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So many things are going flying through my head after watching Pain & Gain. Was it the worst movie I've ever seen? The best? The best bad movie I've ever seen? Why wasn't The Rock nominated for an Oscar? Should I be ashamed at moments of hilarity, the potentially offense backstory behind the movie and how I was rooting for truly cretinous pieces of shit that Michael Bay tried to make sympathetic?
My head is asploding. |
Watched Man Of Steel last night. I thought it was a very entertaining flick. Much better than that one they did a few years ago. Pretty cool how they stayed with the basic story lines of the original Superman but with a few different twists.
I was bored as shit last night, and couldn't sleep. So I was scrolling through Netflix just looking for something to pass the time.
I saw a 'football' comedy of sorts call Division III. I was cracking up at the head coach, and realized its damned Andy Dick. I usually despise him, but I thought he was hilarious in it. It's your typical cheeseball comedies that 90% of us have never even heard of. But I was quite entertained. If you're in a silly mood, check it out. |
Watched Savages 2....errrrr, Runner Runner last night. Sucked, hard.
I watched 21 Jump Street early this morning since I couldn't sleep......again.
It was pretty good. Entertaining. Though, Ice Cube's character was ****ing stupid. Like, the casting folks for the movie were like 'Hmmmm. Let's put Ice Cube in there". and Ellie Kemper....JFC, i want to get neck deep in that every time I see her on screen. Plus, I think she's pretty funny. |
Thought Jack Reacher was good. They tried a bit too hard to make the movie mysterious though. Also, the bathroom scene was one of the most ridiculous scenes I've seen in a long time. Movie turned from a serious story to the 3 stooges in that scene.
Hunger Games 2 was also good. Better than the first. Hate that it ends on a cliff hanger like that though. They should have at least shown us HOW the Gamemaker was helping leading the rebellion during the game. Otherwise, there are no indications the whole movie that he's actually a good guy. Shouldn't have to wait till the sequel to see that. |
"Mud" is on Netflix instant now.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/KFBC8ohhVUs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
300 Rise of an Empire was real good, shows the navel battle that went on while the 300 army was doing its thing.
Saw the new Arnold flick.
It was an Arnold flick. Immensely satisfied. Immensely. The ending was note perfect. |
Started the new Lone Ranger about 25 minutes ago, cant believe STARZ had it so fast and whats more I cant believe how much I'm digging this, TOTALLY thought this would be a turd... but its actually like the original Indiana Jones set in the wild west.
Beautiful live sets, cinematography, the acting is no joke either... a true sight for my sore eyes, so why did it bomb? The EXTREMELY sad realization hit me a few minutes ago that the "wild west" no longer holds any fascination or mystery for todays kids, its just dead to them... "horses and trains, old time guns and cowboy hats... I'm bored Dad". No lie, this movie, and what became of it... feels like a true passing of the torch, kids simply don't give a shit about this kind of old stuff anymore, they couldn't be bothered, its somehow too far removed from them. This movie should've been HUGE, it wasn't, and its not my generations fault... but it still makes me sad... it seems like all these kids today want is some bleep bloop blarp bullshit, no soul, no fascination with history... unless its some "old" Nintendo game. Not to blame the kids, it happens... but its sad beyond words to see the western die before my eyes. |
I saw it in the theater with my son who's 9 and we both enjoyed it. It didn't deserve to bomb the way it did. It's not out of this world spectacular, but it's not horrible either. The media had it out for this movie from the start. When it didn't open huge, they all jumped on it like sharks. But whatever, I try not to listen to the medias judgement. |
Most of the new generation couldn't care less about dusty old westerns, I'd bet anything on it... just dial up the bleep bloop blorp and bank. |
Draft Day hits the theaters on April 11th.
After viewing Arnold's latest at the cinema I had to check out Escape Plan.
LMAO I'm so mad I didn't go to see it in the theater. It was completely ****ing awesome. Like it was right out of 1987. HAVE A LOVELY DAY. ASSHOLE! <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/75N6DeoNuuo?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Watched "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Gravity". Wolf was a ****ing awesome movie. Gravity was pretty good.
Finally going to watch The Hunger Games.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6Vu081NOorA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
I hope Arnie is allowed to continue making this stuff, but judging by the box office, it doesnt look like it. Hes probably headed "straight to DVD" soon. That type of action flick just isnt what is in vogue anymore. It is what it is..... |
Arnold is still very popular overseas. Escape Plan grossed 137 million dollars. Total budget was only 50 million.
http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=tomb.htm |
I'll be honest, I thought it had a really smart plot. I went in thinking it was going to be a lot of dumb action, but it had some really fun layers. I'm sure some of the science was sketchy but it made sense to me.
Really made me wish Stallone and Arnie had teamed up in the 90s. |
Watched Bad Words and really liked it.
If you liked Bad Santa it's the same style of humor... |
Perhaps the worst movie I've ever seen.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/zCj-XP5cjOY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> It was like watching Mike Meyers Cat in the Hat in a subtitled cheesy Hong Kong kung fu movie. Epic bad. I should be punished for watching the entire thing. |
Got around to Inside Llewyn Davis.
I honestly think the Coens are now the new Scorsese. "Oh, they'll put out AWESOME shit every year. We'll reward them when there's no flavor of the week to promote. They'll always be here and always rock. No hurry.' Chef Boy Ar Dee Cheese Pizza? In a Box. Just sitting on a shelf? Genius. ILD was every bit as good as Fargo, NCfoM, Raising Arizona, Blood Simple, Miller's Crossing, True Grit, A Serious Man . . . . etc, etc. But this was the year of slavery torture porn. Maybe I have a soft spot for folk music. But when they busted out '500 Miles' I was a puddle. It just, like Pete Seeger, Odetta, and Woody Guthrie, creates a place where you HAVE TO BE. You might not even know why. But it's a home you never even knew existed until that moment. Then Vinnie Delpino breaks the mood HILARIOUSLY. A couple of things; It's amazing that with Neil Patrick Harris blowing up everywhere, Max Casella disappears for decades only to surface in two of the best films last year, ILD and Blue Ivy. It's truly a mini-McConaissance, just in terms of smart roles in quality films. It's also eerie to have Llewyn's story on the big screen the same year Lena/Hannah has her big GQ 'I'm too talented to work here' blowup on Girls on the small screen. Soulmates separated by 40 years. And Adam Driver connecting the two? Audiences would be well advised to recall that this is the same directing/writing staff that colored Oh' Brother Where Art Thou' in sepai, glorifying all the music that this film displays the seamy, but still transcendentally beautiful, underbelly of. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/W7eYaJr1j-0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/2qw6Hon013E?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
The Soundtrack to Inside Llewyn Davis was great. Made the movie for me.
I don't even remember when I said that, but I'm 100% sure I was being sarcastic. |
Eden Lake was really well done, surprised I had never caught that one. Feces covered Kelly Reilly is going to have me fapping hard.
Hey guys anyone know a website that we all can use to see recent movies online? Thanks.
Popup blocker highly recommended. |
You guys better not let Fire Me Boy! see this
BL, I really enjoyed Llewyn Davis as well. It was like a mix of Barton Fink, O brother and Serious Man all rolled into one. What was your interpretation of the ending, that had my head crankin for a while
The new 300 was worth a watch. More of the same from the original- minus the Spartans, of course :hmmm:
Themistocles was pretty badass in their stead, though.
I Just watched "This Is The End"
LMAO damn fun movie. |
But your spoiler... heh.. yeah....... |
I did think it was pretty funny when she mentioned something about Themistocles "stroking his cock to the sight of real warriors" or something or other. Reminded me of Batiatus in Spartacus LMAO "Great Zeus's cock!" "The Gods have finally seen fit to remove cock from ass!" ROFL ROFL |
Shit, they were Roman. You're right.
Man, Out of the Furnace was intense.
I watched the Book of Eli. It was something. Not what I expected, but I guess it wasn't bad. Not the normal Denzel character I guess.
The source material IS a comic book after all. Anyway, I watched it last night as well, and it was pretty fun. |
Delivery Man surprisingly wasn't bad. Still don't really like Vince Vaughn.
Posted via Mobile Device |
Vaughn isn't lead actor quality. |
Grand Budapest Hotel. Holy shit. Proof that practical effects still have awesome relevance in this CGI drunk world.
Loved the 4:3 aspect ratio for the part in the 30s. Whole thing was ****ing hilarious. LOL at the cat. |
I thought Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones was pretty damn enjoyable. I really liked the way they came full circle at the end.
Apparently transcendence is a pile of shit. Sounds like I'll be stealing it.
For those of you in that 35-50 demo, or any demo really, its a great story/morality tale... check out "Auto Focus" on Starz premium, its the story of Bob Crane of Hogans Hero's fame... I was a HUGE Hogans fan growing up, so this one caught my attention.
"Auto Focus on Starz huh, prolly just another piece of shit movie they've dug up for me and my extra money I pay"... then I looked at what the movie was about. Greg Kinnear as Bob, Willem Dafoe as Charlie the video tech wizard... what could go wrong? Super sweet guy starting out, not a Hollywood sleaze in the least, happily married with kids, a religious man... but even in his innocent days he had a fetish for girly mags, and that fetish only grows with time as his self fueling addicition/fame cycle went. Then "Heroes" came along, opening all kinds of new doors, doors he shoudlnt have opened, but couldnt resist... it was his one vice. He wasnt into drugs, wasnt a drunk... but he got drawn into a very sordid world of "sex, lies and videotape"... great, Great movie, Kinnear has all of the guy next door charm he needed and Dafoe is, well, perfect, as Charlie. |
Not an unknown movie in the least. IIRC, it got some Oscar noms back in the day. |
Yea, I remember watching Auto Focus like 10 years ago on cable. it was decent. Crane was kind of a creeper though.
Posted via Mobile Device |
I'm glad this movie got due recognition, not a huge hit to my knowledge, but its a damn good story... no big splosions or icy Cruise/Willis stares, just an engaging story well told. |
My co-worker's dad wrote the book it is based on, and is also the cartoonist/writer played by Jake Gyllenhaal in Zodiac. Both Auto Focus and Zodiac are good books and Kinnear is just fantastic in the movie. I really enjoyed it.
Its an interesting life you lead, and yeah... Kinnear was flippin fantastic. |
Zodiac the film was fantastic
Posted via Mobile Device |
Have not seen this trailer yet, nor have I heard anything about this upcoming movie. Looks pretty interesting...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/gwgfeR2pMuE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
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