Bearcat |
01-01-2024 09:57 PM |
Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief
(Post 17314819)
You have to admit it's the comments from the defeatist have went to a whole other level as well. Not just predicting doom for that game, but predicting doom for the rest of the season, or wishing for a loss, in a game where we can win the West. The defeatist have upped their game immensely this year. We should call them out. Don't get me wrong, if they want to bitch an moan in other threads, or bitch and moan in a game day thread where we are losing and the game is virtually over, cool. But to be over the top defeatist early in yeterday's GDT when the AFC is wideopnen and we have a HOF QB, HOF Coach and the best defense in years is weird.
I think we all have our lines drawn on absurdity.
Some (pretty much only the people who are saying the stuff) think saying the most absurd things in the GDT is just a normal part of life.
Twisted's line seems to be the venting/frustration posts, meaning previous years it was absurd, but this year it's much more justified (and it is).
But, I think the spirit of this thread goes beyond even that to what you're saying.... there's always this sliding scale of absurdity.
Previous seasons it would take a two score game. This year it's "game over, we aren't scoring 8 points" (that was actually said when the Bills (IIRC) were up 7-0).
Previous seasons we'd bitch about the defense giving up an early touchdown and just assume it would keep happening (at least more justified in say 2018).... this year it's "fraud defense!" when it's 10-7.
So yeah, like you said, we're not just meeting the frustration with where the team's at, we're actively trying to be as absurd as possible (like every other year).