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I still wonder if Ezra plays into Snoke someway, somehow. Nothing to back that up with, just a feeling.... Quote:
Let's let the good people from BioWare and the ultra kick-ass authors they hire like Drew Karpyshin do their thing while Disney makes millions off of Emo-Villans like Kylo Ren. Deal? |
The initial Revan story was fantastic. |
Read a bit today about the three women vying for the lead role opposite ehrenreich in the Han Solo film. Based on their ethnicities it looks like we're getting the Sana Solo storyline from the comics.
An interlude. This has nothing to do with Episode VIII.
Remember this - <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Nzq9epS2b1A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here's the sequel (or continuation) to that - <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LbpDxrew4A0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I don't even want to play the games, I just want to watch a full movie of those animations, lol.
What's the breakdown on this "outer empire" of new force-scrubs? |
The Phil Tippett auction is live. Some nice vintage Star Wars props including THE EMPEROR'S FOREHEAD. ROFL
http://propstoreauction.com/view-auc...catalog/id/48/ https://content.propstore.com/auctio...2/img01med.jpg https://content.propstore.com/auctio...0/img01med.jpg https://content.propstore.com/auctio...3/img01med.jpg https://content.propstore.com/auctio...1/img01med.jpg https://content.propstore.com/auctio...8/img01med.jpg |
https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/im..._b7307446.jpeg |
Luke Skywalker's Surprising Look in Star Wars: Episode VIII Detailed
So according to JJ, Rey and Kylo have never met before. So a few fan theories died today.
Well that's just weird.
Wish I could share everything I heard Monday night while taking the kids trick or treating.
Obi Wan? A new Matt *****ing series? |
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/k9uCMM916Kk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some new info, but posting mainly for Jessica Chobot |
has anyone seen this consiprancy theory of Finn being Windu's son and Windu is snoke? Might be Q, but if this theory is fleshed out a little more detailed and dots connected.. it could be cool, apologies if already posted.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xBRxofNI3Y |
Star Wars Episode VIII: Forces of Destiny
Snoke is definitely not human. |
well, honestly even original titles weren't super particular or "out there"
I'm sorry but Mace Windu died. If you're falling that far, thrown out a window, you're going to go splat I don't care how in tuned with the force you may be. The only way it might work is if he hits a body of water, and then it'd be a lame wah wah discovery.
Mace Windu was a cool character. Sam Jackson is a badass. But Sam Jackson as Mace Windu just didn't work for me.
Verdict: Do not hate, yet the man-juice of my loins remains un-stirred. Quote:
If it's a great film, the title will mean very little. |
I do agree with Fishbourne being perfect for mace, but I do think they should dive into the "purple" saber/force angle as like a b or c story. |
Feed me Walt... feed me more! |
After seeing Rogue One, I think that I may have figured out the identity of Rey's mother. I'll post as spoilers in all three Star Wars threads, even though these are "Spoiler" threads.
All of that could make sense. How the hell do they explain all that to the casual fan in the next movie?
I think you're off the mark on that one. She's house Viszla, not house Kryze. And every indication is that her mother was (and still is, she's referenced in the series as alive) a member of Death Watch. Sabine was considered a traitor when she left the academy, and the hit clan Wren took from that led to her mother joining the Empire. If I'm remembering correctly. I'm sure we'll meet the mother at some point, probably sooner rather than later.
My guess is that her mother is Bo-Katan, Satine's sister, who was Pre Vizla's second, present in the throne room when Maul killed them both. Katee Sackoff voiced her in Clone Wars and is supposedly voicing her again in the latter half of this season on Rebels. It would certainly explain a lot about Sabine, including her connection to the Nite Owls. FYI Filoni has said Sabine's mother was present in the throne room and that she's not a Kryzse, although my interpretation of that was that he only meant Satine. Because while they were sisters, they were political opponents. |
Dane, I wasn't trying to create any scenario, complicated or otherwise. I was telling you just how unlikely your scenario is based on what's been revealed about Sabine's parents on Rebels itself as well as comments made by Filoni.
I'm not saying it's impossible - I think it would be cool and have championed the Kenobi theory for a long time regarding Rey. But as far as overly complicated goes, I don't think you can get much more complicated than having Rey be the descendent of Luke and a cartoon character from Rebels who was herself sired by Ben and and another cartoon character from Clone Wars. If they did go that route they'd have to find a way to introduce both Satine and Sabine to the film audience, the great majority of whom would have never seen them. In addition Disney recently commented that appearances by characters from Rebels are very unlikely. But hey, anything is possible. And we definitely are seeing Bo-Katan again. Because Katee Sackoff has done the voice work. So there's a chance she's Sabine's mom. Or there's a chance that she tells Sabine that Satine is her mom. Or hell, maybe it's Rook Kast or some other even more obscure Clone Wars character. As far as Sabine recognizing the Darksaber, well, of course she did. It's a key part of Mandalorean history, of particular importance to House Viszla, of which her clan, Wren, is a part. Think you're reading too much there. But who knows...they could go any direction they want. |
Saw Gerrera is just the first. http://movieweb.com/star-wars-rebels-movie-crossover/ "I would never say never to that. I mean, now that Lucasfilm is so integrated in story from top to bottom in all different forms of media, we already have had our characters cross over into novels. We're gonna have our crossover into comic books. I would say it's entirely possible. And I would encourage it. I've talked to the creators of the other films going on and, you know, I've always made it clear if you want somebody, just let me know. They can jump over there. I don't care. I'm all for it. Because I think it makes the experience for fans so much stronger. And what a moment it would be to see some of these animated characters up there live on the screen. It would be great for me too." |
So, thoughts on Snoke -
(spoilered for those that haven't seen R1)
And for keg and Dane - I think both of those theories are stretches, but one of you is likely right. There's just not enough backstory on Rey at the moment to nail anything down. I do think it means something that Obi-Wan is the first voice she hears in her force vision, with Luke, Vader and Kylo all being prominent as well. I'm just not sure which theory sounds better at the moment.
Full disclosure - I had that thought in my head and then saw one of Stupendous Wave's videos saying much the same. I felt really smart, right up until Fish brought me back down to Earth, lol. |
Bowser might be on to something |
I think they were just messing with us. :D |
December 2017 can't get here fast enough for me. |
I'm telling you, if Dane's daughter called it the first time she saw Snoke and he turns out to be the Grand Inquisitor from Rebels, bricks will be shat. Also if that happens, get her into some Mensa think tank, stat.
Hate to burst your bubble but:
http://www.flickeringmyth.com/2016/0...ar-wars-story/ |
http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/12/...to-live-action |
Man, Carrie Fisher's passing must just gut the script for at least 8 and maybe 9. :(
Fisher has passed away
That doesn't mean that characters from the animated series won't appear in future Star Wars films. In Rogue One alone we saw Chopper, Saw Gerrera, The Ghost and heard reference to Hera Syndulla. I think that characters will continue to show up, most likely as Easter Eggs for the fans, in the spinoff's but I don't *expect* Lucasfilm to create a movie based on Ezra, Kanan, et al. |
Which is exactly what I was saying...
Cameos? Yes. Satine and then Sabine being related to Rey? Not likely. |
Just read an article about this. It's going to be difficult but they have several options. |
But as I mentioned earlier, either Han & Leia are her parents or Luke and ? are her parents. If it's Luke, then who and where is the mother? IMO, it wouldn't make sense to have a brand new character that would require serious exposition, likely dragging down the film. |
well carries death and death in the movies move Kylo to the good side?
i know may not make sense.. but the death of his mother might move him strongly.. realizing he killed his dad in an altered state of mind.. now his mother is gone.. i'd like to see him go away from snoke and be a lone wolf.. reintroducing the "purple" saber idea |
That or win the galaxy from the Resistance and Snoke, leading to Episodes X-XII. Redemption would suck. His path is very different than Vader's. |
Well hopefully they mature his demeanor and have him slay people. There's goin to be another trilogy of movies after this set?
While Rian Johnson wrote and directed Episode VIII, he's only writing Episode IX and from my understanding, that script is no where near completed. It's in the outline stage only. Once Episode VIII has been fully edited and assembled, the film will screen for Lucasfilm and Disney brass, along with other creatives. At that point, they'll likely have some reshoots and re-edits, which happens on every blockbuster film. So it's quite possible that they won't have an idea for X and beyond until 2018 at the earliest and Carrie Fisher's death certainly throws a wrench in Episode IX. The other rumors that I've heard consistently is that Disney and Ewan McGregor are keen on an Obi Wan trilogy. There's also been persistent chatter about going back to the Old Republic and focusing on Yoda, when he was a Padawan, so it's quite possible that Episode X-XII maybe not get a start until the late 2020's. |
I'm ok with all of this. I really want the Obi Wan trilogy to go forward, but I'd be a sucker for a young Yoda too. |
I don't buy that.
Completely random but I love me a good versus matchup |
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZRFrY8NFfAQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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