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crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by (Zach)
This thread weirds me out.

I know, it's creepy and appealing at the same time

Extra Point 01-26-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by (Zach)
Haha, they pretty much headed up the gay music thread.

I guess I will post this. These guys are Springfield, MO natives. Got signed to J Records...trying to do something big. They are a bit more poppy then most stuff I listen too but they have a good sound and their live shoes are truly special...they connect with the crowd better than most.

The Gin Blossoms revisited.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I actually found a Beryllium poem.LMAO

By John Lerch

Fly you to the stars,
we said we would.
Kill us all,
you said you could.
So find we did
another way;
and here on earth,
you do stay.

I can't pass this up.

I can make a better one and, of course, in Haiku

I like Beryllium
I post and post about it.
I am simplex 3

sedated 01-26-2007 11:10 PM

does anybody actually watch the videos that people post?

I never doo. I've sat through so manmy 10 minutes of shit I don't trust the clickies no more

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by (Zach)
I really shouldn't be wasting time here...there are about a million things I should be doing trying to get an online store to sell my photos up.

But it drags me in...

You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave.

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by sedated
does anybody actually watch the videos that people post?

I never doo. I've sat through so manmy 10 minutes of shit I don't trust the clickies no more

No, something on my browser blocks them. I suppose that's the pop-up blocker thingy.

Simply Red 01-26-2007 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave.

so true a family we've grown. Kinda scary really...

greg63 01-26-2007 11:13 PM

I had popcorn tonight at the movies.

That is all.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I can't pass this up.

I can make a better one and, of course, in Haiku

I like Beryllium
I post and post about it.
I am simplex 3

I'm not sharing the credit with you.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave.

If 5,500 plus posts and over 23,000 views don't help the "this is a classic thread" vote, then this comment alone could carry us over the edge.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I'm not sharing the credit with you.

I certainly do not expect any credit, yet. I have sooooooooooooooo many more postings to even be considered for credit.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by crazycoffey
If 5,500 plus posts and over 23,000 views don't help the "this is a classic thread" vote, then this comment alone could carry us over the edge.

Unlike d**ks, post size doesn't matter.


Extra Point 01-26-2007 11:22 PM

I thought about Simplex 3
and his avatar
I really don't want to f*** with Elmo

One of Mendeleyev's elements
gives pleasure to few,
and pisses off those
who need pissed off.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:24 PM

Actually, I've been trying to get a photoshop guru to make me an elmo in the standard Buddhist meditative pose. I'm no longer the gun-totin' type.

sedated 01-26-2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Actually, I've been trying to get a photoshop guru to make me an elmo in the standard Buddhist meditative pose.

what's with the hardon for elmo?

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by sedated
what's with the hardon for elmo?

You've obviously never f**ked a furry monster.

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
If 5,500 plus posts and over 23,000 views don't help the "this is a classic thread" vote, then this comment alone could carry us over the edge.

Content is going to come into question, and I don't believe anyone with a life has read the entire thread. I'm not even sure what it's about.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Unlike d**ks, post size doesn't matter.







how apropos.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I'm not even sure what it's about.

It's about 5563 posts long.

Extra Point 01-26-2007 11:30 PM

There is no hardon for Elmo
He is a friendly Muppet
Until you try to steal his belongings

sedated 01-26-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
You've obviously never f**ked a furry monster.

oh, I have. I just prefer Natasha

|Zach| 01-26-2007 11:30 PM

Google spreadsheets is a fantastic web app.

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Content is going to come into question, and I don't believe anyone with a life has read the entire thread. I'm not even sure what it's about.

I've read the entire thread and I have a life

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Actually, I've been trying to get a photoshop guru to make me an elmo in the standard Buddhist meditative pose. I'm no longer the gun-totin' type.

you mean, the sitting on the floor with your legs crossed over themselves, and hands laying peacefully on his knees - palms up and middle finger touching thumb while tranquility overcomes Elmo's chakra and nirvana overcomes him?

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by (Zach)
Google spreadsheets is a fantastic web app.

You should especially appreciate how they steal your data and make it searchable for everyone and their brother. It's all part of their "do no evil" philosophy.

Extra Point 01-26-2007 11:33 PM

Hey, what Elmo does with his chakra is his own business!

Halfcan 01-26-2007 11:33 PM

Coffee is the Sydney Crosby of the Planet.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Extra Point
There is no hardon for Elmo
He is a friendly Muppet
Until you try to steal his belongings

Please tell me this isn't an attempt at a haiku.

Halfcan 01-26-2007 11:34 PM

If we had an Allstar Game- Coffee would get the most votes.

Halfcan 01-26-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
I've read the entire thread and I have a life

I never read any thread-just post blind.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
Coffee is the Sydney Crosby of the Planet.

The Hockey player???

I do believe I'm honored, but un-worthy

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:36 PM

Legend of the BloodNinja

bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
BritneySpears14: Aight.
bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.
BritneySpears14: Oh, I like to play dress up.
bloodninja: Me too baby.
BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.
bloodninja: I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
BritneySpears14: Hey...
bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 C*ck of the Infinite.
BritneySpears14: Funny I still don't see it.
bloodninja: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty fuck of the Beyondness.
BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.
bloodninja: Don't fuck with me bitch, I'm the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.
bloodninja: I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.
BritneySpears14: Don't ever message me again you piece of ****.
bloodninja: Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.
bloodninja: King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik's evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.
bloodninja: You still there baby? I think it's getting hard now.
bloodninja: Baby?

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
I've read the entire thread and I have a life

That's unpossible.

crazycoffey 01-26-2007 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Extra Point
Hey, what Elmo does with his chakra is his own business!

but of course

|Zach| 01-26-2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
You should especially appreciate how they steal your data and make it searchable for everyone and their brother. It's all part of their "do no evil" philosophy.

Ya, I wouldn't put anything crazy private in it

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
you mean, the sitting on the floor with your legs crossed over themselves, and hands laying peacefully on his knees - palms up and middle finger touching thumb while tranquility overcomes Elmo's chakra and nirvana overcomes him?

I can go to the final stage of Kechari mudra, something very few people including Yogis can do.

I'm all kinds of spiritual and s**t.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
Legend of the BloodNinja

bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
BritneySpears14: Aight.
bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.

If anyone hasn't read those they are PRICELESS.

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:45 PM

bloodninja: Ok baby, we got to hurry, I don't know how long I can keep it ready for you.
j_gurli3: thats ok. ok i'm a japanese schoolgirl, what r u.
bloodninja: A Rhinocerus. Well, hung like one, thats for sure.
j_gurli3: haha, ok lets go.
j_gurli3: i put my hand through ur hair, and kiss u on the neck.
bloodninja: I stomp the ground, and snort, to alert you that you are in my breeding territory.
j_gurli3: haha, ok, u know that turns me on.
j_gurli3: i start unbuttoning ur shirt.
bloodninja: Rhinoceruses don't wear shirts.
j_gurli3: No, ur not really a Rhinocerus silly, it's just part of the game.
bloodninja: Rhinoceruses don't play games. They fucking charge your ass.
j_gurli3: stop, cmon be serious.
bloodninja: It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.
bloodninja: I stomp my feet, the dust stirs around my tough skinned feet.
j_gurli3: thats it.
bloodninja: Nostrils flaring, I lower my head. My horn, like some phallic symbol of my potent virility, is the last thing you see as skulls collide and mine remains the victor. You are now a bloody red ragdoll suspended in the air on my mighty horn.
bloodninja: Goddam am I hard now.

rad 01-26-2007 11:47 PM

I just downloaded "Ring of Fire" after seeing Sam Hall's avatar.

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Content is going to come into question, and I don't believe anyone with a life has read the entire thread. I'm not even sure what it's about.

BloodNinja should help take care of the content problem.

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
BloodNinja should help take care of the content problem.

Who the hell is Bloodninja?

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by rad
I just downloaded "Ring of Fire" after seeing Sam Hall's avatar.

Download "House of the Blues." You won't be disappointed.

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:51 PM

By Will Smart

Count to atomic weight four;
forecast a symbolic registry;
predict light steel gray metal.
Add up this available as a foil;
lump together a shiny beauty;
gather a thermal conductivity.
Alloy spring off from this one;
spinning dimensional stability
balance up a lively gyroscope.
Apply a transparency to X-rays.
form the mineral combinations;
cut the precious state emeralds.
Incorporate it in spacecraft design,
construct high speed aircraft of it;
use it for building electronic parts.
Mine it for it's desirable properties;
utilize excellent situations where it
satisfies quite special requirements.
Gather up the yet wider applications;
know an element exists for a reason;
it helps expand living consciousness.
It serves the clearest duties diligently;
it adheres to these rational world laws;
it does more work with less complaints.

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:52 PM

[QUOTE=Bugeater]Who the hell is Bloodninja?[/QUOTE

The link is in one of my last posts.

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:52 PM

By Nick Jensen

I got an atomic number of 4
And I am quite a bore
I’m not very fast
But I sure can scratch glass

I am from the Greek
And once referred to as sweet
I am very light-weight
So please, don’t use me as a paper weight

I am gray and strong
And can go pretty long
Without getting heated
Melted or eaten

I’ve been in outer space
And I couldn’t wait to get back from that place
I can go quite a while without getting oxidized
So if you got time, stop by and say “hi”

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:53 PM

By nathan long

From this sweet salt,
I will make you emeralds
and aquamarine. From this
pale metal, I will forge you
glass that will not melt.

Let me take this sweet
bivalent and make of it
an instrument that spins
to tell us where we are.
Let me form a cord of it

to run between your lips
and mine, so we can talk
to one another faster
than sound has ever
traveled before.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Who the hell is Bloodninja?

WHAT-THE_F**K is wrong with you that you don't know BLOOD-MUTHA-F**KING-NINJA?!?!?!?!?

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:56 PM

By Crystal T.

They dye you pink and give you to children.
They say it will soothe their stomach aches.

Vomit on the inside of mom's car.
Sickly pink and sticky.

Guess they were wrong.
No more generic Pepto, I think we'll stick with Sprite.

Sam Hall 01-26-2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Who the hell is Bloodninja?

it's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Bugeater 01-26-2007 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
WHAT-THE_F**K is wrong with you that you don't know BLOOD-MUTHA-F**KING-NINJA?!?!?!?!?

Horribly out of touch. Or I heard about him and forgot.

More than likely the latter.

Simplex3 01-26-2007 11:58 PM

Bugeater 01-27-2007 12:00 AM

It Is Too Good To Be True
By Patrick D'Hoostelaere

Mercury, it is nice for some odd jobs.
You can use it to find temperature,
Air pressure, or as an ancient cure-all.
But it is also a killer, it robs
People of life, of that you can be sure.
Too much of this stuff will be your downfall.
It melts your brain and destroys your liver,
With it in you will shake and quiver.
Lots of it can be found in the big fish,
Or working in the mines, that’s a death-wish.
But don’t be alarmed,
It takes quite a while for you to be harmed.

Bugeater 01-27-2007 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

So what's your point with that? You're not enjoying the Poetic Table of the Elements?

Simplex3 01-27-2007 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
So what's your point with that? You're not enjoying the Poetic Table of the Elements?

I'm loving it. I'm not reading it, but I'm loving it.

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I can go to the final stage of Kechari mudra, something very few people including Yogis can do.

I'm all kinds of spiritual and s**t.


I tried, I'm no guru but it's a step in the enlightened path.

Is it atleast the direction you were wanting to go.

sedated 01-27-2007 12:09 AM

I had a friend once he took some acid

Now he thinks he's a fire engine

It's okay until he pisses on your lighter

Kinda smells kinda cool kinda funny anyway

(satan, satan, satan...)

I had a friend once he took some ecstasy

Tried to marry me and every one in the room

He was sort of loving kinda caring,

kinda tried to fuck my lazy boy

It got a bit messy all over the curtains,

arm chair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting

(satan, satan, satan...)

Simplex3 01-27-2007 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

I tried, I'm no guru but it's a step in the enlightened path.

Is it atleast the direction you were wanting to go.

It looks like you kneecapped him. You psycho.

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
It looks like you kneecapped him. You psycho.

what did you expect......

I'm drunk, untalented with lame basic art graphics and virtually no time to do anything.

put those together and it was damn good.

rad 01-27-2007 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by sedated
I had a friend once he took some acid

Now he thinks he's a fire engine

It's okay until he pisses on your lighter

Kinda smells kinda cool kinda funny anyway

(satan, satan, satan...)

I had a friend once he took some ecstasy

Tried to marry me and every one in the room

He was sort of loving kinda caring,

kinda tried to fuck my lazy boy

It got a bit messy all over the curtains,

arm chair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting

(satan, satan, satan...)

Rep for the Tool ref.

Bugeater 01-27-2007 12:18 AM

By Jimmy Vo

I am magnesium
An alkaline earth metal
I am magnesium
An essential to all cells of all known living organisms
I am magnesium
Joseph Black recognized me as an element in 1755
I am magnesium
The 8th most abundant element
I am magnesium
Found in iron, glass, cement, and sharpeners
I am magnesium
Related to steel and aluminum
I am magnesium

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:25 AM

I'm back, had to out on the porch, needed some time. It's actually not too cold, got a stogie and a fresh crown and water. I'm good to go.

So it looks like I'm only missing on some poetry.

well. I don't feel much like writing poetry. save a haiku

Now, it's twelve thirty
drink, cigar, time with friends
I didn't get laid

sedated 01-27-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by rad
Rep for the Tool ref.

rep if you can name the song that 'like I woke up in wonderland...' is from

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by sedated
rep if you can name the song that 'like I woke up in wonderland...' is from

by manson????

luv 01-27-2007 12:33 AM


crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:35 AM

Are we still here, or should I go play poker at full tilt

Simplex3 01-27-2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by luv

Been in the grape gatorade again?

KurtCobain 01-27-2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by luv

I luv your accent.

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by just joey
I luv your accent.

you're an ass sent to be luved

luv 01-27-2007 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Been in the grape gatorade again?

Nope, but I'm gonna see if I can earn me some rep. BRB

007 01-27-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Nope, but I'm gonna see if I can earn me some rep. BRB

For that crap? ARe you kidding me?

KurtCobain 01-27-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Nope, but I'm gonna see if I can earn me some rep. BRB

Take a naked pic of Jessica Alba and post it here. I'll give you rep twice everyday.

luv 01-27-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by sedated
rep if you can name the song that 'like I woke up in wonderland...' is from


Rosetta Stoned

L.A. Chieffan 01-27-2007 12:37 AM

What up wit it vanilla faces?

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Nope, but I'm gonna see if I can earn me some rep. BRB

If rep = dick, here you go.

(I had oysters earlier that went to waste)

crazycoffey 01-27-2007 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by just joey
Take a naked pic of Jessica Alba and post it here. I'll give you rep twice everyday.

If I get a chance to take her pic, I won't be back for awhile

KurtCobain 01-27-2007 12:41 AM

Total Posts: 5,620
User Posts
luv 680
Bugeater 558
crazycoffey 502
Vos 495
BuckinKaeding 439
el borracho 375
just joey 368
Simplex3 362
SPchief 271
Sam Hall 251
Mecca 191
Cntrygal 80
J Diddy 79
Rausch 67
cheefer 61
BWillie007 61
BigVE 57
Halfcan 53
'Hamas' Jenkins 53
greg63 52
Demonpenz 47
ImmodiumAD 37
Simply Red 32
Bob Dole 31
sedated 29
Donger 27
Guru 26
Bowser 21
Pinkfloyd 18
Miles 17
boogblaster 15
L.A.Chieffan 15
Skip Towne 14
rad 12
(Zach) 10
Silock 10
smed1065 9
PastorMikH 9
Tom Brady 8
TinyEvel 6
thepascalblaze 6
RJ 6
Extra Point 6
kcxiv 6
Jim Jones 5
UpperBodyViolence 5
Fairplay 4
lowerbodyviolence 4
Crush 4
scott free 3
kcfanXIII 3
HemiEd 3
grandllama 3
Mr. Kotter 3
papasmurf 3
blueballs 2
CosmicPal 2
Saulbadguy 2
Logical 2
Ari Chi3fs 1
Direckshun 1
dj56dt58 1
Coach 1
J-Town Fan 1988 1
CoMoChief 1
stumppy 1
noa949 1
chubychecker 1
BigRedChief 1
88TG88 1
Mr. Plow 1
DaFace 1
GoChiefs 1
chefsos 1
elvomito 1
KcMizzou 1
Chief Roundup 1
JBucc 1
VDPrez 1
frazod 1
Deberg_1990 1

KurtCobain 01-27-2007 12:41 AM

Bob Dole posted in here 31 times? When?

greg63 01-27-2007 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
If rep = dick, here you go.

(I had oysters earlier that went to waste)

Sounds like a personal problem. :p

Simplex3 01-27-2007 12:42 AM

Man, I've got to start post whoring into this thread.

Simplex3 01-27-2007 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by just joey
Bob Dole posted in here 31 times? When?

He was actually in here for a while one night.

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