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Sam Hall 01-08-2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater

Yes, in fact I got banned twice.

Bugeater 01-08-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
so hows the schwag in the midwest?

It's around, but I'm old and out of the loop now. I'd probably have a hard time finding it.

2112 01-08-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by luv
I like "character". This place has it. It also has the drama other places don't allow (from what I've heard). What better than creating drama with someone, then working out your differences? The only thing I don't really like is that no one knows how to drop something that's been way overplayed. I open myself up for shit like that though.

Without drama this place would be a morgue..I love drama..hee hee

Buck 01-08-2007 02:35 AM

Supposedly we have the best stuff here in Cali, I cant complain, its been 3 hours since I last hit the :bong: and I'm still pretty high.

luv 01-08-2007 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie007
I'm a big fan of free speech. I like this place because it's geared towards football and Chiefs, and that all brings us here, but it's more than that. It's about life, and whatever it has to offer. People in here are pretty open minded generally, and the dispersion of different people and ideas is what makes this place so great.

Holy shit, I actually agree with you. This is a Chiefs fan site. There's Chiefs talk, but it's also a place where Chiefs fans can come to talk about other things as well.

Bugeater 01-08-2007 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
Yes, in fact I got banned twice.

I finally saw some of that when I was lurking over there a while back. Apparently you had a meltdown over last year's OU game.

Buck 01-08-2007 02:36 AM

I wonder if they ever caught Wesely Snipes...

Buck 01-08-2007 02:38 AM

Damn, in Little Big League, the Oakland A's catcher is black. I don't know if there have ever been any black catchers. I know that Tony Eusabio used to be a catcher for the Astros, but I don't know if he was black or Latin.

el borracho 01-08-2007 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
I wonder if they ever caught Wesely Snipes...

I'm pretty sure John Stark got him...

Buck 01-08-2007 02:40 AM

Good One.

Sam Hall 01-08-2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I finally saw some of that when I was lurking over there a while back. Apparently you had a meltdown over last year's OU game.

I thought Callahan's throatslash gesture was inappropriate, and there were other things I said. I basically told them to kiss my ass. I didn't care if they banned me. It's funny looking back. Oh yeah, next time you go to that forum, I was also Lone Jack.

I have a third username, I don't foresee this one getting banned. They probably don't even know :)

KurtCobain 01-08-2007 02:41 AM

wheres the luv?

Bugeater 01-08-2007 02:41 AM

Alright, I'm checking out for the night. I want to see 2,000 posts on this thread tomorrow morning.

2112 01-08-2007 02:41 AM

Good was fun!!!

luv 01-08-2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway
wheres the luv?

Right here!

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