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Pointer19 10-08-2017 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 13131253)
I can't believe it! This game is incredibly awesome! Been playing this for months and daily! Incredible graphics, weapons and maps. The unlocks and new maps keep the game fresh. I have several games still in shrink wrap becasue this game is my daily go to! However, I played BF 3 and 4 religiously so I am quite the fan.

BF1 was my first game in the franchise, but I’ve been a bit of a cheapskate and avoided buying the expansions. I have to say, grinding for the weekly medals has been the thing that most keeps my interest.


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 13131401)
still gettin chicken dinners over here. Console plebs getting PUBG soon!

Please please please

Jerm 10-08-2017 11:31 AM

Soooo Stardew Valley....

Man the social/dating/community aspects of this game are fan freaking tastic....didn't know how much I'd enjoy that part of the game but it's really hooked me, esp. once you start getting closer to people.

I'm addicted to the fishing too lol....hell I'm addicted to everything.

New World Order 10-11-2017 02:08 PM

So I got back into this bad boy:

Even after all of these years the game is still addictive.

kcxiv 10-11-2017 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13131833)
Soooo Stardew Valley....

Man the social/dating/community aspects of this game are fan freaking tastic....didn't know how much I'd enjoy that part of the game but it's really hooked me, esp. once you start getting closer to people.

I'm addicted to the fishing too lol....hell I'm addicted to everything.

how do you fish? i just bought stardew Valley on the switch. Awesome game, but i dont know how to fish, i keep losing the fish really fast! lol

Pointer19 10-12-2017 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 13142730)
So I got back into this bad boy:

Even after all of these years the game is still addictive.

Loved that game! I’m sure it’d be even better now that I have some ability to do something other than trap people on an island. :)

Kiimo 10-13-2017 12:05 PM

Evil Within 2 came out. Both voice actors changed, what do you think?

Gravedigger 10-14-2017 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 13146736)
Evil Within 2 came out. Both voice actors changed, what do you think?

Honestly I never got very far into the first one, should probably install it again on Steam and give it a go. Scary and difficult from what I remember.

Gonzo 10-14-2017 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 13146736)
Evil Within 2 came out. Both voice actors changed, what do you think?

The first one was horrible.
Very linear and the graphics were shit.

They did some major upgrades with this one in that area.
The game is now mostly open world, (which is nice). The graphics are
Noticeably better as well. However, the game now suffers from bland, boring gameplay.

I highly suggest waiting until December to pick it up. It should have a pretty decent price drop by then.

DJJasonp 10-17-2017 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 13148638)
The first one was horrible.
Very linear and the graphics were shit.

They did some major upgrades with this one in that area.
The game is now mostly open world, (which is nice). The graphics are
Noticeably better as well. However, the game now suffers from bland, boring gameplay.

I highly suggest waiting until December to pick it up. It should have a pretty decent price drop by then.

I kind of have to disagree with this. Yes, the graphics were not the greatest - but it reminded me of resident evil 2 or 3...with much more disturbing visuals and way harder to finish.

I started part 2 Friday night and am liking it so far.....the beginning was reminiscent of the beginning of last of us - but after that, it's slowly building up to tougher obstacles/monsters/etc.

The voice acting is different - and it's so-so for the lead.

Overall, still entertaining and challenging.

Gonzo 10-17-2017 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 13158218)
I kind of have to disagree with this. Yes, the graphics were not the greatest - but it reminded me of resident evil 2 or 3...with much more disturbing visuals and way harder to finish.

I started part 2 Friday night and am liking it so far.....the beginning was reminiscent of the beginning of last of us - but after that, it's slowly building up to tougher obstacles/monsters/etc.

The voice acting is different - and it's so-so for the lead.

Overall, still entertaining and challenging.

To each their own. The first one has its fan base. I personally hated it and traded it in after a week or so.

Don't get me wrong, it had its moments but just not my cup of tea. I see some definite upgrades with the new one but it's still very monotonous imo.

Frazod 10-20-2017 07:25 PM

Downloaded Elex last night, although I probably won't get a chance to really jump into it until later this evening. Open world RPG with elements of fantasy and technology - looks like a Skyrim/Fallout mashup, which is right up my alley.

Hammock Parties 10-20-2017 07:43 PM

days gone looks awesome

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Frazod 10-21-2017 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13168712)
Downloaded Elex last night, although I probably won't get a chance to really jump into it until later this evening. Open world RPG with elements of fantasy and technology - looks like a Skyrim/Fallout mashup, which is right up my alley.

Been playing this for a few hours now. It's pretty cool - but difficult. Very difficult. You don't find any weapons or armor outside of the first few minutes, and about half the things you encounter can kill damn near instantly, while you do little or no damage to them. The Brave Sir Robin strategy is about the only thing that keeps you alive when you run into one of them. And that's playing on easy mode because I'm just learning it - I can't imagine what the difficult levels must be like. Jesus.

Just got to the point where I can finally upgrade my puny initial weapon and get a follower. Should get a little less difficult now.

All in all, I'm enjoying it, though. I get the feeling it will get better and better as I level up and unlock more skills.

Jerm 10-22-2017 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13142762)
how do you fish? i just bought stardew Valley on the switch. Awesome game, but i dont know how to fish, i keep losing the fish really fast! lol

It's tough at first lol....gotta keep the little fish icon in the green bar as it moves up and down. It can be a real pain but I enjoy the fishing....


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13168743)
days gone looks awesome

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cannot. Wait.

Game looks incredible and I'm super looking forward to it...the first half of 2018 esp. for exclusives looks nuts.

Gonzo 10-22-2017 06:52 PM

I’ve played approximately 170 hours of destiny 2. I have played all three classes, Titan being my favorite and Warlock my least favorite. Here’s what I’ve got for you.

It’s addictive as hell. Ranking up and getting better and better gear gives you a major endorphin release. However, be prepared for the DT’s when you get to power level 270. You have to either grind like a mither****er or find someone to play a nightfall strike or the leviathan with you in order to get decent gear.

It’s a good game though. I’m currently trying a new approach by playing two games at once, both with titans because you can utilize your gear on both playthrus. That’s kinda nice.

If you’re a recovering gambling addict, you’ll dig this one.

Storyline is ok. Not great but good. Better than Killzone 3, I must admit. It reminds me of it a lot though.

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