L43NY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hXIAgELw5hk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
my dogs look at me like I'm crazy when I get up to go to work.
then when they get up to follow me around, they look miserable lol. except my female german short-haired (she was the runt I suspect)....that dog will sleep through a nuclear war. she'll be asleep in the living room, and you can pick her up to take her to her bed in our bedroom; set her down, and she never even opens her eyes. lol |
I love the still-pose / snapshot of the video before it starts. The dog is half sitting up like ".....the ****"?
I really wonder sometimes...:hmmm:
He's dead now.
For Sale: 18 Wheeler
Car Fax - May have flood damage |
hey...leave him alone. Fish is the one to watch. I was honestly afraid to click on that dang video cause Fish be posting so sick shit man! LMAO |
Animals bring me so much joy. |
when my lab is laying down trying to sleep; if she farts she gets spooked and runs off. |
Very solid vertical leap. Willing to sacrifice the body. Aggressive. |
hear he had off the field issues; reportedly with cat nip.
Screw the Colts. |
Sisters **** everything up..
500 Pounds of Marijuana Shipped to Auto Shop By Mistake A North Carolina entrepreneur received the unique opportunity earlier this week to abandon his debt and start a new and exciting life as black-market marijuana dealer. Unfortunately, before the man had a chance to decide what to do with the several hundred pounds of marijuana that was delivered to his business by mistake, his sister stepped in and ruined everything. A few days ago, 35-year-old Miguel Garcia showed up ready to start another day at his business, Boom Boom Car and Audio. The man admits that while his passion lies in the automotive trade, it has not been the easiest way to earn a living. "Well we had to ask for a lot of loans. We’re actually in debt, but were moving slowly," he told NBC News. "This is actually my third shot at it. Hopefully it does work out." Later that day, Garcia received a huge and unexpected shipment from California, which he believed was sent by one of his wholesalers. “The description said chrome accessories and dash kits and that's basically what we sell,” he said. “So my first thought was maybe a vendor had sent it to me to resell it.” When Garcia opened the package, he did not find anything resembling car audio components; instead, he discovered a hefty load of Cali-Maui-Wowie -- a whopping 500 pounds of it. Now, this is where we suspect Garcia may have had a momentary lapse of reason and had visions of himself living the high life thanks to his new career as the cannabis kingpin of North Carolina. Sadly, his dream was squashed shortly after he realized his sister was on the phone to the police. When authorities arrived, it took them over an hour to load the marijuana in the back of a vehicle and take it away to be destroyed. But, before they left, officers were kind enough to rub some salt in Garcia’s wound -- informing him that the shipment was worth an estimated $250,000. |
Nice find/Bump What ever happened to Bump? Haven't seen him post for a while. |
He got stoned and forgot about CP. |
Or, a little something uncle and nephew don't go gabbing to mom about. |
Sooo....even if that goes perfectly well, the little car thing still crashes into the real car that is like five feet in front of the end of the ramp, right? Not that the kid would likely be going fast enough to get hurt but still....WTF? |
:LOL: Of course I can sympathize. Whenever the plow truck comes by and walls you in after you JUST finished clearing the driveway. :cuss: :cuss:
http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/...if?w=350&h=194 |
must have been one of those cheap Fiat Abarth's
100% true story.
My friends and I got drunk when we were about 15, and we took turns cramming each other in that exact toy car and launching it into end over ends down a huge hill. It was like wearing a roll cage. |
Ah. That explains a lot. |
seriously though, that sounds funny as shit. My buddies and I would do the same but in an old rickety wagon. lol. It's a wonder we didn't die.
http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...14_IXn3DW1.gif Good hit to jar the ball loose. No penalty on the defender. http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...014_6QyxVP.gif I got this... http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...014_SVuLQk.gif Cool. a ball!......shit shit shit shit......shit shit! http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...014_bJUCBa.gif LMAO http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...014_A3dFKI.gif a little slow reflexes http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...014_izUZ1N.gif False Start on the offense. http://cdn.thebarkpost.com/wp-conten...014_wFslH1.gif |
I laughed at one point when an announcer guy goes, "Ahhh...Allah...Allah ah ta-ta ta ta ta." I assume that this translates into, "Oh god. Oooh, oh God. Oooh."
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IaRVmRL6ZcQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
The multiple dropping tennis ball one is great. I force my dog to play fetch by bringing two of them into the front yard. He's a fetch asshole: He'll grab it and run off, trying to get you to chase him. So I throw one and when he comes back for the taunt I show him the other. He gets so upset that he doesn't have the one in my hand that he drops the other one. I throw it and he runs off chasing it. Pick up the one he just dropped, wash-rinse-repeat.
The blue Nissan that went through the crowed and sent bodies flying, not so much. The red Mazda losing all four of it's wheels at once is pretty good, though mechanically I'm not even sure how that is possible, unless he just changed wheels and only had the lug nuts on finger tight. |
The one that I didn't get was when the car was clearly out of control and a bunch of Arab-seeming guys are just standing there in the potential line of fire AND NOT MOVING. I mean, the car is veering all over the place and everyone is just hoping it won't go flying into them (as another car did later in the vid)?!? WTF? EDIT: The one beginning at about 0:55. |
whata dumbass 'sport'. |
one of my dogs has always run after it and picked it up....then drops it about 1/2 from getting back to me as a "FU". |
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/eYIH7ApCxoM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
^^^gosh what could possibly go wrong by standing next to the track with 100mph cars whizzing by on dirt?^^^
also, 2:06. They say ratatatata. |
<iframe class="vine-embed" src="https://vine.co/v/Md0iHEZmQhq/embed/simple" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Creepy kids edition:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/zq5-6PkVGCg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wusGIl3v044?list=RDzq5-6PkVGCg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Clay does this
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/K33vWsRAYlg?list=RDzq5-6PkVGCg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
how do we know it wasn't emergency riding? looks like the light turns red and his only escape route was betwen the cars; or else plow into the back of the white car. not to mention the silver van making a u-turn.
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