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I knew then competitive golf wasn’t for me. |
I go down 1 inch to reduce about 5 yards on my short irons.it works for me but might not works for everybody. I forgot to mention I also carry 4 wedges 48/52/56/60 since I use those a lot more during a round than I do my 3 wood which I dropped from the bag, I starting laying up on all par 5 (trying to get it to one of my wedge distances) even short ones(depending on danger around green) and started getting more birdies . |
Right now I carry my PW (45*), AW (50*), and 60*. There is just too much of a gap between the 50* (110 yards) & 60* (70-75 yards). Bought a new 50*, 54*, & 60* and I'm hoping that 54* helps split the difference. |
If it's distance, next time you go to the range, take nothing but your wedges. Hit 10-20 balls with each club at half, 3/4 and full swings and chart your average distance. Makes it a lot easier when you have a good idea how far a (3/4 54*, as example) regularly goes. Helps with course management as well - for example, I know my 3/4 54* goes 90 yards - which is the same distance within a yard or two of a full swing 58* You have so much flexibility when you know your distances with less than full swings. My 3/4 54* travels about the same distance as my full swing 58*. Determining where the flag is on the green, along with if the shot is to an slightly elevated green or level to me determines which club I hit, even though they are the same distance away. When I first did this, I actually wrote my half, 3/4 and full swing distances on a strip of painters tape and stuck it on the shaft below the grip as a reminder. |
I'm going to hit the range tonight, so I'll see if I can get a decent track on distance with different swings. |
I have an idea, and I don't know if it will work or is even legal. I've always been a good ball striker. I'll hit greens but I 3 putt, ALOT. I'm really bad at short putts. That is my biggest bugaboo.
So, why couldn't I get a midget putter. Just a small shaft, put the grip towards the clubhead almost and get on my knees to putt. I don't know how I would ever pull or block it. Might be able to do it on short chips where you don't need to get it very high. They banned Sam Snead I think it was for putting thru his legs, maybe I can get something else banned :) |
if you hit 10 perfect putts the odds are you might miss 1 or 2 because of imperfections in the green etc, so make the best swing you can and live with the results and if you miss it wasn't your fault. Also completely remove distance out of the putting equation, I know it sounds crazy but your brain automatically adjusts for distance(shooting basketball you don't think how far back to bring your arms etc..)picture the hole and try and make it , aim small miss small , lag putts don't work. And thinking you have the right line is more important that actually having the right line. I know it is another crazy one but it works, every putt has multiple lines depending on speed etc.. I believe I can make anything within 10 feet, so it puts less pressure on my chipping so I make better chips and rarely end up with 10 footers . My Dad has never made a bad swing/putt/ ( it is always a bad lie/wind/bad bounce etc..)he thinks is swing is perfect, he is completely delusional but at 73 he still shoot his age so it the end it doesn't matter. |
Just an FYI - Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning will take on Phil Mickleson and Tom Brady at 2pm Central on TNT, if anyone is interested.
Oh man, these are soooo badass. I'm tempted to order one in red.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/00...g?v=1590244617 https://hole9design.com/collections/...-tribute-cover |
Edit: just ordered the red one , thanks. |
Got one of these as a fun gift for my son's Bday. It's kind of awesome.
https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...df6a279da2.jpg |
How many guys have their own golf cart? Where I live, The Villages, latest count the population is 127,000 and 75,000 golf carts. You can drive them anywhere in the 40 square miles of The Villages. I have 8 championship 27 hole layouts I can drive to within 20 minutes in my golf cart.
Most everyone here has stickers on their cart, probably Red Sox, Yankees and Steelers are the most common. I do know two guys at the gym that have Chiefs Carts, they're both from Omaha and worked together for 30 years at a school. One was the principal and the other was a science teacher and he hired him in 1980 and they both retired here. Anyway, I know you'll have some good comments. I was born in Baltimore in 1950, so I grew up a Colts fan, but I lived from the 4th grade through age 27 in St. Petersburg, except for 3 years in the Army. I moved back to Baltimore when I was 39 and lived there 20 years until I retired here back in Florida 9 years ago. So I was in Baltimore when the Ravens started and was actually at the first game in 1996 when they beat the Raiders. My cart I bought new nine years ago, it's a Yamaha gas engine, 6 gallon tank, gets about 40 mpg. It cost new $10,300 with the options of the Ultimate Seats, Black Roof, Cooler, 2 sand bottles, ball and club washer and floor mat. Today it would cost about $15,000 here locally at The Villages Golf Cars, you can shop around and do better buying out of the area. https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net...b0&oe=5EF5A8DA https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net...4c&oe=5EF39FC8 https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net...86&oe=5EF25208 |
I walk because I'm not a bitch :D .
Push cart mafia here. |
It's almost a bigger problem is speeding. By Florida law a cart cannot go more than 20 mph, or even be capable of going over 20mph. So if you're stopped say for going 25, which my Yamaha is capable of doing, you don't get a speeding ticket, you get an unregistered vehicle ticket. Because of the law, you are no longer driving a golf cart, it's considered a LSV (Low Speed Vehicle) you can buy a golf cart that will do 30, they're classified as a LSV and not a golf cart. You'll need regular car insurance, you need windshield wipers and seat belts and you'll a Florida license plate which is $450 the first time. Not too many buy the LSVs, most people buy regular carts and speed them up and hope not to get caught. They might give out 50 tickets a year for having a fast golf cart, which is about $450. What I mean about straying onto a busy street. The main north south and east west roads are 4 lane divided and the golf carts travel on their own separate cart paths, we call them MMP (Multi-model paths) because bicycles can also use them. https://www.villages-news.com/wp-con...split-path.jpg Over highways, such as SR 44 and soon the Florida Turnpike, they put in bridges. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped..._Brownwood.jpg If you go to a square, we have 3, we drive on the city streets and park head in. https://i2.wp.com/www.insidethebubbl...26%2C274&ssl=1 https://compote.slate.com/images/955...1cab7724d1.jpg https://thejunksharks.com/wp-content...06/village.jpg If you have to cross one of the busy Villages streets, we have tunnels, probably a 100 or so. https://villages-news.com/wp-content...66-Tunnell.jpg If you have too much money in your retirement years, you can get a Street Rod, they cost $21,000 to $25,000 new. Street Rods are not just a body on a cart chassis, they're built from the ground up in Montezuma, Iowa. https://sparkpix2-hireology.s3.amazo...roductions.jpg If you like the Streetrod look, but don't want to speed the money, you can get a Yesteryear cart new for about $13,000 to $15,000. That's the body on the chassis and engine of a Club Cart golf cart. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_F9H5gP0snM/hqdefault.jpg Most of The Villages is in Sumter County, of the 67 counties in Florida, Sumter had the highest percentage for Donald Trump. The Villages is about 75% republicans. We also have 20,000 military veterans, which I'm one and we have our own VA clinic. There are parades for Trump all the time and every time someone on Fox News writes a book, they come here to our Barnes & Nobles and sign copies. The Fox morning show has been here, they brought Foreigner last year, and Gary Sinese and his band played last year here. https://villages-news.com/wp-content...20-600x383.jpg I think this has given everyone a pretty clear picture of retirement life in The Villages and what's it's like. I moved here when I was 61 in 2011 and I'll be 70 in July. We have a Christmas Parade every year. We also have the largest softball league in America, 200 teams and 2500 players on 14 ball diamonds. Everyone stays pretty active, I played softball the first five years I was here. https://www.villages-news.com/wp-con...-golf-cart.jpg |
Very interesting.
Do those old widow bitches still judge the men there by how big and expensive their golf cart's are??? :LOL:
https://www.scooterthedj.com/wp-cont...er_6%20(1).jpg Brownwood Square dance floor. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pVBEscZlHqM/maxresdefault.jpg My favorite band is the Hooligans from Orlando, they play each square once a month. They play only British rock from the 70's and 80's. They'll get big crowds. https://www.villages-news.com/wp-con...-1-600x566.jpg What's really crazy are these same guys with disguise in place, are also the Spazmatics and play all 80's new wave. They're really good no matter what they play, they travel all over the US as the Spazmatics. https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net...e7&oe=5EF6717D |
That's what people should be doing when they retire!
Good for you! :thumb: Looks like a blast..... |
Sheee-it, this thing is sexy!
https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...c8ad8628f5.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...89d2908470.jpg |
What do you guys figure you spend/mo on golf?
Before that maybe 1500 a year so 750 a month for me up here. |
I spend way to much for a membership here in town but the wife and kids use the shit out of the pool in the summer and she uses the membership to entertain for her business so that helps
I’m pretty damn bummed today fellas. Was supposed to spend a week in Scotland the last of July. Staying at the old course, playing carnoustie and a few others. We’ve been planning and saving for this trip for 12 years. Got cancelled today. Sucks |
I would probably wrap it around my real pudder and not my golf putter it's so sexy! :D
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Adams-Golf-...8AAOSwnv9e0A3z |
I've been playing since I was 12 (1962), but after I joined the Army in 1970 I played very little for the next 40 years. When I retired I jumped back in fulltime in 2009. I was mostly shooting 90, or high 80's, and just now I'm breaking 80 and hanging around 80. What really helps me is playing with my neighbor, he's about the same age and has been playing all his life and even played in college. Last week he shot 70 and 73. I've made the biggest difference when I could consistently hit the ball first. They cut our fairways here so tight, there is no way your getting a club under the ball. In fact the rough was the best lie. Then I really got the hang of hitting down on the ball, no more early divots or shanks, and extra distance by compressing the ball. I l learned on my own, but I had a good player to watch. If you can find, some better players to go out with, although they might not be into a beginner unless they are good friends. I hate it when we have a duffer join our group. Golf is not as easy as it looks. |
What makes you so bad? if you improve your short game your score will improve and youtube vids with some practice can help that, long game lesson could help but sometimes it is better to work with with what you have. If you started late in your body won;t be able to what is need fora pretty swing, so live with the slice or hook and make it work . |
Hitting long irons is hard for most people even most pros have gotten ride of 2 irons and such and are hitting hybrids , if you can find a set with 3/4/5 hybrids . I used to love my 2 iron but Hybrids are just easier and more forgiving. If you top the ball it is often due to head movement (upwards), just worry about posture during your swing ( don't worry about direction) , you could probably watch a few you tube vids that could explain it better than me. Also video tape your self and draw a line across the top of your head at start and see where your head ends up. There might be an app than can help V1 I think. |
When you swing a sledgehammer you don't worry about your weight transfer, leg position etc. the weight of the instrument guides you , let the weight of the club guide you try and feel the weight during the swing, if you break your wrist on the backswing too early for example you lose that feel and let the weight swing it through. best advice I ever got from a high level pro was " be athletic" I see great athlete in other sports grab a club and there whole body tenses up thus becoming horribly un athletic in the process. sorry for the rant . |
Not every tip will work for everyone either some people need a more mechanical approach and some people do better with feel.
I am more of a feel type guy , if I start to think to much I am done. |
When you address the ball there is an angle formed between your hips and your spine. For the sake of ease, we'll say it's 20 degrees. The golf swing is mainly a rotation around a fixed axis (your spine) wherein you want to keep the angle formed between your hips and spine. Your shoulders rotate 90 degrees to that angle, your hips rotate to that angle. Watch this video for a visual representation, specifically the 1:20 mark <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Aee8zAlL6sA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I forgot to mention some side to side motion of the head can be acceptable , up and down is the swing killer. this is good book to read, I wasn't a fan of the writing style but it does build on that feel thing I mentioned earlier. Ernest Jones' Swing The Clubhead method |
Lessons can certainly help, but you need to find the right instructor and be able to "connect" with them. Here's an example:
I've been fighting my irons for a looong time. Generally, I just can't even get them airborne. I shank them, hit 'em fat, top them, you name it. I had no confidence whatsoever, especially on par 3 tee boxes. I took a series of lessons from Chris Cone (David Cone's brother) a couple of years ago. He got me hitting well during the lesson but it didn't translate to the course. I just never really connected with him. Last year I bought another package of five 1 hour lessons with a different instructor. I could tell immediately I connected with him better. He was able to explain my swing in a way that made sense to me and I could "feel" the changes in my swing. It didn't immediately improve my game on the course, but I kept practicing the things he taught me. Saturday I had probably one of the best rounds I've ever had, especially with regard to my iron play. I hit one really bad iron shot (shanked). The rest were a mix of really good to "almost there". Here are two examples of shots that I never make. #1 - I've been struggling with my usually reliable driver. I slice my drive on the first hole into the rough and left a pretty long approach of nearly 180 yards. I figured I'd hit the 4i and hopefully get it close. I smoked the damn thing and ended up on the green. Of course, I three putted it. :banghead: #2 - A fairly short hole on #13 and I again sliced it badly and was 170+ yards out with the ball sitting down in some thick clover. Pulled the 4i again and put it on the front of the green. I got it down in two for the par this time. |
Up until a year ago I was always hitting my iron by picking the ball. That's great if you do it everytime, but that's impossible, and a shank or a top is what happens when you mishit or don't pick the ball.
Like I said earlier, I play every week with a guy who shots 70 to 73, he hits the ball first and then the divot comes afterwards, just like the pros on TV. I watch him, but what really helped was youtube. Watching videos on how to hit the ball first. First thing I was doing wrong, was my legs were too far apart, just like I was hitting driver. By bringing legs together shoulder width, that helped. Then I was always hitting the ball when it was off my left foot, my neighbor he hits the ball all the way back in the stance. I moved my aim point to the ball is just left of center. So now I have a narrower stance, ball just left of center, keeping your eye focused on the ball until you at least you make contact, and swing with less speed. Take it back slower, but come down with thrust aimed right at the ball. My misses went away, I'm hitting the ball solid, and hitting it before the ground. Also by compressing the ball I'm getting more distance. Videos on youtube are a great source of information. Here's one I picked at random about hitting irons and hitting the ball first. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/N7EJ12GSCPI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> My driving is the best part of my game. I'm only 5' 9" and 150 pounds but I drive 215 to 220 on the fly and about 225 to 230 on roll out. I use a Taylormade R11S white head driver. It's adjustable from 9 degrees to 12, with 10.5 when it comes from the factory. I set mine slightly lower at 10 degrees and still get great height, and face one notch close, that takes away any balloon shots to the right. For irons I have last year's model Taylormade M-4 irons. I really like them. There is a slot on the face and that actually creates a greater sweet spot, so for example if you hit it slightly out by the toe, you might only lose 5 yards. Also there is a slot on the bottom from 8 iron down, that's called a speed slot. I put Wynn large size grips on the clubs, even though I have small hands, I like gripping a fatter grip. Here's my driver, like most it was $399 new, I got it when it was one year old on eBay for $125 still in the plastic. https://i1.wp.com/www.rotaryswing.co...size=448%2C252 Here's my irons, M-4, they have a little bulk to them, but not as much as some game improvement irons. The better golfer version is M-3. The year before they were M-1 and M-2 and this current year they are M-5 and M-6. https://www.golfalot.com/Portals/0/i...reviewhero.jpg You can see the sweet spot slots on each side of the face, this makes the entire hitting area a sweet spot. https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-komf...=2&imbypass=on This was the set I traded in for the current M-4's. These are the Taylormade from about 4 years ago, PSI 1's. They had the face and bottom slots and I really liked them a lot, they're graphite shafts. Bought them brand new on eBay from a dealer in LA for $399 with free shipping. I got rid of them because the graphite shafts were not for me. I'm 69, I'll be 70 in July but my swing speed is 95 and I wanted to back to regular steel shafts, so that why I traded. The Taylormade 3 & 5 Burner Woods in the white covers, I got rid of also. I found I really like the Adams A-4 3 and 4 hybrids. I had them from an old set and kept the hybrids and can hit them much more consistent than the woods off the fairway. I get about 175 yards with the 4 and 190 with the 3, and the woods weren't any better and were harder to hit, and had a tendency to hook when I swing faster. The Callaway Odyssey #7 Putter I also don't use anymore, I have a similar putter, it's a Callaway Odyssey EXO Stroke Lab Seven Mini Putter. It's also a #7 but has two alignment lines, a center line and a back bar between the prongs added. I love this putter, I very seldom 3 putt anymore. It's $250 new, but I got a refurbished model on eBay from the Callaway used shop for $170 and it's looks new. https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net...eb&oe=5EFD8C94 https://mygolfspy.com/wp-content/upl...nMiniBar-1.jpg https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/RMcAA...OC6/s-l640.jpg Those 3 wedges are Titleist Vokey, a 50, 56 and 60. I put the 50 and 60 away, I like them but they require more precise shots. I keep the 56 in the bag for sand traps, it's my go to club for bunkers. Instead of the 50, I use the gap wedge that came with my M-4's and the 60 I hardly used. Instead I have an M-4 4 iron. So even though I have a Adams 4 hybrid, I also carry my Taylormade 4 iron. I can the hit 4 iron good, just not as far as the hybrid. So I have a shot that requires a little more accuracy, I hit the 4 iron instead of the 4 hybrid. |
[QUOTE=DeepPurple;15001780]Up until a year ago I was always hitting my iron by picking the ball. That's great if you do it everytime, but that's impossible, and a shank or a top is what happens when you mishit or don't pick the ball.
Like I said earlier, I play every week with a guy who shots 70 to 73, he hits the ball first and then the divot comes afterwards, just like the pros on TV. I watch him, but what really helped was youtube. Watching videos on how to hit the ball first. Thanks guys I sincerely appreciate all of your help and input. . My son really enjoys it so I decided to spend a little more and get these Cleveland CBX Launcher GI irons. https://www.pgatoursuperstore.com/cl...saAqqSEALw_wcB I was able to get them used on ebay for about 350 shipped. I'm really excited for them to arrive. What are your thoughts on them? |
The only irons that I've looked besides my M-4 are the new Cobra F8 One Length Iron Set. That's right, every iron is the same length as the 7 iron. That kind of makes sense, at least for me because my 7 iron is my favorite club to hit. What I found was the 6, 5 and a 4 if you can find one, are great at that shorter length, but the PW, 9 and 8 are weird, they're way too long. I considered buying a single Cobra F8 of a 6 iron and 5 iron, but since they're so new, they're almost $100 a piece. There's only one pro on tour using the single length irons, that's Bryson DeChambea. When he first came on the tour, he was red hot, but he's kind cooled off latey. https://www.budgetgolf.com/images/W...._7i_hero-1.jpg |
Who you guys got in the RBC? Was hoping my guy DeCheambeau could get it done but looks like a no name will probably win.
Where are Tiger and Phil the last couple of weeks? |
Hey BWillie is this what you were looking for?
https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-37...dium=affiliate https://media.kohlsimg.com/is/image/...0&op_sharpen=1 |
Watching the rerun of the opening round of Rocket Mortgage Classic. DeChambeau was really launching it shot a 66. He is one back but could have been so much better. He would be in middle fairway short half-swing shots that flew the green and his putting is suspect at best.
Its an old Robert Trent Jones course that interview he made weds he kinda dissed it as the short cute old course. He said sorry Mr jones it's just what it is today. I kinda hope it eats his lunch when it dries out for the weekend as no rain in sight. Also in his after the round interview, he seemed disappointed with his caddy. Maybe with good reason he barked at him several times after flying greens. Even paced out front of green a couple of times like he didn't trust yardage he was being given. He had a good round that had a chance at being brilliant. But secretly kinda hope Mr Jones old course takes a large bite outta his ass. |
One of these days Im going to look into changing my swing into something similar to his. He based his swing on thr book The Golfing Machine. Physics, math and angles. |
So my wife green lighted me getting a full bag fitting, driver to putter. I have a fitting scheduled with Golf MD (Top 100 club fitter in the US) in three weeks. I've never been fitted before and am beyond excited.
Bump. Hows everyone hitting it?
https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p...B&gclsrc=aw.ds |
Funny.. I used to be the best putter in our group but now I think I’m thinking too much.. |
On the practice green put a tee in the ground and putt to that. When you putt to a real cup it will look like a big bucket.
One putts most horribly after the 7th beer. |
Started out today with 4 pars, hittting everything, drives and irons perfect. Then hit the drive on the 5th hole to right and it bounced into some crap. Take an unplayable, tree in the way, hit a 7 down to left side of the fairway about 90 yards from the green, it's the longest par 4 on the course. Then I hit a shit shot into a bunker in front, and end up with a 7. I noticed on the dash it's 98 degrees. It was downhill from there, on the back nine it hit 100 degrees. I ended up with a two 43's. It's the hottest day I've played golf in the 9 years I've been back in Florida, I never see a 100 degrees here ever.
I've always struggled with early extension, saw this video and it clicked. I'm striping the ball now.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0IxllCJRKS4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I'm pretty excited. It's going to be upper 70's here in KC for the next 5 days. In August. So strange. I'll take it. |
So I've been contemplating this for quite a while, and my awesome wife recently gave me the green light for a full bag fitting. I scheduled a fitting 3 weeks ago and tomorrow is the day. The fitter I have chosen is Golf MD, a highly regarded fitter in the KC Metro. I am really excited about this.
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