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Gravedigger 09-12-2017 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 13076924)

I agree, there will be flares, oh yes... there will be flares.

I'll also say that having three different directors was inticing, but I didn't have much faith in Colin Trevarrow from the start regardless of the alleged difficulty of working with him. If we're going to get someone to do spectacle I will take JJ's work over Jurassic World any day, but not the best pick, just solid imo. Ron Howard would've been amazeballs.

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 13076923)
I think the final film will come down to the studio's say so more than Abrams creative license.

Nah. KK will go along with Abrams vision but I'm sure it'll be a collaborative process.

What's crazy is that they tossed Trevorrow's script, hired Jack Thorne on August 1st to write a new story and script and less than two months later, hired Abrams and Terrio.

Terrio's involvement is interesting. He co-wrote BvS, adapted Argo (and won an Oscar) and co-wrote the Justice League.

My gut tells me that Abrams will outline the story and Terrio will write the script.

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 13076926)
I agree, there will be flares, oh yes... there will be flares.

I'll also say that having three different directors was inticing, but I didn't have much faith in Colin Trevarrow from the start regardless of the alleged difficulty of working with him. If we're going to get someone to do spectacle I will take JJ's work over Jurassic World any day, but not the best pick, just solid imo. Ron Howard would've been amazeballs.

Howard didn't have time because he'll be working on Han Solo through the Spring of next year. Rian Johnson's schedule didn't line up, either.

When Abrams read Rain Johnson's script for Episode VIII, he immediately regretted not directing the film. Hopefully, Terrio and Abrams build off of Johnson's foundation.

Fire Me Boy! 09-12-2017 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13076977)
Nah. KK will go along with Abrams vision but I'm sure it'll be a collaborative process.

What's crazy is that they tossed Trevorrow's script, hired Jack Thorne on August 1st to write a new story and script and less than two months later, hired Abrams and Terrio.

Terrio's involvement is interesting. He co-wrote BvS, adapted Argo (and won an Oscar) and co-wrote the Justice League.

My gut tells me that Abrams will outline the story and Terrio will write the script.

If Kylo and Rey have two different mothers with the same name, I'm gonna cut someone.

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 13077003)
If Kylo and Rey have two different mothers with the same name, I'm gonna cut someone.


Chiefspants 09-12-2017 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 13076767)


Bowser 09-12-2017 12:36 PM

This has all the excitement of Carl hiring Herm as the head coach for me.

I think I would have taken Gareth Edwards over JJ (if he were available), and was really pulling for Rian Johnson to get the gig.

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 02:14 PM

Aaaaaaand Scene

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Star Wars: Episode IX is scheduled for release on December 20, 2019. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Star Wars (@starwars) <a href="">September 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 02:16 PM

KK needs to move Han Solo to December 2018

Chiefspants 09-12-2017 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13076977)
Nah. KK will go along with Abrams vision but I'm sure it'll be a collaborative process.

What's crazy is that they tossed Trevorrow's script, hired Jack Thorne on August 1st to write a new story and script and less than two months later, hired Abrams and Terrio.

Terrio's involvement is interesting. He co-wrote BvS, adapted Argo (and won an Oscar) and co-wrote the Justice League.

My gut tells me that Abrams will outline the story and Terrio will write the script.

It concerns me that they're struggling to crack the story here. These problems led to JJ finishing TFA's script without figuring out how to get Luke into the story and sloppily inserting another Death Star (BUT ITS 10 TIMES BIGGER!)

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13077306)
It concerns me that they're struggling to crack the story here. These problems led to JJ finishing TFA's script without figuring out how to get Luke into the story and sloppily inserting another Death Star (BUT ITS 10 TIMES BIGGER!)

Michael Arndt's original version focused on Luke, Leia and Han. It had very little room for the new characters Rey (original Kira), Finn and Poe.

When Abrams took over, he and Kasdan scrapped the whole script and concept. They felt that if Luke and the OT characters were to be the focal point, they wouldn't be able to develop the "Female Jedi" and the other characters, so they kept Luke's whereabouts unknown, so they could focus on telling the story with a new generation.

For Episode IX, Abrams and Terrio won't be able to do a "reboot", like TFA was but will need to continue the story as written by Rian Johnson. While there are no "I am your father" plot twists, there will be a few "What?!!" reveals in Episode XIII, so they'll need to build from there, not rehash ROTJ.

In terms of Trevorrow, the word is the guy felt HE was the film and not the story itself. More and more of his behavior has been leaking and with the failure of The Book of Henry, he's going to be picking up the pieces of his career for a while.

Also, I'm absolutely certain that a condition of Abrams hiring for IX was that he would co-write the script, so it's not surprising Thorne is now out of the picture.

unlurking 09-12-2017 04:15 PM


Not a fan of JJ. :(

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 07:51 PM

This is JJ's opportunity to put his stamp on the Star Wars galaxy.

I hope he takes it.

007 09-12-2017 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 13077003)
If Kylo and Rey have two different mothers with the same name, I'm gonna cut someone.


Hammock Parties 09-13-2017 09:04 AM


PS: Almost everybody I've talked to has really enjoyed it. Lucasfilm is supposedly over the moon with it. The singular thing that I hear from everybody is that it's different. And it's going to probably not sit well with some Star Wars fans. It's going to be divisive.

HTB: I think that's exciting.

PS: Yeah, that is exciting. One person I know that has seen the movie messaged me after this news came out saying that he's happy that J.J. Abrams is coming on because he, you know, didn't like some of the choices that Rian Johnson went with. So take that for what it's worth.

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