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RNR 12-08-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6329973)
Memebership is earned and not for sale. You will be the first non-Chiefs fan to become a member of the academy. If you choose to accept the prestigious honor.:)

Well by damned you got the old redneck all misty :shake: I accept and with this added responsibility I shall stay out of the fray. I now feel a strange urge to ensure Boss wins as he kinda got the run around after clearly winning the first poll. This of course after conferring with the distinguished members in the academy :)

BigRedChief 12-08-2009 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6329996)
Well by damned you got the old redneck all misty :shake: I accept and with this added responsibility I shall stay out of the fray. I now feel a strange urge to ensure Boss wins as he kinda got the run around after clearly winning the first poll. This of course after conferring with the distinguished members in the academy :)

The academy can't take a position on this because its a neutral organization. The board of directors left it up to the individual members to make their own decision. So, its your own decion to make, no academy by-laws will be broken.

RNR 12-08-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6330033)
The academy can't take a position on this because its a neutral organization. The board of directors left it up to the individual members to make their own decision. So, its your own decion to make, no academy by-laws will be broken.

Dang it got scolded first day on the job :shake: :)

BigRedChief 12-08-2009 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by RedNeckRaider (Post 6330039)
Dang it got scolded first day on the job :shake: :)

I'm sure you will do better tommorrow. Not everyone gets to be a n00b again.:rolleyes:

RNR 12-08-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6330057)
I'm sure you will do better tommorrow. Not everyone gets to be a n00b again.:rolleyes:

Wait! does this mean I am eligible for n00b of the ye...never mind...:shake:

Titty Meat 12-08-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6329649)
Did Boss Chief say something bad about Nebraska? I ask, because that seems to be the only thing that you'll really throw down for on this board it seems.:D

Nah, I think he was saying Brandon Carr is a good CB.

Gonzo 12-08-2009 07:41 PM

I have yet to vote here... Wonder what it's worth?
Posted via Mobile Device

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-08-2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 6330173)
I have yet to vote here... Wonder what it's worth?
Posted via Mobile Device

You can have the 50K Phobia gave to me for voting for Boss in round one if you like.:D

Buck 12-08-2009 07:51 PM

I don't really like ROR, and I know he doesn't like me, but I still voted for him because whether or not I like the guy, hes the most well known n00b on the board, and caused some pretty big controversy as far as Football message board controversies go.

Well done ROR.

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-08-2009 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding (Post 6330199)
I don't really like ROR, and I know he doesn't like me, but I still voted for him because whether or not I like the guy, hes the most well known n00b on the board, and caused some pretty big controversy as far as Football message board controversies go.

Well done ROR.

I don't dislike you. I **** with you a little now and again, but overall I'd say you don't even really perturb me.
And I've actually enjoyed many of your threads and posts.

Titty Meat 12-08-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6330203)
I don't dislike you. I **** with you a little now and again, but overall I'd say you don't even really perturb me.
And I've actually enjoyed many of your threads and posts.

Just say you want to **** him

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-08-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by billay (Post 6330205)
Just say you want to **** him

Who do you think has been watching the poops inside his bathroom walls?:D

Buck 12-08-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6330203)
I don't dislike you. I **** with you a little now and again, but overall I'd say you don't even really perturb me.
And I've actually enjoyed many of your threads and posts.

For the most part you don't anger me, but it seems like you really know how to get under my skin when you want.

This is starting to sound gay.

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-08-2009 08:02 PM

If I weren't running #5 sandpaper across someones ass more often than not, people would wonder who hi-jacked my account.

Meh, it's all good.

BossChief 12-08-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6329649)
Did Boss Chief say something bad about Nebraska? I ask, because that seems to be the only thing that you'll really throw down for on this board it seems.:D

nah, billays a good dude, I have just given him a lot of hell for the whole Pollard/Brown thing and for saying Carr is a bad player. If people here didnt get on others for foolish comments, it wouldnt be the planet. Must have really gotten under his skin.

Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 6330173)
I have yet to vote here... Wonder what it's worth?
Posted via Mobile Device


j/k vote for ROR, if anyone make a late run to beat me I hope its a Chiefs fan!!!

Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6330192)
You can have the 50K Phobia gave to me for voting for Boss in round one if you like.:D

Very well played, my friend!

you got rep

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