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Rams Fan 06-30-2022 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 16353901)
I don't really need you to say anything. I just like reposting it every now & then.


I’m a dumbass and talk shit about my alma mater on the internet!

Pants 06-30-2022 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 16353888)
This you?

You mean the MU football, UK basketball fan who now doesn't care about UK basketball or MU football and only cares about UK football?


ChiTown 06-30-2022 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16353884)
Eh, just scuttlebutt from some USC podcaster. I don't think it's all that reliable.

The only logical spot for ku is The B1G and I'd say that's a <20% chance. Their focus, IMO, is going to be snagging additional PAC schools like Stanford, CAL and probably U Dubb - that Seattle market is too good to pass up.

Rams Fan 06-30-2022 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 16353908)
You mean the MU football, UK basketball fan who now doesn't care about UK basketball or MU football and only cares about UK football?


I care about UK basketball, just not as much as UK football.

I went to road games for both this season and stayed an entire game for football when they lost by 60 to Alabama on the road in 2020.

Discuss Thrower 06-30-2022 01:30 PM

What incentive does Colorado have to stay in the PAC since I'm assuming the biggest out of state plurality of alumni live in LA?

Hoover 06-30-2022 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16353870)
Hey, I agree with you. But for some reason Notre Dame has valued it's independence for this long. They'd essentially be a pseudo member regardless with how many rivals are in the BIG 10 now.

The presence of Super Conferences is problematic for ND.

With 20 school conferences there are going to be fewer and fewer out of conference games. And any of those Non Conference games are going to be those little schools that are looking for pay checks. So who is ND going to play that's interesting if suddenly Clemson is gone and you can't schedule Big 10 teams?

You better join a conference.

Rams Fan 06-30-2022 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 16353921)
What incentive does Colorado have to stay in the PAC since I'm assuming the biggest out of state plurality of alumni live in LA?

Travel costs and recruiting base would be royally ****ed if they leave.

Discuss Thrower 06-30-2022 01:38 PM

Apparently the Bay Area has the bigger Buffs alum presence.

ChiTown 06-30-2022 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 16353927)
Travel costs and recruiting base would be royally ****ed if they leave.

Would it? Colorado has had one winning season (outside of their 6 game 2020 Covid schedule) since joining the PAC in 2011.

Titty Meat 06-30-2022 01:54 PM

How long til we see NFL coaches get poached by college schools? I mean Mel Tucker got a 90 mil contract and you'd have to think with the expansion those deals are only going to be bigger.

Pants 06-30-2022 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 16353918)
I care about UK basketball, just not as much as UK football.

I went to road games for both this season and stayed an entire game for football when they lost by 60 to Alabama on the road in 2020.

Bro, you don't need to provide me your fan bona fides.

myselff77 06-30-2022 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 16353917)
The only logical spot for ku is The B1G and I'd say that's a <20% chance. Their focus, IMO, is going to be snagging additional PAC schools like Stanford, CAL and probably U Dubb - that Seattle market is too good to pass up.

As the constant realignment is completely driven by Football, eventually we will get to the point where certain schools get left out in the cold of the new power football conferences. At that point, football may no longer be as profitable to the school as when they were bottom feeders in a respectable conference.

I look forward to Kansas (and a few others) dropping football, getting out of this constant reshuffling, and joining the Big East for some stability and what will become the premier basketball conference.

Kiimo 06-30-2022 02:05 PM

lol at KU dropping football

ChiTown 06-30-2022 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by myselff77 (Post 16353974)
As the constant realignment is completely driven by Football, eventually we will get to the point where certain schools get left out in the cold of the new power football conferences. At that point, football may no longer be as profitable to the school as when they were bottom feeders in a respectable conference.

I look forward to Kansas (and a few others) dropping football, getting out of this constant reshuffling, and joining the Big East for some stability and what will become the premier basketball conference.

I'm not a ku fan, but trust me, you don't want that.

Pitt Gorilla 06-30-2022 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16353802)
Could see it ending up like this if each goes for 4 more schools

BIG 10



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