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arrowheadnation 10-14-2022 05:16 PM

Both of my parents died from it. Since that basically makes me the perfect gene cocktail for it, I'll have to start getting scanned for it a few times a year when I turn 40. There are immunotherapies that are doing wonders now-a-days. Lifting you up in prayer.

big nasty kcnut 10-14-2022 05:42 PM

joe keep fighting! You still have so much to give.

Mosbonian 10-14-2022 06:37 PM

Prayers for you Joe...may God continue to raise you up and give you strength.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

cabletech94 10-15-2022 06:39 AM

Hugs to you Joe. Just a great dude. Nothing but positive things here my man.

BigRichard 10-15-2022 07:37 AM

You probably don't remember meeting me as it was only once but you were gracious enough to allow my young cousin and myself to crash one of your Chief parties. Thank you for being the best host we could have hoped for. Hoping only for the best outcome for you.

OnTheWarpath15 10-15-2022 07:46 AM

On a forum full of great people, Joe is the KING.

Stay strong, my friend. You're in the OTW family's prayers.

WilliamTheIrish 10-15-2022 02:13 PM

Wishing you the best, Joe. Words kind of fail me.

lewdog 10-15-2022 03:15 PM

Only good things have ever been said about you on CP. I hope you continue to remain strong as outcomes can be good.

2112 10-15-2022 05:18 PM

Very sad. Prayers to Joe. A nicer person you could not find. I’ve been to his place a couple of times and his wife even gave me a tour of her nascar room.

Stay strong brother

2112 10-15-2022 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 16527118)
Good afternoon all and thank you for the prayers and thoughts.Today is the best day I've had in awhile so wanted to hop on here while the going was good.

I've told my pastor and other friends that after this recent diagnosis I'm officially drooping the E from my name and adding a B instead.For those that don't know this story you can search Job in the Bible and read a quite amazing story.

As Stevie said my spirit is good and I know that's because I have a future hope,you see my take is either way this goes I'M GETTING HEALED,either this side of heaven(with an amazing testimony) or in heaven with my Savior where there will be no more tears of sorrow,no pain and we will know all as we've been known.ALL PROMISES from God's Word.

If it's the latter I just can just hear my dear wife."You already?"
"yes dear and now you get to put up with me for eternity." LMAO

Just a little Nzoner humor there.

Anyhow BIG THANKS again to those of you who donated to Mrs Nzoner's fund which every dime went towards our headstone(which I think turned out amazing) and the reason the Chiefs Planet tribute is on the back.

Lord willing maybe we can have a mellow BASH if someone wants to work on that as it'd be great to see everyone.

God Bless each and all and please remember if you don't know Christ as your personal Savior,I speak from experience when I say He is for real and totally changed my life and can change yours.And please I realize I've had 20 straight months of death and close calls and the like but I'm still here shouting Jesus Is Lord from the rooftops and by His grace will do so until my last breath. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes I wonder if mine wasn't to meet a bunch of hooligan friends like I was and to be radically changed by Jesus so that His light may shine through me to give others hope.


God bless you, Joe.

HemiEd 10-15-2022 05:39 PM

Hang in there Nzoner! Prayers for you!

Fish 10-15-2022 11:03 PM

Good luck Joe. You got this, bud.

bringbackmarty 10-16-2022 10:05 PM

Guy is first rate, class act dude. Makes no sense - the amount of misfortune he's endured. My only guess is god must really like him and his wife (r.i.p.) Hoping God can be patient enough to to let him see a few more championships and if not maybe science gets a win. Either way, praying and hoping that a first rate, class act dude gets a few more trips around the sun, and has sunny days where he feels like the sun is just for him.

LongSufferingToady 10-16-2022 11:23 PM

Mr. Nzoner, you are a great example of a human being and of your faith. Thank you for making us part of your life. Hang in there. I'm sure you finish the race and we will all keep you in our prayers and thoughts.

ps - Heck of a tombstone too!

burt 10-17-2022 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by LongSufferingToady (Post 16536372)
Mr. Nzoner, you are a great example of a human being and of your faith. Thank you for making us part of your life. Hang in there. I'm sure you finish the race and we will all keep you in our prayers and thoughts.

ps - Heck of a tombstone too!

This!!! X 10!!! Joe, I'll send up a few prayers for ya. But mostly for continued strength and peace. You ARE loved, my brother.

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