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Bowser 04-14-2019 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Northman (Post 14206116)
**** Tiger.

ROYC75 04-14-2019 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rivaldo (Post 14206084)

Not, you kids never got to watch Jack in his prime. Plus Jack had better competition to play against.

Not taking anything away from Tiger, his comeback alone is more say so about him that his play. He has all the talent in the world, but the comeback with all the setbacks is his BIGGEST accomplishments.

My hat is off to him.

BWillie 04-14-2019 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14206123)

Ha. That is hilarious. I like it actually.

CoMoChief 04-14-2019 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14206099)
Will be interesting to see with the early start. Some pieces of shit like me aren't even up by the time the Masters ended. I made sure I didn't play poker last night so I could watch it.

Yeah, I missed the first 7 holes.

CoMoChief 04-14-2019 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14206147)
Ha. That is hilarious. I like it actually.

Hell...anyone here who's played golf has probably acted up far worse than that. LMAO

JohnnyHammersticks 04-14-2019 01:46 PM

That. Was. Amazing.

Never thought this day would come. I thought he was toast. One of the greatest comebacks in sports history. Not the comeback he made to win today, the comeback he made from having a wrecked back and being addicted to pills. Just incredible to watch. Really happy for him.

BWillie 04-14-2019 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyHammersticks (Post 14206164)
That. Was. Amazing.

Never thought this day would come. I thought he was toast. One of the greatest comebacks in sports history. Not the comeback he made to win today, the comeback he made from having a wrecked back and being addicted to pills. Just incredible to watch. Really happy for him.

Only five golfers have won a major while being older than Tiger was today, since 1915. I think he gets another one, but his time is running out to reach Jack at 18. 3 more before he's 50? Still doubtful. But hes playing great.

Prison Bitch 04-14-2019 02:05 PM

Awesome job by tiger. The President was there to hand him the Masters trophy

JohnnyHammersticks 04-14-2019 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14206171)
Only five golfers have won a major while being older than Tiger was today, since 1915. I think he gets another one, but his time is running out to reach Jack at 18. 3 more before he's 50? Still doubtful. But hes playing great.

I never thought he'd win another tournament, and was 100% dead sure he would never win another major. All this is just icing on the cake. At this point I wouldn't put anything past him.

ptlyon 04-14-2019 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by CoMoChief (Post 14206163)
Hell...anyone here who's played golf has probably acted up far worse than that. LMAO

I own the the 5 iron toss record at my home course

KChiefs1 04-14-2019 02:19 PM

***Official Bushwood Country Club Lounge***
I can’t believe Tiger won.

GloryDayz 04-14-2019 02:24 PM

This is WONDERFUL!!!! Go Tiger go...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!


scho63 04-14-2019 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by ptlyon (Post 14206210)
I own the the 5 iron toss record at my home course


That's nothing! My buddy is a scratch golfer and a hot head who has broken 20 clubs at a minimum and once threw his entire set in the lake at the 18th hole of our local home course.

scho63 04-14-2019 02:40 PM

I was in a local brewery OHSO here in Scottsdale for a few early drinks and food not knowing they moved the starting times up so early. The bar got packed and everyone clapped and cheered when Tiger won.

Definitely a great day for golf.

Hoopsdoc 04-14-2019 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by ROYC75 (Post 14206043)
I've never been a Tiger fan, but has always given him his credit due, just so much talent there. But I agree, he is an asshole.

I am really coming on to Tony Finau

I agree with both of these observations.

I can take or leave Tiger, but you cannot dispute what he’s meant to the game and his all time greatness.

I also really like Finau. His swing is just gorgeous, IMO. Short and compact with loads of power.

ILChief 04-14-2019 03:12 PM

When did people start liking Tiger again? I thought he was still the POS that cheated on his smoke machine wife with any skank with a pulse

JohnnyHammersticks 04-14-2019 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by ILChief (Post 14206289)
When did people start liking Tiger again? I thought he was still the POS that cheated on his smoke machine wife with any skank with a pulse

Um...that's actually WHY we like him. A lot of golfers win championships, but before Tiger, none had done it while banging Denny's waitresses in port-a-johns between holes.

Pablo 04-14-2019 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Northman (Post 14206116)
**** Tiger.

Canadians do hate grass hockey. Not enough ice for their liking.

GloryDayz 04-14-2019 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by ILChief (Post 14206289)
When did people start liking Tiger again? I thought he was still the POS that cheated on his smoke machine wife with any skank with a pulse

SOme of us never stopped. Don't get me wrong, I really like Phil (I'm a lefty...), but Tiger is awesome, and always has been.

I think I'm on record as saying, "Like Jeff Gordon changed/moved NASCAR exponentially, so too did Tiger." We could argue all day about Jeff Gordon changing NASCAR, but I think it's clear that Tiger is the single biggest catalyst that's ever happened to golf.

As for his sexual excursions, Meh...

Chief Northman 04-14-2019 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 14206383)
Canadians do hate grass hockey. Not enough ice for their liking.


'Hamas' Jenkins 04-14-2019 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyHammersticks (Post 14206318)
Um...that's actually WHY we like him. A lot of golfers win championships, but before Tiger, none had done it while banging Denny's waitresses in port-a-johns between holes.

Sadly, this is not true at all. Even someone as revered as Palmer was a notorious pussy hound on the Tour while married.

Why Not? 04-14-2019 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 14206385)
SOme of us never stopped. Don't get me wrong, I really like Phil (I'm a lefty...), but Tiger is awesome, and always has been.

I think I'm on record as saying, "Like Jeff Gordon changed/moved NASCAR exponentially, so too did Tiger." We could argue all day about Jeff Gordon changing NASCAR, but I think it's clear that Tiger is the single biggest catalyst that's ever happened to golf.

As for his sexual excursions, Meh...

This. I could give a damn about what these guys(athletes)do on their own time. Tiger is the best I’ve ever seen, period.

ROYC75 04-14-2019 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14206419)
Sadly, this is not true at all. Even someone as revered as Palmer was a notorious pussy hound on the Tour while married.

Uh, yes, Palmer was a hound dog in heat on the tour.


Originally Posted by Why Not? (Post 14206549)
This. I could give a damn about what these guys(athletes)do on their own time. Tiger is the best I’ve ever seen, period.

Best at what? I'm going go with his talent,play on the tour ?

IMHO,I have to politely disagree. IMHO,I have seen both, I will go with Jack.

Let me break down the reasons why.

Better Clubs - 40/50 yrs difference, a plus for Tiger
Better Balls - 40/50 yrs difference, a plus for Tiger
Challengers- Who all has been a challenge week in,week out for Tiger on the tour. Phil Mickelson has five majors, Ernie Els has four, and Vijay Singh has three.

Clubs - not on par with what Tiger had to play with., how much more dominate could Jack of been
Balls - not on par with what Tiger had to play with.
OK, Jack was hitting the ball 300 yards with wooden clubs
Challengers - Jack had many,weekly it was somebody. Palmer,Player,Weiskopf,Trevino,Watson, Ballesteros,Floyd.
All of these golfers have 4 majors or more during Jacks time on the tour.

Now, Tiger has the chance now with his new found health,Health he has sought to get, worked his ass off to achieve and now he is back on the tour. There is some very good golfers coming on strong to challenge him in his latter age of life. Can he get back to winning, winning dominately as he did when he was younger?

But as of now, Jack Nicklaus is still the Greatest golfer to play the game.

Why Not? 04-14-2019 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by ROYC75 (Post 14206641)
Uh, yes, Palmer was a hound dog in heat on the tour.

Best at what? I'm going go with his talent,play on the tour ?

IMHO,I have to politely disagree. IMHO,I have seen both, I will go with Jack.

Let me break down the reasons why.

Better Clubs - 40/50 yrs difference, a plus for Tiger
Better Balls - 40/50 yrs difference, a plus for Tiger
Challengers- Who all has been a challenge week in,week out for Tiger on the tour. Phil Mickelson has five majors, Ernie Els has four, and Vijay Singh has three.

Clubs - not on par with what Tiger had to play with., how much more dominate could Jack of been
Balls - not on par with what Tiger had to play with.
OK, Jack was hitting the ball 300 yards with wooden clubs
Challengers - Jack had many,weekly it was somebody. Palmer,Player,Weiskopf,Trevino,Watson, Ballesteros,Floyd.
All of these golfers have 4 majors or more during Jacks time on the tour.

Now, Tiger has the chance now with his new found health,Health he has sought to get, worked his ass off to achieve and now he is back on the tour. There is some very good golfers coming on strong to challenge him in his latter age of life. Can he get back to winning, winning dominately as he did when he was younger?

But as of now, Jack Nicklaus is still the Greatest golfer to play the game.

Jack won 4 majors in my lifetime and the last one came when I was 9 years old. I threw the “best I’ve ever seen” in there for a reason.

srvy 04-14-2019 07:58 PM

The Golden Bear was also a 2 time US Amature champion and in his finale year as an amature was runner up to Arnold Palmer in the US Open at Cherry Hills at 20.
Many younger folks unkindly remember The Golden Bear as Fat Jack .

ROYC75 04-14-2019 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 14206693)
The Golden Bear was also a 2 time US Amature champion and in his finale year as an amature was runner up to Arnold Palmer in the US Open at Cherry Hills at 20.
Many younger folks unkindly remember The Golden Bear as Fat Jack .

Uh yes he did, thanks for adding to the mix!

DRM08 04-14-2019 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by ROYC75 (Post 14206641)
Uh, yes, Palmer was a hound dog in heat on the tour.

Best at what? I'm going go with his talent,play on the tour ?

IMHO,I have to politely disagree. IMHO,I have seen both, I will go with Jack.

Let me break down the reasons why.

Better Clubs - 40/50 yrs difference, a plus for Tiger
Better Balls - 40/50 yrs difference, a plus for Tiger
Challengers- Who all has been a challenge week in,week out for Tiger on the tour. Phil Mickelson has five majors, Ernie Els has four, and Vijay Singh has three.

Clubs - not on par with what Tiger had to play with., how much more dominate could Jack of been
Balls - not on par with what Tiger had to play with.
OK, Jack was hitting the ball 300 yards with wooden clubs
Challengers - Jack had many,weekly it was somebody. Palmer,Player,Weiskopf,Trevino,Watson, Ballesteros,Floyd.
All of these golfers have 4 majors or more during Jacks time on the tour.

Now, Tiger has the chance now with his new found health,Health he has sought to get, worked his ass off to achieve and now he is back on the tour. There is some very good golfers coming on strong to challenge him in his latter age of life. Can he get back to winning, winning dominately as he did when he was younger?

But as of now, Jack Nicklaus is still the Greatest golfer to play the game.

The equipment argument is nonsense. Jack's competitors had to use the same equipment. If anything, poor equipment actually helped the older elite golfers separate themselves from the field.

Tiger grew up with the older equipment in the 1970's and 1980's. He shot incredible scores at very young ages with this older equipment. Tiger has said if he made the rules, everyone today would be playing persimmon and balata. That's because he knows there are a bunch of younger guys on Tour today who would not be able to strike the ball as well as he could with that equipment.

The equipment today does not help an old school guy like Tiger. It helps all the lower level guys who might not be able to flush their shots, might not have the super high/soft ball flight that Tiger & Jack were naturally blessed with, might not be able to spin it as well as someone like Tiger or Jack. The newer equipment levels the playing field instead of making it easier for the elite players to dominate the competition.

ROYC75 04-15-2019 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by DRM08 (Post 14206981)
The equipment argument is nonsense. Jack's competitors had to use the same equipment. If anything, poor equipment actually helped the older elite golfers separate themselves from the field.

Tiger grew up with the older equipment in the 1970's and 1980's. He shot incredible scores at very young ages with this older equipment. Tiger has said if he made the rules, everyone today would be playing persimmon and balata. That's because he knows there are a bunch of younger guys on Tour today who would not be able to strike the ball as well as he could with that equipment.

The equipment today does not help an old school guy like Tiger. It helps all the lower level guys who might not be able to flush their shots, might not have the super high/soft ball flight that Tiger & Jack were naturally blessed with, might not be able to spin it as well as someone like Tiger or Jack. The newer equipment levels the playing field instead of making it easier for the elite players to dominate the competition.

Let me say this up front, being blind or just not accepting the facts is not a reason for argument.

First off, I played golf in the 70's until the present. I drove the ball 270 to 300 depending on the fairways. With today's clubs it improved 285 to 320 depending on the fairway. Today's clubs do give certain players an advantage on distance,balls in the fairways, softness on the greens, etc. I'm a long ball hitter and it was much easier to get into trouble with the older clubs and balls, a slice could really take off on you. Where as today's clubs are more forgiving with a bigger sweet spot. Even the golf balls are designed ( dimples ) to be more forgiving, cutting down on a misplaced hit. The newer equipment will allow any golfer to score better, to attain a lower score, regardless of your talent level.

So yes, today's clubs and balls can make a difference. Besides, we are talking about 2 golfers in two different era's. Each player was awesome in their own era, it has always been difficult to compare players, teams, from different era's because of changing rules /& or equipment.

You are saying Jack was better than his competition because of talent. Yet Jack played against better competitors in his era.

You are saying the better equipment is not a help to Tiger? That his talent is better, yet still many golf experts claim that he is not playing to the talent level as a whole ( field ) as Jack did. Plus the facts show the newer equipment does help current golfer achieve better scores. So Tiger in his prime was much better than the competition he was playing with. Now with that said,Tiger is blessed with a talent level we have not seen since the likes of Jack Nicklaus.

Prison Bitch 04-15-2019 06:44 AM

No way can you touch 320 with a driver. Not even close. I used to golfwith some burly 30 year old big hitters who thought they were bombing 300, and one day I brought my GPS and marked their distances.....250 Max

Everyone overestimates their length. In more ways than one

DRM08 04-15-2019 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by ROYC75 (Post 14206997)
Let me say this up front, being blind or just not accepting the facts is not a reason for argument.

First off, I played golf in the 70's until the present. I drove the ball 270 to 300 depending on the fairways. With today's clubs it improved 285 to 320 depending on the fairway. Today's clubs do give certain players an advantage on distance,balls in the fairways, softness on the greens, etc. I'm a long ball hitter and it was much easier to get into trouble with the older clubs and balls, a slice could really take off on you. Where as today's clubs are more forgiving with a bigger sweet spot. Even the golf balls are designed ( dimples ) to be more forgiving, cutting down on a misplaced hit. The newer equipment will allow any golfer to score better, to attain a lower score, regardless of your talent level.

So yes, today's clubs and balls can make a difference. Besides, we are talking about 2 golfers in two different era's. Each player was awesome in their own era, it has always been difficult to compare players, teams, from different era's because of changing rules /& or equipment.

You are saying Jack was better than his competition because of talent. Yet Jack played against better competitors in his era.

You are saying the better equipment is not a help to Tiger? That his talent is better, yet still many golf experts claim that he is not playing to the talent level as a whole ( field ) as Jack did. Plus the facts show the newer equipment does help current golfer achieve better scores. So Tiger in his prime was much better than the competition he was playing with. Now with that said,Tiger is blessed with a talent level we have not seen since the likes of Jack Nicklaus.

You calling me blind? Look at hybrid clubs and Pro-V1 balls compared to the old 1 irons or 2 irons with balata. Nicklaus had an enormous advantage over his competition with long irons. They were hard as hell to hit flush and he was better than anyone at it, blessed with natural ability to hit them higher and softer than anyone.

Guess what, Tiger had similar talent to Nicklaus with long irons. This advantage was wiped out with the development of the new technology in the early 2000's. The guys ranked around 100 in the world who went from struggling to pull off shots with long irons suddenly had hybrids to help them hit a high, soft shot along the lines of what Jack or Tiger could do with the older technology.

Tiger is an old school guy. If anything, I believe he has actually struggled to adapt to the newer technology. It's designed to go dead straight and he prefers to shape the ball. Bubba is the only guy I have seen in the modern game who can really shape the ball easily with the modern equipment instead of playing straighter shots. Meanwhile Tiger will aim 30 yards left trying to play a big fade and then hit a dead straight pull shot. Too stubborn to just go with the straight shot like so many other Tour players do today.

redfan 04-15-2019 06:53 AM

Greatest comeback in all of sports. 2 years on from barely being able to swing a club to Masters Champ, quite amazing. 04-15-2019 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14207050)
No way can you touch 320 with a driver. Not even close. I used to golfwith some burly 30 year old big hitters who thought they were bombing 300, and one day I brought my GPS and marked their distances.....250 Max

Everyone overestimates their length. In more ways than one

Get on the trackman or any kind of launch monitor. Easy to find out any number you want.

FloridaMan88 04-15-2019 09:31 AM

Only the third SI cover since 1960 without any headline, just a photo... Miracle on Ice, Mickey Mantle's death and now Tiger's comeback...

srvy 04-15-2019 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsFan88 (Post 14207218)
Only the third SI cover since 1960 without any headline, just a photo... Miracle on Ice, Mickey Mantle's death and now Tiger's comeback...

Because all the good writers are dead or layed off. Actually that a great photo.

srvy 04-15-2019 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14207050)
No way can you touch 320 with a driver. Not even close. I used to golfwith some burly 30 year old big hitters who thought they were bombing 300, and one day I brought my GPS and marked their distances.....250 Max

Everyone overestimates their length. In more ways than one

True GPS doesnt lie. We only had fairway yard markers and 150 yard from front of green posts till GPS. When GPS came to course golf carts many area courses hired land surveyors to center tee boxes and greens and set monuments at designated yardage from front of green. We found some yardage markes as much as 30 yard off. Most likely greens or tees were redone and yard markers not moved. Good caddies learned the art pacing off distance.

srvy 04-15-2019 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by DRM08 (Post 14207051)
You calling me blind? Look at hybrid clubs and Pro-V1 balls compared to the old 1 irons or 2 irons with balata. Nicklaus had an enormous advantage over his competition with long irons. They were hard as hell to hit flush and he was better than anyone at it, blessed with natural ability to hit them higher and softer than anyone.

Guess what, Tiger had similar talent to Nicklaus with long irons. This advantage was wiped out with the development of the new technology in the early 2000's. The guys ranked around 100 in the world who went from struggling to pull off shots with long irons suddenly had hybrids to help them hit a high, soft shot along the lines of what Jack or Tiger could do with the older technology.

Tiger is an old school guy. If anything, I believe he has actually struggled to adapt to the newer technology. It's designed to go dead straight and he prefers to shape the ball. Bubba is the only guy I have seen in the modern game who can really shape the ball easily with the modern equipment instead of playing straighter shots. Meanwhile Tiger will aim 30 yards left trying to play a big fade and then hit a dead straight pull shot. Too stubborn to just go with the straight shot like so many other Tour players do today.

When Tiger reaches 18 he is co-goat 19 the goat. All the comparisons wont get you there.

You forgot to mention golf course maintenance has really improved. The old time golfers played on some cow pastures in there day.

Prison Bitch 04-15-2019 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 14207241)
True GPS doesnt lie. We only had fairway yard markers and 150 yard from front of green posts till GPS. When GPS came to course golf carts many area courses hired land surveyors to center tee boxes and greens and set monuments at designated yardage from front of green. We found some yardage markes as much as 30 yard off. Most likely greens or tees were redone and yard markers not moved. Good caddies learned the art pacing off distance.

The gps has a “mark” feature where you hit mark at the tee spot and then mark again at the ball. Tells you exact distance. Busted so many dudes with this, thinking they were going 300. It’s quite funny

philfree 04-15-2019 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14207050)
No way can you touch 320 with a driver. Not even close. I used to golfwith some burly 30 year old big hitters who thought they were bombing 300, and one day I brought my GPS and marked their distances.....250 Max

Everyone overestimates their length. In more ways than one

If you have never seen the guy hit a ball then you're talking out your ass. Years ago when I was about 30 years old I went out to the course just to hit a few balls have a cocktail and hang out. When I got out there they were having the regional long drive qualifier. There were guys from all over there because Springfield is smaller field. Anyway I think 390 was the longest drive. This was back when metal woods were becoming all the rage and some people were experimenting with longer shafts. Any way I figure I'd pay my $5.00 and hit three balls. On the 1st ball I just wanted to make good contact and hit it within the grid. I did just that and the guy called back on the walkie talkie 301! I thought great there's no need to embarrassed about that. On the second ball I kept the same mentality except I just thought a little harder. Again I striped it down the middle of the grid and when the guy came back on the radio 315! I thought wow that's pretty good for a never was been 30 year old golfer. So on the 3rd ball I kept the same mentality again except think at it just a little harder still. Hit it harder but don't swing harder. I executed for the 3rd swing in a row. When the guy called back on the radio 330! Wow! I said I can't hit it any better so I'm done. The kicker was I was still using a persimmon headed driver. I can't remember if it was the Ben Hogan or the Tommy Armour.

Anyway the point is that there are plenty of guys that blow it way past 300 yards everyday. Prisonbitch's GPS be damned.

srvy 04-15-2019 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 14207319)
If you have never seen the guy hit a ball then you're talking out your ass. Years ago when I was about 30 years old I went out to the course just to hit a few balls have a cocktail and hang out. When I got out there they were having the regional long drive qualifier. There were guys from all over there because Springfield is smaller field. Anyway I think 390 was the longest drive. This was back when metal woods were becoming all the rage and some people were experimenting with longer shafts. Any way I figure I'd pay my $5.00 and hit three balls. On the 1st ball I just wanted to make good contact and hit it within the grid. I did just that and the guy called back on the walkie talkie 301! I thought great there's no need to embarrassed about that. On the second ball I kept the same mentality except I just thought a little harder. Again I striped it down the middle of the grid and when the guy came back on the radio 315! I thought wow that's pretty good for a never was been 30 year old golfer. So on the 3rd ball I kept the same mentality again except think at it just a little harder still. Hit it harder but don't swing harder. I executed for the 3rd swing in a row. When the guy called back on the radio 330! Wow! I said I can't hit it any better so I'm done. The kicker was I was still using a persimmon headed driver. I can't remember if it was the Ben Hogan or the Tommy Armour.

Anyway the point is that there are plenty of guys that blow it way past 300 yards everyday. Prisonbitch's GPS be damned.

Was the guy on the walkie talkie voices in your head of ****ing with ya.:D 04-15-2019 11:39 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUST IN: 21 percent of all the televisions that were on in the US from 9am ET to 2:30pm ET yesterday were tuned into CBS and its live coverage of Tiger’s Masters win. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) <a href="">April 15, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-15-2019 11:58 AM

Nicklaus hit one 341 at the PGA LD over 50 years ago. Dude was a beast.

I am fairly tall and flexible. I max out at 280 on a GC2 with a 107 mph SS.

I've had drives go 320, but that's when the fairways were baked, it was 100 degrees out and I had a tailwind.

Dartgod 04-15-2019 01:51 PM

I've touched 300 before, but that included at least 100 yards on the cart path. LMAO

GloryDayz 04-15-2019 03:24 PM

**** you all, I got 500+ out of a sand trap - dressed for winter too!

BWillie 04-15-2019 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14207050)
No way can you touch 320 with a driver. Not even close. I used to golfwith some burly 30 year old big hitters who thought they were bombing 300, and one day I brought my GPS and marked their distances.....250 Max

Everyone overestimates their length. In more ways than one

You are more or less right that most people over estimate, and with the help of elevated tee's it's easier to hit further than what you would on a flat plane. With that said it's really not difficult for most amateurs sub 10 handicap to hit it over 250 yards these days.

MahiMike 04-15-2019 06:02 PM

I'm a Tiger hater but you have to respect how he did this at this age and after all those back surgeries.

BWillie 04-19-2019 02:01 PM

Hey golf bros, I used to play golf everyday as a kid, but now only 1-2 times a year max. I have to play with an old teammate at a nice country club who golfs waaay more than I do. Since I don't want to get embarrassed I'm going to play a couple of times before we play. When I was at Top Golf the other day I was hitting the ball super low.

I was seeing what kind of ball you golf nerds would advise me to use to get more height on my tee shots? I hit a sweeping draw most of the time. Used to hit it 275-285 yards on avg. Top Golf said my driver ball speed was 150-155 mph.

Not looking to use ProV's but something in the middle tier since I probably won't play more than a couple times this year.

Dartgod 04-19-2019 02:11 PM

Hitting the ball low may be due to other circumstances than the ball. Could be the club, shaft, your swing, etc.

That said, I've been playing the Srixon Q-Star Tour and really like them. A high quality urethane ball for $30 a dozen.

I bought a couple of dozen of these used last year from and the mint condition ones were truly like new. $9 a dozen right now.

BWillie 04-19-2019 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 14215269)
Hitting the ball low may be due to other circumstances than the ball. Could be the club, shaft, your swing, etc.

That said, I've been playing the Srixon Q-Star Tour and really like them. A high quality urethane ball for $30 a dozen.

Oh yeah I'm sure it's my shitty swing. But I don't have time to work to fix it. Just want to mitigate that the best I can by a golf ball. Probably won't matter much either way, but I'll give those a try. TY

Dartgod 04-19-2019 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14215285)
Oh yeah I'm sure it's my shitty swing. But I don't have time to work to fix it. Just want to mitigate that the best I can by a golf ball. Probably won't matter much either way, but I'll give those a try. TY

BTW, that $9 price on the used balls is only good through today and then back up to $17.99.

Prison Bitch 04-19-2019 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14215238)
Hey golf bros, I used to play golf everyday as a kid, but now only 1-2 times a year max. I have to play with an old teammate at a nice country club who golfs waaay more than I do. Since I don't want to get embarrassed I'm going to play a couple of times before we play. When I was at Top Golf the other day I was hitting the ball super low.

I was seeing what kind of ball you golf nerds would advise me to use to get more height on my tee shots? I hit a sweeping draw most of the time. Used to hit it 275-285 yards on avg. Top Golf said my driver ball speed was 150-155 mph.

Not looking to use ProV's but something in the middle tier since I probably won't play more than a couple times this year.

You didn’t ever avg 285 on your drives. The avg distance for amateurs is 225, im a 7 handicap and that’s really close to my avg drive as per my GPS.

To your question tho: why do you want height? I hit everything low as I can, line everything. Height to me increases variability (dispersion) and I hate being off into the rough or over the green.

Dartgod 04-19-2019 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215322)
You didn’t ever avg 285 on your drives. The avg distance for amateurs is 225, im a 7 handicap and that’s really close to my avg drive as per my GPS.

You're so full of shit. I'm a 27 and regularly drive the ball 230-240 yards at 57 years old. I've been working on my swing and last year was hitting 250 occasionally. I know plenty of amateurs that are big hitters.

BWillie 04-19-2019 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215322)
You didn’t ever avg 285 on your drives. The avg distance for amateurs is 225, im a 7 handicap and that’s really close to my avg drive as per my GPS.

To your question tho: why do you want height? I hit everything low as I can, line everything. Height to me increases variability (dispersion) and I hate being off into the rough or over the green.

I played D2 golf in college. I used to be a 1-2 handicap. Probably more about a 10 now thouh, since I've played 10 times in the last 8 years. I can still hit the ball hard, it just goes all over hell.

I want to hit the ball higher because when I hit the ball higher with my driver it goes further. I already hit a draw so I get good roll, and unless it's dead pan I hit it further when I can get more carry. I don't want my old college teammate mocking me hitting low knucklers while he's out driving me by 25 yards.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-19-2019 02:48 PM

Go on a launch monitor. Your launch angle is suboptimal and your spin rate might be too low. It's likely due to a combination of angle of attack and loft/shaft discordance

Prison Bitch 04-19-2019 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14215337)
I played D2 golf in college. I used to be a 1-2 handicap. Probably more about a 10 now thouh, since I've played 10 times in the last 8 years. I can still hit the ball hard, it just goes all over hell.

I want to hit the ball higher because when I hit the ball higher with my driver it goes further. I already hit a draw so I get good roll, and unless it's dead pan I hit it further when I can get more carry. I don't want my old college teammate mocking me hitting low knucklers while he's out driving me by 25 yards.

Ok. If you played in college I’ll believe your distance.

But for 95% of folks, they avg 225.

Dartgod 04-19-2019 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215358)
Ok. If you played in college I’ll believe your distance.

But for 95% of folks, they avg 225.


You have a link to back that up? 04-19-2019 03:03 PM

2nd for getting on a monitor.

The Bridgestone midlevel Ball seems to be getting good reviews and I know a couple guys that play it that like it

Prison Bitch 04-19-2019 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 14215363)

You have a link to back that up?

I was totally wrong. It’s actually 208:

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-19-2019 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14215238)
Hey golf bros, I used to play golf everyday as a kid, but now only 1-2 times a year max. I have to play with an old teammate at a nice country club who golfs waaay more than I do. Since I don't want to get embarrassed I'm going to play a couple of times before we play. When I was at Top Golf the other day I was hitting the ball super low.

I was seeing what kind of ball you golf nerds would advise me to use to get more height on my tee shots? I hit a sweeping draw most of the time. Used to hit it 275-285 yards on avg. Top Golf said my driver ball speed was 150-155 mph.

Not looking to use ProV's but something in the middle tier since I probably won't play more than a couple times this year.

Get some Bridgestone e6's. $20/dozen at Dick's. Or you could order some premium balls from a reseller like Lostgolfballs.

Ball speed of 155 corresponds to a carry distance of ~255-260, which would be right with your old average. If you were using the shit Callaway clones at Top Golf, I wouldn't put a ton of faith in that data.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-19-2019 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215358)
Ok. If you played in college I’ll believe your distance.

But for 95% of folks, they avg 225.

How this corresponds to carry distance: 04-19-2019 03:09 PM

The titleist guy had was at the club last Friday for demo day. Hit the new TS drivers. Numbers were better with my D2 from last year.

Did finally break down and get a new set of the CB irons. Have had the same ones the past 10 years the old 695 CB ones. Doubt it’ll chance a whole lot but my grooves were toast so it was time

Kman34 04-19-2019 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215358)
Ok. If you played in college I’ll believe your distance.

But for 95% of folks, they avg 225.

I would agree about that for me now at 55.. but when I was 25 I averaged 250-260..
As for the golf ball I use a Titleist True soft.. about $29.. a lot cheaper than PRO-V1s.. You may need to match your ball to your equipment..

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-19-2019 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 14215382)
The titleist guy had was at the club last Friday for demo day. Hit the new TS drivers. Numbers were better with my D2 from last year.

Did finally break down and get a new set of the CB irons. Have had the same ones the past 10 years the old 695 CB ones. Doubt it’ll chance a whole lot but my grooves were toast so it was time

My Eye 2 + no + are now 29 years old and the retumble finish is mostly gone. I'm going to send them off to get retumbled then retire them with the original ZZ-Lite shafts reinstalled with the old Dylagrips.

I'm going to treat myself to a set of i500s in the retro lofts as a graduation gift come May.

Prison Bitch 04-19-2019 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 14215363)

You have a link to back that up?


Originally Posted by Kman34 (Post 14215385)
I would agree about that for me now at 55.. but when I was 25 I averaged 250-260..
As for the golf ball I use a Titleist True soft.. about $29.. a lot cheaper than PRO-V1s.. You may need to match your ball to your equipment..

So with equipment 30 years ago you avg 260?


BWillie 04-19-2019 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14215375)
Get some Bridgestone e6's. $20/dozen at Dick's. Or you could order some premium balls from a reseller like Lostgolfballs.

Ball speed of 155 corresponds to a carry distance of ~255-260, which would be right with your old average. If you were using the shit Callaway clones at Top Golf, I wouldn't put a ton of faith in that data.

Deal. I can spend $20 buckaroos. I haven't even had golf shoes for the last 5 years. I lost my other ones, but now I'm all ready to go. Got some new Puma golf shoes, Puma golf hat, and Puma golf glove. All looking like I actually know what I'm doing lol.

Back in the day, they had an illegal ball called a Condor. We used to use it on elevated tees that were way down hill (not in tournaments obviously) and that thing would just fly and go straight up and carry carry carry.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-19-2019 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 14215399)
Deal. I can spend $20 buckaroos. I haven't even had golf shoes for the last 5 years. I lost my other ones, but now I'm all ready to go. Got some new Puma golf shoes, Puma golf hat, and Puma golf glove. All looking like I actually know what I'm doing.

You live on the KS side. There are several Golf Galaxys or similar stores on that side. Tell them that you used to play college golf and that you're thinking about getting back into the game, and want to consider a newer driver. Hit some shots with your current club and a newer club.

Ideal specs should be a launch of about 11-13 degrees with a spin rate around 2750±250 RPM for your swing speed. 04-19-2019 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14215386)
My Eye 2 + no + are now 29 years old and the retumble finish is mostly gone. I'm going to send them off to get retumbled then retire them with the original ZZ-Lite shafts reinstalled with the old Dylagrips.

I'm going to treat myself to a set of i500s in the retro lofts as a graduation gift come May.


I’ve got an old set of the Karstens I’m mom and dads garage I need to break out

srvy 04-19-2019 03:51 PM

A low kick point shaft will produce a higher ball flight and high kick point the opposite. Driver loft of course will also but your swing plane will have the most to do with this. Get to the range!

Dartgod 04-19-2019 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215374)
I was totally wrong. It’s actually 208:

I'm sorry, I can't find the part where it says 95% of amateur golfers average 225...or 208.

As usual, you are full of shit.

Prison Bitch 04-19-2019 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 14215457)
I'm sorry, I can't find the part where it says 95% of amateur golfers average 225...or 208.

As usual, you are full of shit.

I’d explain the data to you, but I can’t fix stupid.

Dartgod 04-19-2019 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 14215478)
I’d explain the data to you, but I can’t fix stupid.

Tap out acknowledged.

srvy 04-19-2019 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14215386)
My Eye 2 + no + are now 29 years old and the retumble finish is mostly gone. I'm going to send them off to get retumbled then retire them with the original ZZ-Lite shafts reinstalled with the old Dylagrips.

I'm going to treat myself to a set of i500s in the retro lofts as a graduation gift come May.

Still have my Ping Eye 2 red dots and zz lite shafts ive regripped many times. I liked those ping dial a grips except for winter golf and early in the season. I still use my PW and SW hard to ditch those but I did switch to Hogan Edge when they introduced them. I always had a love for Hogan's since my first perimeter weights irons the Magnums.,g~~60_35.JPG

Miles 04-19-2019 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14215386)
My Eye 2 + no + are now 29 years old and the retumble finish is mostly gone. I'm going to send them off to get retumbled then retire them with the original ZZ-Lite shafts reinstalled with the old Dylagrips.

I'm going to treat myself to a set of i500s in the retro lofts as a graduation gift come May.

Just got fitted by a pro earlier today and tried all kinds of heads and shafts. Ended up i500 w/ KBS as my favorite and best results on trackman. Very impressed with them and they setup great disguised as a very traditional iron. 04-19-2019 05:48 PM

The i500 look pretty cool. Buddy I play with a lot just got the iblades. I’m just not a big ping guy

Miles 04-19-2019 06:05 PM

Thought I was going to like the i210 more.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-19-2019 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Miles (Post 14215590)
Thought I was going to like the i210 more.

I know that they're incredibly long, so that's why I was thinking about the retro lofts. Also like the forged face vs. the i210's cast. 04-19-2019 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14215692)
I know that they're incredibly long, so that's why I was thinking about the retro lofts. Also like the forged face vs. the i210's cast.

Have you hit the new Taylor mades?

Miles 04-19-2019 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 14215692)
I know that they're incredibly long, so that's why I was thinking about the retro lofts. Also like the forged face vs. the i210's cast.

Fitter just had me at standard on the lofts with the take that a few degrees here or there wasn’t that big of a deal. Mostly what trackman was showing on them being long for me was more not much of a distance loss on shots I didn’t hit well or other way to say is less distance penalty on misses.

I hit all 7 irons and biggest were within a yard or two carry for the i500, Titlest AP3 and i210. Also my thinking is as I’m approaching 40 I’m ok getting slightly stronger lofts to make myself feel I’m still hitting it the same.

Miles 04-19-2019 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 14215745)
Have you hit the new Taylor mades?

I tried the new 790s. Set up nice and felt good but not quite clicking for me. Still very nice sticks I could see others loving. Similar experience with the new Callaway Apex Pro bit those set up so well it made me think of a pure players club and mentally made me think I had to be perfect.

OnTheWarpath15 04-20-2019 05:38 AM

If you're looking for new sticks, don't overlook the Srixon Z585/785's.

And you can find the 65 series pretty dam cheap right now too.

'Hamas' Jenkins 04-20-2019 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 14215745)
Have you hit the new Taylor mades?

<-- Will never buy TM clubs for what they did to the equipment cycle

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